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Franz Ferdinand

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Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: domino   Дата: 16.04.05 18:39:12   
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>если пойду и если будут фотки, то обязательно!!!

Big Thanks!!!!=)
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: domino   Дата: 16.04.05 18:46:15   
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Nu ty podnimish nastroenie odnako!!!!
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Fueviell   Дата: 17.04.05 02:23:28   
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А что? смешно написала?
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: domino   Дата: 17.04.05 14:47:05   
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>А что? смешно написала?

Net,net,chto ty!!!!
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.04.05 13:08:09   
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Билеты на FF в "Б2" по 900. Кстати, концерт 20 мая, а не 29-го. Пойти что ли? На "Максидром" совсем не хочеться переться!
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 26.04.05 10:46:27   
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Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 26.04.05 14:04:52   
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FRANZ FERDINAND are to soundtrack a GREEN PARTY election broadcast.
The clip, which features the track 'This Fire' from the band's 2004 self-titled debut album, will show a "nightmare vision" of a polluted environment in the future, reports the BBC.
The broadcast has been directed by cult movie director Alex Cox.
The Green Party, contesting over 200 seats in the May 5 general election, are trying to win their first Westminster seat.
A spokesperson for the Scottish Green Party said that Franz Ferdinand were "happy to show their support by giving us free use of the music, but they were reluctant to get drawn in because they are very busy recording at the moment". The band are currently working on their second LP, due later tbis year.
The election broadcast is to be screened across all terrestrial channels later this week, and will be carried on the party's website from midnight (April 25).

Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 26.04.05 19:34:49   
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2Primal Scream:

>Билеты на FF в "Б2" по 900. Кстати,
>концерт 20 мая, а не 29-го. Пойти что ли? На "Максидром"
>совсем не хочеться переться!

Я уже купил билеты в Питере на 19е. По 700. Обязательно пойду.
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.04.05 21:54:34   
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2Dvas Nickolas:

>Я уже купил билеты в Питере на 19е. По 700. Обязательно пойду.

ЗдОрово! Если честно, не ожидал от тебя )))
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 26.04.05 22:14:52   
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2Primal Scream:

>2Dvas Nickolas:
>>Я уже купил билеты в Питере на 19е. По 700.
>Обязательно пойду.
>ЗдОрово! Если честно, не ожидал от тебя )))

Я сам от себя не ожидал. очень уж не моя музыка. но хочется посмотреть, чего оно стоит живьем.
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.04.05 22:20:05   
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2Dvas Nickolas:

Мне тоже безумно хоцца живьем. Кстати, нелюбимые тобой Scissor Sisters сделали из францфердинандовской Take Me Out настоящую конфету!
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.05.05 21:23:49   
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ALEX KAPRANOS has described the second FRANZ FERDINAND as “music for girls to cry to”.

The band have been in their studio in Scotland working on songs for the follow-up to their self-titled debut for most of this year. In a posting on the band’s official website, here, the singer explained how the album was progressing.

He said: “The character of this new record is beginning to take form. I was joking with a friend about how if the last record was music for girls to dance to, this is probably music for girls to cry to…at least for them to leak a little tear to while they’re dancing.”

Alex Kapranos recently took time out to speak to NME.COM about the band’s progress so far.

He added: “We have started recording. Some of the stuff we started recording we will be using but we want to record a lot more. We try and get as many ideas down in the first place. A song might have 28 parts and you keep three of them. Having that huge choice in the first place and then being ruthless about what you reject is how you make decent music.

“There are a few songs we’ve arranged that I think we have a specific arrangement for which is not going to change much. But there are a lot more written and it’s changing every day. Some new songs there are about eight different versions - a song we did last year, ‘I’m Your Villain’, is part one versions one to five then there’s part two versions one to eight. There’s all these different versions within one song, yet I know in the end we’ll probably use one and then maybe another as a B-side or something like that. But it’s nice to experiment with all these different ideas.”

Other new song titles include ’Evil Heathen’, ’Wee Andy’ and ’Your Diary’. The singer said that being off tour has led to a burst of creativity.

He continued: “It’s a lot easier when you’re hanging around together than it is doing it on the road. I can write on the road, but what’s difficult to do on the road is get some perspective and do the thing which makes songs good, which is editing them down and discarding the bits that are rubbish. We do that from the four of us just sitting around and chatting about it, seeing what we like and what we don’t like. The last few days have been very good. Nick (McCarthy) and I were just at the house ourselves writing a couple of songs a day, it was really, really good.”
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.05.05 08:54:07   
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Franz Ferdinand Reveal All About New Album

In a brand new interview Alex Kaproanos has been talking about how the recording of the hugely anticipated second Franz Ferdinand album is shaping up, and reveals a somewhat unexpected Bhangra and RnB influence.
Под кайфом  
Franz Ferdinand in Moscow!!!
Автор: Jarvis Cocer   Дата: 08.05.05 12:34:27   
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20.05 в Б2.....круто!!!!кто идёт???20.05 в Б2.....круто!!!!кто идёт???

Ещё узнал..в июне,в Калининграде(в Вагонке)выступают White Stripes....тур по восточной европе блин...

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Franz Ferdinand in Moscow!!!".
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.05.05 15:15:52   
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FRANZ FERDINAND fans are so unimpressed with singer ALEX KAPRANOS' new-look spiky hair, they are petitioning online for the return of his trademark fringe.

Kapranos shaved his floppy locks off in February (05), but the drastic change has proved too much for followers, who are calling on the Scottish star to recreate the look of "freedom, truth, beauty, justice" he was sporting when the band launched to fame last year (04).

At present, there are 200 signatures demanding Kapranos steer clear of scissors and allow his hair to grow back.

A statement on, reads, "If you are aware of the Scottish rock band Franz Ferdinand, you may also be aware of their lead singer's late fringe. The fringe of Alexander Kapranos symbolised a great many things to his fans - freedom, truth, beauty, justice - and he also had to push it attractively out of his eyes in order to see. We liked that.

"We have decided that it is necessary to start up this petition, asking for Mr Kapranos to kindly grow his fringe back, so that freedom, truth, beauty, justice and hair-flipping are restored to mankind."

And the bizarre campaign appears to be working.

A response from Kapranos on the official Franz Ferdinand website reads, "Bl**dy Hell. There's an online petition for me to grow my fringe back. Er... It's getting there."

The multi-BRIT AWARD winners are currently recording the follow-up to their 2004 eponymous debut album in Scotland.

Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: the_Lizard_King   Дата: 20.05.05 22:01:51   
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Да, я вчера был на концерте в Манеже, в Питере!! Это было офигенно! Чуваки отыграли просто супер. Не давали ни минуты передышки. Забойно. Позабавило, когда после небольшого перерыва Алекс (солист то) вышел на сцену с литровой бутылкой "Русского Стандарта" Потом они всем составом выпили по стопке за здравие публики. В общем офигенно. Такой позитив!
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.05 21:26:02   
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Franz Ferdinand Play First Ever Russia Shows

Angular art rockers Franz Ferdinand have played their first ever shows on Russian soil and have treated their Moscowite fans to performances of a number of new songs from their upcoming second album.

The band played Cadets’ Corps Manege, St Petersburg on Thursday (May 19), and Moscow’s B2 nightclub on Saturday (May 20) and were described by famous Russian music critic Andre Troizkiv as "The third band in the history of rock music after The Beatles and Nirvana,"

According to a review on, nearly 1,000 punters crammed into the club to witness the band running through a set made up of their self-
titled debut plus a handful of rarities and new songs expected to make it onto the band’s hugely anticipated second album.

Opening with 'Michael', the band played new track 'What You Meant' for the first time live, along with other new album contenders 'Evil And A Heathen' and 'I'm Your Villain' (both recently performed at the Royal Albert Hall) 'Robert Anderson Is Christ' and a song still hiding under the working title of 'Wee Andy'.

Franz Ferdinand have are now in residence in a New York studio with producer Rich Costey mixing the new album.

In other Franz news, the band have said they’d be delighted to take part in the rumoured Live 8 concert in Edinburgh to coincide with the G8 conference. Singer Alex Kapranos, told the Sunday Herald,

“We heard there were plans for such a concert [Live 8 in Scotland]. “If we are asked to play and we can do it, we’ll definitely play. It would be a fantastic opportunity to help raise awareness of world poverty. Live 8 would be a momentous occasion, maybe even better than the original Live Aid, 20 years ago.”

The event, rumoured to involve simultaneous concerts in the London, Washington and Europe around July 4, is being said to include performance from The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Oasis, Coldplay, Eminem, Red Hot Chili Peppers and a newly reformed Pink Floyd.
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 23.05.05 21:30:06   
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Primal Scream
Я своих обещаний не забываю. Вот разгружусь и все будет.
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.05 21:40:46   
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Okie dokey!
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Franz Ferdinand
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 24.05.05 11:04:35   
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were described by famous
>Russian music critic Andre Troizkiv as "The third
>band in the history of rock music after The Beatles
>and Nirvana,"

Группа, занимающая в истории рок музыки 3-е место после Битлз и Нирваны? По-моему, это перебор...имхо.
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