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Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)

Тема: Ежегодный фестиваль Liverpool Beatle Week - Неделя Битлз в Ливерпуле

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Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:09:38   
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Mark McGann (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)
Mark McGann (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)

30.08.2015 (15:00 - ) "The Royal Court Theatre"
30.08.2015 (20:00 - ) "The Royal Court Theatre"

Актер, певец. Играет, как можно догадаться, Леннона. ))
Именно он играл Джона в фильме 1981 года "John and Yoko: A Love Story"
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:11:06   
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The Merseybeats     (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)
The Merseybeats (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)

Tony Crane: lead guitars, lead vocals
Billy Kinsley: rhythm guitars, lead vocals
Bob Packham: bass, backing vocals
Lou Rosenthal: drums

29.08.2015 ( ) "The Casbah Coffee Club"

Оригинальный ливерпульский мерсибит из 60-х!
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:17:44   
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Joey Molland (United Kingdom)
Joey Molland (United Kingdom)

31.08.2015 (20:00 - 23:00) "The Royal Court Theatre"

Один из двоих оставшихся в живых участников Badfinger и единственный иузыкант, концертирующий с наследием группы.
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:18:07   
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Moona-Lazy Twats

29.08.2015 "Alma De Cuba"
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:20:26   
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Nube 9 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Nube 9 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Fernando Blanco: bass guitar, vocals
Lucrecia López Sanz: guitar, vocals
Juan Pablo Ezquerra: keyboards, vocals
Fernando Viola: keyboards, vocals
Nicolás Jara: drums
Julián Carranza: guitar, vocals

Аргентинская группа Nube 9, названная в честь альбома Джорджа Харрисона «Cloud 9» (Nube 9 переводится на английский как «Cloud 9»), - одна из самых известных трибьют-команд в мире, исполняющих музыку The Beatles. Латиноамериканский коллектив - постоянный участник Beatle Week в Ливерпуле. В 2011 году Nube 9 были включена в Liverpool International Beatleweek Hall Of Fame - зал славы главного Битлз-фестиваля на планете. С 2012 группа выступает и с Брайаном Рэем (гитарист Пола Маккартни) в рамках его сольного проекта The Bayonets, в котором также принимают участие Адам Макдугалл (The Black Crowes), Ларри Тэйлор (Canned Heat) и Стивен Тайлер (Aerosmith).
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:21:12   
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Orquestra Ouro Preto   (Brazil) Orquestra Ouro Preto (Brazil)
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:21:59   
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The Original Quarrymen  (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)
The Original Quarrymen (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)

Rod Davis: banjo, guitar
Len Garry: bass guitar
Colin Hanton: drums
John "Duff" Lowe: piano

31.08.2015 (20:00 - 23:00) "The Royal Court Theatre"

Без комментариев
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:23:11   
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The Overtures (United Kingdom)
The Overtures (United Kingdom)

Den Pugsley: bass guitar, lead vocals
Steve Phypers: drums, backing vocals
Jamie Cook: guitar, lead vocals
Chris Skornia: keyboards, backing vocals
Phil Evans: guitar, backing vocals

31.08.2015 "The Royal Court Theatre"

Лучший британский кавер-бенд 60-х.
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:24:38   
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May Pang (United States of America)
May Pang (United States of America)

30.08.2015 "The Britania Adelphi Hotel"

Любимая женщина Джона Леннона, героиня Lost Weekend 1974 года и просто хороший человек.
Автор книги "Loving John"
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:25:43   
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Pepperland   (Sweden)
Pepperland (Sweden)

Mikael Isacson: guitar, harmonica, vocals
Olle Bengtsson: keyboards, vocals, percussion, guitars, accordion, harmonica
Benny Karlsson: drums, percussion, vocals
Per Umaerus: guitar, vocals, percussion, keyboards
Per Wockatz: bass guitar, vocals

30.08.2015 (15:00 - ) "The Royal Court Theatre"
30.08.2015 (20:00 - ) "The Royal Court Theatre"

Очень хорошая шведская кавер-группа.
Имхо разумеется.
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:27:22   
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The Pete Best Band (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)
The Pete Best Band (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)

29.08.2015 "The Casbah Coffee Club"

Первый ударник The Beatles Пит Бест на сцене!
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:28:54   
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The Rab Beatles Connection featuring Roag Aspinall-Best   (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)The Rab Beatles Connection featuring Roag Aspinall-Best (Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom)

29.08.2015 "The Casbah Coffee Club"

Группа сводного брата Пита Беста и сына Нила Аспинала и Моны Бест Рога Беста (Roag Aspinall-Best).
Он тоже ударник, кстати....
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:30:21   
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The Rookles   (Otwock, Poland)
The Rookles (Otwock, Poland)

Hubert: guitar, vocals
Maciek: bass guitar, vocals
Piotrek: guitar, vocals
Send: drums, keyboards

Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:31:14   
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Rocks Off   (Sweden)
Rocks Off (Sweden)

Tony Johnson: vocals, harmonica
Les Granqvist: guitars
Lars Elf: guitars
Jesper Klarqvist: bass guitar
Peter Scherman: drums

Шведский трибьют Rolling Stones
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.15 23:32:21   
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Les Sauterelles   (Swiss Confederation)
Les Sauterelles (Swiss Confederation)

Toni Vescoli: guitar, harp, vocals
Düde Dürst: drums, percussion, vocals
Freddy Mangili: bass guitar, vocals
Peter Glanzmann: guitar, keyboards, percussion, vocals

Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.02.15 00:34:58   
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Gary van Scyoc (United States of America)
Gary van Scyoc (United States of America)

31.08.2015 (20:00 - 23:00) "The Royal Court Theatre"
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.02.15 00:36:11   
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Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.02.15 00:36:52   
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Earl Slick
Earl Slick

31.08.2015 (20:00 - 23:00) "The Royal Court Theatre"

Наиболее известен как гитарист Дэвида Боуи. Играл на Diamond Dogs, Young Americans, Station To Station, Let's Dance.
Отметился на Double Fantasy и Milk And Honey Джона Леннона.
Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.02.15 00:42:17   
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The Tefeatles  (Guatemala)
The Tefeatles (Guatemala)

CHAZ: Vocals
SOPHIE MONROY: Vocals and acustic guitar
FEDE: Lead and rhythm guitar
JJ: Rhythm guitar and Backup vocals
JAKE: Bass PAUL: Keyboards
JP: Drums

Re: Liverpool International Beatleweek 2015 - bands and artists (compiled by Alexey C.)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.02.15 00:43:04   
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Tiro Lark   ( Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom )
Tiro Lark ( Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom )

29.08.2015 "The Casbah Coffee Club"
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