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Re: Группа "PULP"
Автор: Jarvis Cocer   Дата: 30.08.05 11:15:42   
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слушаю её более 8 лет...люблю и всё тут))) слушаю её более 8 лет...люблю и всё тут)))

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Группа "PULP"".
Re: Группа "PULP"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.08.05 11:15:42   
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Еще одна тема про Pulp...

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Группа "PULP"".
Я тащусь!  
Re: Pulp
Автор: Jarvis Cocer   Дата: 20.09.05 23:39:14   
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купил себе этот двд...чему очень рад....шикарнокупил себе этот двд...чему очень рад....шикарно
Re: Pulp
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 20.09.05 23:50:10   
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Прочел недавно интересную мысль своего ровесника: "Труды любых новых британских рок-дебютантов с гитарами я призываю сравнивать всегда с диском "A Hard Day's Night" - для адекватности в оценках". Pulp, конечно не дебютанты, но и ХДН не вчера выпущен.
Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: Pulp
Автор: Jarvis Cocer   Дата: 05.10.05 23:29:56   
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вот он какой!!!!тунайтвот он какой!!!!тунайт
Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.05 10:16:34   
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth film (and soundtrack album) in the massively successful Harry Potter franchise-nearly $1 billion in U.S. box office alone-features a score by Academy Award-nominated composer Patrick Doyle and three songs written by modern rocker Jarvis Cocker, and performed by Cocker, Jonny Greenwood, Phil Selway, Steve Claydon and Jason Buckle - with all these musicians also appearing in the movie.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth film (and soundtrack album) in the massively successful Harry Potter franchise-nearly $1 billion in U.S. box office alone-features a score by Academy Award-nominated composer Patrick Doyle and three songs written by modern rocker Jarvis Cocker, and performed by Cocker, Jonny Greenwood, Phil Selway, Steve Claydon and Jason Buckle - with all these musicians also appearing in the movie.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Pulp
Автор: Jarvis Cocer   Дата: 23.10.05 13:26:47   
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Franz Ferdinand - Mis-Shapes mp3 плизззз ктонить дайте ссылку. Фэньк ю вэри мачч))Franz Ferdinand - "Mis-Shapes" mp3 плизззз ктонить дайте ссылку.
Фэньк ю вэри мачч))
Re: Pulp
Автор: Jarvis Cocer   Дата: 24.10.05 00:13:57   
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скачалThis is the night Jarvis & Radiohead....недурноскачал"This is the night" Jarvis & Radiohead....недурно
Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: Pulp
Автор: Jarvis Cocer   Дата: 27.12.05 23:49:19   
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Всем кто любит PULP!!!! Послушайте +MAGIC WORKS+ из последнего саундтрека к Гарри Поттеру!!!Джарвис вернулся)))))))Всем кто любит PULP!!!! Послушайте +MAGIC WORKS+ из последнего саундтрека к Гарри Поттеру!!!Джарвис вернулся)))))))
Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.01.06 21:10:29   
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Джарвис Кокер (не наш, а Cocker) работает над новым материалом для сольного альбома. С тех пор, как группа удалилась на отдых с 2002 года, Кокер посчитал, что эти песни не подходят для возвращения группы и решил записать их без них. Джарвис Кокер (не наш, а Cocker) работает над новым материалом для сольного альбома. С тех пор, как группа удалилась на отдых с 2002 года, Кокер посчитал, что эти песни не подходят для возвращения группы и решил записать их без них.
Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.01.06 10:14:44   
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(2006 2-CD album set featuring a 35-track collection compiled by the founder members of Pulp and DJs / record collectors / music lovers extraordinaire with an amazing journey through power pop, expansive soundtracks, blues, alternative cover versions, junk shop breaks and genuinely unexpected musical nuggets!).
released 06 March 2006

CD One:
1. Carl Orff - Gassenhauer
2. The Birthday Party - Release The Bats
3. Porter Wagoner - The Rubber Room
4. Psychic TV - Just Drifting
5. Dory Previn - The Lady With The Braid
6. Bob Lind - Cool Summer
7. Gene Pitney - 24 Sycamore
8. Animated Egg - Sock It My Way
9. The Beech Boys - Feel Flows
10. Bonnie Dobson - Winter's Going
11. Arlo Guthrie - I'm Going Home
12. Bobbie Bare - Don't Think Twice
13. Alan Vega - Jukebox Babe
14. OMD - Waiting For The Man
15. The Human League - Rock N Roll
16. Lieutenant Pigeon - The Villain
17. Add N To (X) - King Wasp
18. The Fall - Lost In Music
19. Moondog - Pastoral

CD Two:
1. Elton Motello - Jet Boy Jet Girl
2. The Polecats - John I'm Only Dancing
3. Electronicat - Wop Do Wop
4. Johnny Wakelin - In Zaire
5. Quixotic - Mortal Mirror
6. Jonathan Richman - Egyptian Reggae
7. Lee Hazelwood - Pour Man
8. Screaming Lord Sutch - Flashing Light
9. John Cooper Clark - Beasley Street
10. David Essex - Rock On
11. Georges De La Rue - Les Visiteurs
12. Sonny Bono - Pammies On A Bummer
13. The Everly Brothers - I Wonder If I Care As Much
14. Dion - Purple Haze
15. Neil Sedaka - Going Nowhere
16. Ronald Binge - Sailing By
Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.07.06 16:53:57   
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Джарвис Кокер разместил в интернете свою новую песню Running The World, в которой критикует западных лидеров и называет их cunts.Джарвис Кокер разместил в интернете свою новую песню "Running The World", в которой критикует западных лидеров и называет их "cunts".

Writing on the page he said: "If all the technical bits and pieces are working properly then you should be able to hear a new song I've been working on. I wanted you to hear it now cos it's exactly one year since that Live 8 thing and it was the night of that event that I wrote this song."

He added: "I apologise for all the swearing but sometimes that's the only thing that seems appropriate. It's in no way a criticism of (Live 8 organiser, Bob) Geldof and co but I remember thinking at the time: 'Where does engaging with these politicians/businessmen really get you?'”

“12 months on and the cunts still haven't paid up as far as I can make out - maybe the problem is something more fundamental. Anyway, what do I know? I'm just a pampered rock star - but at least I think it's good to discuss this stuff. Don't you?"

He asking fans top give their opinion of the track on his page.
Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.07.06 22:11:04   
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PULP His N Hers PULP His N Hers
(2006 'Deluxe Edition' 2-CD album set comprising of a 11-track CD album [originally released in 1994] including the hit singles 'Do You Remember The First Time?', 'Lipgloss' & 'Babies' plus BONUS DISC bringing together a collection of bonus material [personally selected by Jarvis] featuring single b-sides & 7 previously unreleased recordings including 'The Boss' & 'Watching Nicky'- which were recorded as their demos to get signed to Island, complete with picture booklet containing previously unreleased photos and extensive sleevenotes written by Jarvis!).
released 21-Aug-2006

CD One - Original Album:
1. Joyriders
2. Lipgloss
3. Acrylic Afternoons
4. Have You Seen Her Lately?
5. Babies - New Mix
6. She's A Lady
7. Happy Endings
8. Do You Remember The First Time?
9. Pink Glove
10. Someone Like The Moon
11. David's Last Summer

CD Two - Bonus Material:
1. Your Sister's Clothes - B-Side
2. Seconds - B-Side
3. His'n'Hers - B-Side
4. Street Lites - B-Side
5. The Babysitter - B-Side
6. Deep Fried in Kelvin - B-Side
7. You're a Nightmare - BBC John Peel Session - Previously Unreleased
8. Live On - BBC Mark Goodier Session - Previously Unreleased
9. Space - BBC Hit The North Session soundcheck outtake - Previously Unreleased
10. The Boss - Demo - Previously Unreleased
11. Watching Nicky - Demo - Previously Unreleased
12. You're not Blind - Demo - Previously Unreleased
13. Frightened - Demo - Previously Unreleased
Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.07.06 22:12:29   
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PULP Different ClassPULP Different Class
(2006 'Deluxe Edition' 2-CD album set comprising of a 12-track CD album [originally released in 1995] including the hit singles 'Mis Shapes', 'Common People', 'Disco 2000' and 'Sorted For E's & Wizz' plus BONUS DISC which brings together a collection of bonus material [personally selected by Jarvis] featuring single b-sides, 4 previously unreleased recordings and 'Whisky in the Jar' [not available in UK before], complete with picture booklet containing previously unreleased photos and extensive sleevenotes written by Jarvis!).
released 21-Aug-2006

CD One - Original Album:
1. Mis Shapes
2. Pencil Skirt
3. Common People
4. I Spy
5. Disco 2000
6. Live Bed Show
7. Something Changed
8. Sorted For E's & Wizz
9. F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.
10. Underwear
11. Monday Morning
12. Bar Italia

CD Two - Bonus Material:
1. Mile End - B-Side
2. PTA - B-Side
3. Ansaphone - B-Side
4. Paula - Demo - Previously Unreleased
5. Catcliffe Shakedown - Demo - Previously Unreleased
6. We Can Dance Again - Demo - Previously Unreleased
7. Don't Lose It - Demo - Previously Unreleased
8. Common People - Live at Glastonbury - B-Side
9. Common People - Vocoda Mix - B-Side
10. Whisky in the Jar - French only B-Side [not available in UK before]
11. Disco 2000 - Nick Cave Pub Rock Version - B-Side
Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.07.06 22:13:50   
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PULP This Is Hardcore PULP This Is Hardcore
(2006 'Deluxe Edition' 2-CD album set comprising of a 12-track CD album [originally released in 1998] including the hit singles 'Help The Aged', 'A Little Soul' & 'This Is Hardcore' plus BONUS DISC bringing together a collection of bonus material [personally selected by Jarvis] featuring single b-sides and previously unreleased versions of 'Cocaine Socialism' & 'Tomorrow Never Dies' alongside 6 more previously unreleased demo recordings, complete with picture booklet containing previously unreleased photos and extensive sleevenotes written by Jarvis!).
released 21-Aug-2006

CD One - Original Album:
1. The Fear
2. Dishes
3. Party Hard
4. Help The Aged
5. This Is Hardcore
6. TV Movie
7. A Little Soul
8. I'm A Man
9. Seductive Barry
10. Sylvia
11. Glory Days
12. The Day After The Revolution

CD Two - Bonus Material:
1. Cocaine Socialism - 'Proper' Version of B-Side - Previously Unreleased
2. Like a Friend - B-Side
3. Ladies' Man - B-Side
4. The Professional - B-Side
5. Tomorrow Never Dies - Rough Mix - Previously Unreleased
6. Laughing Boy - B-Side
7. Can I Have my Balls Back, Please? - Demo - Previously Unreleased
8. Street Operator - Demo - Previously Unreleased
9. Modern Marriage - Demo - Previously Unreleased
10. My Erection - Demo - Previously Unreleased
11. You Are The One - Demo - Previously Unreleased
12. She Said She Was A Dancer - Recording Session Outtake - Previously Unreleased
13. This is Hardcore - End of the Line Mix - B-Side
14. We Are The Boys - B-Side
15. That Boy's Evil - B-Side
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Pulp
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 19.09.06 10:39:23   
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Сегодня Джарвису Кокеру - 43!!!Сегодня Джарвису Кокеру - 43!!!
Re: Pulp
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 19.09.06 10:40:08   
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Re: Pulp
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.06 10:56:07   
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Джарвис во время выступления Джеко на "Бритс-96".

Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Pulp
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 19.09.06 11:40:54   
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2Primal Scream:

>Джарвис во время выступления Джеко на "Бритс-96".

Я, кстати, сейчас впервые все это увидела собственными глазами:))
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Pulp
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 19.09.06 11:51:37   
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А вот и комментарии   Jarvis at the Brit
А вот и комментарии

Jarvis at the Brit

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