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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club

Тема: Rolling Stones

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Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.09.21 23:16:36   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.09.21 23:47:29   
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♫ Мои любимые песни ♥♫ Мои любимые песни ♥

"The Lullaby of Spring"
by Donovan Phillips Leitch

Spring has showered far her drip
Splash and trickle running
Plant has flowered in the sand
Shell and pebble sunning

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Motherbird eating cherries

In a misty tangled sky
Fast a wind is blowing
In a newborn rabbit's heart
River life is flowing

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Motherbird eating cherries

From the dark and whetted soil
Petals are unfolding
From the stony village kirk
Easter bells of old ring

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Motherbird eating cherries

Spring has showered far her drip
Splash and trickle running
Plant has flowered in the sand
Shell and pebble sunning

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Motherbird eating cherries

From «A Gift From A Flower To A Garden» (1968)
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: kinski   Дата: 02.10.21 22:38:19   
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Сегодня по 1 каналу "Искусство ограбления" с Джаггером. 19-го года фильм, посмотрим на старенького Мика...
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 15.10.21 10:27:29   
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31st March 1965 - Charlie at Park Avenue Hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Photographs by Björn Larsson
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 15.10.21 10:28:23   
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Отбой - фото не "лепятся", старые не видно....
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 12:42:39   
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Ребенком я никогда не учился играть. На самом деле я просто смотрел, как играют разные группы, и копировал их.Ребенком я никогда не учился играть. На самом деле я просто смотрел, как играют разные группы, и копировал их.
- Чарли Уоттс
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 12:44:13   
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...не знаю,как вы, а я не вижу фото...
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 14:03:29   
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At photo session for the Portrait Gallery Radio Times magazine feature, 12th September 1964, London.At photo session for the "Portrait Gallery" Radio Times magazine feature, 12th September 1964, London.
Photo by Charles Walls
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 14:12:54   
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The B-Boys The B-Boys
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 15:29:18   
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Brian Jones and Anita Pallenberg on December 3, 1966, after as she arrives at London Heathrow Airport after a modeling assignment in Paris.Brian Jones and Anita Pallenberg on December 3, 1966, after as she arrives at London Heathrow Airport after a modeling assignment in Paris.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 15:51:09   
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Поздравить никогда не поздно...Поздравить никогда не поздно...
Дорогой Билл, с днём рождения! Крепкого-крепкого здоровья! Спасибо за музыку и твои бесценные архивы и воспоминания!♥♥♥
Photographs by Joe Sia
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 15:51:48   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 15:52:02   
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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 16:11:15   
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The legendary Rolling Stones rhythm king on the home-made bass that he brought back from the dead to provide the bedrock of some of the Stones’ earliest recordings.

1. I love my…
“It’s a home-made bass. I love it because this is the instrument I made from a tattered old instrument with a big ugly body I bought from a jazz musician in 1961 for £8, as I couldn’t afford a real bass guitar at the time. It can now be seen in a glass cabinet on the wall at my London restaurant, Sticky Fingers.”
2. How I got it…
“The fretboard was tattered and all of the frets rattled… it was unplayable. I turned it upside down and drew a new small body shape, and had it cut out with a friend’s fretwork machine. I then took out all of the electrics and replaced them, together with a new Baldwin pickup and flatwound strings.”
3. It’s special because…
“I removed all of the frets, as they rattled, intending to replace them with new ones – but I never did. I’ve realised in recent years that it was the first fretless bass ever made – and that I had inadvertently invented the ‘fretless bass’, as they were not to be made until about five or six years later.”
4. It’s perfect for…
“Anything slightly bluesy – as it ends up, with a little coaxing, to sound rather like a double-bass if it is played right. I was also able to do slides, which became part of my playing style – something other bass players couldn’t do well at the time, owing to the sound of the frets on their instruments.”
5. It sounds best with…
“A large speaker set-up! I made a bass cabinet with a 18-inch Goodman speaker to go with it in 1961, and the sound was unbelievable, and I performed with it throughout my early times with the Stones – throughout the London clubs, and Richmond, Twickenham and Windsor gigs – and into the early ballrooms and on all of our TV shows – until September 1963 when I changed to the Framus Star bass.”
6. Hear it on…
“The first Stones single Come On and I Want To Be Loved. It was also used on odd Stones recordings from then on, and during the Exile On Main St sessions in France and there are photos confirming this. I also used it on the Montreux Jazz Festival concert with Buddy Guy, Junior Wells and Muddy Waters, as you can see on the Messin’ With The Blues video. I continued to use it on the odd Stones recording on and off until and including the Black And Blue album.
“It was named by the Stones piano player and roadie Ian Stewart as ‘The Flying Penge’, as that’s where I was living at the time.”

By - 8th June 2018
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 17:11:37   
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Singing group. Back Cover of SATISFACTION (Sheet Music book)Singing group.
Back Cover of "SATISFACTION" (Sheet Music book)
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 20:24:00   
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Брайан играет на вибрафоне. Слева (в тёмных очках) - Jack Nitzsche. November 1966 - London, Olympic Sound Studios.Брайан играет на вибрафоне. Слева (в тёмных очках) - Jack Nitzsche. November 1966 - London, Olympic Sound Studios.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 22:35:10   
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Brian plays the vibraphone. November 1966 - London, Olympic Sound Studios.Brian plays the vibraphone. November 1966 - London, Olympic Sound Studios.
Photo by Michael Cooper
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 27.10.21 23:02:07   
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The Rolling Stones' Satanic psych-out
A little more than 50 years ago, The Rolling Stones went from producing sure-hit singles to bravely exploring a musical direction known as psychedelia with the strangely titled album, 'Their Satanic Majesties Request.'
By Dave Thompson
"Goldmine", Jan 17, 2018
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 20.01.22 23:31:00   
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30th September 1966 - Glasgow, Scotland, at the St. Enoch Hotel30th September 1966 - Glasgow, Scotland, at the St. Enoch Hotel
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 20.01.22 23:33:18   
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Beside Ken Colyer Jazz Club, Studio 51,  London, 1963Beside Ken Colyer Jazz Club, Studio 51, London, 1963
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