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Религиозные верования Джорджа

Тема: Битлз - отношение к религии

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Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.02.05 17:03:34   
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2. Супер фото (ИМХО)2. Супер фото (ИМХО)
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.02.05 17:04:29   
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Религиозные верования Джорджа3.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.02.05 17:09:37   
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Религиозные верования Джорджа4.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.02.05 17:13:55   
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Религиозные верования Джорджа5.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.05 09:43:15   
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George Harrison And Initiation


EDITORIAL, Jul 17 (VNN) — Q & A with Swami B. V. Tripurari

"One's record of service does not override the need to take initiation from a bona fide spiritual master. Even Krsna himself took initiation, as did Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Being incarnations of God, they did not need initiation but accepted it nonetheless to set an example for others."

Q. Do you have any information on the mother of Sukadeva Goswami and how Sukadeva Goswami came to speak Srimad-Bhagavatam?

A. In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana it is written that Vyasadeva married Vatika, the daughter of Jabali, and that they performed penances together for many years. They conceived a child, and because the child was self-realized even before birth, and because the child was self-realized even before birth, he remained in the womb of his mother for an exceptionally long time to avoid entering the world and potentially becoming influenced by the power of the illusory energy of Visnu (Visnu-maya). When he received assurance from Krsna that he would not be distracted, he took birth and was named Sukadeva. Later he became attracted to the poetry describing Krsna lila and understood that this attraction could not be the influence of Visnu-maya. He then studied Srimad Bhagavatam carefully under the guidance of Vyasa. It is said that he spoke the Bhagavata to Raja Pariksit at the young age of sixteen. Imagine a sixteen-year-old boy instructing an emperor! Truth may come from unexpected quarters. It has a life of its own and often transcends formalities.

Q. What are the symptoms of an advanced devotee?

A. Advanced devotees who have graduated from sadhana-bhakti and attained bhava sometimes exhibit three sattvika-bhavas (ecstatic symptoms) to a small degree: tears, horripilation, and stammering. When Mahaprabhu prayed for bhava-bhakti in his Siksastakam, he mentioned these three symptoms. However, the experience of bhava is very deep and those who have attained it tend to conceal these symptoms. Love is a private affair. In this regard, Thakura Bhaktivinoda cites Mahaprabhu's instructions to Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis. Mahaprabhu told them to conceal their affection for him while continuing to attend to worldly affairs, just as a wife involved in paramour love conceals her love, giving extra attention to her household duties. Indeed, Narada instructed Gopa Kumara in Brhad Bhagavatamrta that even one who has attained prema, wherein all eight sattvika-bhavas manifest with greater intensity, should endeavor to conceal these symptoms. At the same time Sri Rupa Goswami has explained that others who have not attained bhava are apt to imitate these symptoms. Furthermore, sometimes by the grace of Bhaktidevi these symptoms appear for a short time in sincere devotees who have not yet attained bhava.

Therefore, if we are to recognize an advanced devotee, we must look beyond these external symptoms to the inner character of a devotee. Sri Rupa mentions nine character traits we that should be present in advanced devotees: fortitude (ksantih), not wasting time (avyartha-kalatvam), detachment (viraktih), absence of longing for material respect (mana-sanyata), confidence in Krsna's mercy (asa-bandhah), eagerness (samutkantha), constant attraction to chanting Krsna nama (nama-gane sada rucih), attachment to discussing the qualities of Krsna (asaktis tad-gunakhyane), and attraction to places where Krsna performed his pastimes (pritis tad-vasati-sthale). These are symptoms of an advanced devotee.

Q. According to some schools of Buddhism there are twelve stages of consciousness. How do these stages relate to Vaisnava philosophy?

A. There are many Buddhist sects with varying details concerning enlightenment. I am not a student of Buddhism; therefore, I am not familiar with all of these details. However, Buddhism does not understand consciousness in the same way that Vedantins do. Whereas for Buddhists consciousness is not an ontological reality distinct from matter, Vaisnavas (and Vedantins in general) see consciousness as categorically different from matter. Thus Buddhism is more of a spiritual materialism, if you will. Furthermore, Buddhism is atheistic and Vaisnavism is theistic. So the stages of enlightenment you are concerned with do not necessarily correspond with those on the bhakti-marga.

Q. I am the father of a disabled child and this has caused me much sadness and depression. Is my situation a punishment for some misdeed that I did in my last life?

A. Certainly your situation is a result of your karma, but it is difficult to sort out exactly what happened in your past to warrant this result. It is by no means certain that your child's condition is a punishment for something bad that you did in your previous life. Try not to respond to it with depression. All problems are in actuality opportunities for service. Try to think of your child's condition in this light and change your perspective. You have a beautiful child from whom you have something to learn.

Q. When I married I found myself overcome by lust. Bhagavad-gita says that lust is the enemy of true spirituality, so how do I keep my mind on spiritual life and still show love for my wife?

A. For those desiring a relationship, sexual desire should be satisfied and ultimately transcended through marriage and the love that marriage fosters by providing ample opportunity for sacrifice. See your marriage as an opportunity to grow through sacrifice, and in this spirit chant Krsna nama. Love of one's partner fosters sacrifice, and sacrifice combined with chanting Krsna nama fosters love of Krsna. As one develops spiritually, love of Krsna (prema) replaces lust.

Q. What is the relationship between "the self" and all that is happening in the world?

A. According to Bhagavad-gita, all action is performed by the modes of material nature, although one does not realize it. The self is merely the witness to the movements of material nature. Although the self animates material nature, it becomes overwhelmed by material nature's influence and thinks itself to be the doer of acts that are in actuality performed by material nature. For example, sometimes when people turn on the television it takes over their consciousness; similarly, the self animates material nature by the force of desire and then material nature consumes the self in an illusory world of misidentification.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.05 09:43:28   
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Q. I read your article called "Play of Violence" []. I found it very helpful in understanding the eleventh chapter of the Bhagavad-gita and I plan on reading it again.

A. I am glad that you found the article helpful. The eleventh chapter is perhaps most significant for Vaisnavas because it emphasizes the supremacy of Krsna's two-armed form. This is quite interesting, given that ostensibly it is about his universal form and thus a favorite chapter for impersonalists. Just see how Sri Krsnacandra can satisfy opposing parties with the same teaching!

When we read the Gita, we should try to get to know its speaker personally, to love and appreciate his qualities. Yes, he is time and time destroys all, but he exists beyond time as well, in a land free from death and overflowing with affection.

Q. The late George Harrison (the ex-Beatle) did much to promote Gaudiya Vaisnavism. He was the first to feature the Hare Krsna mantra on an international hit recording (My Sweet Lord) and was also the first to produce an entire record album of Gaudiya Vaisnava devotional music (The Radha-Krsna Temple, Apple Records 1970) on a major label. He donated to have the Krsna Book published and wrote the introduction. He bought the devotees a beautiful estate outside London to use as their headquarters in England and in general he helped devotees in many ways and served Srila Prabhupada with affection.

My question is why did he never get initiated? Some devotees say that Srila Prabhupada told George that he was already advanced and did not need to get initiated or that he could do more service to Krsna as an uninitiated devotee. Is it possible that because George Harrison had done so much to make the world Krsna conscious he was a special person who did not need to be initiated to achieve spiritual perfection?

A. George Harrison was a special person, and his popularity at the time enabled him to successfully use the media to broadcast the Hare Krsna maha-mantra worldwide. Although it may be a nice sentiment to think that George was beyond the necessity of initiation, this sentiment does not concur with scriptural conclusions. Nor have I ever heard that Srila Prabhupada said that George or anyone else did not require initiation to attain perfection in Gaudiya Vaisnavism. Indeed, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Goswami that the systematic process of cultivating pure bhakti requires that one must accept and take initiation from a bona fide spiritual master.

However, not every person who chants the name of Krsna or promotes chanting is ready or qualified to be initiated. Srila Prabhupada did not think George was ready, and history demonstrates that he was correct. Although George had deep appreciation for Gaudiya Vaisnavism and practiced it to some extent, he also dabbled in a number of spiritual traditions besides Gaudiya Vaisnavism. In particular the teachings of Paramahamsa Yogananda had a strong influence on him.

Although George had some faith in Krsna bhakti, it seems that for the most part he remained on the platform of jnata-sukrti, just below the threshold of actual sraddha, as evidenced by his eclectic orientation to spirituality. Note, however, that I did not know him personally and I make this assessment based on the information at my disposal.

Still, it is clear that from the beginning George was inspired to take Srila Prabhupada's message of chanting seriously and to render some very valuable service to him. So in the least, George did advance in bhakti, even without initiation. Even so, one's record of service does not override the need to take initiation from a bona fide spiritual master. Even Krsna himself took initiation, as did Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Being incarnations of God, they did not need initiation but accepted it nonetheless to set an example for others.

The goal of Gaudiya Vaisnavism is for each individual to become Krsna conscious, not necessarily to make the entire world Krsna conscious.

According to Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami, one must be Krsna conscious to actually change the hearts of others--krsna sakti vina nahe tara pravartana. George Harrison broadcast the Hare Krsna mantra on the advice of Srila Prabhupada. It was Srila Prabhupada who actually changed people's hearts by engaging them in the service of Krsna. Many heard the mantra and are still hearing it through George's music, but only those who establish a connection with a bona fide spiritual master will reap the full benefit of their hearing. So for you the challenge is to become Krsna conscious, to establish a temple in your own heart.

The formal and substantial beginning of this effort is to take shelter of a bona fide guru and to eventually receive initiation from him or her.

Questions or comments may be submitted at the Q&A Forum or email
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Expert   Дата: 18.07.05 11:34:28   
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Ключевая строчка в интервью

>>>>Try not to respond to it with depression. All problems are in actuality opportunities for service.

У тебя не может быть повода для омрачения даже в случае присутствия формальной причины для него. Используй эту причину для совершенствования в практике.

Возможно так стремился поступать Джордж.

Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: max litvinov   Дата: 25.07.05 23:25:02   
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July 25, 2005

George Harrison Is My Arch Angel


EDITORIAL, Jul 25 (VNN) — His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupa felt such a strong connection to George Harrison that he designated him his "Arch Angel" and gave him the name Sri Hari Georgeson. Such was His Divine Grace's deep affection for this extremely important and wonderful soul,George Harrison. It is also known amongst inner circles that before Srila Prabhupada passed away he took off his hand made blue sapphire ring and told the Sanyasis there to "give this to George Harrison". This was some time after Srila Prabhupada had recieved little or no contact from Sri Hari Georgeson, yet His Divine Grace still retained a powerful recongition of him and humble gratefulness for his transcendental service as his Arch Angel.

Certainly no other Sanyasi or other devotee has recieved this designation or extraordinarily special gift from Srila Prabhupada.

Indeed it may be considered by ALL devotees that perhaps, just perhaps, we may have never even heard about Krishna or seen the movement spread to reach our town or village if it had not been for George Harrison's incredible sacrafice. Maybe certain Sanyasis, so proud of their knowledge of the sastras, may have never had such an opportunity or interest to persue spiritial life if George Harrison had not made this sacrafice. This is something very important to consider.

Certainly the proper end result of studying any religious scripture would be the presence of extreme gratefulness to those who were the pioneers and brave soldiers who fought to propagate our religious conception within the mundane plane.

Considering especially the huge scale that George Harrison propagated the Lords name and which continues to this day anytime someone mentions George's name we must recognize Krishna's special mercy and kindness in this manfestation. In the public eye you cannot separate the name George Harrison from Krishna or Hare Krishna. This is his profound legacy and sacrafice that he left.

George Harrison had a lot to sacrafice in dedicating his image, name and ideas in his songs towards Krishna. Not only his extreme fame as an ex-beatle was sacraficed, but even more importantly than that, his entire future career as a solo artist was risked by associating his name very profoundly with the name of Krishna or Hare Krishna. He risked millions and millions of dollars of personal wealth to associate himself with Krishna in numerous records, interviews, live concerts etc.

He constantly promoted the causes of self realization, yoga, Bhagavad Gita, Indian culture, political harmony and gave millions in chartity.

I personally sat in the front row of one of his concerts in Los Angeles at the Forum in the mid 1970's. At the conclusion of the concert he did "My Sweet Lord" and got the audience of over 25,000 people chanting an amazing form of Japa saying, "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna" all together. He encouraged everyone saying " If we all chant together we can blow the roof of this place". Such was the great enthusiasm and power of this Arch Angel of Srila Prabhupada. After the concert he was recieving prasadam from the hands of His Holiness Mukunda Goswami and outside thousands of devotional literatures were being distributed which he announced during the concert that everyone should read.

Fairly recently at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame awards George Harrison was inauguated permanently. Tom Petty was the master of ceremony for that inaguration and in talking out into the audience as if he were talking to George personally he said, "So with a big Hare Krishna we now inaguate you George, into the Rock and Roll hall of fame". There was a loud response from the audience who repeated "Hare Krishna" after Tom Petty's lead.

In the fairly recent concert in London honoring George Harrison' passing away, Ravi Shankar composed a hauntingly beautiful Raga about George Harrison which translated meant..."He who loved Lord Hari" while an audience packed with famous and well known people held back the tears . This tribue concert is available at most music stores.

As devotees of Lord Krishna and specifically anyone associated with Srila Prabhupada by his books, vani, personal association or through a Sanyasi connected with Srila Prabhupada we need to remember to be very careful in mentioning the name of this great, great soul. To refer to George Harrison as a "dabbler" in anything he did in life is a very tacky and offensive thing to say.

To write or say anything about Sri Hari Georgeson other than with total gratefulness, honor, respect and deep devotion is a sign that the writer, inspite of their scriptual knowledge, may need to review the fact that they might not even be thinking about Krishna today if it wasn't for this great Arch Angel of Srila Prabhupada.

Krishna Mohan Das 30 year practitioner of Krishna Bhakti
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.07.05 21:58:41   
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July 29, 2005 -- VNNJuly 29, 2005 -- VNN

George Harrison - "More Than My Disciple!"

Regarding the comments about George Harrison by Tripurari Maharaj that "Srila Prabhupada did not think George was ready, and history demonstrates that he was correct." I beg to differ, and would like to quote Srila Prabhupada on this subject:

"I think George does not require to become my formal disciple because he is already more than my disciple. He has sympathy for my movement and I have all blessings for him." [S.P. Letter to: Syamasundara, Los Angeles, 12 April, 1970]

Nanda Kumar relates that as Srila Prabhupad's servant he got to witness this direct exchange between Srila Prabhupad and George at Bhaktivedanta Manor:

"He went into the room and closed the door. I could not stay outside, I had to go in and see the exchange. I opened the door, and George was doing full dandavats and offering both prayers to Prabhupad, with perfect pronunciation. Prabhupad had an ear-to-ear smile. George got up and sat back by the door.

Prabhupad said "Come in, come in" and George edged forward towards Prabhupad's desk, very shy and respectful. Prabhupad said "No, here, here" and patted the asana he was sitting on. George came around his desk to the edge of his asana, and Prabhupad reached out and pulled him into his chest, hugging him, laughing, messing up his hair, and saying, "It is so good to see you. How is Patty?"

They had a wonderful conversation, where at one point George asked him if he should move into the temple and shave his head. I believe he would have if Prabhupad had said yes. But Prabhupad said emphatically "No! You have a great gift for the world in your music. Just continue your music and Krishna will be greatly pleased and He will bless you." Then he said "I will give you some ideas for your songs" and he got out Srila Bhaktivinode's Songbook and went over a number of the songs, reciting the translations for George.

It was soon after this that he wrote "My Sweet Lord." George came daily for a week, along with Ravi Shankar, to have Prabhupad's darsan in the afternoon. Ravi Shankar is a Bengali, so he and Prabhupad talked and laughed together as Bengalis."

The fact is that we are all such fallen souls with no qualification, that it is only by the mercy of the Guru that we can have any hope of going back to Godhead. "Gurudeva! Krpa-Bindu Diya," "Your mercy is all that I am made of." So we can understand that our only qualification for ever becoming actual servants of 'Our Sweet Lord', is to please the pure devotee. If one can achieve that then - initiated or not - one's future is blessed.

I talked to Shyamsundar recently, he and Mukunda Goswami were at George's bedside when he passed away. Shyamasundar said that George was very happy and looked like a young prince as he left his body.

To see a web site I have created to honor George Harrison, go to:

Kulasekhara das
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 22.09.05 00:41:10   
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Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "РЕЛИГИЯ ХАРРИСОНА".
Автор: BlueBerd   Дата: 22.09.05 00:41:10   
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кажется буддистом...

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "РЕЛИГИЯ ХАРРИСОНА".
Автор: Jedi_Kite   Дата: 22.09.05 00:41:10   
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вот по-моему тоже... я, правда, постесняласт первой ответить, ещё в АдЛибе, но вроде действительно буддистом... Кажется, он ещё завещал свой прах развеять над Гангом или ещё какой священной рекой... Хотя не исключено что я о5 всё перепутала!

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "РЕЛИГИЯ ХАРРИСОНА".
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 22.09.05 00:41:10   
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Не, кажется, не буддистом. Он же в Кришну верил. А, если я не ошибаюсь, то в буддизме нет никакого Кришны. Там у них самый главный - это Будда, а он - обычный просветленный человек, и каждый может стать таковым.. Если я все правильно поняла.. а если нет, то поправьте. Спасибки)

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "РЕЛИГИЯ ХАРРИСОНА".
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Expert   Дата: 15.01.06 00:53:35   
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Выдержка из забавной статьи:

What if George Harrison had chosen Judaism?

Если бы Джордж Харрисон предпочел иудаизм

All of which provides some reason to contemplate what may have transpired had George Harrison been charmed by the writings of the Zohar and not the Hindu mystics. Perhaps "Norwegian Wood" would then have been graced by Giora Feidman's Klezmer clarinet, and not by Harrison's sitar. Perhaps "My Sweet Lord" would have had alternating background choruses of Sh'ma Yisrael instead of Hare Krishna. And perhaps the Beatles would not have made a pilgrimage to the Maharishi's compound in Rishikesh, India, but to the yeshivot of Tzfat in Israel.

Вместо индустских мистиков Харрисон предпочел бы иудея Зоара. В "Norwegian Wood" вместо ситара звучал бы кларнет Гиоры Фейдман. В "My Sweet Lord" вместо "Харе Кришна" звучала бы "Sh'ma Yisrael". И вместо бы того, чтобы ехать в Индию, в Ришикеш Битлз отправились в бы в йешивот в Цфате, Израиль.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Катя Scarlett   Дата: 15.01.06 08:59:15   
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Джордж НЕ БЫЛ буддистом и кришнаитом в классическом понимании этого слова. Кстати о кришнаизме.
Общество сознания кришны как движение создавалось Шрилой Прабхупадой (который теперь является абсолютно святым человеком для всех кришнаитов) и в 60х - 70х годах распространилось по миру под названием, которое мы сейчас знаем. Но это НЕ БЫЛО настоящим кришнаизмом, не является и сейчас.
Прабхупада создавал и распространял упрощенный вариант, "для европейцев". Джордж к нему, конечно, не принадлежал, но и не препятствовал созданию, аргументируя что "так понятнее"))) Прабхупада как-то заметил, что Джордж был выше распространенного им(прабхупадой)) "сознания кришны", но пойти дальше... Кришнаизм (не упрощенный) как и всякое другое индусское религиозное течение требует идеальных знаний хинди, санскрита, диалектов, древних текстов и вед, а со знанием одних мантр и без этого всего путь дальше, увы, невозможен. Так что загнать религию Джорджа в рамки и назвать одним определением наверное невозможно.
Впрочем, религию многих индусов и школ в современной индии нельзя назвать одним определением - кришнаизм, шиваизм, вишнуизм. Индуизм толерантен.
Так что все что можно сказать - что господь Джорджа был Кришна и что Джордж был бхактом. Избрал, как и Рави Шанкар, путь бхакти - путь к Богу через любовь и искусство.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.01.06 19:58:58   
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Pop idol to spiritual seeker

India Post News Service

Did you know that on the cover of Sergeant Pepper, the most remarkable Beatle album possibly of all time, George Harrison placed a picture of Paramahamsa Yogananda! This amazing detail is just one of the hundreds of stories about George Harrison in the book Here Comes the Sun by Joshua M Greene.

The Beatles were a phenomenal explosion onto the music scene. When Beatlemania took over the world, there was pandemonium. Fans stomped, screamed, rioted, fainted and all hell broke loose. Paul, Ringo, John, and George were household names. Years later, the group dissolved, midst recriminations, lawsuits, conflicts but in that chaotic time of divided loyalties and bitterness, one of the Beatles, George Harrison, found a liberation from the material world. He embarked on a spiritual journey founded on Hinduism's principal text the Bhagvad Gita, searching for the ultimate state of grace.

George's post Beatle music was intensely influenced by Indian ragas, mantras, musical styles. He created a number of recordings with legendary artistes, Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha and Ali Akbar Khan. Harrison's discovery of the sitar and the integration of the instrument into the rock and roll scene is associated along with vegetarianism, yoga, meditation and other Hindu concepts associated with India. Long before Band Aid, FarmAid, , We are the World and other world relief concerts, it was the Concert for Bangladesh conceived and organized by George Harrison that put fundraising for the needy on the world map.

One thousand books have been written about the Beatles, but now comes a unique, extraordinary biography written by Joshua M Greene,

Here Comes The Sun. The book goes back in time, to reveal the forces in George Harrison's life, the tussle with drugs, the devotional chanting, the pilgrimages to ashrams in India, the wisdom of the Bhagvad Gita, cosmic energy, the unlimited power of the mind, and the hunger for the art of spiritual living. The historical and riveting narrative contains rare photographs, gossipy stories, accounts of gigs and saucy details. The memorable and penetrating insights of tumultuous times. But more importantly and significantly, author Joshua Greene explores the spiritual and musical journey of George Harrison, his early life, childhood influences, his extraordinary success, encounters with spiritual leaders and the passion of a man who gave up a spectacular career in entertainment industry in order to seek God face to face. What stuns the reader is the spiritual and emotional landmarks of George Harrison.

Joshua Greene tells a moving story with candid fluency and writes with responsibility. The book commands a certain attention from the first page and never lets up.

This is a lucid, affectionate, generous, unsparing memoir resounding in emotion and meaning. A splendid relevant book that will appeal and incite the curiosity of any ardent reader, whether he is affected by Beatlemania or not.

Indian Americans in particular will find this book of special interest because it reveals the impact of Hinduism on George Harrison. It explains how Hinduism expanded the small insulated vision of his life as he searched for peace and happiness.

The book begins with the Beatles ready to face ten thousand screaming fans at Kennedy airport, with George Harrison receiving a million greeting cards on his birthday. And yet, even at the pinnacle of fame, Harrison, insisted in his autobiography, I Me, Mine that he was an ordinary guy at times feeling like "a monkey in a zoo." He meets Ravi Shankar. "Good things come in small packages," he said after being mesmerized by the sitar playing. George began learning the sitar at the home of Ravi Shankar and life was never the same after that. The reality of success was making George disturbed and frustrated and he fled to India.

The book then traces the spiritual awakening and the enrichment of his inner life. As he encounters the spiritual masters, and is shunned by music companies for his indifference to popular trends, George perseveres to find the truth that liberates all mankind.

Author Joshua Greene lets nothing escape him. Excerpts from recorded speeches, and firsthand sources, demystify the process of the search for the ultimate salvation. So much is going on but Greene disciplines himself. There is no philosophical jargon, no paradoxes. This is not the kind of book written in haste set to deadlines.

The reporting is concise about Harrison's workings of the mind, friendship, connections, moving from early enthusiasm and excitement to idealism, sagacity, and explorations. Greene writes with a sharpness and deftness as George Harrison confronts the complexities of fame, family ties, conflicts, and the wrenching, inescapable problem of finding the meaning of Life.

There is much to admire and connect with George Harrison. His search, his musical gifts, his insistence on finding and speaking the truth. Greene takes us on a linear progression of his life, milestone to milestone. The story of George Harrison is about passion, creative gifts, fame, and the search for peace and harmony. It is the unique story of George Harrison's empowerment that redefined his music and his life, until he died in 2001 at the age of 58 leaving behind a legacy of music and a remarkable life.

After reading the book, you will want to listen to Within You, Without You, Something, Give Peace a Chance, All Things Must Pass, and you will understand why George Harrison was God conscious.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Expert   Дата: 28.01.06 02:46:26   
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From Beatle to believer

George Harrison's embrace of Indian spirituality riled critics and Beatles fans, bringing him to a low point in his career.

George Harrison’s third solo album, "Dark Horse," was released in October 1974. Reporters at a Los Angeles press conference asked about his involvement with Indian spirituality and the reluctance he had been professing to delve into his past as a Beatle.

"I realize that The Beatles did fill a space in the Sixties," he said. "All the people that the Beatles meant something to have grown up and want to hold on to something. People are afraid of change—but you can’t live in the past."
Did he think, the reporter asked, that it was possible to be spiritual in the material world? "Our consciousness has been so polluted with material energy," George said, "that it is hard to see our way towards anything spiritual. But everyone has within him the same qualities as God, just as a drop of the ocean has the same qualities as the ocean. Everybody’s looking for something outside, but it’s all right there within ourselves." That conviction was about to be severely tested.

The "Dark Horse" album earned George the worst reviews of his career. Writers complained that the tracks seemed unrehearsed, that vocals were out of tune, that the melodies were unremarkable and the lyrics weak. "Dismal," one reviewer groused, "an album which should never have happened." Another reviewer declared George a failure as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Two singles spun off from the album failed to reach the U.K. top 30, the first solo Beatle records to perform so poorly. Compared with his previous grand successes, reviewers deemed this album a complete disaster.

A seven-week promotional Dark Horse Tour began on November 2, 1974, and things went from bad to worse. George opened each show with Ravi Shankar and a troupe of Indian musicians playing a lengthy program of Indian classical music that had fans yawning and restless. When he came on to perform the second half, George’s constant exhortations to "Chant Krishna! Christ! Krishna! Christ! Allah! Buddha!" added to their unease. He came across as zealous, alienating much of his audience. At one concert someone yelled out a request for his hit single "Bangladesh."

"You can chant 'Krishna, Krishna, Krishna,' and maybe you’ll feel better," George said into the microphone. "But if you just shout 'Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Bangladesh,' it’s not going to help anybody."

People had come expecting at least a few Beatles memories but he refused to be pulled back into that persona, instead providing concert-goers with what one reporter called "a surfeit of the unfamiliar and a short-changing of the golden greats." Ravi appealed to him. "Give the people a couple of old songs," he said. "It’s okay."

It was not waving a picture of Krishna over his head that fans minded. They could even go along with his insistence that "God was where it was at" and his yelling out that "Someone’s got to tell you." After all, those were his beliefs, and so long as the music rocked, fans felt they were getting their money’s worth.

But things went too far when, finally relenting to sing a few Beatles tunes, he changed the lyrics to reflect those beliefs. Now his guitar "gently smiled," and in his life he "loved God more." No one in the audience shouted out what they were feeling, but the sense of betrayal was obvious in their indifferent applause. Beatles songs had made them feel good. Fans remembered where they were the first time they heard each new one, what they were doing, and who was with them. Those memories were important to them, and George’s playing fast and loose with Beatles lyrics came across as elitist, and worse, hurtful.

Meanwhile, his already-sore voice grew worse, prompting reviewers to dub the tour Dark Hoarse. He was not always graceful under the pressure. "I don’t know how it feels down there," he croaked from the stage of The Forum in Los Angeles, "but from up here you seem pretty dead."

After a performance in California’s Long Beach Arena, he wandered alone through the stands, looking down on bulldozers scooping up tons of broken bottles, cigarette butts, discarded shoes, T-shirts, and bras, litter of every kind. Had returning to the stage been the right thing to do?

"Whether they like me or not," he thought, "this is who I am." He remembered a quote from Mahatma Gandhi: We should create and preserve the image of our choice. "The image of my choice is not Beatle George," he thought. "My life belongs to God. That’s how I feel." He was here in the world to do spiritual good, and playing the old hits would have been hypocritical. How could he live with himself if he reinforced people’s material attachment to nostalgic tunes and images? But was this better—bad reviews and mountains of trash?

Despite adverse circumstances and hostile critics, George pushed on with the tour. "You either go crackers and commit suicide," he told a reporter, or "attach yourself more strongly to an inner strength…. I don’t have control over anything. I believe in God, and he is the supreme controller even down to the rehearsal."

His conviction only goaded unsympathetic writers, who insisted on using print space to attack his beliefs. "In defense of his tour and new album," wrote one critic, "George Harrison has argued that if you don’t expect anything, life is one big bonus. So expect nothing—is that the moral?" The reviewer went on to accuse him of using the stage to "spread his gospel" and of creating formulaic tunes "as predictable as his spiritual preoccupations."

Musicians, crew, and those who understood George’s higher purpose rallied to his side. Resistance was predictable, they told him, from people who were expecting rock-n-roll and never heard a raga before. He tried to see divine purpose in the debacle and reassured them that "the more they try to knock me down the more determined I am." He also accepted responsibility for his choices. "God is fair," he told them. "He’s not watching over everybody and saying, 'You did that, so give him a kick in the behind.' It’s ourselves get into a mess or get ourselves out."

Publicly, he was a good sport about the all-time low in his career. Privately, he suffered.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Expert   Дата: 16.02.06 21:45:22   
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Deepak Chopra on his Friend George Harrison
According to his friend, 'the quiet Beatle' had a personal relatitionship not only with Eastern religion but with Jesus Christ.

Interviewed by Steve Waldman

Could you describe what you know of George Harrison's spiritual practice most recently?

About four years ago I spent a week with him in Hawaii completely in silence where we would practice almost four hours of meditation, and even recently he would practice two to three hours of meditation in the mornings and another half an hour in the evenings and the rest of the time he was either writing, working in his studio, or gardening.

So he was living a very simple kind of lifestyle. When he would engage in conversation it was all about spirituality. He was a very, very avid reader and not just an avid reader of Eastern spirituality, but a very avid reader of the Gnostic gospels, the other versions of the historical Christ, the Gospel of Thomas. When he signed a letter he would always put an eastern symbol and also put a cross. He very much had a relationship with Christ as well.

That's interesting. Was that true consistently for the last thirty years?

All along. He had a very personal relationship with Christ. When he signed off to his personal friends he would always put a symbol.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Expert   Дата: 16.02.06 21:47:37   
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Early on he was most closely associated with transcendental meditation…

Right, actually I took him to meet Maharishi in 1993. He hadn't seen Maharishi for 30 years. He wanted to pay his respects once again to Maharishi and they had a very wonderful meeting.

George was very eclectic. He was associated with Mararishi, but he also at one time was very involved with the Hare Krishnas, he also studied Yogananda, he was very very interested in the more Eastern versions of Christianity--as I mentioned the Gospel of Thomas--and he was very well read, very well read.

Did he ever write anything that reflected his interest in Eastern interpretations of Christianity?

No, but we would talk about it all the time. If you went to his house in England we would have long conversations. He had all kinds of pictures and artwork.

How would you assess his influence on the spiritual landscape?

The world would not have known Ravi Shankar if it hadn't been for George Harrison. He brought the sitar to the West, and along with that he brought Indian music to the West, he brought Ravi Shankar to the West, and he brought Indian spirituality to the West. So I would say that whether he was responsible for that or he was part of the tidal wave he was just part of the whole movement of consciousness that was occurring in the sixties--it's all kind of neither here or there. He was both a part of the movement, he was also an initiator of the movement.

And he got the rest of the Beatles interested. They weren't really interested in these things. He told me that the first time he decided to go to India in the sixties he was going to do it all by himself. He just happened to mention it to John--and John said I'm coming also, and then Paul said I'm coming also, and Ringo said, well I can't be left out. He was always the one taking the initiative. And ultimately they all did get interested. In some way or another, they're all very spiritual.
Re: Религиозные верования Джорджа
Автор: Expert   Дата: 16.02.06 21:48:26   
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What was the reaction to the Beatles embracing the Maharishi or Eastern spirituality?

It made news. It made huge news at the time when they first came to India… and they left in a hurry because of some altercation John had with Maharishi. George didn't want to leave but they did leave. And then 30 years later he actually went with me to meet with Maharishi just to kind of say, we were young, so I hope you forgive us…

He said there's nothing to forgive--you're angels in disguise and he brought up that story. He said I could never be upset with angels.

Was George conscious of the impact he was having?

He was in a very humble kind of way. We traveled in India frequently and I remember once people gathered outside the hotel because they found out that George was there and he didn't like that attention, he liked to kind of be anonymous and mix with people and just hang out with people and musicians and poets in India. But he was aware and he had a very personal relationship with Ravi Shankar and lots of other musicians from India. He had a great sensitivity and knowledge about the origins and traditions of spirituality and music. In India there's a lot of attention given to music as a means to go into expanded states of awareness and he was very very familiar with that--more so than many Indians.

Was there an effect on Hinduism as practiced in India?

No, I would not say that. George was a realist, he was also quite cynical. He was cynical about Indians who were not familiar with their traditions and he would make fun of them. He was always very sober about it--he never exaggerated anything so he would never glorify Indian rituals or practices. In fact he would make fun of them if they didn't seem appropriate to him, so he was very selective in what he would take out.

You can look around the American spiritual landscape now and you can't go to a health club that doesn’t have yoga and churches are now teaching meditation… If Harrison and the Beatles hadn't done what they did, would that have happened?

No it would not. I'm being very honest with you, it would not have happened. What they did was overnight, they made the world aware of Indian spirituality--overnight. I remember I was in medical school when they came to India and it was in every newspaper all over the world--it was really an overnight awareness that people didn't have before.

And when did you meet him?

I met him in 1986 or 87 and we've been friends since. When my book "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" came out he actually collaborated with me on doing the audio version of that where I read from the book and he sang lyrics that he had never published before.

And you stayed in touch…

Right, I was with him at the Mayo Clinic when he had his treatment, I went to visit him in England a few months ago. They were very private people—Olivia, George, and Danny.

And you said that he seemed to be approaching death…

He had totally accepted his death, and was at peace with it, and unafraid of it.

...He was very aware of mortality and of death at a very young age, he was totally comfortable with that. He always would say that when I die I want to be fully conscious of God, I want to be totally at peace, and I don't want to have any fear of death. And believe me, being close to him, I know that he died very conscious of God and in peace and not afraid of death.

I've read that he believed in reincarnation, I'm not sure if that's accurate.

No, it's true.

Did you ever talk to him about what he expected or hoped his next life would be?

No, we talked more in trying to figure out scientifically whether there is any validity in the concept and how would he explain the survival of consciousness after death.

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