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Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" вышел 5 июня 2007!

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Memory Almost Full (2007)

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Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Minin&Pojarskyi   Дата: 30.04.07 11:17:04   
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2lord Basington-Basington:

Я просто надух не переношу
>ту дешевую музычонку, что он стал писать с 80-х.
>Это явный творческий кризис, перманентный...
Дай Бог каждому такой затяжной перманентный кризис... В его-то годы!Хоть он и скромно заявляет, что не всегда является хорошим любовником, но, судя по самоиронии, это лишь полуправда. Просто по Жванецкому Пол перешёл на тренерскую работу, я бы даже уточнил: теперь он играющий тренер... А у Вас, lord Basington-Basington, кризис ранний, даже слишком ранний...Мой Вам совет: обратитесь в Лигу сексуальных реформ. Говорят, помогает...
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Kurt Donald Cobain   Дата: 30.04.07 11:21:16   
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1.3. Не обращайте внимания на хулиганов. Не дразните их - отсутствие внимания сразу сводит дискуссию на нет, и не отвечайте им той же монетой, даже если Вы считаете, что Вас оскорбили. Остальное — забота модератора.
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: lord Basington-Basington   Дата: 30.04.07 15:36:47   
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Re на "обратитесь в Лигу сексуальных реформ. Говорят, помогает... " (Пожарский).

Вы уже обращались? Вам , судя по всему помогли... Но я, простите, традиционной ориентации... Так что , милый...

Re на "Забавно. Обычный спамер явился - лишь бы пукнуть в лужу и народ разозлить. Ну дурак, что с него взять... Это как фан ЦСКА влезает на ВВ и там начинает бузатерить (наоборот тоже бывает :)) Света сделала элементарную вещь - для людей с плохим коннектом выложила файлы с ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО сайта - и чего гундосить спрашивается? На месте админов я бы забанил :)"(Standing Stone).

На месте админов я бы забанил Вас. Но они, я уверен, ваши высказывания пропустят мимо ушей, а собак всех повесят на меня.
Сильная злость  
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: semiotov   Дата: 30.04.07 19:09:22   
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Patience Almost Full
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 30.04.07 20:07:59   
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Memory Almost Full :))
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Lonely Hearts   Дата: 30.04.07 20:13:21   
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Как пишет Пол, в песне "Dance Tonight" он играл все-таки на мандолине.
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: МАКбитle   Дата: 30.04.07 20:36:29   
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2Lonely Hearts:
>Как пишет Пол, в песне "Dance Tonight" он играл
>все-таки на мандолине.
Где пишет, можно подробнее?
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Lonely Hearts   Дата: 30.04.07 20:40:28   
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На появилось новое сообщение, где Пол рассказывает о новом альбоме.
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Minin&Pojarskyi   Дата: 30.04.07 22:32:11   
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2lord Basington-Basington:

>Re на "обратитесь в Лигу сексуальных реформ.
>Говорят, помогает... " (Пожарский).
>Вы уже обращались? Вам , судя по всему помогли...
>Но я, простите, традиционной ориентации... Так
>что , милый...
Мой юный Басингтон! Ваш ответ привёл меня в крайнее недоумение. Я не упоминал и даже не думал о какой-либо ориентации. Вы как-то сами вдруг переполошились по этому вопросу. Мою тревогу вызвали лишь признаки раннего кризиса. Ну право же, в Вашем младом возрасте сексуальную энергию обычно расходуют по предназначению, а не на маниакальное чувство к пожилому зарубежному исполнителю, и Ваша ориентация не имеет тут никакого значения... Мне искренне жаль, что Вы бездумно растрачиваете себя по пустякам. Живите и радуйтесь! Я в своё время под музыку Маккартни испытал не одно романтическое приключение, и любимую жену тоже нашёл под "Миссис Вандербильт". Теперь у нас с ней сынишка, кстати, на четыре года старше Вас, выпускник UCLA, доктор философии, профессор биоматиматики.На своей свадьбе он с женой (выпускницей одесской консерватории) заказали первым танцем "Тhe Long And Widing Road"... Так, что ориентацию мне поздно уже менять. Хотя, если б не переход из большого секса на тренерскую работу...
С наилучшими пожеланиями, люблю, целую, Ваш Пожарский.
P.S.(И пожалуйста, поменьше уайльдовщины...)
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.05.07 19:21:02   
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"Memory Almost Full" out Monday June 4th (UK) Tuesday June 5th (US)

I actually started this album, Memory Almost Full, before my last album Chaos And Creation In The Backyard (released September 2005). The first recording session was back in the autumn of 2003 at Abbey Road with my touring band and producer David Kahne. I was right in the middle of it when I began talking with Nigel Godrich about a brand new project (which became Chaos And Creation In The Backyard).

When I was just finishing up everything concerned with Chaos and had just got the Grammy nominations (2006) I realised I had this album to go back to and finish off. So I got it out to listen to it again, wondering if I would enjoy it, but actually I really loved it. All I did at first was just listen to a couple of things and then I began to think, 'OK, I like that track ­ now, what is wrong with it?' And it might be something like a drum sound, so then I would re-drum and see where we would get to.

I took it from there and built it up. I went through, track by track, making changes as I went along. I fixed things I wasn't too keen on and it just evolved from there. Without me knowing, or really trying, it started to get its own theme, a sort of thread that holds it all together. So I suppose it's about half new stuff and half old stuff from 2003.

In places it's a very personal record and a lot of it is retrospective, drawing from memory, like memories from being a kid, from Liverpool and from summers gone. The album is evocative, emotional, rocking, but I can't really sum it up in one sentence.

There is a medley of 5 songs towards the end and that was purposefully retrospective. I thought this might be because I'm at this point in my life, but then I think about the times I was writing with John and a lot of that was also looking back. It's like me with 'Penny Lane' and 'Eleanor Rigby' - I'm still up to the same tricks!

I know people are going to look at some of the songs and interpret them in different ways but this has always been the case. The thing is that I love writing songs, so I just write and write. I never really get to a point where I start thinking I'm going to write about specific subjects. Inevitably though, what I am thinking is going to find its way into what I'm doing.

The opening track of the album is 'Dance Tonight'. I recently got myself a mandolin and I was just playing about with it and came up with the basis of this track. A couple of weeks ago we made the video, which was great fun. It's directed by Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind) and stars Natalie Portman and Mackenzie Crook. I'm not going to give the plot away. You'll have to go and watch it for yourself, but we had a good time doing it.

The album title came after I had finished everything. For me, that's when they normally come, with the exception of maybe Sgt. Peppers, otherwise I don't think I have ever made an album with The Beatles, Wings or solo where I have thought of a title and a concept. I was thinking about what would sum the whole thing up and 'Memory Almost Full' sprung to mind. It's a phrase that seemed to embrace modern life; in modern life our brains can get a bit overloaded. I realised I had also seen it come up on my phone a few times. When I started bouncing the idea round with some friends they nearly all got different meanings out of it, but they all said they loved it. So the feedback helped solidify the title.

After completing the album I then started thinking about the album artwork and how I'd want it to look. I really wanted to make the CD a desirable object. Something that I know I'd want to pick up from the shelf, something that would make people curious. I hope our final concept has done that. The album sleeve itself includes an etching by a friend of mine, Humphrey Ocean. As with the album lyrics, I'm looking forward to seeing how people might interpret the artwork.

Currently I'm just starting out on the promo trail and beginning to get the first bits of feedback about the album and so far so good! It's interesting now as I'm getting to hear what other people are making of the songs and what their feelings are. I'm also talking about the album myself and I'm really enjoying the discovery process.

I really enjoyed making this album with David Kahne and I'm proud of all the songs. We had a great time. I hope that the fun we had will communicate itself to the people who are going to listen to it.

All the best,
Paul McCartney, April 2007

Full Track Listing

1. Dance Tonight
2. Ever Present Past
3. See Your Sunshine
4. Only Mama Knows
5. You Tell Me
6. Mister Bellamy
7. Gratitude
8. Vintage Clothes
9. That Was Me
10. Feet In The Clouds
11. House Of Wax
12. End of the End
13. Nod Your Head


All tracks written and composed by Paul McCartney

Produced and programmed by David Kahne

Paul McCartney played all instruments except:

Paul 'Wix' Wickens - keyboards; Rusty Anderson - guitar; Brian Ray - bass guitar and Abe Laboriel Jr. - drums; played on Only Mamma Knows, You Tell Me, Vintage Clothes, That Was Me, Feet In The Clouds, and House of Wax

Recorded at Hog Hill Mill Studios, Abbey Road Studios, Henson Recording Studios, Air Studios, RAK Studios

Mastered by: Bob Ludwig at Gateway Mastering

Memory Almost Full will be released on Tuesday, June 5th in The United States, June 4th in the UK and June 6th in Japan.

This release will be the first ever Paul McCartney album available digitally

Memory Almost Full is Paul McCartney's 21st solo album

Recording sessions started in October 2003 ­ The mixing was completed in February 2007

Memory Almost Full is the first release on new Hear Music label (the label formed by Starbucks Entertainment and Concord Music Group)

Hear Music seeks to provide a new platform for reaching music fans and introducing them to both emerging and established artists with inspired vision and a keen sense of purpose

Memory Almost Full will be available at Starbucks locations and traditional music retail outlets internationally.
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 01.05.07 19:21:17   
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Думаю, многие сие письмо и так получили. Но продублировать будет не лишним
Memory Almost Full out Monday June 4th 2007
By Paul McCartney

I actually started this album, Memory Almost Full, before my last album Chaos And Creation In The Backyard (released September 2005). The first recording
session was back in the autumn of 2003 at Abbey Road with my touring band and producer David Kahne. I was right in the middle of it when I began talking
with Nigel Godrich about a brand new project (which became Chaos And Creation In The Backyard).

When I was just finishing up everything concerned with Chaos and had just got the Grammy nominations (2006) I realised I had this album to go back to and
finish off. So I got it out to listen to it again, wondering if I would enjoy it, but actually I really loved it. All I did at first was just listen to a
couple of things and then I began to think, 'OK, I like that track - now, what is wrong with it?' And it might be something like a drum sound, so then I
would re-drum and see where we would get to.

I took it from there and built it up. I went through, track by track, making changes as I went along. I fixed things I wasn't too keen on and it just
evolved from there. Without me knowing, or really trying, it started to get its own theme, a sort of thread that holds it all together. So I suppose it's
about half new stuff and half old stuff from 2003.

In places it's a very personal record and a lot of it is retrospective, drawing from memory, like memories from being a kid, from Liverpool and from
summers gone. The album is evocative, emotional, rocking, but I can't really sum it up in one sentence.

There is a medley of 5 songs towards the end and that was purposefully retrospective. I thought this might be because I'm at this point in my life, but
then I think about the times I was writing with John and a lot of that was also looking back. It's like me with 'Penny Lane' and 'Eleanor Rigby' - I'm
still up to the same tricks!
I know people are going to look at some of the songs and interpret them in different ways but this has always been the case. The thing is that I love
writing songs, so I just write and write. I never really get to a point where I start thinking I'm going to write about specific subjects. Inevitably
though, what I am thinking is going to find its way into what I'm doing.

The opening track of the album is 'Dance Tonight'. I recently got myself a mandolin and I was just playing about with it and came up with the basis of
this track. A couple of weeks ago we made the video, which was great fun. It's directed by Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind) and stars
Natalie Portman and Mackenzie Crook. I'm not going to give the plot away. You'll have to go and watch it for yourself, but we had a good time doing it.

The album title came after I had finished everything. For me, that's when they normally come, with the exception of maybe Sgt. Peppers, otherwise I don't
think I have ever made an album with The Beatles, Wings or solo where I have thought of a title and a concept. I was thinking about what would sum the
whole thing up and 'Memory Almost Full' sprung to mind. It's a phrase that seemed to embrace modern life; in modern life our brains can get a bit
overloaded. I realised I had also seen it come up on my phone a few times. When I started bouncing the idea round with some friends they nearly all got
different meanings out of it, but they all said they loved it. So the feedback helped solidify the title.

After completing the album I then started thinking about the album artwork and how I'd want it to look. I really wanted to make the CD a desirable
object. Something that I know I'd want to pick up from the shelf, something that would make people curious. I hope our final concept has done that. The
album sleeve itself includes an etching by a friend of mine, Humphrey Ocean. As with the album lyrics, I'm looking forward to seeing how people might
interpret the artwork.

Currently I'm just starting out on the promo trail and beginning to get the first bits of feedback about the album and so far so good! It's interesting
now as I'm getting to hear what other people are making of the songs and what their feelings are. I'm also talking about the album myself and I'm really
enjoying the discovery process.

I really enjoyed making this album with David Kahne and I'm proud of all the songs. We had a great time. I hope that the fun we had will communicate
itself to the people who are going to listen to it.

All the best,
Paul McCartney, April 2007

Full Track Listing

1. Dance Tonight
2. Ever Present Past
3. See Your Sunshine
4. Only Mama Knows
5. You Tell Me
6. Mister Bellamy
7. Gratitude
8. Vintage Clothes
9. That Was Me
10. Feet In The Clouds
11. House Of Wax
12. End of the End
13. Nod Your Head

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Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.05.07 19:27:13   
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Unconfirmed bonus tracks

Deluxe and Limited Edition configuration for "Memory Almost Full" (US editions)

1. Why So Blue
2. 222
3. In Private
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.05.07 19:29:38   
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<-- Paul's portrait of Linda called: Yellow Linda With Piano (1988)

Is the 'empty chair' on the cover of Paul's album "Memory Almost Full" the late Linda McCartney's favorite chair?

Paul sits on the 'chair' in his EPK promo video for "Memory". It's a plain chair with no decoration, but on the album cover, the chair is decorated with 'added' drawings of hearts and other symbols. A symbolic message for Linda, perhaps?

The Macca Report dated April 13th first explored the theories behind the album title "Memory Almost Full" as a hidden anagram for Linda. When spelled out, it reads, "FOR MY SOUL MATE LLM." The initials "LLM " are for Linda Louise McCartney.

Back in 1988 Paul painted a portrait of Linda sitting in a similar chair. Could it be the same chair?
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.05.07 09:26:18   
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According to Concord Music Group/Hear Music, "Ever Present Past" will be the first US CD single from "Memory Almost Full". The rest of the world will get "Dance Tonight."

Paul's album will be available in stores and for download when it's released. "Memory Almost Full" is the first time any Paul McCartney album will be available for download.
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Пол Маккартневич   Дата: 02.05.07 10:33:38   
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Так когда же сингл то ждать? Есть у кого нибудь информация?
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 02.05.07 10:52:51   
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А что его ждать? Вот он: :))
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Пол Маккартневич   Дата: 02.05.07 11:06:24   
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А что это? Там одна песня?
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: DogRe@dsWell   Дата: 02.05.07 11:06:26   
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Кто-то Поль Марккартейя с радио записал? Бьен сюр. :-) Спасибо!!! :-)

>А что его ждать? Вот он: :))
Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 02.05.07 11:11:49   
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Re: Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" выйдет 5 июня 2007!
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 02.05.07 11:17:46   
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Full Album Credits & Notes To Editors

All tracks written and composed by Paul McCartney
Produced and programmed by David Kahne

Paul McCartney played all instruments except:
Paul 'Wix' Wickens - keyboards; Rusty Anderson - guitar; Brian Ray - bass guitar and Abe Laboriel Jnr. - drums; played on Only Mamma Knows, You Tell Me, Vintage Clothes, That Was Me, Feet In The Clouds, and House of Wax

Recorded at Hog Hill Mill Studios, Abbey Road Studios, Henson Recording Studios, Air Studios, RAK Studios
Mastered by: Bob Ludwig at Gateway Mastering

This release will be the first ever Paul McCartney album available digitally

Memory Almost Full is Paul McCartney's 21st solo album since leaving The Beatles

Recording sessions started in October 2003 ­ The mixing was completed in February 2007
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