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Beatles и животные

Тема: Битлз - хобби

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Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:11:44   
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В АвстралииВ Австралии
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:12:11   
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Фото от Medicene Jar  Фото от Medicene Jar
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:12:47   
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You know why animals don't have rights?
They don't have a lawyer.

paul mccartney

(Сообщение от Expert )
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:13:53   
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When John was a child growing up in Liverpool, there were at least three cats in his life. Tich, the marmalade-coloured half-Persian, died when John was at college. Tim, the half-Persian [ginger cat]... being held in this photo by John's Aunt Mimi... was a stray found in the snowy street by John and became a special favorite. Sam was another cat he loved.As a young boy, John doted on the cats. Every day, he would cycle to Mr. Smith the fishmonger in Woolton village to buy pieces of hake for his pets. Later, as a Beatle on tour, he would phone Mimi to ask how the cats were getting on without him. When John was a child growing up in Liverpool, there were at least three cats in his life. Tich, the marmalade-coloured half-Persian, died when John was at college. Tim, the half-Persian [ginger cat]... being held in this photo by John's Aunt Mimi... was a stray found in the snowy street by John and became a special favorite. Sam was another cat he loved.As a young boy, John doted on the cats. Every day, he would cycle to Mr. Smith the fishmonger in Woolton village to buy pieces of hake for his pets. Later, as a Beatle on tour, he would phone Mimi to ask how the cats were getting on without him.
~from LENNON The Definitive Biography by Ray Coleman
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:14:10   
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John's mother Julia had a cat named Elvis. Julia Baird, John's half-sister wrote "Mummy liked [Elvis Presley] to such an extent that when we got a kitten (at my insistence) it was christened Elvis. The cat later produced a litter of kittens in the bottom of the kitchen cupboard - so we realized our mistake - but the name remained the same!"
~from John Lennon My Brother by Julia Baird
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:14:25   
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In 1965, 25-year-old John, then-wife Cynthia and son Julian lived in a house in Weybridge, England with many cats. "Once the house was finished John insisted we get a cat - he'd grown up with them, of course, and loved them. The first [a tabby] was named Mimi, after his cat loving aunt. Two more soon followed [including one named Babaghi, another tabby] and eventually we had about ten."
~ from John by Cynthia Lennon

While John was with May Pang they had two cats, Major and Minor. One was black, the other white.

After marrying Yoko and moving to New York City, there were still many cats in John's life: a pair, white and black, named Salt and Pepper and Misha, Shasha and Charo who I think were Persians. I've also read they had a Russian Blue kitten and another cat named Alice. This is one of my favorite John Lennon posters. Perhaps that's Pepper in the picture with him? When I bought the poster I didn't realize that the image had been cropped from this beautiful portrait of John AND Yoko! Unfortunately, the original image seems only to be available as a limited edition that I can't afford to buy. There is a nice enlargement in the excellent book Dear Mr. Fantasy by the photographer Ethan A Russell. Russell also shot the photos for The Beatles Get Back book which was part of the 1970 Let It Be box set.
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:15:08   
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I began to find John and Sean drawing together. John would draw something and explain to Sean what it was. 'This is a cat, catnapping, Sean'. John's titles were very short and succinct with great wit and humour, and made Sean laugh. This is how Sean learnt the fun of drawing, the fun of doing things together with his dad, and the fun of life. "I began to find John and Sean drawing together. John would draw something and explain to Sean what it was. 'This is a cat, catnapping, Sean'. John's titles were very short and succinct with great wit and humour, and made Sean laugh. This is how Sean learnt the fun of drawing, the fun of doing things together with his dad, and the fun of life."
~ Yoko Ono
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:15:27   
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Рисунки ДЖона с кошкамиРисунки ДЖона с кошками
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:16:10   
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Beatles и животные2
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:18:03   
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Beatles и животные3
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:20:38   
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Beatles и животные1965
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:21:20   
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Beatles и животные2
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:22:00   
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Beatles и животные3
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:22:22   
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4 Интересно, а на плече, что за зверь?4 Интересно, а на плече, что за зверь?
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.01.07 17:25:46   
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Beatles и животные5
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.02.07 19:23:26   
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Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 26.02.07 16:51:51   
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ВОт, наконец-то и Ринго с котом :)ВОт, наконец-то и Ринго с котом :)
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.06.07 18:46:02   
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Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.06.07 18:47:48   
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Ослы -1Ослы -1
Re: Beatles и животные
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.06.07 18:48:48   
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Beatles и животные2
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