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Beach Boys...

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Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.05.05 09:03:01   
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Beach Boys Site Now a Calif. Landmark Beach Boys Site Now a Calif. Landmark

HAWTHORNE, Calif. - Hundreds of fans and two Beach Boys gathered Friday to unveil a state historical landmark at the site of the home of the legendary band's founding brothers — demolished in the mid-1980s to make way for a freeway.

"A wonderful monument, isn't it?" laughed Al Jardine, holding his palms upward toward the tree-lined Interstate 105 embankment and sound wall. "Progress. Can't stop progress."

Jardine was 19 in September 1961 when he joined his friend and classmate Brian Wilson in the carpeted music room of Wilson's home in this Los Angeles suburb. A piano sat on one end, an organ at the other.

With Wilson's cousin Mike Love, and Wilson's brothers, Carl and Dennis, the group rented instruments for $300 from a nearby music shop and recorded a demo tape of "Surfin'." Jardine said he played bass while Wilson kept the beat on drums with his fingers. The Beach Boys were born.

Carl and Dennis Wilson have since died. Love, who is estranged from Jardine and Brian Wilson, didn't attend Friday's event.

Brian Wilson wrote some of the group's most beloved hits inside the home of his parents, and sang two of them — "Surfer Girl" and "In My Room" — at Friday's ceremony.

"It makes me feel sentimental about the old house," he said afterward. "It was a big thrill for me to come back to my old stomping grounds."

The idea for a landmark came from a Beach Boys fan who lives in Northern California, construction engineer Harry Jarnagan. It eventually gained the support of the musicians themselves and local politicians. The city's mayor, wearing a Hawaiian shirt at the sun-drenched ceremony, showed off his "Endless Summer" 8-track.

"This will end up in the Hawthorne museum," Mayor Larry Guidi said.

The actual landmark rests about where the Wilson family's lawn began. It is a brick wall emblazoned with names of donors, a bronze plaque, and an etching of six Beach Boys carrying a surfboard, reminiscent of the group's "Surfin' Safari" album cover.

"I don't miss the neighborhood," Wilson said, adding, however, he was sad when he learned the house was gone.

Photo: Brian Wilson, one of the original Beach Boys, stands in front the official California State Landmark, on the former site of the home of Beach Boys Brian, Carl and Dennis Wilson, Friday, May 20, 2005, during dedication ceremonies in Hawthorne, Calif. The location is now a wall on the Century (105) Freeway
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.05.05 09:46:08   
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Brian Wilson visits Breakfast w/ the Beatles this Sunday Brian Wilson visits Breakfast w/ the Beatles this Sunday

Brian Wilson along with writer, director, producer David Leaf will join Chris Carter this Sunday on Breakfast with the Beatles which airs on 97.1 KLSX-FM in Los Angeles.

Brian will be discussing the new double DVD release of SMilE which contains the story of the recording of the long awaited SMilE album as well as a second disc featuring a 'live' performance of the album. Brian will also talk about the Beatles influences on the Beach Boys music and will take calls from listeners.

Chris says they will be giving away the new SMiLE double DVD set, and also hinted a Beatle may call in...

Breakfast w/ the Beatles is the longest running Beatles show in America and was featured in Paul McCartney's Back In The US film.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.05.05 05:30:19   
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Beach Boys Set in Stone

Brian Wilson, Al Jardine return to Hawthorne for monument dedication

Original Beach Boys Brian Wilson and Al Jardine unveiled a monument to their former group last Friday, on the site of the Hawthorne, California, home where Wilson and his late brothers, Carl and Dennis, grew up.

The two-hour dedication climaxed in note-perfect renditions of "In My Room" and "Surfer Girl" by Wilson with his solo band.

"This was a big thrill," Wilson told Rolling Stone afterward. "I was thinking about all my memories -- my mom and dad and my brothers, my childhood, my high school experiences, my piano, my organ and my hi-fi."

The house at 3701 W. 119th St. was razed in the mid-Eighties to make room for a freeway. The monument -- featuring a stone carving of 1963's Surfer Girl album cover and a plaque designating the site as a state landmark -- stands on what was once the front yard.

Performers at the dedication also included early Beach Boys member David Marks, who offered up an unreleased Dennis Wilson tune, and In Bloom, a Sublime-like alt-rock band starring the sons of Carl and Dennis Wilson.

The dedication drew a crowd of 800 from all over the world; one British fan club contingent numbered 50 alone. "We wouldn't have missed this for the world," said London resident Sue Levinson, 47, who stood in the scorching sun for six hours.

Unfortunately for fans, that sentiment was not shared by Wilson cousin Mike Love. In a statement issued by his spokesperson, the third surviving Beach Boys founder explained that he couldn't attend due to a Beach Boys booking in Hollywood, Florida, later that day. (The singer is the only original member currently playing under the group's name.) "I've profoundly clear memories of our days there -- the house, the music room and the neighborhood," Love's statement read. "I remember cousin Dennis dragging his Chevy up and down the block while we recorded the ambient sounds for '409.' That was right outside the front door. It was wild."

However, the dedication's organizer insists that Love -- who is estranged from Wilson and Jardine -- was invited months before his Beach Boys booked their gig.

"It's an incredible faux pas, I think, for Mike to be somewhere else and not acknowledge our beginnings," Jardine said. "It's not a cool PR move for him. Hey man, show a little respect to the homestead where we carved out some cool harmonies around the piano."

Wilson was more diplomatic. "If Mike Love would have showed up, it would have been more special," he said. "But it was OK without him, too."

In other Beach Boys news, Love says he's just recorded a solo album, Mike Love, Not War, featuring a remake of the Beach Boys tune "Brian's Back"; the Brian Wilson Presents SMiLE DVD hits stores tomorrow; and Jardine and his Endless Summer Band perform on June 18th at Denver's Mile High Stadium.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 09:07:56   
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Beach Boys Get Tagged Beach Boys Get Tagged
California legends' monument is defaced

Three weeks after its unveiling, the Beach Boys monument in Hawthorne, California, was tagged by graffiti artists. Sometime between 6:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. last Friday, the word "Choli" was spray-painted in black across the twenty-feet-long brick structure, along with illegible squiggles.

"I was told this might happen, so I'm not surprised," says Al Jardine, who dedicated the monument alongside fellow former Beach Boys Brian Wilson and David Marks on May 20th.

The tag was removed immediately. Unfortunately, the process also lifted paint from several bricks inscribed with the names of donors to the project. That paint is being reapplied.

The identity of the defacers is unknown.

"My gang officer said it was the first time he'd seen that tag," says Hawthorne Mayor Larry Guidi, who received the complaint from a city planning commissioner residing next door to the monument.

"I just went ballistic," Guidi said. "This is the pride and joy of the city."

Every day since its dedication, the monument has been patrolled by squad cars at 6:30 a.m. Now, in addition, the mayor said, the commissioner has agreed to have a Webcam installed on his property, so police can monitor the site twenty-four hours a day.

Guidi's response also includes an ordinance instituting a mandatory $1,000 fine for taggers (previously, fines were court-imposed). And the mayor says he's looking into coating the structure with a paint-resisting sealant.

The Beach Boys monument was built by Dennis Wilson's construction-engineer son, Scott, on the site of the demolished house where Brian, Carl and his dad grew up (now a California landmark). It features a stone image of the Beach Boys' Surfer Girl album cover, embedded in a brick wall adorned with a commemorative plaque.

"Graffiti is a territorial expression," says Jardine, who grew up a few blocks away. "Maybe we're on someone else's territory."

(Posted Jun 17, 2005)
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 22:32:24   
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Beach Boys Monument in Calif. Vandalized Sat Jun 18Beach Boys Monument in Calif. Vandalized Sat Jun 18

HAWTHORNE, Calif. - The new state historical landmark dedicated to the Beach Boys last month has already been the target of graffiti vandals.

The city quickly removed paint scrawled on the 119th Street monument and officials were considering a variety of security measures, including surveillance cameras, a fence or sealing it with a graffiti-resistant coating.

"I'm disappointed but not surprised. We knew (vandalism) would be an issue. I'm surprised it's gone this long without being tagged," said Harry Jarnagan, the Tracy construction engineer who led the drive to build the memorial dedicated May 21.

Beach Boys Brian, Carl and Dennis Wilson grew up in Hawthorne. The Wilson home was demolished in the 1980s to make way for the Century Freeway.

Mayor Larry Guidi said he plans to meet with officials from a company that provides Internet-based surveillance cameras that could help protect structures on city property, including the monument.

The Beach Boys landmark features a stone sculpture of the 1963 "Surfer Girl" album cover and six gold records inlaid around a bronze plaque designating the site as California Historical Landmark No. 1,041.

On Tuesday, the City Council considered a law that would allow the city to levy fines of up to $1,000 against people who vandalize landmarks on city property, City Attorney Glen Shishido said.

Police Lt. Wayne Salmon said there were no arrests in connection with Sunday's vandalism.;_ylt=AsnT81soG...

photo: Al Jardine, one of the original Beach Boys, stands in front the official California State Landmark marking the site of the childhood home of the Beach Boys in Hawthorne, Calif., during a dedication ceremony in this Friday, May 20, 2005 file photo. The landmark was the target of graffiti vandals on Sunday, June 12, 2005.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.06.05 17:32:46   
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The legendary BRIAN WILSON brought a taste of the Californian sunshine to the GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL today (June 26) with a set full of BEACH BOYS classics in front of a massive crowd of sweltering devotees.

People were spotted surfing across the front of the stage as the singer, making his first appearance at Worthy Farm, blasted through hit after hit, delighting festivalgoers enjoying the beautiful weather.

Wilson told the crowd: “We brought the Californian sunshine” and later even managed to get the crowd to sing the nursery rhyme ‘Row Row Row Your Boat’.

Among the hits inciting mass hysteria were ’California Girls’, ’Wouldn’t It Be Nice’ and a monumental ’Good Vibrations’, which had virtually the entire crowd singing along.

One fan, Michael Clewley, told NME.COM: “That’s the show of the weekend and certainly one of the greatest ever Glastonbury performances.”

The set was:
’Then I Kissed Her’
’Don’t Worry Baby’
’Dance Dance Dance’
’In My Room’
’Little Surfer Girl’
’The Little Girl I Once Knew’
’Wouldn’t It Be Nice’
’All Summer Long’
’Little Saint Nick’
’I Get Around’
’Sail On Sailor’
’Our Prayer’
’Heroes And Villains’
’God Only Knows’
’Sloop John B’
’California Girls’
’Good Vibrations’

’Do It Again’
’Help Me Rhonda’
’Barbara Ann’
’Surfin’ USA’
’Fun Fun Fun’
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.07.05 07:46:57   
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July 28, 2005 July 28, 2005

Bruce Johnston, along with the rest of the Beach Boys, will be flying to Japan this weekend to play a single concert in Nigata on Sunday night (July 31st), before returning to the U.S. where the group are in the middle of their annual summer tour.

Johnston, who first began touring with the group in 1965 feels that their live work has often been overlooked by their studio successes like "California Girls," "Good Vibrations," and the Pet Sounds album. He told us that the best example of the original group playing at their peak is their 1968 Live In London album: "That's probably one of the greatest unsung albums that the band put out. 'Cause that's the way it really sounded. We did not tweak anything. We did not mix it, we did not do anything. It was an 8-track tape. Everything's live. No retakes, no double-tracking -- nothing."

Live In London was recorded on December 8th, 1968, at London's Finsbury Park and was originally only released in the UK. In 1976 it was released in the U.S. as Beach Boys '69.

The album features stripped down versions of the group's hits such as "Darlin'," "California Girls," "Wouldn't It Be Nice," "Good Vibrations," "God Only Knows," and "Barbara Ann."

In addition to Live In London, the Beach Boys have released two other live sets -- 1964's Beach Boys Concert and 1973's double disc The Beach Boys In Concert.

A live album using tapes from the group's 1975 joint tour with Chicago, which was dubbed "Beachago," is currently in the planning stages.

The Beach Boys' next U.S. show will be on August 9th in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, at the Bethlehem Musikfest. They'll be on tour through the end of October.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.08.05 23:52:31   
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Former Beach Boy Al Jardine, who is currently fronting his Endless Summer Band, performed a brief solo set at a northern California Borders book store last Saturday (July 23rd.) Jardine was promoting his recently released kids book, Sloop John B. - A Pirate's Tale, which is based on the Beach Boys' 1966 Top Ten hit.

Jardine, who claims he was forced out of the group by fellow co-founder Mike Love in 1998, is currently engaged in a number of lawsuits against the Beach Boys' organization -- Brother Records Inc. (BRI) -- which have blocked him from using any aspect of the group's name while advertising his solo shows, despite the fact that he's a one-quarter owner of the organization.

Al Jardine talked to us and revealed that although more of a team player rather than a frontman for the Beach Boys, he feels that he's finally comfortable fronting a band: "I just pretty much laid low. I didn't have that ego... (the) need to satisfy that part of my ego. We had plenty of lead singers. And I think you matriculate toward that as time goes on. You have to be patient and when the right moment comes, you hopefully have the right stuff to be up front."

Jardine claims that although he was originally allowed to call his solo group the Beach Boys' Family & Friends -- which featured Brian Wilson's daughters Carnie & Wendy Wilson -- until BRI forced him to change the name after citing a clause in his agreement which banned any females from performing at any show promoted with the words "Beach Boys."

Jardine is currently working on his autobiography California Saga. No release date has been announced.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.08.05 07:40:09   
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Brian Wilson and Mike Love, two of the original co-founders of the Beach Boys have been estranged for years, but by coincidence they recently caught up with each other while taking care of some band business. Last week while being interviewed by the Canadian newspaper, the Windsor Star, Wilson said: "Believe it or not, I just saw Mike Love yesterday at an attorney's meeting. That was the first time in seven years. We had a great talk and he told me all about his tours (with the Beach Boys) and I told him all about my solo tours." Wilson went on to reveal that: "(Mike) makes around $7 or $8 million a year (from touring)."

Although Wilson stopped performing with the group back in 1996, he, along with Love, his late brother Carl Wilson's estate, and co-founder Al Jardine are still partners in the group's company, Brother Records Inc., which deals with everything from concert revenues to royalties from reissue albums.

Meanwhile, fans have been hoping for a reunion tour of all the living members of the group for at least one last show. Al Jardine quit the band back in 1998, drummer Dennis Wilson drowned in 1983 at age 39, and Carl Wilson died of cancer in 1997 at age 51. But, keyboardist Bruce Johnston, who joined the group in 1965, and still tours with Love as the Beach Boys, told us while he understands the fan's hopes, he'd rather sit out a reunion show: "I told Mike, if there's a reunion tour, I'm going to be there (but) in the fifth row. I would not be there. Why would I do a reunion tour without Carl and Dennis? Y'know, where's the reunion? Go buy the albums."

Wilson and Love co-wrote most of the Beach Boys' greatest hits such as "California Girls," "Darlin'," "Do It Again," "Fun, Fun, Fun" as well as their Number Ones "I Get Around," "Help Me, Rhonda," and "Good Vibrations."

Wilson's tour, which features him performing two dozen Beach Boys hits as well as his legendary Smile album in its entirety, wraps up on September 4th in Los Angeles at the Hollywood Bowl.

The Beach Boys featuring Mike Love and Bruce Johnston perform tomorrow night (August 25th) at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom in New Hampshire. They'll be on tour through the end of October.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: McDen   Дата: 25.08.05 11:46:37   
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еСТЬ у кого-нить диск Бич Бойз с инструменталами?????
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.09.05 21:27:44   
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The Beach Boys' frontman Mike Love says that although he's proud of his and the group's ties with conservative politicians, his upcoming solo album, called Mike Love, Not War, will project a liberal stance against the U.S. war in Iraq. Love, who's currently on tour with the Beach Boys, told Massachusetts' The Cape Codder, "We performed at both (President Ronald) Reagan inaugurals, and we've played for both the elder (George) Bush and the current President Bush. We've also been pleased with these opportunities and with our association with Republican administrations." Love added that, "We are, however, against the idea of war. War and what goes on to fuel it is insane."

No release date is set for Mike Love, Not War, which features contributions from Love's son Christian and fellow Beach Boy Bruce Johnston.

The disc will also feature a re-recording of Love's tribute to his cousin and Beach Boys co-founder Brian Wilson, called "Brian's Back," which was first recorded in 1978.

The Beach Boys will be performing next on Friday & Saturday (September 2nd & 3rd) in Atlantic City at Caesars Atlantic City.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.11.05 18:47:50   
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Mike Love Suing Cousin Brian Wilson By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES - Mike Love is suing his cousin and former Beach Boys bandmate Brian Wilson, but Love's lawyer hopes the lawsuit won't mar their good vibrations.

Love filed the lawsuit in federal court Thursday accusing Wilson of promoting his 2004 album, "Smile," in a manner that "shamelessly misappropriated Mike Love's songs, likeness and the Beach Boys trademark, as well as the `Smile' album itself."

Love's lawyer says it's nothing personal.

"Mike has a lot of affection for Brian and they have a good relationship and cordial relations," said Phil Stillman, who has represented Love since 1992. "There's obviously some problem with the way Brian's (associates) have promoted the albums."

Stillman added: "They remain family and the co-founders of a very important band in rock 'n' roll history."

The Beach Boys never completed "Smile," and it was regarded as a lost classic until Wilson opted to finish it himself. The album earned international acclaim and marked a dramatic return for the 63-year-old singer-songwriter, who had kept a low profile for years.

Love objected to a promotion in which 2.6 million copies of a Beach Boys compilation CD were given away to readers of Britain's The Daily Mail on Sunday newspaper. The lawsuit said the giveaway undercut the band's sales.

The lawsuit seeks damages, including "millions of dollars in illicit profits," and seeks at least $1 million for international advertising "to correct the effects of ... unfair competition and infringing uses."

A lawyer for Wilson didn't return a call from The Associated Press for comment.

Love formed the group in Hawthorne in 1961 with Wilson, Wilson's brothers Carl and Dennis, and Wilson's friend Al Jardine. They went on to record hits such as "Good Vibrations," "Wouldn't It Be Nice" and "California Girls."

Wilson's brothers have died, and he split acrimoniously with Love and Jardine years ago. In an interview earlier this year with the AP, he refused to discuss them in the present tense, but talked about their early years with apparent fondness. His new album is "What I Really Want for Christmas."

Love has the exclusive legal right to tour under the Beach Boys name.;_ylt=Ar5N9HaCVEt...
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.11.05 15:16:25   
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BEACH BOYS Music In Review 1961 - 1973 (2005 2-disc DVD set comprising the definitive review of their music on stage, record and film featuring extensive rare footage from television & film archives from around the world plus archived interviews with Brian Wilson and the late Carl Wilson, presented in book-style pack complete with 48-page colour book containing track-by-track analysis of the 20 albums released by Capitol Records). BEACH BOYS Music In Review 1961 - 1973 (2005 2-disc DVD set comprising the definitive review of their music on stage, record and film featuring extensive rare footage from television & film archives from around the world plus archived interviews with Brian Wilson and the late Carl Wilson, presented in book-style pack complete with 48-page colour book containing track-by-track analysis of the 20 albums released by Capitol Records).
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.12.05 04:47:54   
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По предварительным данным юбилейное издание "Pet Sounds - 40th Anniversary [CD/DVD]" (1966 album; also available as DualDisc and single CD)выйдет в Америке 7 марта 2006 г.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 04.12.05 04:53:35   
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2Primal Scream

Я не знаю, честно, как реагировать.
ИМХО, их музыка стала архаикой еще до наступления 70-х.
Сейчас это слушать еще смешнее.

Про Revolver бы такую новость. Вот был бы праздник.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.12.05 04:58:45   
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2Flaming Rain:

Это ж "ту хум хау". Кому архаика, а кому вечный праздник.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 04.12.05 05:07:20   
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Ну как минимум двоим. Lemon Lennon'y точно, да и Дед Алекс наверняка заинтересуется.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 04.12.05 12:33:57   
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Сегодня день рождения у Денниса!Сегодня день рождения у Денниса!
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: илюха   Дата: 06.12.05 17:54:41   
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Pet Sounds? архаика? да это каких же грибочков объесться надо, чтобы такое выдать...
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: bk   Дата: 24.12.05 21:41:26   
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Вопрос знатокам.

Кто-нибудь знает, на каком альбоме Beach Boys записана Calidornia Dreamin'?
В каком году?
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