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Yoko Ono

Тема: Yoko Ono (Йоко Оно)

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Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 24.06.04 08:55:54   
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ЙОКО НА 4 МЕСТЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOKO LEAPS INTO THE TOP 5!Official press release:

ONO's "Hell In Paradise" (The Remixes) jumps into the Billboard Club Play
Chart Top 5 at #4
Commercial vinyl release arrives Tuesday June 29th

"Select mixes of ONO's forthcoming politically-charged single "Every Man Has
A Man/Every Woman Has A Woman" (The Remixes), featuring mixes from Basement
Jaxx and Blow-up are available exclusively on iTunes

New York - ONO's latest dance smash "Hell In Paradise" (The Remixes) jumps
into the Billboard Club Play Chart Top 5 at #4 (July 3rd issue). With
contagious reconstructions from dance floor favorites Murk and The Orange
Factory, as well as Iberican heavyweights Chus & Ceballos and LA production
duo Minge Binge, the politically charged single furthers ONO's
transformation into dance / electronic music's most unlikely, and
electrifying, heroine.

"Hell In Paradise" perfectly sets the stage for ONO's next invention - the
explosive and soon-to-be notorious "Every Man/Every Woman." to be released
on Mind Train / Twisted Records.

With "Every Man/Every Woman." the pop culture icon tackles the controversial
same sex marriage issue head on. ONO's original song "Everyman Has A Woman
Who Loves Him" (from the Lennon/Ono multi-platinum 1980 set Double Fantasy)
serves as the basis for multiple versions of a passionate and urgent
call-to-arms celebrating all people who want to consummate their love for
each other.

For the forthcoming release, ONO re-cut the vocals to include the new
incarnations "Every Man Has A Man Who Loves Him" and "Every Woman Has A
Woman Who Loves Her", in addition to versions with the original lyrics.
Like her previous remix releases (including the #1 Billboard Club Play smash
"Walking On Thin Ice"), "Every Man/Every Woman." has been brilliantly
re-worked into a series of searing and euphoric pop and dance floor anthems,
courtesy of an international line-up of pop, dance, and electronic music
innovators: Basement Jaxx, Blow-Up, Ralphie Rosario, Dave Aude, Murk, The
Passengerz, and DJ Vibe.

On Tuesday June 15th, a select number of the "Every Man/Every Woman..."
remixes became available for download exclusively on iTunes.
Visit and search using the artist name ONO or access
the following link via the Twisted Online Store:
The full package is scheduled for a mid-summer release on Mind Train/Twisted
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 24.06.04 14:10:13   
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Ну что, ещё одна радостная новость, ХОРОШО !!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 11.07.04 21:06:46   
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вышла новая книгавышла новая книга
Woman: The Incredible Life of Yoko Ono
by Alan Clayson
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Velvet Warhol   Дата: 11.07.04 21:55:50   
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Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 12.07.04 10:12:23   
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На фестивале геев и лесбиянок Йоко cпела песню с переделанным текстом Every Man Needs a Man Who Loves Him и выступила в поддержку педеро-браков. Мда.
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.04 07:20:13   
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Apparently "Yoko" has now become a slang term meaning, 'the act of 'breaking up.'
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: matrikat   Дата: 17.08.04 19:53:09   
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Мои поздравления, господа йокоманы.
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 17.08.04 20:39:43   
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А чего еще ожидать от этой...
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.04 22:15:40   
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Твое высказывание только подтверждает общие гомофобные настроения, царящие на данном сайте. Несмотря ни на что...
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.04 07:34:41   
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Political songs featured on new compilation Political songs featured on new compilation

Wake Up Everybody, a compilation of politically minded songs, will arrive in stores September 21st. The album's title track is Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds' re-recording of the Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes' 1975 hit. The new version features Mary J. Blige, Missy Elliott, Jaheim and Nate Dogg.
The compilation also includes Yoko Ono's "Give Peace a Chance 2004" -- a remix of John Lennon's 1969 song with Ono's post-9/11, spoken-word lyrics -- and previously released tracks from Lenny Kravitz, Emmylou Harris and the Roots. All proceeds from the album's sales will benefit America Coming Together (ACT), a campaign to increase voter registration and support progressive candidates.

The Wake Up Everybody track listing:

"Wake Up Everybody," Various Artists
"Give Peace a Chance 2004," Yoko Ono
"Why (What's Going On?)," The Roots
"Stop the Fighting," Ellie Lawson
"Revolution," Ben Jelen
"Hell to Pay," Bonnie Raitt
"Freedom," Jurassic 5
"Fear," Lenny Kravitz
"Get It Together," Seal
"Time in Babylon," Emmylou Harris
"This Land is Your Land," Everclear
"The Wind," Matt Nathanson
"Change the World," Eric Clapton and Babyface
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 18.08.04 08:53:04   
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2Primal Scream
А Вы, уже не один месяц бодая публику неумеренным количеством английских сканов и забивая топики скрытым флудом, пытаетесь, наверное, утвердить на сайте гомофильные настроения. Этот номер у Вас не пройдет, дорогой товарищ! :))))

Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.08.04 13:37:32   
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Yoko Ono 2004
available on ONOWEB
in English, French, German, Spanish & Swedish
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 24.08.04 08:43:16   
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В Белоруссии Йоко бы точно не поняли -
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.08.04 10:14:06   
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Еще о послании от Йоко:

-but it gets better-
Don't ever give up on life. Life can be so beautiful, especially after
you've spent a lot of time with it. Because then, life becomes like a lover
you have been close to for so many years. You know it/him/her so well, and
yet every day it/he/she gives you a surprise.
As the fox said in "Le Petit Prince," 'You'll understand that yours is the
only rose in the world. Because, it's the time you spent on your rose, that
makes your rose so special." My first reaction was, "what if the thing or
the person I spent time on, my rose, simply was not with me anymore? Does
it mean that I wasted my life?" Then, suddenly, I became aware that my
rose, the one that stayed with me the longest, the one I gave water to for
the last 71 years, was me!
So be patient with your rose 'cause it just gets better and better.
Remember, it is your rose, and nobody else's! I love you.
Yoko Ono
August, 2004.
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Solange   Дата: 30.08.04 10:17:27   
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по-моему,Йоко о-о-очень странная.я её не понимаю:выступала в поддержку "WAR IS OVER",помогала неимущим,даже волосы стригла,но публично выступать в поддержку непонятно чему-это уж...ещё не известно,был ли у неё в планах распад Beatles?У кого какие мысли?
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Mae Eskie   Дата: 30.08.04 14:58:17   
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Йоко достаточно странно обходится с материалами, оставленными Джоном. Думаю,она единственный человек, которого ни за что нельзя подпускать к монтажному столу во время монтажа концертов и клипов Джона. Один Lennon Legend чего стоит. .
Все равно  
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 31.08.04 08:27:20   
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Образ Джона Леннона будет использован в качестве рекламы новой спортивной обуви фирмы Nike. Менеджменту спортивной корпорации удалось договориться с вдовой Леннона Йоко Оно об использовании образа музыканта и его песни "Imagine" в рекламе новой модели кроссовок. Выбор лица рекламной кампании не случаен: кто еще, как не один из самых ярких пацифистов XX века, может рекламировать кроссовки, именуемые "Peace" (то есть мир), говорят производители. Помимо самого образа Джона Леннона в рекламе появится фрагмент одной из самых известных его песен - "imagine all the people living life in peace" ("представьте себе, что все люди жили бы мирно").

Оформление этой сделки особенно примечательно, если учесть тот факт, что около 20 лет назад Йоко Оно подала в суд на фирму Nike за незаконное использование фрагмента песни Beatles в рекламной кампании. Тогда супруга Леннона заявляла, что не желает, чтобы музыка ее мужа использовалась в коммерческих целях. И вот спустя 20 лет Йоко Оно, похоже, изменила своему решению, что, в общем, и не удивительно, учитывая, что по контракту часть прибыли от продаж причитается ей. Процент не разглашается.
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 31.08.04 17:21:31   
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Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 01.09.04 12:23:31   
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...гроши треба...
Её б портрет да тем кедам на подмётки.Олвейз, так сказать, тугеза.
Re: Yoko Ono
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 07.09.04 09:10:24   
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Йоко подбросила Пола на фестиваль на своей машине, а Пол подарил ей билет на концерт.

Macca's Driver Found!!
06 Jul 2004
Cruising the backstage area we chanced upon a novel sight. It would appear that Sir Paul ‘Macca’ McCartney had ditched his planned combination of an Agusta A109 helicopter and a Neoplan Jumbocruiser tour bus in favour of a lift from Yoko Ono in a 1993 Renualt 19 from Castle Cary station.

Ono, who lives for three months a year in a small farmhouse near Evercreech was one of the unfortunate many who did not manage to secure tickets despite her popularity at local farm shows where her organic produce has seen her attain mini celebrity status.

Sir Paul, never one to miss an opportunity to broker a peace deal, who indeed brought about the collapse of the cold war when he sat Reagan and Gorbachev down and made them listen to ‘Back In The USSR’ (then threatened to play them ‘Pipes Of Peace’ if they didn’t kiss and make up), saw the light at the end of the tunnel of 30 years of tension between him and Yoko, offering a hospitality ticket in return for a lift to the festival. “Let’s face it,” Macca was reported to admit, “the traffic is a nightmare and Yoko knows the lanes round here like the back of her hand.”

While McCartney wasn’t keen to stay too long in the mud after his set Yoko was seen many hours later in Lulu’s, the backstage bar, doing tequila slammers with Pete Doherty who had sneaked into the festival disguised as PJ Harvey and ended up at the Stone Circle at sunrise singing ‘Hey Jude’ from on top of the giant LOVE.

While neither McCartney or Ono were willing to discuss the implications of this recent thaw in their frosty relationship it is thought that both parties are pleased with this step in the right direction and will be considering what the future holds. A spokesman for McCartney said “Obviously we’re very pleased with this step in the right direction. We shall be carefully considering what the future holds”. A spokesperson for Ono said “Yoko lost a very expensive pair of sunglasses and a digital camera sometime on Sunday morning somewhere near the Green Futures Field. A reward is offered for their return”.

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