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Alf Bicknell

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Alf Bicknell
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 11.03.04 10:57:31
10/03/2004 - 17:50:29 10/03/2004 - 17:50:29

The Beatles’ former chauffeur Alf Bicknell has died, the band’s former promoter said today.

Sam Leach said the 75-year-old, who inspired the Fab Four’s hit Baby You Can Drive My Car, died at his home in Oxford yesterday.

The driver who witnessed Beatlemania first hand was found collapsed in the kitchen by his wife.

Mr Leach said: “Alf was a big teddybear of a man who will be much missed.

“He joined the Beatles in 1964 during the filming of Help and Baby You Can Drive My Car was written for him.

“He was with them for four years including when they met Elvis in 1965. Alf often recalled with pride how Elvis called him ‘Sir’ during that meeting.”

Mr Bicknell was born on October 28, 1928 and spent most of his early working life as a first-class chauffeur.

In the Autumn of 1964 he became the Beatles’ official chauffeur during the height of Beatlemania.

An autobiography about Mr Bicknell by Garry Marshall, The Original Baby You Can Drive My Car, recalls how close he was to the band.

An anecdote from Mr Bicknell describes how John Lennon once stole his chauffeurs’ hat and flung it out of the car, saying: “You don’t need that anymore Alf, you are one of us now.”

He was with the band from their late 1964 British tour through to their last concert performance at Candlestick Park, San Francisco on August 29, 1966.
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Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 11.03.04 23:26:02   
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Alf Together NowAlf Together Now
The Beatles
(CD 2001 SPANK SP-148)

43 Tracks - Total Time: 69:20

1. (the machine clicks on) (0:05)
2. If I Fell (No. 1) (0:13)
3. If I Fell (No. 2) (2:34)
4. If I Fell (No. 3) (0:30)
5. If I Fell (No. 4) (0:39)
6. If I Fell (No. 5) (0:11)
7. ("Are you in Coventry?") (0:04)
8. Don't Bother Me (5:30)
This "missing" section is here. From here, the numbering doesn't match the cover....

9. Instrumental #1 (0:26)
10. (tape noise) (0:05)
11. Instrumental #2 (2:29)
12. Michelle (1:01)
13. Instrumental #3 (0:11)
14. Instrumental #4 (1:23)
15. Instrumental #5 (1:07)
16. Three Coins In A Fountain (1:35)
17. (tape noise / singing nursery rhymes) (1:51)
18. Rockin' / Rollin' (Backing Track, No. 1) (0:58)
19. Rockin' / Rollin' (Backing Track, No. 2) (0:16))
20. Rockin' / Rollin' (With Horn) (1:48)
21. (listening to the audio) (0:35)
22. Rockin' / Rollin' (Vocal) (1:12)
23. Piano / Drum Instrumental (1:41)
24. Please Mr. Postman (No. 1) (2:15)
25. Please Mr. Postman (No. 2) (2:35)
26. It Won't Be Long (No. 1) (2:23)
27. It Won't Be Long (No. 2) (1:58)
28. (listening to the radio) (0:18)
29. Love Me Do (BBC) (1:24)
30. (Bible readings) (10:00)
31. (tape noise) (0:04)
32. Tammy (singing along with the radio) (0:40)
33. Over The Rainbow (singing along with the radio) (1:24)
34. (asking directions #1) (1:22)
35. (asking directions #2) (2:24)
36. (asking directions #3) (2:48)
37. (asking directions #4) (1:58)
38. (listening to a record and talking) (4:36)
39. (distorted voice) (1:26)
Bonus Tracks:

40. Rockin' / Rollin' (stereo mix from "Anthology +") (1:37)
41. Hello Little Girl (The Foremost - recording session, No. 1) (1:51)
42. Hello Little Girl (The Foremost - recording session, No. 1) (0:40)
43. Hello Little Girl (The Foremost - recording session, No. 1) (1:13)

Liner Notes:

The recordings on this disc once belonged to the Beatles' chauffeur, Alf Bicknell. While we have plenty of informal tapes of the later Beatles (the "Get Back" sessions, for instance), these are much more uncommon for the early 1960's. Portions of these tapes were previously available on "The Garage Tapes" and "Maybe You Can Drive My Car," but all of the available recordings have been gathered here, and most of the material is of significantly better quality than those two discs.
As for the performances themselves, there's little to say. "Don't Bother Me" was recorded sometime between August 19th and 24th, 1963, as George was composing the tune. "Rockin' / Rollin'" seems to have been a very early attempt at home double-tracking (as a bonus, we've added a stereo version of this, which was originally included on "Anthology +"). "If I Fell" comes from early 1964, and is a very rare surviving example of a John Lennon composing tape from this era. In addition to the home recordings here as well - most significantly, outtakes of "Please Mr. Postman" and "It Won't Be Long," from July 30th, 1963 which appear nowhere else. Wrapping things are some audio verite tapes of the Boys (and Gerry Marsden) goofing on passersby, singing along with the radio, and offering some rather twisted Bible recitations.
Admittedly, this material isn't the best of quality, but this is, most certainly, the best quality of this tape to surface. We hope you enjoy this audio time capsule of the early Beatles.
Alf Bicknell, the Beatles' former chauffeur, was responsible for this year's highlight: five reel-to-reel tapes given him by John Lennon on clearing out the limousine. After the auctioneer had read a statement from EMI and Apple that anyone making bad use of the recordings (and we all know what that means) would be heavily prosecuted, bidding could start on the tapes, proclaimed to be worth some Ј60,000.
Lot 501 had two unreleased songs by Paul, 'Tell Me True' and 'Over The Rainbow', an instrumental of 'Michelle' and John and Paul doing a song called 'Rockin' And Rollin' (est. Ј15-20,000, sold for Ј11,000). Lot 507 had several takes of John experimenting with 'If I Fell' (est. Ј10-20,000, sold for Ј6500); lot 515 contained George playing guitar exercises and composing his first song, 'Don't Bother Me' (est. Ј10-20,000, sold for Ј7500); lot 525 has John, Paul, George and Gerry Marsden reading from the Bible and singing the hymns 'The Lord Is My Shepherd' and 'There's A Green Hill Far Away', as well as putting on comic voices to ask bemused residents of Weston-super-Mare the way to the golf course (est. Ј5000-8000, sold for Ј5500). Mr. Bicknell has every reason to be satisfied with the result, which will enable him to publish upcoming book.
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Serge_A   Дата: 12.03.04 17:06:43   
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Очень жаль Элфа, хороший мужик был. Довелось общаться с ним трижды - первый раз в 1999 году в Ливерпуле на Beatles-week. Он рассказывал о своих днях с четверкой как в качестве шофера, так и просто друга. Примечательна его история, как после дружеской вечеринки он, одетый в традиционную для британских водителей лимузинов униформу, втаскивал ребят в Роллс-Ройс (не уверен, может быть Бентли). Только уселся сам за руль, захлопнул дверь, вдруг Леннон, сидящий сзади него, срывает с него форменную фуражку и выбрасывает ее в окно. Возмутившемуся было Бикнеллу, Джон, с несвойственнной ему по-большей части теплотой, заявил: " You're not a driver anymore - you are one of us". У старика в этом месте слезы наворачивались. Известен его DVD (один из первых вышедших в этом формате дисков), где он повествует о своих годах с Битлз, принимает участие в концерте Маккартни и, в качестве бонуса, его trivia quiz о Битлз.
Здоровенный был мужик под 2 метра и кг так на 130, крепкий, когда узнал, что мы из России, обрадовался, симпатизирует, де, стране и народу. Еще больше обрадовался когда мы ему банку икры и водку подарили. Да, уходят люди, которые были близки с Битлз. Не дай Бог скоро, но уже останутся ветераны, которые будут рассказывать -"Я Леннона видел!"...
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 13.03.04 11:10:51   
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Alf BicknellAlf Bicknell
Chauffeur to the Beatles who entitled his
memoirs 'Baby, You Can Drive My Car!'

Paul McCartney has been at Abbey Road Studios for the last few weeks recording songs from his new album. Other people spotted at Abbey Road recently include Sir George Martin, Olivia Harrison, and long time Beatles engineer Eddie Klein.

To add to the tribute made to Alf - I had the privilege of guiding Beatles tours of London with Alf on many occasions. He always talked about his days with the Fabs with great affection.
I especially remember doing a tour with him the day after George's death was announced and I remember how chocked up about it Alf was. I also have fond memories of when we were outside Ringo's former flat in Montagu Square and Alf was telling us how he took Maureen and Ringo to the hospital when Zak was born. His wife Jean made baby clothes for Zak later.

On a more personal note when my wife died of cancer, Alf often called to see how I was.

The Beatles world has lost a gentle man and I've lot a friend. Richard Porter
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Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 28.03.04 14:19:28   
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Dear All, Thank you all so very much for your kind words and tributes to my Dad, it's been a very difficult time over the past few days and we have been shocked at the impact of my fathers death througout The Beatle world, the fact is he was there from 1964 through 1966 and was so proud of his time with them, he loved them deeply and never sold kiss and tell story to the media and was so loyal to the end, he hated the hangers on and third generation stories of people who were simply not there.

My father was a wonderful guy who loved people and it made him warm inside when he travelled the world talking about his time at Beatle conventions.

The Beatles valued my Dad's loyality and that's good enough for me, no one can question that.

Mark Bicknell - Alf's Son
Manchester UK
Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 02.07.04 10:31:20   
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Фото моё...Фото моё...
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: SAM (ex-SamStarr)   Дата: 02.07.04 10:41:04   
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Очень жаль - уходят люди бывшие рядом с легендой...... Царство ему Небесное......
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 06.03.08 14:26:50   
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Только вчера посмотрел этот фильм

И вот узнал, что Альфа уже давно нет с нами...

Очень рекомендую, хороший добрый фильм, очень неплохой перевод, замечен только один ляп, когда Альф заказывал еду для битлз Ринго кричал - Альф, все, что угодно, только без лука!, перевели почему-то - Все, что угодно, только не вермишель...
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: iandri   Дата: 06.03.08 16:51:34   
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Я звонила им, пыталась выяснить, где этот фильм в Питере продается - они не знают..
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 06.03.08 17:01:13   
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Кажется, его еще и по Культуре показывали как-то
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 06.03.08 17:12:54   
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Фильм свободно продается в Союзе (в Москве). За Питер не скажу.
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 06.03.08 17:27:48   
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Ну значит скоро и до Питера дойдет!
Re: Умер Alf Bicknell
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 10.03.08 23:42:33   
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Выглядит вот так.Выглядит вот так.
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