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Автор: Стас   Дата: 08.09.03 11:34:06
Купил в МР3 их полную коллекцию альбомов,очень понравилось!!!Попс новая волна,всем рекомендую :)))
Мелодичная такая музыка и вокал приятно ласкает слух,может кто хорошо их знает?Поделитесь впечатлениями :)))
Re: Cars
Автор: Jay Parker   Дата: 08.09.03 11:39:43   
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Насколько я помню, клипы у них прикольные.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Cars
Автор: Стас   Дата: 08.09.03 11:44:38   
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Да забыл сказать,они у меня прямо сейчас звучат в наушниках!!!!
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.03 15:08:02   
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Дембельнувшись из армии в 85-м, дико изголодавшись музыкально, одной из первых пластинка, которую я тогда услышал была "Heartbeat City". До сих пор она мне нравится. Ну а "Drive", по-моему, одна из красивейших песен.
Re: Cars
Автор: Стас   Дата: 19.08.04 13:08:34   
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Опять слушаю эту группу,очень интересные песни в стиле "новой волны"
Чем-то напоминает группу Talking heads
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Cars
Автор: Pigmalion   Дата: 19.08.04 16:55:30   
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Рик Оказек мне всегда странным образом кого-то очень сильно напоминал :))) Особенно на том видео, которое я смотрел. Но вообще музыка не в моем вкусе, сорри любители... Хотя как фон очень даже ничего - не грузит.
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.05 07:50:14   
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Former Cars leader Ric Ocasek will release his first solo album in eight years this fall. Due Sept. 27 on his own Inverse label via Sanctuary, Nexterday will include such tracks as I'm Thinking, In a Little Bit and Don't Lose Me.Former Cars leader Ric Ocasek will release his first solo album in eight years this fall. Due Sept. 27 on his own Inverse label via Sanctuary, "Nexterday" will include such tracks as "I'm Thinking," "In a Little Bit" and "Don't Lose Me."

Ocasek's last solo effort, 1997's "Troublizing," was co-produced by Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan and featured contributions from Melissa Auf Der Maur and Bad Religion's Brian Baker.

Late last year, the artist linked with Sanctuary after previously serving as a senior VP of A&R at Elektra.
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.07.05 09:19:39   
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Ocasek looks to 'Nexterday,' Cars documentary By Greg Prato
Tue Jul 12

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Not much has been heard musically from Ric Ocasek since the release of his 1997 solo album, "Troublizing," as his main focus has been on producing such bands as Guided By Voices and Weezer.

But with the Sept. 27 release of a new album, "Nexterday," the former Cars frontman is putting the focus back on his own songs.

Self-produced and recorded in his basement studio, "Nexterday" (due a day earlier in the U.K.) is quite possibly the most stripped-down and straight-ahead release of Ocasek's career. The 11 tracks did not differ much from their demo versions, despite appearances by such guests as Bad Brains bassist Darryl Jenifer and former Cars keyboardist Greg Hawkes.

And unlike the methodical pace common to the Cars' recording sessions, "Nexterday" was a relatively quick record. "It took about a couple of months to write, and a couple of months to record," Ocasek told "I recorded it pretty much at home."

When asked about specific favorite tracks, Ocasek had difficulty picking just one. "I put them all on there because I liked them," he said. "I wrote about 30 songs and I picked those, so I like all the ones I put there. At least I did when I did them. It's funny -- I don't have favorite tracks on any record."

With an overabundance of material, Ocasek confirmed some of these unused tracks should appear on future releases. "I always use a little of the old and a little of the new," he said. Live dates are also a possibility in September.

The artist is also participating in a Cars DVD/documentary, tentatively titled "The Cars Unlocked." The project will feature live footage and behind-the-scenes clips.

"The backstage stuff is stuff in hotel rooms and dressing rooms," Ocasek says. "I think it will be a nice insight into what the Cars were really like. There's interviews, video outtakes, kind of just hamming it up, and some nice club things that probably people wouldn't have gotten to see, from way back. I think it's pretty telling. I think it's the most comprehensive thing that's ever been put out on the Cars.";_ylt=AgV0L0JBEZMWQuILUsxH...
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.08.05 23:54:32   
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Cars leader Ric Ocasek has no problem with a band reunion, but that doesn't mean he'll take part in it. Ocasek acknowledged that there's been talk about some sort of Cars tour, spearheaded by guitarist Elliot Easton. Ocasek gave it his blessing but told us he probably wouldn't participate: "If people wanted to go out and play Cars songs, I wouldn't have any problems with that. I've never really wanted to have kind of a reunion. Some of the people do. I don't know that I would participate in any reunion. But if there is one, I probably just wouldn't be participating in it."

The Cars disbanded in 1988, after releasing six studio albums and a greatest hits set.

Singer-bassist Benjamin Orr died of pancreatic cancer in 2000, at the age of 53.

Easton has been playing in Creedence Clearwater Revisited, another band that reunited without its frontman, John Fogerty.

Ocasek used Cars keyboardist Greg Hawkes on his new solo album, Nexterday, which is due out September 30th.
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 15:59:21   
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Ric Ocasek - frontman for legendary pop/rock outfit The Cars - has previewed 5 tracks from his upcoming album at his website. Gotta say - I'm really impressed with what I hear so far. Here's the press blurb for the album:
Ric Ocasek has been changing the face of pop music for nearly 30 years. His incredible musical odyssey began in the late '60s and includes opening shows for the MC5 and the Stooges, producing some of the most seminal artists of our time (including Weezer, No Doubt and Le Tigre) not to mention a decade-long stint leading The Cars, whose never-ending string of platinum albums and Top 40 hits helped define the post-punk and new wave eras, selling over 25 million albums and creating a blueprint for many of today's most popular bands. Now Ric is preparing to influence a whole new generation. Nexterday is full of the irresistible hooks and soaring choruses that have made him an icon to so many. Not one to simply stick to formula, Nexterday showcases his unmatched talents as a songwriter, from the darkly twisted “Crackpot,” to the heartbreaking melody of I'm Thinking, to the playful synths (and unshakeable hook) of Bottom Dollar. Nexterday is the first release on Ric's new imprint through Sanctuary, Inverse Records.
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.11.05 07:26:51   
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The long-rumored Cars reunion appears to be a reality. Founding guitarist Elliot Easton and keyboardist Greg Hawkes have recruited Todd Rundgren, longtime Rundgren bassist Kasim Sulton and ex-Tubes drummer Prairie Prince for the re-formed group's lineup, according to a letter Sulton allegedly has directed to his fans. The message claims that the band, which reportedly has been dubbed the New Cars, already has recorded some new material and plans to tour throughout 2006.
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.11.05 20:35:16   
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Интересно, зачем Рандгрену понадобилось вливаться в ряды The Cars?Интересно, зачем Рандгрену понадобилось вливаться в ряды The Cars?
У него, кстати, новый DVD выходит с битловским кавером.

Special Features
The DVD includes an additional 40 minutes worth of special bonus features including a scrapbook and an exclusive Video Diary filmed on location during the Liars' Japanese leg of the tour.

Liars Live was filmed in concert on June 9th, 2004 at 'The Empire Centre at The Egg' (aka The Centre For Performing Arts) in Albany, New York, and features two hours' worth of material totaling eighteen songs; eight taken from his critically acclaimed 2004 Liars album, including 'Soul Brother' and a haunting cover of George Harrison's 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps', both of which also appear on newly released 'Best Of Todd Rundgren Live' album.

Track Listing:
1. Prelude: Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (from Carmina Burana)
2. Truth
3. Buffalo Grass
4. Mammon
5. Fascist Christ
6. I Hate My Frickin' I.S.P.
7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
8. God Said
9. Liar
10. Soul Brother
11. Flaw
12. Sweet
13. Past
14. Love Science
15. Born To Synthesize
16. Feel It
17. The Want Of A Nail
18. Hello It's Me
19. Just One Victory
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.03.06 09:42:39   
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The Cars Reform, With Rundgren The Cars Reform, With Rundgren
Seminal Eighties pop outfit to tour minus Ocasek, plus Blondie
Re: Cars
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 16.03.06 12:40:18   
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The Cars возвращаются на сцену

Популярная в 80-х американская рок-группа The Cars, вдохновившая своим творчеством, среди прочих, Franz Ferdinand и The Killers, возвращается на сцену. В новом составе и под новым именем. Поскольку один из основателей группы, басист Бенджамин Орр умер в 2000-м, а вокалист Рик Оказек не проявил интереса к воссоединению, их коллеги - гитарист Эллиотт Истон и клавишник Грег Хоукс - начнут новую жизнь под именем The News Cars.

Помимо Истона и Хоукса, в состав The News Cars войдут вокалист Тодд Рандгрен, басист группы Utopia Касим Салтон и бывший барабанщик Tubes Прейри Принс. В мае-июне этого года музыканты планируют провести турне по Соединенным Штатам в компании уходящих на покой Blondie, после чего собираются порадовать своих фэнов в Европе, Австралии и Азии. Турне Road Rage Tour начнется выступлением 12 мая в Робинсонвилле, Миссури.

В ходе своих концертов The News Cars обещают исполнять как старые-добрые хиты The Cars, так и новые композиции, написанные Истоном и Хоуксом вместе с Тоддом Рандгреном. Поклонники смогут познакомиться с новым материалом группы еще до начала гастролей. 9 мая группа выпускает альбом «It's Alive», куда войдут концертные варианты хитов The Cars и три новые композиции, записанные во время дебютного концерта группы в новом составе. Это выступление имело место в январе этого года в Бурбанке, Калифорния. В качестве предваряющего выход альбома сингла выбрана новая композиция «Not Tonight».

«Публика хорошо помнит хиты The Cars и наверняка хотела бы вновь услышать их на концертах, - говорит Эллиотт Истон. - Как The New Cars, мы хотим отдать дань уважения The Cars. Основную часть программы тура составят популярные песни The Cars. Мы будем исполнять те композиции, песни, перед которыми сами снимаем шляпу».

По словам Эллиотта Истона, основной автор и композитор The Cars Рик Оказек не имеет ничего против воссоединения своих бывших коллег, хотя и не захотел присоединиться к ним. «Я общался с ним и знаю, что он только рад за нас, - говорит Истон. - Он желает нам всяческих успехов. Это очень здорово слышать».

Трек-лист «It's Alive»:

1. Just What I Needed
2. Let's Go
4. You Might Think
5. Best Friend's Girl
6. I Saw The Light
7. You're All I've Got Tonight
8. Not Tonight
9. Drive
10. Moving In Stereo
11. Shake It Up
12. Dangerous Type
13. Bye Bye Love
14. Open My Eyes
15. Good Times Roll
16. Not Tonight (new)
17. Warm (new)
18. More (new)

История The Cars началась в Бостоне в 1976-м году. Уже через несколько лет группе удалось пробиться в лигу суперзвезд и стать признанными героями новой волны с таким своими хитами, как «Just What I Needed», «My Best Friend's Girl», «Good Times Roll», «Let's Go», «Shake It Up» и «You Might Think». The Cars до сих пор входят в список 100 самых успешных артистов Соединенных Штатов. Карьера группы завершилась в 1988-м году, после чего ее участники занялись сольными проектами. Наибольшего успеха - но уже в качестве продюсера - достиг Рик Оказек, помогавший таким коллективам, как Bad Religion, Guided By Voices, Hole и Weezer.
Re: Cars
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 16.03.06 14:59:36   
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надо бы послушать, а то имею смутное представление о них. Видел у друга какой-то клип, снятый аж самим Уорхолом.
Re: Cars
Автор: wirbel   Дата: 16.03.06 18:05:51   
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здесь без скачивания две их песни:
самая известная
Let the good times roll
и не менее замечательная
Not tonight (и клип на эту песню, обратите внимание!!)

ну и две песни Блонди Rapture и Dreaming
Re: Cars
Автор: wirbel   Дата: 16.03.06 18:25:06   
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кстати, а второй клип там Blondie/Doors "Rapture riders"
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.04.06 10:00:23   
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June 6, 2006June 6, 2006

1. Just What I Needed
2. Let's Go
3. Candy-O
4. You Might Think
5. Best Friend's Girl
6. I Saw The Light
7. You're All I*Ve Got Tonight
8. Not Tonight
9. Drive
10. Moving In Stereo
11. Shake It Up
12. Dangerous Type
13. Bye Bye Love
14. Open My Eyes
15. Good Time Roll
16. Not Tonight
17. Warm
18. More

Let the good times roll - again. This ain't your father's automobile, or your older brother's for that matter, but the emergence of The New Cars, comprised of original members of The Cars. Joining Elliot Easton on guitar and Greg Hawkes on keyboards is an all-star group of rockers: Todd Rundgren, fellow Utopia bassist Kasim Sulton, and Prairie Prince, former drummer for The Tubes. Each shares a passion for recreating the groundbreaking music of The Cars, one of the most successful (and influential) bands of the new wave era.
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.08.06 11:03:10   
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Press Release / Founded in 1977 by Ric Ocasek and Benjamin Orr, The Cars shook up the music scene with their distinctive sound and modern aesthetic, both of which continue to influence musical style today. A dominant presence on the charts throughout the 1980s, the band released six multi-platinum albums that spawned over a dozen top twenty hits and led to sold out tours worldwide.
Now you can experience the thrill of seeing The Cars live with The Cars Unlocked. Featuring over twenty never-before-seen live performances from their sold-out U.S. tours plus interview footage, sound checks, slide shows, backstage antics, and home video shot by the band, this limited edition set is your key to unlock The Cars.
Live performances include: My Best Friend's Girl - Lets Go - Gimme Some Slack - Up And Down - Just What I Needed - Don't You Stop - Moving In Stereo - Candy-O - You Might Think - Drive - Tonight She Comes - Magic - Shake It Up - Good Times Roll - This is the key to unlock the cars.
DVD Features: 20 Songs +6 Bonus Performances; 28-Page Photo Lyric Book; Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound; Trailer.
Includes a brand-new full length CD: The Cars Unlocked--The Live Performances - This first-ever live album from The Cars features 10 digitally-remastered live performances of Cars hits including: Magic - Touch And Go - Drive - Just What I Needed - Moving In Stereo - You Might Think - Plus Four Never-Before-Released Songs!
20 Songs +6 Bonus Performances; 28-Page Photo Lyric Book; Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound; Trailer.
Re: Cars
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.06 22:08:27   
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The Very Best of Cars The Very Best of Cars
Audio CD (2 Oct 2006)

1. Just What I Needed
2. My Best Friend's Girl
3. Good Times Roll
4. You're All I've Got Tonight
5. Bye Bye Love
6. Moving In Stereo
7. Let's Go
8. It's All I Can Do
9. Dangerous Type
10. Touch And Go
11. Shake It Up
12. Since You're Gone
13. I'm Not The One
14. You Might Think
15. Drive
16. Magic
17. Hello Again
18. Why Can't I Have You
19. Tonight She Comes
20. You Are The Girl
Re: Cars
Автор: mishana   Дата: 22.10.09 16:20:42   
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вполне симпотичная группа,думаю к хорошей попсе можно отнести..мелодии красивые и запоминающиеся.также нравятся два сольника ric ocasek-this side of paradise и beatitude!
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