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Альбом со своей полки.

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Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 12:03:08   
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That it is visual and could easily be a soundtrack to a movie comes evident very soon, though having only ever played very few video games (no, I'm not a dinosaur or technophobe, just chronically short of time) I could hardly be a judge if the last part of his remark holds true for the video games, I can only assume so. And as for it complementing the first two albums, it does feel right.
That it is visual and could easily be a soundtrack to a movie comes evident very soon, though having only ever played very few video games (no, I'm not a dinosaur or technophobe, just chronically short of time) I could hardly be a judge if the last part of his remark holds true for the video games, I can only assume so. And as for it complementing the first two albums, it does feel right.

Impression IV

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 12:21:26   
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And though the eight songs are instrumentals you will hear a vocal here and there, starting with the opening 'Impression'. DUDA's vocal and its texture is great, it folds into the song and enriches its own texture in turn wonderfully. Soon it peters in and out, echoing with higher and lower notes, which gives the whole even more ambiance, another part of my enjoyment were the percussions. The piano start of the second 'Impression' brings a strong feeling, akin to a fragile beauty of sadness mixed equally with joy, wistfulness, longing...
And though the eight songs are instrumentals you will hear a vocal here and there, starting with the opening 'Impression'. DUDA's vocal and its texture is great, it folds into the song and enriches its own texture in turn wonderfully. Soon it peters in and out, echoing with higher and lower notes, which gives the whole even more ambiance, another part of my enjoyment were the percussions. The piano start of the second 'Impression' brings a strong feeling, akin to a fragile beauty of sadness mixed equally with joy, wistfulness, longing...

Impression V

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 12:32:35   
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And although the whole is very relaxing there are enough elements like this that give the whole more of a narration - feel of a story it has to tell, and adds many layers the music so as it fits more than just one mood.
And although the whole is very relaxing there are enough elements like this that give the whole more of a narration - feel of a story it has to tell, and adds many layers the music so as it fits more than just one mood.
Third 'Impression' unfolds with some great evocative musical effects, one has a feeling of being in a cave like place near sea, the guitar soon starts or let's just say takes centre stage from the previous piano and brings in as much expressiveness and intensity to the quieter background of this song. 'Impression IV' is quite an energetic with the vocal coming back in.

Impression VI

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 13:17:04   
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Each 'Impression' merits attention and appreciation - wouldn't it be a bit of a spoiler to go in detail through them all? So I will only mention now the two remixes at the end. 'Gravestone Hill' had this beautiful wave-like melancholy, but 'Summerland' was a richer song and thus my favorite of the two. I think though they're more of a curiosity addition, even if they don't jar the key 'Impression I - VIII' part, I'd listen to them separately to savour the main part all the better several times, and then get to them.
Each 'Impression' merits attention and appreciation - wouldn't it be a bit of a spoiler to go in detail through them all? So I will only mention now the two remixes at the end. 'Gravestone Hill' had this beautiful wave-like melancholy, but 'Summerland' was a richer song and thus my favorite of the two. I think though they're more of a curiosity addition, even if they don't jar the key 'Impression I - VIII' part, I'd listen to them separately to savour the main part all the better several times, and then get to them.

Impression VIII

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 13:49:43   
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It was a great idea to go back to the recording studio with this material for sure; it's probably my favorite from the trilogy. 'Impressions' is rich, layered, evocative music with a lot attention paid to detail but effortlessly and smoothly so, skilful as expected, and a truly beautiful release with a lot to enjoy, mule over, reflect and be enriched by and a sure recommend.
It was a great idea to go back to the recording studio with this material for sure; it's probably my favorite from the trilogy. 'Impressions' is rich, layered, evocative music with a lot attention paid to detail but effortlessly and smoothly so, skilful as expected, and a truly beautiful release with a lot to enjoy, mule over, reflect and be enriched by and a sure recommend.

Gravestone Hill (remix)

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 14:27:53   
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Впечатления представляет собой набор инструментальных композиций, которые действуют как дополнение к истории, рассказанной на черных и белых Lunatic альбомов Soul. Эти песни без текста, с ограниченными вокальных партий более окружающей среды в стиле, напоминающий саундтрек к фильму или видео игры. Мариуш Дуда."Впечатления представляет собой набор инструментальных композиций, которые действуют как дополнение к истории, рассказанной на черных и белых Lunatic альбомов Soul. Эти песни без текста, с ограниченными вокальных партий более окружающей среды в стиле, напоминающий саундтрек к фильму или видео игры. "Мариуш Дуда.

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 14:38:00   
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¨ Впечатления ¨ состоит из 8 абсолютно новых композиций и двух ремиксов (¨ Summerland ¨ и ¨ Надгробие Хилл ¨). Как и в других альбомах, метка Kscope, известный представляющих такие группы, как Porcupine Tree, Anathema, или Ulver.
¨ Впечатления ¨ состоит из 8 абсолютно новых композиций и двух ремиксов (¨ Summerland ¨ и ¨ Надгробие Хилл ¨). Как и в других альбомах, метка Kscope, известный представляющих такие группы, как Porcupine Tree, Anathema, или Ulver.
Обложка и буклет искусство нового Lunatic Soul были подготовленны Travis Smith, который сотрудничает с Opeth и Риверсайд (среди прочих). ¨ Впечатления ¨ вышел как на виниле, так и на компакт-диске.

Summerland (remix)

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 15:05:51   
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Впечатления,  Мариуш Дуда, автор проекта, певец и музыкант Риверсайд говорит, дополняет первый и второй альбом. Это восемь инструментальные пьесы, которые стилистически относятся к черно-белый диптиха."Впечатления", Мариуш Дуда, автор проекта, певец и музыкант Риверсайд говорит, дополняет первый и второй альбом. Это восемь инструментальные пьесы, которые стилистически относятся к черно-белый диптиха.
"Эти части не были отклонены от предыдущих сессий; это идеи, которые на том же уровне профессионализма и были просто не записанные тогда. Так случилось, что в этот год я нашел немного времени, чтобы войти в студию снова, закончить то, что я не мог смотреть в перёд и создать совершенно новые музыкальные пейзажи. Композиции, только важные и именно поэтому альбом получает такой особый характер. В начале мы думали о добавлении этих частей, как B стороны в черно-белых альбомов, когда переоформления их. Тем не менее, нам удалось воплотить в жизнь музыкальный комбинацию, которая была настолько интересна и оригинальна по своей форме, что он заслуживает отдельной публикации. Я всегда хотел опубликовать инструментальный альбом, и я не был так доволен конечного эффекта в течение длительного времени. Я надеюсь, что эта запись, хотя короткий, принесёт своим слушателям массу положительных впечатлений ".
Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 15:10:18   
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Впечатления представляет собой набор инструментальных композиций, дополнением к истории, рассказанной на черных и белых Lunatic альбомов. Эти песни без слов, с редкими вокальными партиями, ограниченных быть просто фоном, более окружающей среды в стиле, напоминающий саундтрек к фильму или видеоигре. Названия этих новых композиций связаны с введенными в чёрно-белом диптиха текстах и тем."Впечатления" представляет собой набор инструментальных композиций, дополнением к истории, рассказанной на черных и белых Lunatic альбомов. Эти песни без слов, с редкими вокальными партиями, ограниченных быть просто фоном, более окружающей среды в стиле, напоминающий саундтрек к фильму или видеоигре. Названия этих новых композиций связаны с введенными в чёрно-белом диптиха текстах и тем.
MD: С начала я писал Lunatic Soul как музыка для фильма. К сожалению, если кто-то хотел создать саундтрек из него, это не было бы возможно из-за малого количества инструментальных пьес. Когда мы записывали черный и белый альбом, мы сочиняли гораздо больше материала, который позже по разным причинам не был включен на альбомах. Теперь ничто не мешает нам собирать их в единое целое и освободить их от дополнительных компакт-дисков. Я думаю, что благодаря этой всей истории, получат адекватную глубину и характер. Сначала мы думали, что "Впечатления" будет разделён на две части и добавили в новых версиях этого черно-белых альбомов. Но, услышав первую часть команда Kscope предложить собрать их все вместе и создать отдельный альбом. Я думал, что это было бы действительно классная идея.
Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 15:31:52   
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Состав группы:Состав группы:

•Mariusz Duda - vocals, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, percussion
•Maciej Szelenbaum - piano, keyboards
•Wawrzyniec Dramowicz - drums, percussion
Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 20:09:22   
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Jon Mark/Mark-Almond: “Tuesday in New York” 1980
Jon Mark/Mark-Almond: “Tuesday in New York” 1980

Для вечера, самая приятная музыка.
Полный расслабон-бон-бон!

Safe Harbour

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 20:29:56   
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Jon Mark (born 8 May 1943 in Falmouth, Cornwall ), is a British musician ( Singer-Songwriter , Guitarist ) who is best known for his recordings with Marianne Faithfull , Sweet Thursday , John Mayall and Mark-Almond . Mark, who received a Grammy in 2004, lives in Rotorua , New Zealand .
Jon Mark (born 8 May 1943 in Falmouth, Cornwall ), is a British musician ( Singer-Songwriter , Guitarist ) who is best known for his recordings with Marianne Faithfull , Sweet Thursday , John Mayall and Mark-Almond . Mark, who received a Grammy in 2004, lives in Rotorua , New Zealand .

Tuesday In New York

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 20:55:12   
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Mark–Almond were an English band of the late 1960s and early 1970s, who worked in the territory between rock and jazz .
Mark–Almond were an English band of the late 1960s and early 1970s, who worked in the territory between rock and jazz .

Once I Loved A Girl

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 21:16:15   
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In 1970 Jon Mark and Johnny Almond formed Mark-Almond (also occasionally referred to as The Mark-Almond Band ). The melancholy tones of saxophonist Almond were an integral part of the group's sound, and Almond frequently played flute as well, including the bass flute.
In 1970 Jon Mark and Johnny Almond formed Mark-Almond (also occasionally referred to as The Mark-Almond Band ). The melancholy tones of saxophonist Almond were an integral part of the group's sound, and Almond frequently played flute as well, including the bass flute.

I Love You

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 21:29:05   
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Characterized by a blend of blues and jazz riffs, Latin beats, and a mellow rock aesthetic, and in contrast to the heavier guitar -driven rock of his contemporaries, composer and band leader Mark worked at producing warm and melodic works
Characterized by a blend of blues and jazz riffs, Latin beats, and a mellow rock aesthetic, and in contrast to the heavier guitar -driven rock of his contemporaries, composer and band leader Mark worked at producing warm and melodic works


Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 01.02.14 21:43:29   
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•Acoustic Guitar, Guitar [Electric] – Jay Lewis•Acoustic Guitar, Guitar [Electric] – Jay Lewis
•Backing Vocals, Percussion – Jeannie McLaine
•Bass – Bobby Vega , John Leftwich
•Drums – Bill Berg , Mark Cranny
•Guitar [Classical], Vocals, Producer, Written-by – Jon Mark
•Mandolin – Tommy Tedesco
•Piano – Jim Salargie , Larry Knechtel
•Piano, Electric Piano, Organ, Synthesizer – Mark Ross
•Saxophone [Tenor, Soprano, Alto], Flute [Concerto, Alto, Bass], Percussion, Vibraphone – Johnny Almond
Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 12:29:07   
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Fish: “A Feast of Consequences” 2013
Fish: “A Feast of Consequences” 2013

Давненько что-то его не переслушивал, а сегодня вдруг захотелось.
Очень сильно цепляет, или настроение сегодня распологает именно к этому альбому.

Perfume River

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 12:54:18   
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It's been a long time since Fish's last studio album. The gap since 2007′s “13th Star” approached Kate Bush or Peter Gabriel proportions, and there even were times when it seemed that the possibility of future albums hung in the balance, with vocal problems that at one point appeared to come close to terminating his career.
It's been a long time since Fish's last studio album. The gap since 2007′s “13th Star” approached Kate Bush or Peter Gabriel proportions, and there even were times when it seemed that the possibility of future albums hung in the balance, with vocal problems that at one point appeared to come close to terminating his career.

All Loved Up

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 13:36:26   
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But after spending eighteen months on the road playing as part of an acoustic trio, he reformed an electric band for some gigs with Glenn Hughes last year, and made it clear he was still a force to be reckoned with. The new album has been a long time in the making; he débuted early versions of a couple of songs at his fan convention last year before playing much of the album live on a two-week British tour this May.
But after spending eighteen months on the road playing as part of an acoustic trio, he reformed an electric band for some gigs with Glenn Hughes last year, and made it clear he was still a force to be reckoned with. The new album has been a long time in the making; he débuted early versions of a couple of songs at his fan convention last year before playing much of the album live on a two-week British tour this May.

Blind To the Beautiful

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 13:49:47   
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The band is the same as for that tour; Steve Vantsis on bass, Foss Patterson on keys, Robin Boult on guitar, and Gavin Griffiths on drums, all Fish collaborators of long standing, with guest appearances from Liz Antwi on backing vocals, violin by Aidan O'Rourke and even some string and brass sections. With Vantsis, Patterson and Boult all contributing to the writing the album is more varied than some other recent albums, and the way much of the material had been played live before they went into the studio to record it gives it a strong organic feel.
The band is the same as for that tour; Steve Vantsis on bass, Foss Patterson on keys, Robin Boult on guitar, and Gavin Griffiths on drums, all Fish collaborators of long standing, with guest appearances from Liz Antwi on backing vocals, violin by Aidan O'Rourke and even some string and brass sections. With Vantsis, Patterson and Boult all contributing to the writing the album is more varied than some other recent albums, and the way much of the material had been played live before they went into the studio to record it gives it a strong organic feel.

High Wood

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