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Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel

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Вот это да!!!
Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 13:17:01
Открылся. Правда, дорогие там удовольствия, но вот как пример битл-дизайна весчь в любом случае интересная и поучительная. Открылся. Правда, дорогие там удовольствия, но вот как пример битл-дизайна весчь в любом случае интересная и поучительная.
Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: BigPig4   Дата: 14.02.08 13:17:58   
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Интересно, кто первым из наших там побывает... :)
Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 13:17:59   
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Paul McCartney SuitePaul McCartney Suite
Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 13:20:16   
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Hari's Bar На стене бара - индийское фото Ринго в исполнении Сальцмана. Hari's Bar
На стене бара - индийское фото Ринго в исполнении Сальцмана.
Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 13:21:25   
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Комнатка для уважающих себя леннонцев, имеджн-стайлд. Комнатка для уважающих себя леннонцев, имеджн-стайлд.
Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 13:23:51   
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Stay in Hard Days Night Hotel in Liverpool and you may just relive a distant memory of a Beatles concert from long ago. With Lennon and McCartney suites available in the birthplace of one of rock 'n' roll's greatest icons, Liverpool is bound to attract even more Beatles fans than ever before. This new attraction is sure to help the town's transformation from commercial marketplace to cultural hot spot. The hotel will feature 110 rooms for $340 per night, with the suites running for $1,300 per night, a Yellow Submarine jukebox, a stylish, basement bar, and modern European restaurant-- and of course tons of Beatles paraphernalia and music to boot. It opened on the first of February and is sure to bring tourists and music lovers from miles around, for years to come.Stay in Hard Days Night Hotel in Liverpool and you may just relive a distant memory of a Beatles concert from long ago. With Lennon and McCartney suites available in the birthplace of one of rock 'n' roll's greatest icons, Liverpool is bound to attract even more Beatles fans than ever before. This new attraction is sure to help the town's transformation from commercial marketplace to cultural hot spot. The hotel will feature 110 rooms for $340 per night, with the suites running for $1,300 per night, a Yellow Submarine jukebox, a stylish, basement bar, and modern European restaurant-- and of course tons of Beatles paraphernalia and music to boot. It opened on the first of February and is sure to bring tourists and music lovers from miles around, for years to come.
Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 13:24:44   
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Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 21:00:16   
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В Ливерпуле открылся Hard Days Night Hotel

1 февраля в родном для The Beatles Ливерпуле был открыт тематический отель Hard Days Night Hotel. Власти города рассчитывают, что четырехзвездочная гостиница, разместившаяся в бывшем торговом здании постройки 19 века, привлечет в Ливерпуль еще больше туристов и станет настоящим раем для битломанов.

В гостинице 110 номеров, каждый из которых посвящен одному из участников ливерпульской четверки. Самыми роскошными апартаментами являются номера Джона Леннона и Пола Маккартни. Так, посреди первого номера, за ночь в котором придется заплатить 1300 долларов, стоит белый кабинетный рояль, а во втором есть настоящие доспехи -сэр Пол теперь ведь еще и рыцарь!

Напоминания о The Beatles ждут посетителей и вне номеров. В холле отеля можно увидеть вертушку Yellow Submarine, а на стенах коридоров — редкие фотографии участников группы. Также в гостинице есть подвальный бар Hari с фотографиями бородатых "битлов" периода "пост-Махариши" и свадебная часовня "The Two of Us", украшенная снимками музыкантов и их жен. Гостевые комнаты, цена которых начинается от 340 долларов за ночь, оформлены картинами американской художницы Шеннон, которую лорд-мэр Ливерпуля окрестил "лучшим художником The Beatles в мире". И, конечно же, в отеле постоянно звучит музыка "битлов".

Хозяева Hard Days Night Hotel еще не связывались со здравствующими ныне участниками Beatles, однако Ринго Старр, узнавший об отеле из прессы, уже обмолвился, что собирается остановиться в номере имени себя в свой ближайший визит в Ливерпуль.

Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 14.02.08 21:01:13   
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New Beatles-themed Hard Days Night Hotel

By JILL LAWLESS, Associated Press Writer Sat Feb 2, 3:07 PM ET

LIVERPOOL, England - What could be better after a hard day's sightseeing? ADVERTISEMENT

Visitors to Liverpool, birthplace of the Beatles, can rest their heads in the Lennon or McCartney suites at the Fab Four-themed Hard Days Night Hotel that opened Friday.

More than 45 years after John, Paul, George and Ringo emerged from Liverpool's tiny, sweaty clubs to conquer the world, the Beatles industry is key to this battered-but-proud city's attempt to transform itself from fading commercial hub to thriving cultural hotbed.

The 110-room Hard Days Night Hotel hopes to be its newest attraction.

"It's stunning, spectacular," said Julia Baird, John Lennon's half-sister, after being shown around the $1,300-a-night penthouse suite named for her brother. "It's like Liverpool. Outside it hasn't changed, but inside there's rocketing change."

A smart, four-star establishment housed within a 19th century mercantile building, the hotel aims to provide everything a Beatles fan could desire — from the Yellow Submarine jukebox in the lobby to the rare photographs on the walls — while also catering to corporate travelers and tourists on a weekend break.

"That was a very important part of the whole concept, to get the balance," said Jonathan Davies, director of the developer that stepped in three years ago to revive stalled plans for the hotel. "People who don't particularly like the Beatles — we want them to come to the hotel. And we're sure they will come."

The overall impression is more classy than kitsch. In many ways it's a typical upmarket hotel, decorated in cream, black and chocolate brown. There's a stylish bar, and a "modern European" restaurant serving organic salmon, free-range chicken and English lamb.

Downstairs are Hari's basement bar, decorated with pictures of the bearded Beatles in their Maharishi-following days, and "The Two of Us," a wedding chapel adorned with pictures of the Fab Four and their spouses.

The guest rooms, which start at $340 a night, are decorated with artwork by American painter Shannon, "The World's Greatest Beatles Artist" — a title officially bestowed on her by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool.

Most luxurious are the two suites. The centerpiece of Lennon's is a white baby grand piano, while McCartney's contains a real suit of armor. Sir Paul is a knight, after all.

Beatles music plays at an unobtrusive volume in the lobby, the restaurant, even the restrooms.

So will the hotel offer a nonstop Beatles soundtrack?

"No," said general manager Mike Dewey. "That would drive me mad."

The Beatles are never far away in Liverpool, a city of half a million about 200 miles northwest of London.

Just around the corner from the hotel on narrow, bar-lined Mathew Street is the Cavern Club — a reconstruction, on the original site, of the basement dive where The Beatles honed their skills. Down the street is the Cavern Walks shopping mall — or "boutique emporium" — complete with Beatles shop and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds restaurant. Visitors can take Magical Mystery bus tours to Penny Lane, or visit the Beatles Story museum down on the city docks.

Some of it may verge on the tacky, but even on a blustery winter day a steady stream of tourists stop to have their picture taken beside the John Lennon statue at the end of the street. In the summer, it's packed.

Liverpool has remade itself in other ways, too, with new art galleries, a thriving music scene and the title of European Capital of Culture for 2008, a status that is expected to bring thousands of extra tourists to a city long afflicted by a reputation for poverty and violence.

The visitors from across Europe checking in to the Hard Days Night Hotel on Friday suggest Liverpool's attempt to improve its image may be working. Most were going on the inevitable Beatles tours, but also found plenty of other things to attract them.

Eddy Anselmi from Bologna, Italy, said he planned to visit the Tate Liverpool art gallery and attend a Liverpool Football Club soccer game.

He said he chose the hotel for "the idea of being the first customer of a place that will shape the new Liverpool. This place will be here in 10 or 20 years, and I can say I was here."

General manager Dewey says the hotel's backers have had no direct contact with the surviving Beatles, although Ringo Starr was quoted as saying he would have stayed at the hotel on a recent visit to the city, had it been open.

Baird is certain her brother and his bandmates would approve.

"In the middle of Liverpool? Around the corner from the Cavern? Of course they would."
Re: Битловский отель в Ливерпуле - Hard Day's Night hotel
Автор: Expert   Дата: 09.03.09 17:54:43   
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Клининговая компания не может получить от отеля заработанные деньги. Долг £90,000.

Liverpool's Hard Day's Night Beatles hotel being sued for outstanding bills
by Pierce King. Published Mon 09 Mar 2009 11:31


Liverpool's five star Beatles-themed hotel is being sued for almost £90,000 by a cleaning contractor for oustanding bills.

The Hard Day's Night Hotel in the city centre has just celebrated its first birthday and boasts Fab Four inspired rooms - including John Lennon and Paul McCartney suites.

The company contracted to clean the £650 per night boutique hotel claims it has not received payment for two months' work.

London-based cleaning firm WGC said it is chasing more than £87,000 in unpaid invoices, plus another £3,106 in late payment charges and interest.

A High Court writ includes an invoice allegedly listing 28 separate outstanding charges.

Jonathan Davies, a director at the £17m hotel, said: "There is an ongoing legal dispute with the cleaning company at the hotel and we are unable to comment at this time."

A spokeswoman added that cleaning the 110-room city centre hotel was now in the hands of an 'in-house' team.

WGC claimed an agreement was drawn up between former-hotel manager Trevor Lynn and its managing director Martin Birch.

It stated the cleaning company would be paid £7.70 for each hour of cleaning plus a monthly management fee of £3,900.

The claim also says a later arrangement was drawn up saying public areas of the hotel would be charged at the higher rate of £10.59 per hour.

A writ lodged at the High Court, just after the Hard Day's Night celebrated its first birthday, said: "The defendant has failed to pay invoices from September 25 to November 30, 2008, totalling £87,472.82."

WGC is also pursuing the hotel for late payment charges of £1,010 and interest of £2,096.04. The firm will also add £23.96 interest each day the debt remains unpaid.

The North John Street venue opened amid much fanfare and media interest last February.

Bill Heckle, the man behind Cavern City Tours, conceived the idea of the 'world's first Beatles-themed hotel' more than a decade ago.

He and Cavern Tours colleagues Dave Jones, Ray Johnston and George Guinness bought the grade II listed former Central Buildings in 1992.
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