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Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?

Тема: The Rutles / Monty Python

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Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 10.07.03 08:55:19

Один из самых прекрасных музыкальных фильмов был создан в 1978 годжу бывшим участником Монти Пайтона Эриком Айдлом. All You Need Is Cash он создал Beatles-пародию, которая была совершенна до самой маленькой детали. "Живые выступления", фрагменты фильмов и даже песни, все кажется подлинным, хотя это - только талантливая имитация и пародия. Помимо Мика Джаггера и Пола Саймона, в фильме также участвовал Джордж Харрисон в крошечной роли репортера.
И вот теперь, 25 лет спустя, Эрик Айдл закончил продолжение под названием 'Can't Buy Me Lunch'. Тот же самый репортер из первой серии делет новый фильм о Rutles, только 25 годами позже. На сей раз он берет интервью у Salman Rushdie, Тома Ханкса, Джеймса Тейлора, Дэвида Боуи, и Бонни Раитт, говорящих о том,как Rutles повлияли на них и их жизни. Чрезвычайно смешная сцена - та, где репортер пробует брать интервью У Мадонны и Дженнифер Лопез.
Права на кинофильм принадлежат Warner, и они, кажется, не убеждены в необходимости выпуска этого фильма на рынок. Хотелось бы надеяться...
Как заявил Эрик Айдл, Джордж Харрисон видел фильм незадолго до смерти.
Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 06.08.03 11:44:56   
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From Pythonline
by Hans ten Cate
Tuesday, 5 August 2003

Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch will premiere at the Don't Knock the Rock
Festival on August 16, 7:30 PM and 11:45 PM at the ArcLight Cinemas
After sitting on a shelf at Warner Brothers for over a year, Rutles 2: Can't
Buy Me Lunch, the much anticipated sequel to Eric Idle's 1978 mockumentary,
will receive its world premiere in Los Angeles on August 16. The screening
is part of the first annual Don't Knock the Rock Festival, which is being
held August 15-17 in various venues throughout Hollywood.

The festival's organizers have arranged two showings, the first at 7:30 PM
and again at 11:45 PM that same night. Both screenings will take place at
the ArcLight Cinema on Sunset Blvd.

The first Don't Knock the Rock Festival launches what will be an annual film
and music event celebrating the rock and roll roots of Hollywood. The
three-day festival is a historical journey of classic and new rock and roll

Saturday night will be the world premiere of Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch,
which actually wrapped production last year. Written by Gerard Corvin and
directed by Eric Idle, Rutles 2 is the sequel to All You Need is Cash and,
like the original, it is a parody of the myriad documentaries made about the

For Rutles 2, Eric dug up some outtakes and old footage from the original
documentary. “Yes, there's found footage,” confessed Eric. “I went to New
Jersey and found the original outtakes – the negatives – which are fabulous.
Mechanically, you could just process them, and the positive was all fresh
and great.” [1] In addition, the film uses the Rutles' second album,
Archeology (1996), to look back on the Rutles' influence on contemporary

“It’s a documentary with my same narrator character,” said Eric, “only it’s
30 years later, and he goes around talking to Salman Rushdie, Tom Hanks,
James Taylor, David Bowie and Bonnie Raitt about how the world has been
influenced, and how their lives have been changed by the Rutles.” [2]
The same narrator (Eric Idle), nearly 25 years later, outside the same famed
hotel in which the same Rutles actually stayed Tom Hanks tells how the
Rutles released the world's first and only triangular LP record

“He pursues Jennifer Lopez and Madonna trying to get interviews, which is
really funny, and Gary Shandling is just brilliant. I made it under the
aegis of Lorne Michaels again, and we sold it to Warners.” [2] For reasons
unbeknownst to even Eric, Warner Brothers sat on the project and the film
has, until recently, only seen limited test screenings. August 16 will be
the official world premiere.

Rutles 2 will feature some "found footage" and outtakes from the original
documentary Hans Hдnkie (Robin Williams) discusses the impact the Rutles had
on Germany

The cast includes Eric Idle, Neil Innes, Ricky Fataar and John Halsey as The
Rutles, along with Rutles fans and foes David Bowie, Billy Connolly, Carrie
Fisher, Tom Hanks, Jewel, Steve Martin, Mike Nichols, Conan O'Brien, Salman
Rushdie, Garry Shandling, Robin Williams, and cameos from the first
installment by Mick Jagger, George Harrison, and Ron Wood.

Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: еж ушастый   Дата: 10.08.03 21:56:59   
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Оч. хорошо, будем ждать! Спасибо.
Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.08.03 15:58:11   
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В сети пявилась петиция к компании, которая занимается выпуском нового фиьма
To: Warner Brothers
We the undersigned wish an official release of the movie "The Rutles: Can't Buy Me Lunch". Be it as a theatrical release or on home video. Warner Brothers should realize that a market for this type of comedy exists. Warners after all released the original 1978 LP of "The Rutles" to enthusiastic response. If Warners chooses not to release the film, they should at least let another organization release it and allow it to realize its potential.


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Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: oskarash   Дата: 20.08.03 21:28:15   
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Почему-то здесь никто не упомянул последней вещи The Rutles (на сегодняшний день) - альбома Archaeology, выпущенного сразу вслед за ... Anthology, ессно, где-то в 1996-ом. Это музыкальный диск - не фильм.

Так вот, если кто вдруг пропустил - бегите и купите. Вещь совершенно потрясающая (конечно, как пародия). Там и фальстарты, вроде оригиналов, и вещи в стиле отдельных пародируемых, и смех во время песен, плюс "собирательная" песня, в которой насчитывается несколько десятков элементов разных оригиналов (Shangri-La).
Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 07.10.03 16:52:26   
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Eric Idle going on a rant
Ex-Pythoner vents his spleen over films and the life of Eric
By JIM SLOTEK -- Toronto Sun
Some people are beautiful when they're angry. As we speak, Eric Idle is angry. And while passably attractive, he is mostly just very funny in that state.

"F---ers!" he half-shouts when I mention Remains Of The Piano, a spoof of Merchant-Ivory films he was to direct and star in, with Garth Drabinsky producing. His profanity-laced tirade is directed at a film finance company that came up empty-pocketed at the 11th hour last June.

"We had the whole thing cast, Geoffrey Rush, Billy Connolly, Tim Curry, and I went to f---ing Vancouver to start getting my production team in order." And then the boom fell. "Lying bastards!" he says, with the intensity of an employee at the Rent-an-Argument clinic.

The sometime-Monty Python player is so angry these days that he's taken his act on the road. The show, which hits Massey Hall on Wednesday and Thursday, is The Greedy Bastard Tour -- an intense 55 cities by bus with musicians and actors, encompassing such metropolises as Belleville and Kitchener. It represents a grab-bag of material -- old Python sketches (Four Yorkshiremen, Nudge Nudge Wink Wink) and songs (Lumberjack, Always Look On The Bright Side) -- plus a couple of Idle's favourite sketches from Beyond The Fringe (the classic Peter Cook/Dudley Moore series) and other miscellany.

So is he doing this until he finds other work? "I hate other work!" he says, his eyes gleaming and a hint of a smile bursting through at each crescendo of high dudgeon. "I hate f---ing movies. It's so boring, so tedious, the scripts are shite. They always want me to overact. They write these crap lines and say, 'Make that funny.' "

Then there's The Rutles: Can't Buy Me Lunch, a sequel to his '70s Beatles docu-spoof, The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash. He wrapped it two years ago, with on-camera help from fans like Tom Hanks and Salman Rushdie. It was given two thumbs up by Idle's best friend George Harrison on his deathbed. (Harrison was a longtime patron of things Pythonesque through his Hand Made Films.)

Don't get Idle started on The Rutles sequel. Oh oh, too late. "It's a fantastic movie ... still in the vault at Warners. They dragged it out three weeks ago for (Dublin's) Dark Light Festival and then they put it back in the vault. Everybody who saw it laughed themselves shitless all the way through. Nobody from Warners was there of course.

"People have been saying 'Can we see it?' But why should the public have the right to see anything? It's much better off in the vault at Warners.

"So go see my show. It's the only way you can actually see me in something. They can't stop me. They'll try, though. Warners will be there with a van yelling, 'Put him in a vault!'

"It was always the same with Python. Nobody ever wanted it. Even when we got The Life Of Brian funded, the bastards pulled out. Then George stepped in. Now he's dead and I can't get anything made.

"We never got respect. Only the audience liked us."

Idle's setbacks, however, are the audience's gain in more ways than one. The Massey Hall lobby, he says, will be "something akin to a fire sale" with his recent CD -- The Rutland Isles, a Discovery Channel-esque travelogue ( "It was released, but it was harder to find than weapons of mass destruction") -- and "the last load of paperbacks of The Road To Mars," the sci-fi book he wrote five years ago.

It's a public service, he explains. "There are all these people who like Python, and there's nothing to see. There should be an opportunity to see us in our senescence."

Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 13.10.03 06:58:49   
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...Frustration with the business of entertainment is nothing new for Idle. He points out that his 1978 TV movie, the inspired Beatles spoof The Rutles, All You Need Is Cash, was difficult to finance, and few know that he actually made a Rutles sequel two years ago, Can't Buy Me Lunch.

You've never heard of it because it's sitting on a shelf at Warner Bros. The studio doesn't know how to market this TV movie, which features a host of stars - including Garry Shandling, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Steve Martin and David Bowie - talking about how Idle's fictional Beatles-esque pop group The Rutles influenced their careers....

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Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: mezzo   Дата: 13.10.03 12:10:25   
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Означает ли это, что пока никто не выпустил Can't Buy Me Lunch и купить его нельзя?
Re: Новые The Rutles - возможно ли?
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 04.11.03 19:28:03   
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