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Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Ульянка   Дата: 23.03.05 16:13:11   
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Дошел до меня, наконец, диск этой очаровательной группы :) Как верно сказал мой брат, если битломан в состоянии слушать Металлику, то это ему понравится. В общем, я первые две песни истерически смеялась, потом начала прислушиваться. Тексты у них, кажется, и остроумные, и матерные :) На слух не просто воспринимать.
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Fowler.MAI   Дата: 23.03.05 21:31:20   
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Ульян, одолжишь полушать?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Ульянка   Дата: 24.03.05 21:14:20   
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Re: Beatallica
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.04.05 09:19:58   
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BEATALLICA Frontman Talks About LARS ULRICH's Involvement In SONY Dispute - Apr. 22, 2005
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.04.05 07:45:09   
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BEATALLICA Web Site To Return Next Week; Live Appearances Planned - Apr. 26, 2005 reports: With their legal issues nearly resolved, BEATALLICA's web site is (almost) back up and running. The band has announced that will return on May 6 and that the group plans to hit the road for shows in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin soon to play its patented blend of BEATLES tunes in a METALLICA style. When the site relaunches, it will have tunes and lyrics from previous releases "A Garage Dayz Nite" and "The Gray Album", but the status of new material is still currently in limbo.
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.06.05 14:20:03   
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Наконец-то обзавелся двумя дискам этой команды! Просто здорово!
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.06.05 15:31:31   
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Их сайт снова заработал.Их сайт снова заработал.
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 12.10.05 19:49:12   
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Beatallica отправляется в тур по Штатам.


Beatallica -- the Milwaukee-based parody band known for Metallica-infused covers of Beatles songs -- mash up two great sounds on a short tour that gets underway in late November. The band kicks off the trek on November 28 in Columbus, OH, and continues perplexing music fans in the Midwest and Northeast through December 10.

Working under the aliases of Jamz Lennfield, Kirk Hammettson, Kliff McBurtney and Ringo Larz, the Beatallica guys have been amusing open-minded fans of both beloved groups ever since they released "A Garage Dayz Nite" via the Internet in 2002. They have since followed that effort with another web-only release, "The Gray Album," which was released on April Fools' Day 2004. Beatallica's music is distributed through the band's website. To date, it boasts more than 500,000 hits and innumerable downloads.

Earlier in the year, Sony Music accused Beatallica of violating copyright laws, demanded that their webmaster pay "unspecified damages," and forced the band's ISP to shut down their web site. But Lars Ulrich has asked Metallica's longtime attorney Peter Paterno to try and defuse the situation between Beatallica and Sony. As the result, the legal debacle was over (read story on UG).

Thanks for the info to Jim Harrington's article at The Beatallica tour dates are as follows:

11/28 - Columbus, OH - Little Brothers
11/29 - Washington, DC - Black Cat
12/01 - Baltimore, MD – Fletchers
12/02 - Philadelphia, PA – Khyber
12/04 - New York, NY - Knitting Factory
12/05 - Boston, MA - Middle East
12/07 - Fort Wayne, IN - Pierre's
12/08 - Detroit, MI – Smalls
12/10 - Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 12.10.05 19:55:05   
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Иногда бывает очень в тему такие извращения послушать :). Черезвычайно было бы интересно попасть на концерт ;).
Re: Beatallica
Автор: SkyElevator   Дата: 13.10.05 10:54:03   
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Если еще не в курсе, послушайте также гамбургских Punkles (их можно и в Сети нарыть), ездят на гастроли вместе с Биталликой и играют битлов в стиле Ramones/Sex Pistols.
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Kill Love   Дата: 16.11.05 18:08:37   
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Улётная тема!!! Класс!!! Стебанулись мужики )))
Умникам хочется сказать... "Не во всём должен быть смысл. Есть юмор - и достаточно!"
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Kill Love   Дата: 16.11.05 18:10:38   
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hey, dude-it'z true not sad
take a thrash song and make it better
remembah! that metal iz in your heart
then you can start to be a fretter

hey, dude-don't be fuckin' 'fraid
you were made to go be a shreader
the minute you let us under your skin
then you'll begin to be a fretter

so crank your amp and deal the pain
hey, dude-you're fuckin' insane!
the riverz run red with blood of poseurs
and don't you know that he'z the fool
who playz it cool
but needz for hiz beer to be much colder

hey, dude-nevah turn it down!
you must pound her, i mean kip winger
new wave of british heavy metal iz in your heart
and you can start with diamond headerz

so let it out! let it in!
hey, dude, begin
don't wait for the eye of the beholder
you'll never know when bellz toll for you
hey, dude, you'll do
just sling that flying-v 'cross your shoulder

hey, dude-it'z true not sad
take a thrash song and make it better
admit it! beatallica'z under your skin!
so now begin to be a shreader
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Kill Love   Дата: 16.11.05 18:12:08   
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flew in from miami-krk, larz, kliff, and me
whipping dance of dead last nite
on the way the paper bag wuz on my knee
couldn't even hit the lightz

we're blackened the u.s.s.r.
krk, kliff, me, and larz-ohhh!
blackened the u.s.s.r.

been away too fuckin' long so we trashed the place
fuck yeah!! it'z good to be back home!
death to mother earth and the human race
just as long the beer'z got foam

we're blackened the u.s.s.r.
krk, kliff, me, and larz-woah-ohhh!
blackened the u.s.-
blackened the u.s.-
blackened the u.s.s.r.

well, the ukraine booze really knockz me out
all you see iz in obscurity
and moscow vodka makes me scream and shout
and georgia'z got the d-d-darkest p-p-p-p-potency!-never!!

woo-oa-ah! decadence remainz and there is no doubt
that we'll cauze your hearing harm
let me hear the flying-vz a-ringing out
oh, fuck no! my beer is warm!

ohhhhhhh, let me tell you, lemmy!!
yeah, i'm blackened!! blackened!!
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.12.05 02:11:06   
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Re: Beatallica
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 04.12.05 03:35:07   
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Укатайка, что и говорить. Но укатайка достойная, со вкусом. Виртуально жму руки бойцам мэш-апа, надеюсь услышать каждую песню Битлз в этом интереснейшем гибриде.
"В Москву, в Москву!"
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.12.05 07:48:38   
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Новые трэки на скачку "Sandman", "The Thing That Should Not Let It Be" and "And I'm Evil"
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 27.12.05 09:17:56   
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Спасибо за инфу, пойду качать!
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Beatallica
Автор: cool girl   Дата: 14.03.06 20:40:32   
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супер мужики!!!!! я прррусь!!!!! молодцы!..
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.04.07 16:49:49   
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Metallica Meet the Beatles in "Sgt. Hetfeld's Motorbreath Pub Band" from Beatallica
Press release
Source: Chipster Entertainment, Inc.

Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band

Although the Beatles certainly had some 'heavy' moments ("Helter Skelter," "Revolution" or "I Want You (She's So Heavy)," anyone?), they are certainly not considered a metal band. And on the other side of the coin, Metallica is not considered a pop band. But then along comes Beatallica, and the lines between both acts have been erased - as heard throughout their first official, Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band. Comprised of members Jaymz Lennfield (vocals, guitar), Grg Hammettson (guitar), Kliff McBurtney (bass), and Ringo Larz (drums), Beatallica has been converting naysayers into believers for years by this point - having made fans throughout the world, and also with such renowned headbangers as Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy and Anthrax's Scott Ian.

Originally coming to the attention of Headbangers everywhere with their initial Internet phenomenon story, the quartet has signed on with Oglio Records, to release 'Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band' on July 10th. As evidenced by such song titles as "And Justice For All My Loving," "Leper Madonna," and "Ktulu (He's So Heavy)," the quartet's knack for combining both these music giants together remains as sharp as ever. Not just a studio creation, Beatallica has amassed a huge following - known as the Beatallibangers - throughout the world due to their fun, hard rocking live show, as they've played shows with such metal heavy weights as Motorhead, and have even headlined open-air festivals themselves. Further U.S. and Euro live dates beckon, as well as video clips for "Revol-ooh-tion" and "A Garage Dayz Nite."

Complete tracklisting for Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band:

1. Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band
2. Revol-ooh-tion
3. Blackened In The U.S.S.R.
4. Sandman
5. Helvester of Skelter
6. A Garage Dayz Nite
7. Anesthesia (I'm Only Sleeping)
8. Leper Madonna
9. Ktulu (He's So Heavy)
10. For Horsemen
11. Hey Dude
12. Sgt. Hetfield's (Reprise)
13. And Justice For All My Loving
Re: Beatallica
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.06.07 16:01:57   
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