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Voo-Doo Records

Тема: Битлз - бутлеги

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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 02.07.15 11:43:19   
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e said he likes it in the snow.... A safe statement to make all the way here in July! Let's see how much he likes the damn snow in January! Anyhoo, Press To Play is up next in the Ultimate Archive series. This was fun to do as there was a lot of vinyl-only tracks that I tried to present in great sound quality. For some, I think I succeeded. For others, maybe not so much. I'll put it like this - the 12" of Seaside Woman / B-Side To Seaside I had a decent needledrop available, but the only problem was there was excessive sibilance going on. And I could use upgrades of the 12" versions of Tough On A Tightrope + Talk More Talk. Don't get me wrong - what's here certainly sounds very good (and are complete), it's just I know they could sound better! So if anyone has very clean vinyl copies of the '86 remix 12" of Seaside Woman and/or the 12" of Only Love Remains, and wants to contribute to the cause, please send along your needledrops! If you cannot make a needledrop, I would be happy to make one for you - reach out, please!

After including all the remixes/edits of the Press To Play material, there really wasn't too much space for anything else. Of course I've included Simple As That along with "upgraded" versions of Yvonne's The One (the lone outtake that's circulating from these sessions) along with the unedited rough mix of Good Times Coming/Feel The Sun (the one truly significant alternate version in that it's two minutes longer than the released version). For the unreleased extended versions, they will definitely be appearing on the Rarities set, so fear not. And of course I'll be using the live Only Love Remains when I get around to Tripping The Live Fantastic...

In the meantime, here's my take on Press To Play...
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 02.07.15 11:44:04   
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BTW, in case anyone out there was wondering how I come up with the artwork, I put this video together showing how much work is done!

Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Стас   Дата: 02.07.15 13:49:09   
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Мало по Прессу материала выложили. Там одних extended mixes на целый диск хватит, а то и больше...
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 02.07.15 16:04:18   
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>Мало по Прессу материала выложили. Там одних extended mixes на целый диск хватит, а то и больше...

Ну их реально много, но и это хорошо.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 02.07.15 16:10:31   
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>>Мало по Прессу материала выложили. Там одних
>extended mixes на целый диск хватит, а то и больше...
>Ну их реально много, но и это хорошо.

For the unreleased extended versions, they will definitely be appearing on the Rarities set, so fear not.
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 02.07.15 16:17:36   
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Ага, всё будет.
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Бри   Дата: 02.07.15 19:36:38   
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Интересно, все эти бутлеги где-нибудь купить можно...
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 02.07.15 19:42:58   
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>Интересно, все эти бутлеги где-нибудь купить можно...

Cпроси у их автора-составителя
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Бри   Дата: 02.07.15 20:31:52   
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Да они сами не знают:)
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 02.07.15 20:36:07   
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>Да они сами не знают:)

Я так понял это не коммерческий релиз. И хорошо. Потому что пираты часто пихают всё подряд чтобы набить CD, а здесь творческий подход фэна.
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 10.07.15 16:27:45   
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Coming soon...Coming soon...
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: cmi   Дата: 10.07.15 19:36:35   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 10.07.15 21:31:31   
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Обновляемся! Обновляемся!

I was behind the wheel of my automobile giving these a ride! It's the next release in the Ultimate Archive Collection. And another double-shot to boot! This time it's two from 1974 - McGear and One Hand Clapping. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for McGear. It definitely has some classic Macca tunes on it (particularly Leave It and The Man Who Found God On The Moon - one of my all time faves!). Now I'd love to be able to say that I've unearthed Paul demos of some of these tracks, it's just not so! What I DID include was every non-LP track, mix and edit from this project. While it's well known that Dance The Do was remixed for its 90's-era CD release, what's not too well known is that Sweet Baby on CD is different from the original 45 as well! So you get both versions here along with every other track including a clean rip of the coveted B-side Ten Years After On Strawberry Jam. Heck, I even included that single's A-side as well (Liverpool Lou) for completeness sake, even though Paul had nothing to do with that track. All in all, it adds up to a 74-minute CD and if you haven't heard this one before, I'd invite you to give it a spin - you might be surprised with how good it is! Oh, and I tried to re-create the original LP art right down to using the lovely "Burbank" Warner Brothers label on the CD. Rykodisc's artwork left a lot to be desired, to say the least! Hell, the little photo of Paul on the lower right corner of the cover almost got cut off completely on that version! Not so here. I tried to do justice to the original LP and unless Macca re-releases this one himself, this is likely as good as you'll ever see/hear this album!
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 10.07.15 21:32:08   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 10.07.15 21:32:58   
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As for One Hand Clapping, this is the first time I'm putting out an album that never was, so I had to pick what was relevant. This set is pretty much my own remastered version of the original Yellow Cat CD, with whatever tracks that were officially released substituted in. I've also added a complete version of Baby Face, with the intro part (which was cut off on the official Venus And Mars Archive) reinstated. For a long while that's how I was going to put it out and then at the last minute, I decided to include the complete Piano Tape (remastered this time by the good folks at RMW!) as it seemed like a good idea because a) I did want to include this material on some release, and b) it wasn't strong enough to warrant a release by itself. So here it is - an hour of Macca at the piano, banging out his then unreleased catalog, circa the summer of 1974. As for One Hand Clapping, this is the first time I'm putting out an album that never was, so I had to pick what was relevant. This set is pretty much my own remastered version of the original Yellow Cat CD, with whatever tracks that were officially released substituted in. I've also added a "complete" version of Baby Face, with the intro part (which was cut off on the official Venus And Mars Archive) reinstated. For a long while that's how I was going to put it out and then at the last minute, I decided to include the complete Piano Tape (remastered this time by the good folks at RMW!) as it seemed like a good idea because a) I did want to include this material on some release, and b) it wasn't strong enough to warrant a release by itself. So here it is - an hour of Macca at the piano, banging out his then unreleased catalog, circa the summer of 1974.

Since no artwork existed for this set, I came up with what you see here, utilizing the illustration that was made by David R. L. Litchfield - the man who filmed the documentary. As it's the only real "cover art" I had to go with, it made sense to use it on the front cover! The rest was taken up with photos of the era. And for the CD labels, I tried to re-create the classic orange Capitol label that was being used at the time. It is what it is! Anyhoo, I hope y'all enjoy these. They were fun working on (especially McGear), and thanks again for all your support / assistance / encouragement!
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 10.07.15 21:33:44   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Klaus V   Дата: 12.07.15 12:34:09   
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Супер! Спасибо Felix, LeFevre, Стас, Dr.Pepper!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 18.07.15 19:39:02   
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Okay, so this was not supposed to be the next set. The next set I had intended to put out was something else, but I discovered late in the game that I still needed something to complete it. So I went onto ebay and ordered the CD which contained the track I needed. I am now awaiting its arrival. So in the meantime, I still needed something to put together to fill in the gap (so there's not too much time between releases), and I figured this would fit the bill nicely. The main album is Twin Freaks, which was released on vinyl + download in 2005. To augment this set, I've added all the Wingspan releases (that were originally compiled on an excellent boot CD back in 2001), along with any other remixed Macca tracks from the era (such as the Radio Slave versions of Temporary Secretary and the Noir & Kruse remixes of Silly Love Songs). The point here was to make this a one-stop shopping place to obtain all the Macca remixes that were released in one way or another during this time. Keeping some of that Wingspan spirit, I have added the spoken introductions to the various songs that were found on the Wingspan promotional CD sampler. As they had no other home, this seemed as good a place as any to put them. As I still had a few minutes left over, I've added an excellent fan-remix of Let 'Em In that was floating around the web (and yes, that track is taken from a lossless source!). Add appropriate artwork and voila! - The next release in the Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive collection! If you haven't heard this stuff, I think you might really like some of these remixes as most of them are quite good. Enjoy!!!Okay, so this was not supposed to be the next set. The next set I had intended to put out was something else, but I discovered late in the game that I still needed something to complete it. So I went onto ebay and ordered the CD which contained the track I needed. I am now awaiting its arrival. So in the meantime, I still needed something to put together to fill in the gap (so there's not too much time between "releases"), and I figured this would fit the bill nicely. The main album is Twin Freaks, which was released on vinyl + download in 2005. To augment this set, I've added all the Wingspan releases (that were originally compiled on an excellent boot CD back in 2001), along with any other "remixed" Macca tracks from the era (such as the Radio Slave versions of Temporary Secretary and the Noir & Kruse remixes of Silly Love Songs). The point here was to make this a one-stop shopping place to obtain all the Macca remixes that were released in one way or another during this time. Keeping some of that Wingspan spirit, I have added the spoken introductions to the various songs that were found on the Wingspan promotional CD sampler. As they had no other "home", this seemed as good a place as any to put them. As I still had a few minutes left over, I've added an excellent fan-remix of Let 'Em In that was floating around the web (and yes, that track is taken from a lossless source!). Add appropriate artwork and voila! - The next release in the Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive collection! If you haven't heard this stuff, I think you might really like some of these remixes as most of them are quite good. Enjoy!!!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 18.07.15 19:40:01   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 29.07.15 16:16:25   
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Who knew Ivan was a Czar??? I love that line even though Paul didn't write it. Well, that song is here along with 43 other golden greats as it is now time to present the most recent McCartney album (2013's New) as the latest edition in the Ultimate Archive series. As with most of these, this was a fun one to work on, though it was a bit frustrating as well in that no one out there seems to have lossless versions of Only One (vocal + instrumental) or All Day (clean + explicit). So there's room for some upgrades if anyone wants to contribute to the cause. "Who knew Ivan was a Czar???" I love that line even though Paul didn't write it. Well, that song is here along with 43 other golden greats as it is now time to present the most recent McCartney album (2013's New) as the latest edition in the Ultimate Archive series. As with most of these, this was a fun one to work on, though it was a bit frustrating as well in that no one out there seems to have lossless versions of Only One (vocal + instrumental) or All Day (clean + explicit). So there's room for some upgrades if anyone wants to contribute to the cause.
This set had gone through a few different track listings before I settled on what is presented here. I wasn't aware of the Queenie Eye spoken intros until about a week ago (thanks, as always, goes to Charlie for all his help in obtaining these goodies). Then I had to shoehorn them in somehow. So at one point this was going to have the 2013 version of Wonderful Christmastime instead of I'm In Love Again (which was going to be on Kisses On The Bottom). Adding the two spoken tracks forced me to shift things a bit due to space considerations, so don't worry - you'll be getting Wonderful Christmastime on Kisses (which will go nicely with the other Christmas song that will be there!)
Some other things, I've obtained lossless sources for ALL the mixes of Hope For The Future, including nice vinyl rips of the incredibly rare "Sweet Thrash" mixes from Record Store Day, so this is one convenient place to have them all. Meat Free Monday is only available as an mp3, which is what is presented here (albeit upsampled to FLAC). I've included all the audio from the various releases of the New album, so coupled with all the bonus tracks, this set gives you the most bang for the buck by far (especially considering the fact that it's free! :wink: )
One other thing about the packaging - I've discovered that as with many other McCartney albums, there's a slight difference on the cover art depending on which version you're looking at. As I always try to use the LP art, the artwork here is what is used on the New LP. The CD issue swaps the red + blue fluorescent lights for reasons known only to Paul. Also, the disc labels copy the style of the LP labels. If it seems a bit drab, that's why.
Anyhoo, I hope y'all dig this one for now.... Time to get cracking on the NEXT one
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