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Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне

Тема: Джон Леннон - художественные фильмы и спектакли

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Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 25.07.05 10:23:01   
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Look at Me
Twist and Shout
Instant Karma
India, India
Real Love (Boys and Girls)
Oh My Love
Mind Games
The Ballad of John and Yoko
How Do You Sleep?
Give Peace a Chance
New York City
Power to the People
Woman Is the Nigger of the World
Attica State
Gimme Some Truth
I'm Losing You/I'm Moving On
I'm Stepping Out
I Don't Want to lose You
Whatever Gets You Through the Night
Beautiful Boy
Watching the Wheels
(Just Like) Starting Over
Grow Old with Me

Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.07.05 07:26:12   
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'Lennon' Delays Broadway Opening for Changes and New Song
Добрый профессор  
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 28.07.05 12:39:03   
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хотел пойти, но цены на билеты начинаются от 101 доллара!хотел пойти, но цены на билеты начинаются от 101 доллара!
подожду до зимы, когда цена упадёт вдвое..
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.08.05 17:11:33   
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Yoko: John shines on in musical 'Lennon' Yoko: John shines on in musical 'Lennon'

John & Yoko, '72. New show's a second try at Lennon musical.

Truth is, even John Lennon fans may have trouble imagining much of his solo work — the dark introspection, the angry politics — on any theater stage.
But it is his solo work that drives a new musical called "Lennon," and Yoko Ono says he'd love it.

"John had a theatrical flair," says Ono. "He had so many things to say, and he felt musicals spoke to the people."

She pauses and laughs again.

"Also, he was a ham."

"Lennon," which opens Sunday at the Broadhurst, tracks Lennon's life through his songs, interspersed with video and his own words. It's an undertaking complex enough to have already required substantial reworking and two postponements of the opening date.

"In San Francisco, the show was not so good," Ono allows. "But now it's very good."

Ono's official role here is advisory. "I'm a B-side," she says. "And I'm very happy with that. It's John's story."

Of course, some elements in "Lennon" could rekindle some of the old controversy about Ono's shepherding of the Lennon story. The show makes no mention of May Pang, his companion during his "Lost Weekend" separation from Yoko in 1974-75, and it portrays the last five years of his life — after their reconciliation — as calm and peaceful, even though some writers have suggested he underwent long stretches of doubt and darkness during that period.

Discussions on matters like that continue among Lennon fans. But the days of Yoko being widely portrayed as a Dragon Lady are probably over.

"I think a lot of the anger is gone," says Ken Michaels, host of the Beatles show "Every Little Thing" on XM Satellite Radio. "People realize that, whatever anyone else thinks of her, it was John's choice to be with her."

"That [image] was so unfair," says Pete Fornatale, a long-time deejay now on WFUV. "What matters is that she's a very attentive keeper of John's flame."

That's crucial, say both Fornatale and Michaels, because if it was up to commercial radio, most people would know little of Lennon's solo work beyond "Imagine" or "Instant Karma."

"His solo work has been absolutely overlooked," says Fornatale. "It was so good, [but] now, thanks to the barren wasteland of radio, no one gets to hear it."

That's a big part of what Ono says she likes about "Lennon": the way it incorporates both familiar anthems like "Imagine" and "Give Peace a Chance" and less-heard works like the tormented "Mother," "Attica State" and "Gimme Some Truth."

"John would love that people sing these songs," she says. "He was always saying, 'People cover Paul [McCartney] songs. Why don't they cover more of me?'"

Fornatale suggests Lennon would also love the fact that he is portrayed by nine actors in the musical. "It takes nine people — multiracial and multigender — to evoke what he meant in this culture."

"I was always seeing new sides of him," says Ono. "He was very complex. Obviously he had a lot of anger, because in many ways he led a very dark life. But at the end he found peace."

And he knew how hard that could be.
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.08.05 18:21:15   
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August 10, 2005 -- Broadway Matinee

WHO needs the critics to destroy your show when you've got Yoko Ono?

The widow Lennon is up to her old tricks, undermining last-ditch efforts to save the seriously flawed bio musical about her late husband at every turn.

Her latest antic: Driving director David Leveaux ("Nine," "Fiddler on the Roof"), who came on board last week as a show doctor, out the door.

Leveaux lasted just two days on "Lennon." He walked off after Ono objected to changes he wanted to make to the staging and the script, both the handiwork of Don Scardino, an Ono acolyte with a growing reputation as Broadway's leading bottom-drawer director.

"David didn't pull his punches about the show's problems," a production source says. "Yoko didn't want to hear it. She thought David was the devil."

The show's producers are said to be deeply frustrated by Leveaux's departure. They spent days trying to convince Ono that the show needed a fresh director. She finally agreed to Leveaux because he insisted on joining the show as "a friend of the production" and not as her beloved Scardino's replacement.

At first, Ono seemed to accept Leveaux's tough and, production sources say, accurate criticisms of the show. But as soon as he started to make changes, she turned on him.

Her fickleness has been a problem all along.

She agrees to something in the morning, and reverses herself by the afternoon, sources say.

She has enormous influence over the show because she controls the rights to Lennon's songs.

One day, she gives the producers permission to use the famous "Imagine" video in the show. The next day, for no apparent reason, she says they can't.

Changes are made that everyone agrees are an improvement and then, as soon as the producers aren't looking, Ono and Scardino put everything that wasn't working back in the show.

Or they come up with wacky new ideas — such as starting and ending the show with the image of the space shuttle because Ono once heard that the astronauts on one of the flights began each day listening to John Lennon songs.

A person involved in the show says Ono and Scardino "are like a roomful of school children — you turn your back on them for one minute and they make a mess of the whole place."

Another problem is that, when it comes to musicals, Ono has no idea what works and what doesn't (neither, apparently, does Scardino).

A veteran theater person working on "Lennon" says some of the scenes — and especially the dances — are painfully bad, but Ono thinks they're wonderful.

Company members, drowning their sorrows in beer across the street at the restaurant Angus McIndoe, are baffled by her complete lack of taste when it comes to the theater.

There are also complaints that the show, under Ono's tight rein, has become nothing but a Lennon whitewash job, turning one of the 20th century's most complex cultural icons into a bland, peace-loving hippie.

His drug use is just hinted at; his bisexuality ignored; and his serial philandering only dealt with head-on in one scene.

Backstage, the mood at "Lennon" is grim. Nearly everyone thinks the show, which, after several delays, finally opens Sunday at the Broadhurst, is doomed.

Cold turkey, indeed.

THERE is plenty of intrigue surrounding the abrupt cancellation of Conor McPherson's acclaimed Irish play "Shining City," which was to have begun rehearsals next week for a November opening on Broadway.

The official line, as reported last week by The New York Times, is that "certain critical production schedules could not be resolved in time to meet the current schedule."

That's so vague, it must be a cover for something else, and, according to several theater people, there is indeed blood in the water.

McPherson, the sources say, yanked his play after several heated disagreements with one of the producers, Barry Weissler.

McPherson wanted a bigger set, while Weissler, his eye always trained on the bottom line, did not want to spend the extra money.

Among other budgetary issues, the two are also said to have clashed over McPheron's housing allowance. One source says Weissler treated McPherson as if he were some Broadway hack instead of one of Ireland's leading playwrights.

But Weissler, who's butted heads with dozens of directors, writers and stars over the years, says that is not so.

"I love Conor — he's a fantastic guy. We made a mutual agreement not to go forward with the play at this time," he said.

As for fights about sets and hotel rooms, Weissler, who just got back from a safari in Africa, says: "I haven't even been around for two weeks. I was in the bush."

Julie Danao-Salkin (front) and Terrence Mann in a scene from "Lennon."
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 13.08.05 15:16:02   
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По EuroNews было показан, на 2,5 минуты, репортаж об этом.
Записал этот роллик.
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.05 08:56:22   
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Lennon musical proves poignant
By Matthew Davis
BBC News, New York

Will Chase plays Lennon alongside Julie Danao-Salkin as Yoko Ono
Lennon: The Musical has taken a long and winding road to Broadway, but this celebration of the life of the legendary ex-Beatle has benefited from the detour.

Director Don Scardino rewrote key parts of the show after it was panned by critics in April.

What has emerged is more than a "jukebox musical" in the vein of Mamma Mia (Abba) but something that aims to illuminate the "spirit and meaning" of John Lennon's epic life.

Nine men and women of various ages and ethnic diversity take on the role of the singer from his troubled childhood in Liverpool, through Beatlemania, his love affair Yoko Ono and life in the US up to his murder near Central Park in 1980.

The focus is very much on Lennon outside the Beatles, and on his relationship with Ono.

Lennon made its New York debut at Broadhurst Theatre
The show includes only one original Beatles song - The Ballad of John and Yoko - plus two cover versions performed by the Fab Four, here an all-girl band played by the cast's female Lennons.

Scardino says he chose songs from Lennon's solo catalogue because he wanted the musical storytelling to be from "John's words alone".

Lennon's words are projected onto the curtain before the musical begins. Phrases like "grow your hair", "we are all one" and "power to the people" set the scene for what follows.

The first number is New York City, and it is immediately clear which side of the Atlantic the story will take its inspiration from.

There is a whistle-stop tour of the Lennon early years, the death of his mother, the friendship with Paul McCartney that led to the Beatles.

First encounter

Most of the action takes place centre stage, with a band forming a semi-circle around the performers. Famous images from Lennon's life are projected onto a backdrop.

The musical was originally performed as a series of songs punctuated by anecdotes, with each of the nine cast members taking it in turns to play the role of Lennon.

The show features nine cast members and a 10-piece band
In the latest version one actor - Will Chase - plays the lead "Lennon", narrating the story of his life, which seems to be a big improvement.

The show only really gets going when Lennon meets Ono, in a scene depicting their first encounter at the Indica art gallery in London.

Much of the rest of the musical is their love story - it depicts their bed-in for peace, Lennon's infidelity, his break-up with Ono, the year-long "lost weekend", when they were apart and he lived in LA, and their eventual reconciliation and family life.

All these events are also part of what the director sees as Lennon's journey of self-discovery.

The most poignant moment comes just before the final song and suggests Lennon's long struggle to find his identity was at an end, just as his life was.

Whatever they have done to it has worked

Mykal Kvenberg
A New York police officer called to attend the singer's shooting on Manhattan's Upper West Side asks him if he is conscious of who he is. "Yeah," is the answer, Lennon's last word.

The show's finale is, of course, Imagine, probably Lennon's most famous song. On the last chorus the curtain falls and footage of John and Yoko singing by his white piano brings it to a close.

A Lennon musical with hardly a Beatles song in earshot, with nine people playing the lead - it sounds like just the sort of concept of which the singer himself would have approved.

The draw for many people, however, will simply be the chance to hear his music live.

Theatre-goer Mykal Kvenberg said he had been impressed.

"I had heard all the rumours that this was a bad production, but whatever they have done to it has worked," he told the BBC News website.

It was a really good portrait of his life

Charles Mitchell
Charles Mitchell and Crystal Fainbain said they were not die-hard Lennon fans, but "liked the Beatles".

"It was a great performance," said Mr Mitchell. "It was a really good portrait of his life."

Shelley Germeaux, on Beatles fan site Daytrippin', writes that "the lack of Beatles music in a John Lennon musical, seems like blasphemy".

And she objects to the "complete erasure from the record" of Ono's love rival May Pang, John's personal assistant for three years who lived with him during the "lost weekend" and then continued to spend time with him until his death.

But she adds: "Despite the controversy, I would love to see the musical... just to honour the spirit of John Lennon's life and be there while his music is being performed."
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.05 08:56:57   
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Will Chase plays Lennon alongside Julie Danao-Salkin as Yoko OnoWill Chase plays Lennon alongside Julie Danao-Salkin as Yoko Ono
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.05 08:57:37   
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Lennon made its New York debut at Broadhurst TheatreLennon made its New York debut at Broadhurst Theatre
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.05 09:46:28   
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Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 00:41:00   
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Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 00:43:37   
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Yoko and Sean attend Lennon Broadway openingYoko and Sean attend Lennon Broadway opening
15 AUGUST 2005

While she danced and sang along with members of the cast, it must also have been a bittersweet moment for John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono as she attended the New York opening night of a new musical dedicated to her late husband.

Along with the couple's son Sean, the 72-year-old was on hand to see Lennon, which has been dogged by controversy, finally kick off on Broadway.

The show, which professes to be "his words, his music, his story", has been on the receiving end of some hefty blows from the critics. Based largely on his solo works - as most of the Beatles' catalogue is owned by Michael Jackson - it focuses upon the latter stages of the musician's life, downplaying his Liverpool roots, including the importance of The Cavern.

While the critics seem less than enthusiastic about the results of the collaboration between Yoko and the show's producers, the former Beatle's widow is adamant that her late husband would have enjoyed the production. "John would love that people sing these songs," she said, adding that he appreciated the power of the medium to deliver a message to wider audiences.

"John had a theatrical flair. He had so many things to say, and he felt musicals spoke to the people."

Yoko was accompanied to the Broadway opening by her and John's son, Sean
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 00:44:18   
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While some reviews have been less than favourable about the show, the ex-Beatle's widow obviously had no such doubts as she joined in at its New York debut While some reviews have been less than favourable about the show, the ex-Beatle's widow obviously had no such doubts as she joined in at its New York debut
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 00:47:22   
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Добрый профессор  
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 16.08.05 02:46:47   
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цены  на мюзикл пошли вниз . сейчас уже по 65 -75 баксов по рабочим дням. подождём до 45 ... цены на мюзикл пошли вниз . сейчас уже по 65 -75 баксов по рабочим дням.
подождём до 45 ...
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 16.08.05 02:48:28   
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Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 11:36:34   
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>цены на мюзикл пошли вниз . сейчас уже по 65
>-75 баксов по рабочим дням.
>подождём до 45 ...

После такого разноса в прессе этого стоило ожидать. Долго мюзикл не продержиться.
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 12:02:22   
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Yoko Ono is interviewed after attending the premiere of the new Broadway musical 'Lennon' at the Broadhurst Theater in New York August 14, 2005. 'Lennon' is a biographical musical that tells the story of John Lennon's life using Lennon's own words and songs.Yoko Ono is interviewed after attending the premiere of the new Broadway musical 'Lennon' at the Broadhurst Theater in New York August 14, 2005. 'Lennon' is a biographical musical that tells the story of John Lennon's life using Lennon's own words and songs.
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 12:03:13   
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Yoko Ono flashes two peace signs during a curtain call after the premiere of the new Broadway musical 'Lennon' at the Broadhurst Theater in New York August 14, 2005.Yoko Ono flashes two peace signs during a curtain call after the premiere of the new Broadway musical 'Lennon' at the Broadhurst Theater in New York August 14, 2005.
Re: Мюзикл о Джоне Ленноне
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 12:04:03   
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Cast members take a bow during a curtain call after the premiere of the new Broadway musical 'Lennon' at the Broadhurst Theater in New York August 14, 2005Cast members take a bow during a curtain call after the premiere of the new Broadway musical 'Lennon' at the Broadhurst Theater in New York August 14, 2005
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