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Bob Dylan

Тема: Bob Dylan

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Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Paha   Дата: 15.09.05 10:08:30   
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>Вчера по питерскому каналу показали фильм "Шоу
>века", т.е. Masked and anonymous.
Не знаю, что имеется ввиду под "питерским", но видел фильм позавчера в Москве по ТВ3,
мож и вчера показывали... они любят повторять...
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Remasterman   Дата: 15.09.05 19:17:55   
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Не переводите форум в плоскость сплетен - фильму уже два года, он есть в продаже под именем Шоу Века, он был в продаже под своим оригинальным названием, естественно, в России. Никому он еще не зашёл, кстати... :) Сам фильм снят Диланом (под псевдонимом), актер из него плохой, но он выдал некоторые интересные мини-монологи в виде реплик разных актёров и в виде голоса за кадром.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.09.05 23:58:06   
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Ну он там по сути деля и не играл.

Филм наподобие нашего фильма с Макаревичем - названия не вспомню, где просто показывают Макара под др. именем, как он записывается, общается и все дела...

Но с Бобом мне очень фильм понравился!..

Какие там песни пелись!..Как там девочка спела Times They Are A'Changin'! И сам Боб как важно там выхаживал:)...Особенно классно там были исполнены песни, где он с электро-гитаркой...

Классный фильм!..

Только надо его правильно воспринимать...это не игровой фактически фильм (если не принимать во внимание др. актёров),хоть и поставленный по сценарию.

Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 16.09.05 00:04:29   
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я согласен. это скорее зарисовка, чем кино. Дилан ходил в шляпе с гитарой, и этого для зарисовки достаточно. слава богу это не "психологическая драма", а просто, размышления Дилана вслух. там кстати, немало иронии и гротеска. даже пародии на вестерн.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 16.09.05 00:28:36   
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да, этим мне очень и понравился.

Глубокий фильм, если его правильно воспринять.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.05 12:17:18   
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Due for release on 17/10/2005

Murray Lerner's classic film, originally released in 1967, now on DVD for the first time!
Filmed across three Newport Folk Festivals in the early 1960s it combines live footage and interviews with the artists and with members of the audience.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.05 12:33:27   
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Bob Dylan: After The Crash - 1966 - 1978Bob Dylan: After The Crash - 1966 - 1978
Due for release on 31/10/2005

After The Crash : Bob Dylan 1966 - 1978 mixes historical footage, rare performances and unreleased recordings with review and criticism from experts, friends, fellow musicians who played with Bob, and even the odd enemy.

Writers and critics Clinton Heylin, Nigel Williamson, Patrick Humphries and Derek Barker offer their thoughts on the records and other projects completed by Dylan across this period; Jacques Levy, in his final interview, discusses his work with Bob on the Desire album; musicians Rob Cornelius, Bruce Langhorne, Eric Weissberg, Kevin Odegard, Rob Stoner and Scarlet Riviera all talk of their experiences working with Bob Dylan in the studio and on the road; friend and journalist, the late Al Aronowitz remembers his years with Bob and Ray Foulkes, organiser of the Isle Of Wight Festival, reveals for the first time how he managed to talk Dylan out of live retirement to perform at the UK's very own 'Woodstock'.

And with the legend himself, A.J. Weberman, recalling the events and conversations - secretly recorded by AJ - that took place between himself and a somewhat irritated Bob Dylan, this programme is the most informative, enlightening and downright entertaining document on this period of Bob Dylan's life yet to emerge.

Features rare performances of these classics:
1. Just Like A Woman
2. She Belongs To Me
3. Girl From The North Country (with Johnny Cash)
4. Billy The Kid
5. Baby Let Me Follow You Down (with The Band)
6. Simple Twist Of Fate, and many others

Features rare performance footage from:
1966 San Francisco press conference
1968 Woody Guthrie Memorial Concert
Johnny Cash TV show 1969
Isle Of Wight Festival 1970
Concert for Bangladesh 1971
'Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid' movie 1972
The John Hammond TV tribute 1975
The Band's farewell concert 1976

This DVD is what every Dylan fan has been waiting years to see, the fully documented history of Bob Dylan's most secretive period, augmented with Bob's music, rarely viewed footage, previously unseen photographs and a host of other features.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 21.09.05 11:00:43   
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Выходит фильм Скорцезе про Дилана No Direction Home.Выходит фильм Скорцезе про Дилана "No Direction Home".

The two-part film, which focuses on the singer-songwriter's life and music from 1961-66, includes never-seen performance footage and interviews with artists and musicians whose lives intertwined with Dylan's during that time. Dylan talks openly and extensively about this critical period in his career, detailing the journey from his hometown of Hibbing, Minnesota, to Greenwich Village, New York, where he became the center of a musical and cultural upheaval, the effects of which are still felt today.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Remasterman   Дата: 21.09.05 23:00:53   
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Вышел :)
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.09.05 09:13:20   
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Видеорепортаж с премьеры фильма Скорсезе No Direction HomeВидеорепортаж с премьеры фильма Скорсезе "No Direction Home"

Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 23.09.05 13:31:09   
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Интересная деталь - Дилан явился на премьеру "невидимкой", с заднего крыльца(согласно репортажу в телевизионных новостях). Не хотел шумихи, похвал, поздравлений и раздачи автографов. Такая вот скромная "живая легенда". В этом весь Дилан.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.10.05 09:54:12   
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Dylan Record Sales See Significant IncreaseDylan Record Sales See Significant Increase
Thanks to TV documentary about his life...

Sales of Bob Dylan records have soared as a result of last week's documentary about his life, music figures show.

His 2004 compilation The Essential Bob Dylan has doubled its sales and is now heading back into the Top 40. HMV has reported a massive increase across the singer's enormous back catalogue over the past month.

This news comes following the midweek screening of Martin Scorsese's two-part Dylan documentary 'No Direction Home'.

HMV head of music Phil Penman said: "These are the largest increases we've seen with Dylan's catalogue for many years. As with other music icons, such as Elvis, the Beatles and Sinatra, Dylan has a significant fan-base and his recordings will always sell.

"In September, however, there has been an enormous renewed interest in his work, with HMV stores throughout the country reporting substantial increases in sales of his catalogue."
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 12:06:56   
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Bob Dylan
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.10.05 00:11:56   
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Bob Dylan: Tales From A Golden Age - 1941-1966Bob Dylan: Tales From A Golden Age - 1941-1966
release on 14/11/2005

Tracing the great man's history back to his home town of Hibbing, Minnesota, where his old school chums and teachers speak on film for the first time, moving on to his early career as a struggling young folk singer in New York's Greenwich Village with contributions from his friends and colleagues from that time and then tracing his career up to the point of his 1966 motorcycle accident and subsequent disappearance from the spotlight, this DVD uncovers a side of Bob Dylan never revealed before.

Includes contributions from; several friends from school, university and the late 50's local Minnesota folk scene, Bob's first music teacher, Greenwich Village colleagues, Martin Carthy [Dylan played with Carthy during his first visit to the UK in 1963], the legendary folk singer and friend of Dylan, Spider John Koerner [never previously spoken on film about Bob], Ed Ball [the 85 year old manager of Woody Guthrie], Clinton Heylin [esteemed Dylan biographer - author of the 100,000 selling Man Behind The Shades], Derek Barker [Editor of the largest circulation fanzine in the world ISIS], C P Lee [Dylan historian and author of several books on BD] and many others.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.10.05 22:29:32   
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Bob Dylan Writes New Song For Charlize Theron movie…

Bob Dylan has written and recorded a new song, ‘Tell Ol’Bill’ for new flick, ‘North Country’ starring Charlize Theron, Frances McDormand, Sissy Spacek and Woody Harrelson.

The movie plot centres around Dylan songs and takes its name from his classic 'Girl From The North Country'.

The soundtrack will also feature classics such as ‘Lay Lady Lay’ and ‘Sweetheart Like You’ as well as a very early Dylan composition, ‘Paths of Victory,’ by Cat Power.

The movie is based on the book 'Class Action: The Landmark Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law," by Clara Bingham and Laura Leedy Gansler report It is about a court room victory in the first sexual harassment case.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.11.05 17:36:50   
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Due for release on 28/11/2005Due for release on 28/11/2005
This is the ultimate live collection from folk rock genius Bob Dylan.
Featuring rare live performances including the return to Woodstock show in 1994 and the infamous electric era from the late sixties, this is Bob Dylan at his best.
Includes performances of every major Dylan recording including Just Like A Woman, Mr Tambourine Man, Blowin' In The Wind, Maggie's Farm and All Along The Watchtower.

Disc 1:
1. Blowin' In The Wind
2. The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
3. Man Of Constant Sorrow
4. With God On Our Side
5. I Threw It All Away
6. Livin¿ The Blues
7. Girl From The North Country (with Johnny Cash)
8. Hurricane
9. A Simple Twist Of Fate
10. Oh Sister
11. Gotta Serve Somebody
12. I Believe In You

Disc 2:
1. When You Gonna Wake Up
2. Dont Start Me To Talkin'
3. Jokerman
4. Gotta Serve Somebody
5. I'll Remember You
6. Trust Yourself
7. Maggie's Farm
8. Mr Tambourine Man
9. Masters Of War
10. All Along The Watchtower

Disc 3:
1. My Back Pages
2. It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
3. Forever Young
4. Highway 61 Revisited
5. Just Like A Woman
6. Forever Young (with Bruce Springsteen)
7. Seein' The Real You At Last
8. All Along The Watchtower
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Baby Lemonade   Дата: 03.11.05 22:17:42   
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Мне безумно нравится песня "Queen Jane approximately"!
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 03.11.05 23:07:39   
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Слова, которые довольно часто встречаются в песнях Боба Дилана:)

Words Commonly Found in Dylan Songs

Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Julia*   Дата: 03.11.05 23:49:44   
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>Слова, которые довольно часто встречаются в песнях
>Боба Дилана:)

Еще слово ramblin' :)))
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Julia*   Дата: 08.11.05 11:29:07   
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И еще слово WOMAN ;)
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