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Песня Vanilla Sky

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Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 07.12.01 14:55:08

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Обычный MсCartney. Опять "ту-ту-ту" и прочие любимые дела.
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Sandy   Дата: 07.12.01 15:32:33   
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А помоему для Пашки очень даже ничего. Гораздо лучше, чем его последний альбом. Видимо он из себя уже музыку "выжимает".
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: BeatleJane   Дата: 12.12.01 20:23:11   
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Хде моно скачать песню в mp-3
The Beatles-FOREVER!
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 12.12.01 23:37:14   
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Спасибо Mr. Zero за путь.
Очень занятная песня, Маккартни давно не писал ничего в этом стиле: что-то вроде Blackbird в ином ключе. Занятное укелеле где-то на заднем плане, создающее индейское ощущение. Задумчивая такая песня.
Несколько напоминает настоение "С легким паром" Классический переход с минора в мажор, как в каком-нибудь Please Please Me.
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Dimon   Дата: 13.12.01 01:24:16   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 12.02.02 19:13:00   
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Paul is nominated with Vanilla Sky for best song for this year's Oscars.
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 13.02.02 13:45:48   
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Полный список номинантов:

Sting "Until" (KATE & LEOPOLD)
Enya "May It Be" (LORD OF THE RINGS)
Randy Newman "If I Didn't Have You" (MONSTERS, INC.)
Diane Warren "There You'll Be" (PEARL HARBOR)
---и сюрприз-----
Paul McCartney "Vanilla Sky" (VANILLA SKY)

Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 15.02.02 00:52:08   
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Кому достанется "музыкальный Оскар"?

В этом году за золотую статуэтку Оскара в номинации "Оригинальная песня" борьба развернется по приципу "в бой идут одни старики". Судите сами: в списке номинантов значатся Пол Маккартни, Стинг, Эниа, Дайен Уоррен и Рэнди Ньюмен. О том, кому же достанется эта престижнейшая кинонаграда, мы узнаем 24 марта на 74-й церемонии награждения, которая пройдет в Лос-Анджелесе в Kodak Theatre. Примечательно, что за свою 40-летнюю музыкальную карьеру Пол Маккартни номинирован на Оскар впервые - за трек "Vanilla Sky" к одноименному фильму. Режиссер картины Камерон Кроу настоял на том, чтобы именно сэр Пол написал и сам же исполнил заглавную музыкальную тему фильма. Стинг получил номинацию за трек "Until" из фильма "Kate & Leopold", Эниа - за песню "May It Be" для фильма "The Fellowship of the Ring", Дайен Уоррен - за песню "There You'll Be", написанную для знаменитого "Pearl Harbor", ну и Рэнди Ньюмен имеет шанс получить Оскар за "If I Don"t Have You" из саундтрека к "Monsters Inc". Подождем до 24 марта.
Источник: MusicNews
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 09.03.02 12:33:56   
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The video and DVD release of Cameron Crowe's dramatic thriller Vanilla Sky has been scheduled to be released on May 21. The DVD will include an interview with Sir Paul McCartney in which he talks about the title song he wrote for the film.

He May Perform at the Oscars
Sir Paul was interviewed this morning by Katie Couric on NBC's Today show. She opened the interview by asking Sir Paul what made him want to tour now?
"I just like to do it, you know, it's one of those things. Every so often I come out of hibernation and get on the road. After I did the Madison Square Garden concert, I just thought, 'You know what? I like this. This is what I do. Let's do a bit more of it'."
Did the Concert for New York inspire him?
"Yeah, that's what it was, really. I did the concert, because we had to, you know, we - we felt hopeless, and we were in New York at the time. We just felt, got to do something, like a lot of people felt, how can I help? So we did it for that reason. And it was just so great to look out over that sea of firefighters and just see the emotion and just feel the audience there. And I thought, 'I could get into this. I could do this for a living'."
Will the concert play list include selections from every period of his musical career?
"Yeah, I think that's probably the best thing to do, you know. As you say, I've written a lot of songs, and I'd like to try to represent something for everybody. Also, it keeps it kind of fresh for me, rather than just doing the rock 'n' roll, and rather than just doing The Beatles stuff or the Wings stuff. I'd like to do something from the new album, Driving Rain, too, which is going to be nice to do live."
Then Sir Paul was asked to talk about his Oscar nominated song, Vanilla Sky. Is it true that Cameron Crowe asked him to write something for the movie?
"That's right. We were in LA recording the album Driving Rain. And he came over to the studio, said, 'Hey, I've got this film going, you know, would you consider letting me use some of your music?' So we played him some music, and he was going to use that. And then he finally said, 'You know, I really would like it to be a title song.' I said, 'What's the title?' You know, because sometimes, those titles, you just can't write to. He said, 'Vanilla Sky.' I said, 'Vanilla Sky, high, fly, good-bye.' And, you know, I suddenly thought, 'Let me have a shot at it.' And I was feeling good, and I came up with something in a couple of days that he liked. So it went very well. You know, and he's a nice guy, so it's a good song. So..."
Is it true that Cameron Crowe was told that if he didn't like it Sir Paul would release it under the title Manila Envelope?
"Exactly. I said, 'I'm warning you, boy, you know, you turn this down, the title's changing immediately'."
Will Sir Paul be attending the Oscar award ceremony?
"Yeah, I'm hoping to, yeah. I'm quite excited about it. It's a big big deal."
And will be be performing?
"Yeah, they've asked me to. You know, at that second, I'll be in mad rehearsal for our tour, which we go out kind of a day or so after the Oscars. So I'm hoping it's not too frantic with the tour, but if everything goes well, yeah, I'll be there."
On a sad note, losing George Harrison must have been a very sad time for him.
"Yeah, it was. You know, I'd known George forever. He was my little mate who used to get on the bus, and we used to ride into school together for about half an hour, talking about guitars, and rock 'n' roll and stuff. So, you know, I'd known George longer than anyone in the group actually. So it was very sad, you know, it - it's always sad to see a dear friend go, someone like George, who's younger than me. It was very sad. For him, obviously, for his wife and son, it was a very sad time for all of us, and he'll be sorely missed by everyone. You know, so many people loved that man."
On a happier note, Sir Paul and Heather Mills will be getting married soon?
"Yeah, we are actually. Sometime in the summer, we've got a few things to do before, like the American tour. But after that, you know, sometime in the summer, we're going to get married."
Katie Couric told Sir Paul she was happy for him and thanked him for the interview, but Sir Paul still had something to tell her :
"Thank you very much, Katie. I'll tell you what, one quick thing. Rob says hi. He loves you. He's a friend of mine in New York. He loves you, Katie."
Katie: "He does?"

Sir Paul: "Bye."

Katie: "Well, you tell him I said hi, too, whoever Rob is."

Sir Paul: "OK. All right."
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Rocky Racoon   Дата: 09.03.02 21:40:45   
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Soundtrack к Vanilla Sky продается на Горбушке. По крайней мере неделю назад там был.
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Супрун   Дата: 11.03.02 03:16:51   
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Кстати, очень даже прикольная песенка. Мелодичная, ненавязчивая, без излишней слащавости, коей Макка частенько грешил...
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 22.03.02 01:02:53   
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Paul will make his performance debut Sunday at the Academy Awards singing his Oscar-nominated song, "Vanilla Sky"
Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: MAG   Дата: 22.03.02 01:13:17   
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Vanilla Sky Soundtrack - MP3
1) R.E.M. - All The Right Friends
2) Radiohead - Everything In It's Right Place
3) Paul McCartney - Vanilla Sky
4) Peter Gabriel - Solisbury Hill
5) Julianna Gianni - I Fall Apart
6) The Monkees - Porpoise Song
7) Looper - Mondo '77
8) Red House Painters - Have You Forgotten
9) Josh Rouse - Directions
10) Leftfield - Afrika Shox
11) Sigur Ros - Svefn-G-Englar
12) Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye
13) Todd Rundgren - Can We Still Be Friends
14) Bob Dylan - Fourth Time Around
15) Nancy Wilson - Elevator Beat
16) R.E.M. - Sweetness Follows
17) The Chemical Brothers - Where Do I Begin

Re: Песня Vanilla Sky
Автор: Damon   Дата: 22.03.02 20:14:04   
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Именно такой песни не хватало на его последней пластинке. И вообще саундтрек получился вполне симпотичным. Can We Still Be Friends - просто шедевр. Ну а про Габриэла и Дилана и говорить нечего...
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