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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club

Тема: Rolling Stones

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Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 11.05.19 10:23:11   
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Хорошего настроения всем!Хорошего настроения всем!
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 11.05.19 11:15:55   
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4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium. © Kevin Delaney4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium.
© Kevin Delaney
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 11.05.19 11:16:06   
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4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium. © Kevin Delaney4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium.
© Kevin Delaney
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 11.05.19 11:16:17   
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4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium. © Kevin Delaney4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium.
© Kevin Delaney
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 11.05.19 11:16:27   
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4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium. © Kevin Delaney4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium.
© Kevin Delaney
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 11.05.19 11:16:36   
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4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium. © Kevin Delaney4th May 1965 - Statesboro, Georgia, Southern College, Hanner Gymnasium.
© Kevin Delaney
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 11:47:13   
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11th of May 196711th of May 1967
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 11:47:43   
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11th of May 196711th of May 1967
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 11:48:00   
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11th of May 196711th of May 1967
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 11:48:12   
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11th of May 196711th of May 1967
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 12:06:36   
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January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 12:07:03   
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January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 12:07:17   
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January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 12:07:31   
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January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Diana Ross talks to Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 16:00:12   
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January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 16:00:26   
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January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 16:00:40   
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January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 16:00:55   
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January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.January 1968 - Brian Jones during an aftershow party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Bedford to celebrate The Supremes performance on Sunday Night At the Palladium.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 12.05.19 16:59:00   
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И зрители аплодируют...аплодируют.... И зрители аплодируют...аплодируют....
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 13.05.19 10:13:45   
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The Rolling Stones performed on 1st July 1966 at The Steel Pier's Marine Ballroom, Atlantic City, New Jersey and were in the mist of their American Summer Tour supporting their new album “Aftermath”.The Rolling Stones performed on 1st July 1966 at The Steel Pier's Marine Ballroom, Atlantic City, New Jersey and were in the mist of their American Summer Tour supporting their new album “Aftermath”.
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