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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club

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Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 24.01.22 22:49:01   
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Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 24.01.22 22:54:11   
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20th June 1999 - Cologne, Germany, Müngersdorfer Stadion20th June 1999 - Cologne, Germany, Müngersdorfer Stadion
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 25.01.22 00:00:03   
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Никто не хочет стареть, но и умирать молодым тоже никто не хочет. - Кит РичардсНикто не хочет стареть, но и умирать молодым тоже никто не хочет.
- Кит Ричардс
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 25.01.22 00:06:08   
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Charlie at Villa Nellcote, Villefranche sur Mer, 1971 Photo by Dominique TarléCharlie at Villa Nellcote, Villefranche sur Mer, 1971
Photo by Dominique Tarlé
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 26.01.22 01:23:03   
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From the lost ‘Rolling Stone’ interview Charlie  Watts From the lost ‘Rolling Stone’ interview Charlie Watts
by Mikal Gilmore, 2013.
Charlie Watts is a jazz drummer. When he joined the Rolling Stones in 1963, in his early twenties, he had doubts about casting his lot with an outfit that — though a self-described blues ensemble — would quickly be identified as a teen-adored rock band, like the Beatles. He had drummed with bandleader Alexis Korner in London’s blues scene — which the Stones emerged from — but he always saw himself playing jazz. In 1965, he would publish an illustrated children’s book about bebop alto-saxophonist Charlie Parker, Ode to a High Flying Bird. (Much later, in 1992, he would record an album devoted to the late alto saxophonist, A Tribute to Charlie Parker With Strings.) Keith Richards has said he considers the Stones a jazz band — at least onstage — because of Watts.
It was Richards, Watts tells me, who taught him new ways to hear rock & roll: “While they were all going on about John Lee Hooker and all these other marvelous people [like] Muddy Waters, I’d be putting Charlie Parker and Sonny Rollins in. That’s what I was into when I joined the Rolling Stones, that’s what I used to listen to. Keith taught me to listen to Elvis Presley, because Elvis was someone I never bloody liked or listened to. Obviously, I’d heard ‘Hound Dog’ and all that, but to listen to him properly, Keith was the one who taught me.”
“… I’m not Buddy Rich, I’ve never been a jazz musician that’s in a book that you ring up to do a gig. That would worry the life out of me, turning up and playing with people for the first time. I’ve never had that virtuosity. It takes about three or four gigs before I feel comfortable. Most of the drummers I love, really, are band guys, like Sonny. They’ve been in units for a while. It doesn’t happen so much nowadays. Roy Haynes, he’s been in so many great, great bands. Or the bands have been great with him in them, under great leaders — Lester Young, Charlie Parker, Gary Burton. Stan Getz had one of the great bands with him. There’s also a great record with Monk that he did, I think it’s one of the Five Spots. It’s amazing, really. There’s a great album he did with Coltrane called To the Beat of a Different Drum. Roy is an amazing guy who plays now as well as he’s ever played. If any young person asked me who they should follow in one’s life, I’d say Roy Haynes. He’s eternally young — there’s absolutely nothing wayward about him. He’s at an age where most guys are not even bothering with it, really. But you put your arm around him, he’s solid. He’s a fantastic man, and a very, very charming guy, beautiful man.
“When the Rolling Stones started, all those other bands were obviously going — they were big — and now we’ve gone past them in years, in longevity. This is nothing to do with fame and fortune or greatness. It’s just longevity, actually, and suddenly we’ve gone past them.”
“When you’d see Otis Redding, that band live, those tempos.… He was entertaining, doing it all, but he could stop during a sax solo or something. That drummer, though, was going the whole bloody time. It’s what you do. The drummer is the engine. It’s worse when you get tired and have a lot of the show still to do.
- Are the Rolling Stones the best at being the Rolling Stones when they’re on tour or onstage?
“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we are a live band. We always have been, even in the early days. The Beatles were fabulous in a studio, getting their songs together, but we were much better at entertaining — we were more raucous. I think we’re a better live band than a lot. For your ego, there’s nothing nicer than driving down Santa Monica and hearing yourself on the radio, especially if it’s a new record. But the real fun is on the stage.
“We’re very, very fortunate,” says Watts. “I’ve always felt that folks have liked this combination of people. Mick, Keith, Brian, and Bill: People turned up to see them. First it was 100 attending, then it was 200, then it’s a lot. People love looking at Mick Jagger and watching what Keith’s doing. I don’t know why, but they do. I mean, I do know, I know how good Keith is, and I know Mick is the best frontman going now that James Brown and Michael Jackson have gone. Being out there, he’s the best. He takes it deadly seriously, as well; he keeps himself together. He looks great — everything you could want. You wouldn’t expect them to turn up to see me — it’s, like, 200 people — but the Rolling Stones say they’re doing something, and we get more people standing outside, listening to our rehearsals, than I do in a club listening to me do a set. It’s something that I’ve got no idea why.”
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 26.01.22 01:41:40   
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...This play is run, my love. Your time has come my love I pledge my troth to lady Jane."...This play is run, my love.
Your time has come my love
I pledge my troth to lady Jane."
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 12:01:15   
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Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 12:02:51   
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Cleo Sylvestre (born 19 April 1945) was a friend of the Rolling Stones, whom she had met at a blues night in Soho. Cleo Sylvestre (born 19 April 1945) was a friend of the Rolling Stones, whom she had met at a blues night in Soho.
“The first time was at a blues gig at the Marquee when about five people turned up to watch them play,” she recalls with a laugh.“Brian [Jones] was upset and asked me if I thought they had any future. I told him, of course, and I meant it – they were so different.”
After nights out, Mick Jagger and Brian Jones would come round to her mum’s flat for home-cooked meals. “You just knew they were going to be big,” Sylvestre says of the Stones.
Aged 17 and a pupil at Camden School for Girls in London, she bunked off A-level biology lessons to record ‘To Know Him Is To Love Him’ (2nd January 1964) with little-known band the Rolling Stones. The single did quite well, she says, but plans to do another number with the Stones fell through.
But this is not the end of the story...
At 1969 she received a call from Brian Jones, with an unbelievable offer.Newly ousted from the band, he was on the lookout for fresh opportunities. "He had been to Morocco and had heard all these amazing musicians," Cleo, recalls. "He said, 'I'm getting together a new band, Cleo, and I'd love you to be the singer in it'." Her curiosity piqued, she listened to his plans for the line-up before playing hard to get, half hoping he would try to talk her round."I said, 'Oh Brian, don't be silly, I can't be the singer for your band. But my god, it sounds amazing'," she recalls. Tragically, it was not to be.
"The next thing I knew he had died. I felt there was unfinished business," she says sadly.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 12:53:52   
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26th March 1971 - London, Marquee Club26th March 1971 - London, Marquee Club
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 13:17:00   
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31st July 1964 - Belfast, Northern Ireland, Ulster Hall. The Rolling Stones with the Casinos. 31st July 1964 - Belfast, Northern Ireland, Ulster Hall. The Rolling Stones with the Casinos.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:53:11   
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3rd April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready, Steady, Go', London, incl.3rd April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready, Steady, Go', London, incl.
- Not Fade Away (Norman Petty/Charles Hardin Holley) -playback
- I Just Want To Make Love To You (Willie Dixon)
- interview with MJ by Cathy McGowan
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:54:16   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club2
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:54:34   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club3
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:54:59   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club4
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:56:00   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club5
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:56:20   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club6
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:57:34   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club7
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 14:57:54   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club8
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 15:01:41   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club9
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.01.22 15:02:13   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club10
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