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Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE

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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 13.12.08 15:18:43   
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Ещё одна фотка из серии пока Патти на фотосессиях
Ещё одна фотка из серии "пока Патти на фотосессиях"

1968 год. Джордж и ливерпульская актриса Rita Tushingham, сыгравшая главную роль в фильме "A Taste Of Honey".


Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Expert   Дата: 25.12.08 03:20:05   
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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Expert   Дата: 25.12.08 03:21:47   
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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.12.08 13:34:54   
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Решил рассказать о тех людях, которые, собственно, и осуществляли эти фоторепортажи. Фотографировали Битлов.Решил рассказать о тех людях, которые, собственно, и осуществляли эти фоторепортажи. Фотографировали Битлов.
Думаю, это будет небезынтересно...

Тему новую открывать не буду - их и так хватает.

6 июля 1957 года. Тот Самый День, когда впервые повстречались Джон и Пол.

Фотограф - Geoff Rhind

Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.12.08 13:38:41   
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Geoff Rhind живет cейчас в Ирландии. Он - художник.Geoff Rhind живет cейчас в Ирландии. Он - художник.
Geoff Rhind is originally from Liverpool. He came to Ireland in the late 60's to work as a Colour Lithograph Proofer. In 1970 he left the printing trade in order to paint full-time, which he has been doing for the last 35 years.

He has developed his own technique, using oil-based inks and Acrylics on board and canvas. He paints a wide range of styles from Landscapes to Abstracts.

He has been an Arist member of The United Arts Club, Dublin for many years. He served on the Visual Arts committee of the Project Arts centre in the 1970's.

He has exhibited in many galleries over the years, including the Royal Hibernian Academy and his paintings are in collections throughout the world.

Geoff was a classmate of John Lennon from the age of 11 till 16, and took the famous photograph of John Lennon and the Quarrymen, John's first band, on July 6th 1957. Later that same day John met Paul McCartney for the first time and that was the beginning of The Beatles!

Его работы можно увидеть здесь:
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.12.08 13:40:29   
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Джефф на пятидесятилетии События. 6 июля 2007 года... Справа.Джефф на пятидесятилетии События. 6 июля 2007 года... Справа.
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.12.08 13:41:33   
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Exact same model of camera used by Geoff Rhind to photograph the Quarrymen on 6-July 1957... Exact same model of camera used by Geoff Rhind to photograph the Quarrymen on 6-July 1957...
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.12.08 13:44:11   
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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: vinyl   Дата: 25.12.08 13:44:51   
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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Птица Алконост   Дата: 25.12.08 15:32:53   
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Да, старость не радость...выглядит-то он не очень...
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 25.12.08 18:27:57   
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спешу поделиться для тех кто не видел. Сам только просмотрел этот ролик. Снято так себе, но историческая ценность. Джордж и Deep Purple в Сиднее, 1984г. Джордж был явно в ударе!
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 30.12.08 11:41:46   
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Не совсем фотограф, но Хранитель.Не совсем фотограф, но Хранитель.
Sam Leach -писатель, лектор, историк и промоутер.
John Lennon said that Sam was the pulse of the Merseybeat movement.

Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 30.12.08 11:42:41   
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Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 30.12.08 11:44:35   
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Ещё фотографии из коллекции Сэма. Много. И здОрово!Ещё фотографии из коллекции Сэма. Много. И здОрово!
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 30.12.08 11:49:09   
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The Merseybeat Bands:The Merseybeat Bands:

Вот эта понравилась (The Four Jays)..
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 30.12.08 11:59:58   
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Много фотографий принадлежит другу Сэма. Его зовут Dick Matthews. На верхнем фото - он с Сэмом, Джоном, Джорджем и бутылочкой.Много фотографий принадлежит другу Сэма. Его зовут Dick Matthews. На верхнем фото - он с Сэмом, Джоном, Джорджем и бутылочкой.

Ещё его некоторые фотки:
"The Shimmy-Shimmy Queens" (Marie Williams, Joan Pratt & Maureen O'Donnell) и ...

Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 30.12.08 12:07:39   
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Метр курим, два бросаем...(с) Dick MatthewsМетр курим, два бросаем...(с) Dick Matthews
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 11.01.09 13:27:41   
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10 May 196010 May 1960
Wyvern Social Club (The Blue Candle)
108 Seel Street

This is the first photograph of the band using Beatles in their name.
За барабанами - Tommy Moore

Фотограф - Cheniston Roland

Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 11.01.09 13:30:10   
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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 11.01.09 13:32:57   
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Violin Historian - authority on violin players and the history of violin recordings.
Educated private school then public school Liverpool College 1944 - 1949.
Studied violin with J E Matthew, Helga White and Gerhardt Drechsler.
Merseyside Youth Orchestra 1954 - 1956.
Graduate Liverpool Matthey School of Music 1950 - 1958.
Married 1960, wife Jacqueline born 4.10.1937, who is a senior lecturer in business studies in further education.
First person to photograph The Beatles on 10 May 1960, the day they changed their name while auditioning at the
Wyvern Club, Wood Street Liverpool where there is a photomural of this picture commemorating the event
Merseyside Arts Festival 1962 - member organizing committee with Roger McGough, Adrian Henri and others.
Collaborated with author on "Two Centuries of Music in Liverpool"(1974)
Lecturer in Music Liverpool Corporation 1974 - 1976.
Contributor to "The Book of the Violin" (1984) on violin recordings as an historical document, discographies and violinist’s profiles.
Also broadcasts and lectures. Private collection of 78 rpm violin recordings 1898 - 1951 together with tapes of historical broadcasts of live broadcasts of violin performances 1933 - to the present .
Library of scores - Autographs - posters - programmes - letters and other violin memorabilia.
Lecturer in Accountancy 1992 - 1994 Liverpool College of Further Education.
Hopes Festival lecture - 1998 "Two Centuries of Music in Liverpool - some interesting stories".
Hopes Festival lectures - 1998 "Paganini's First Visit to Liverpool 1832
British Medical Institute lecture - 1998 "Paganini's Medical papers with particular reference to Marfan's Syndrome" in collaboration with Dr P Dangerfield of Liverpool University Medical School
Hopes Festival lecture - 1999 "Sir Charles Santley" given at St Francis Xavier’s Church, where he sang as a child
Athenaeum Music Lecture - 1999 - "Paganini's First Visit to Liverpool 1832"
Roland's Dictionary of Liverpool Music and Musicians Rockcliff (1999)
Violin Editor ClassicalMusicGuide to the web (2000)
"Encyclopaedia of Death and Dying" Routledge (2000) contributed seven music articles
Athenaeum Music Lecture - 2001 "200 Years of Music in Liverpool - updated"
Athenaeum Music Lecture - 2001 " The Influence of Music on James Joyce - Tenor"
Athenaeum Music Lecture - 2001 - Sir Charles Santley
Ferrara University Paper - "Aldo Ferraresi the Paganini of Ferrara"
Athenaeum Lecture - 2002 "A Musical Christmas in Retrospect"
Ferrara University Lecture - 2003 "Jeno Hubay and the Modern Hungarian Violin School"
Athenaeum Music Lecture - 2005 "Felix Yaniewicz Proprietor and Friend of Mozart"
Valetta University - 2005 "Paganini's First Visit to Liverpool 1832"
Valetta University - 2005 "Jeno Hubay and the Modern Hungarian Violin School"
Athenaeum Music Lecture - (2006)"Sherlock Holmes Violinist," a musicological look at this virtuoso.

Future lectures arranged and awaiting dates are:-
Lexington University - "The Jewish violinist an individual sound"
Madrid School of Music - "Playing the violin well is only the first step on the concert ladder"
Frescobaldi Conservatoire - "Musicology the role of the Violin Historian".
"Paganini's Disastrous Visit to Ferrara".
The Four Great Violin Schools in the first half of the twentieth centaury"
"Playing the violin well is only the first step on the concert ladder"

At present researching a book on " Memoirs of Signor Paganini"

Violin Editor ClassicalMusicGuide to the web (2000)
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