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Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord

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Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 18.01.02 20:08:12   
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Как думаешь - до утра понедельника долежит? Сегодня не успеваю, а на weekend другие планы. :-(
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 18.01.02 22:35:13   
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Переизданный сингл с песней "My Sweet Lord" Джорджа Харрисона должен занять первое место 20 января, когда будут подведены итоги недели, согласно цифрам продаж диска за первые несколько дней после релиза. Представители торговой сети HMV сообщили, что всего за пару дней сингл Харрисона сумел обойти на 3.500 экз. своего главного конкурента в борьбе за первое место - певицу Пинк и ее сингл "Get The Party Started". "Сложно вообразить, что сингл "My Sweet Lord" не сможет оказаться на первом месте британского хит-парада. Мы считаем, что этот благотворительный диск будет интересен не только бесчисленным поклонникам Beatles, но и гораздо более широкой аудитории, которая захочет купить его в память о великом музыканте, - высказал мнение представитель HMV Дженнаро Кастальдо. - К тому же это классическая песня, которая будет постоянно проигрываться по радио, и ей просто гарантировано всеобщее внимание со стороны средств массовой информации. Все эти показатели говорят о том, что сингл с песней Джорджа несомненно займет первое место в хит-параде синглов Великобритании". Все вырученные средства от продажи сингла пойдут в помощь организации Material World Charitable Foundation.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.01.02 22:38:23   
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Дисков в Легионе полно, по крайней мере сегодня так было.
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Felix   Дата: 18.01.02 22:46:55   
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есть сайт Легиона, если есть дайте адресок, я так закажу.
Зарание, признателен
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.01.02 22:51:35   
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Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 20.01.02 14:23:09   
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Привет Феликс!
Вот адресок:
Я тащусь!  
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Селенка    Дата: 20.01.02 14:37:24   
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вне себя от радости!
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Радость   Дата: 21.01.02 01:23:01   
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Селенка от меня? :))
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Felix   Дата: 21.01.02 10:17:59   
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Всем, спасибо! Народ, я вас так всех люблю! Особое спасибо, Деду!
George back on top after 31 years
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.01.02 11:11:00   
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George Harrison has returned to the top of the charts after an absence of 31 years as record buyers pay tribute to the late star.

His single My Sweet Lord began a second stint at number one after it was reissued to mark his death and raise funds for charities around the world.

The single's position also made chart history - it was the first time a late star has knocked another deceased star from the number one slot.

R'n'b singer Aaliyah - who died in a plane crash in August 2001 - had managed one week in the prime slot with the track More Than A Woman, but has now dropped to five.

Harrison first released the song in January 1971 and became the first Beatle to have a hit in his own right as John Lennon's earlier singles had been with his wife Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band.

Within three months Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr had also notched up chart placings, although neither musician achieved the success of Harrison's number one.

My Sweet Lord was the biggest hit during the solo career of the guitarist, who died from cancer in November, aged 58.

He had only seven more top ten hits, the biggest of which was Got My Mind Set On you in 1987, reaching number two.

Harrison's widow Olivia and son Dhani agreed to the re-release of the single by record company EMI after strong public demand, providing the cash went to a fund administered by the Material World Charitable Foundation which Harrison established in 1973.

A spokesman for EMI said: "We are very happy that the reissue of My Sweet Lord continues to spread George Harrison's music and message around the world."

Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: ddd   Дата: 21.01.02 12:54:27   
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Добрый "Союз" предлагает сингл по 264 руб.
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: SereGa   Дата: 21.01.02 13:58:32   
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Сразу оговорюсь. Преклоняюсь перед гением Харрисона, но жизнь есть жизнь, и хотелось бы прояснить не очень приятною вещь. Речь идет о признании судом My Sweet Lord, как плагиат. Может, кто даст ссылку на группу, чья вешь послужила прототипом, или может у кого есть более подробная информация по этой теме.
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: rakip   Дата: 21.01.02 18:42:22   
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на этом сайте есть флэшовая картинка обложки My Sweet Lord, но к сожалению я не могу его скачать, она в ZIP'е. У нас на работе закрыт доступ на скачивание ZIP файлов. Если она небольшая не мог бы кто-нибудь выслать эту картинку, конечно если она есть у Вас.
Заранее благодарен.
Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: rakip   Дата: 21.01.02 18:43:46   
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на этом сайте есть флэшовая картинка обложки My Sweet Lord, но к сожалению я не могу его скачать, она в ZIP'е. У нас на работе закрыт доступ на скачивание ZIP файлов. Если она небольшая не могли бы Вы выслать эту картинку, конечно если она есть у Вас на адрес:
Заранее благодарен.
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.01.02 11:37:45   
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Песня "My Sweet Lord" британского музыканта Джорджа Харрисона, умершего в ноябре прошлого года, вернулась в верхние строки британского хит-парада. Эта песня, бывшая в свое время объектом жаркого разбирательства об авторских правах, впервые возглавила хит-парад в 1971 г. - год спустя после распада The Beatles. Доходы от нового издания этой песни пойдут на детскую благотворительность.

Харрисон перенял первое место у американской певицы стиля соул Элии, погибшей в авиакатастрофе в прошлом году. Это первый случай, когда один умерший музыкант меняет другого на вершине британского хит-парада.
Harrison Makes 'Sweet' Return To U.K. No. 1
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.01.02 11:40:38   
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As anticipated in midweek sales data, the late George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" (Parlophone) vaulted back to No. 1 on the U.K. singles chart yesterday (Jan. 20), following the reissue of the classic track as a tribute to the former Beatle, who died of cancer on Nov. 29. The song, which previously topped the U.K. singles chart nearly 31 years ago, replaces Aaliyah's "More Than a Woman" (Blackground/Virgin), marking the first time in British chart history that consecutive No. 1 singles have been by different deceased artists (although John Lennon's "Woman" followed his "Imagine" to the top in
February 1981).

Profits from the "My Sweet Lord" reissue will go to the Material World Charitable Foundation, which Harrison established in 1973. On its first U.K. release in January 1971, Harrison succeeded the novelty hit "Grandad" by actor Clive Dunn at No. 1, spending five weeks at the peak and becoming the only one of his four solo U.K. top-10 hits to top the chart. This time, it beats off another new entry, Pink's "Get the Party Started" (LaFace/Arista), at No. 2, in an all new top-3 that saw teenage U.S. starlet Christina Milian debut at No. 3 with "AM to PM" (Def Jam/Mercury).
The My Sweet Lord plagiarism story by George Harrison
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.01.02 11:41:32   
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With George Harrison sitting atop the UK charts this week with the 31 year old "My Sweet Lord", we recall the story of how the song changed legal history.

When George Harrison talked to Undercover in the mid 90's he gave a detailed answer to the story behind one of the most famous music court cases in history.

Not long after releasing "My Sweet Lord", Harrison was sued for plagiarism by the publisher of the early 60's Chiffons hit "He's So Fine".

The court cased tied up 18 years of his life.

"It didn't really effect my songwriting" George told Undercover . I did record "This Song" which was kind of a comment about the situation. The thing that really disappoints me is when you have a relationship with one person and they turn out to betray you, because the whole story of "My Sweet Lord" is based upon this fellow Allan Klein, who managed the Beatles from about 1968 or '69, through until 1973.

When they issued a complaint about "My Sweet Lord", he was my business manager. He was the one who put out "My Sweet Lord" and collected 20% commission on the record and he was the one who got the lawyers to defend me, and did an interview in "Playboy" where he talked about how the song was nothing like the other song.

Later, when the judge in court told me to settle with them , because he didn't think I'd consciously stolen their song, they were doing a settlement deal with me when they suddenly stopped the settlement, some time elapsed, and I found out that this gut Klein had gone around the back door, in the meantime we'd fired him. He went round the backdoor and bought the rights to the one song "He's So Fine" in order to continue a law suit against me. He on one hand was defending me, then he switched sides and continued the law suit and every time the judge said what the result was, he'd appeal, and he kept appealing and appealing until it got to the supreme court. I mean this thing went on for 16 years or something, 18 years, and finally it's all over with and the result of it is I own "My Sweet Lord" and I now own "He's So Fine" and Allan Klein owes me like three or four hundred thousand dollars cause he took all the money on both songs, it's really a joke, it's a total joke.

There's definitely a book, because now with any kind of law pertaining to infringement of copyright, they always quote this case. It's become the precedent in all these law students' books.

We did keep a lot of lawyers employed for years and we still are in one way or another. There's always some kind of bullshit going on".
Harrison Re-Release Soars to Top of British Charts
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.01.02 11:47:27   
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LONDON (Reuters) - The late George Harrison has soared to the top of the singles charts this week, with his re-issued 1971 hit ``My Sweet Lord'' displacing another posthumously released single, according to the Official UK Charts Company.

The hit by the former Beatle, who died in November of cancer, toppled late singer Aaliyah's single ``More Than A Woman.''

It is believed to be the first time that consecutive posthumous hits have topped the British charts.

The single from the third album ``Aaliyah'' by the American R&B singer, who died in a light plane crash in the Bahamas

last August, dropped to the No. 5 spot.

It is the second time the Harrison hit has held the No. 1 slot. It topped the charts for five weeks in 1971, becoming the first solo post-Beatles No. 1 for any of the Fab Four.

Sales of the tribute single are going to the Material World Foundation, set up by Harrison to support agencies that assist poverty-stricken children.

Also securing positions on the top of the chart were two new entries: ``Get the Party Started'' by feisty singer Pink sailed into No. 2, and groovy ``AM to PM'' by pop songstress Christina Milian debuted at No. 3.

Rounding out the top five was ``Addicted to Bass'' by Australian drum and bass band Puretone.

Elsewhere, newcomer Daniel Bedingfield's club anthem ``Gotta Get Thru This'' slipped into the sixth spot in its eighth week on the charts, while Dr. Dre's ``Bad Intentions'' tumbled to 11th place from fourth.

Meanwhile, Robbie Williams' and Nicole Kidman's version of Sinatra classic ``Somethin' Stupid, which reigned atop the Christmas chart, skidded into the 21st slot.
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Re: Сегодня вышел My Sweet Lord
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 25.01.02 20:43:58   
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"My Sweet Lord" is the top seller in Canada and second in sales in the U.S., though only no. 94 in the chart
'My Sweet Lord' Number One In Canada, Number Two-Seller In U.S.
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.01.02 18:20:15   
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(Jan. 24 '02)

George Harrison has scored another posthumous Number One with the reissue of his 1970 hit "My Sweet Lord." The charity single, rereleased in the wake of Harrison's November 29 death from cancer, is the top seller in Canada, according to industry figures, although it only moved about 340 copies.

The single did better volume-wise in the U.S., where more than 11,000 copies changed hands, good enough for the Number Two spot in terms of national sales. It's Number 94 on the magazine's Hot 100 chart, which is based on a combination of sales and airplay.

The original 1970 "My Sweet Lord" single reached Number One on the Hot 100 and sold more than 500,000 copies, and was certified gold by the RIAA (news - web sites).

The single is already at the top of the U.K. chart, which is based on sales, not airplay.

In most of the world, the proceeds from "My Sweet Lord" are going to the Material World Charitable Foundation, which Harrison started in 1973 to fund a variety of charities. Those benefiting from the new single's sales include Jubilee Action, BBC Children In Need, Great Ormand Street Children's Hospital, the National Deaf Children Society, Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders (news - web sites)), and Macmillan Nurses.

In the U.S., proceeds from "My Sweet Lord" are earmarked for the Self-Realization Fellowship, a California-based spiritual foundation dedicated to the teachings of yoga and meditation pioneer Paramahansa Yogananda.

The re-released "My Sweet Lord" single is filled out with new version of the song as well as a stripped-down version of "Let It Down," another track from Harrison's All Things Must Pass 1970 solo album.

-- Gary Graff, Detroit
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