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All-Starr Band 2001

Тема: Ринго Старр - All-Starr банды

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All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:29:19
Нашел в закромах Родины несколько отзывов на концерты Ринго Старра в Шатах почти пятилетней давности. Быть может, кому-то будет интересно ознакомиться.
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:29:46   
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Ringo Still Amazed By Appetite For Beatles Music

(8/4/01, 10 a.m. ET)

As he crisscrosses North America with the latest version of his All-Starr Band, former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr tells LAUNCH he's still taken with the audience appetite that exists for Beatles music. The passion is not necessarily a surprise for him, particularly in the wake of the 1 collection's staggering sales success, but Starr says witnessing that interest in person always impresses him.

"You can't imagine that. You know, we're not sitting around in 1964 saying, 'Wow, in 2001, Todd Rundgren's gonna be singing these songs.' It's not something you do. It just rolls on. I mean, it's incredible."

Rundgren toured earlier this summer as part of A Walk Down Abbey Road, a Beatles-tribute package that also featured Heart's Ann Wilson, the Who's John Entwistle, Alan Parsons, and Ambrosia's David Pack.

The latest All-Starr Band, featuring Greg Lake (King Crimson, Emerson, Lake & Palmer), Ian Hunter (Mott The Hoople), Roger Hodgson (Supertramp), '80s pop star Howard Jones, and Sheila E., former drummer in Prince's band, plays the FleetBoston Pavilion on Saturday (August 4).

-- Gary Graff, Detroit
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:31:11   
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Starr Power: the Beatle with The Beat Is Back

For 13 years, he's opened each of his shows the same way.

``What's my name?'' he bellows from the stage, confident that the crowd will deliver the answer: ``Ringo!''

To the surprise of some, perhaps even himself, Ringo Starr - the most unsung and underrated of the Fab Four - has become a busy Beatle. Since 1989 he's hit the road regularly with his All-Starr Band, featuring a who's-who of veteran rock stars. He's also released four albums in the past few years, including ``Vertical Man'' (1998), a recording of his 1998 ``VH1 Storytellers'' episode, the Christmas album ``I Wanna Be Santa Claus'' (1999) and his brand-new boxed set of All-Starr Band performances, ``Anthology So Far.''

His next new album may be a ways off - ``I'm writing some ... bits,'' Starr says, ``but that's all'' - but he's hardly absent from the charts: After all, last year's ''1,'' collecting the Beatles' No. 1 hits, already has sold more than 22 million copies.

``You can't imagine that,'' he says, noting that he, Paul McCartney and George Harrison are discussing other, undetermined Beatles archival releases. ``We (weren't) sitting around in 1964 saying, `Wow, in 2001 people are still going to be buying these songs.'

``It just rolls on,'' he says. ``It's incredible. You know it's going to be received really well, but you don't know it's going to be received like that.''

However, it's his own work that most interests Starr nowadays.

``It's like everything else, I guess - if you do it, you start doing it more and more,'' the 61-year-old drummer says. ``That's what this seems to be. More and more, I just love playing, and I'm playing better than ever. So I'm out there doing it - that's what we do, you know: We play. I'm loving it again.''

There was a time when he didn't. Born Richard Starkey in Liverpool, England, Starr played with Rory Storm & the Hurricanes before he was tapped to replace Pete Best in the then-rising Beatles in 1962. It was a fortuitous move, as the group went on to become the most legendary band in rock-'n'-roll history.

But on the Fab Four's journey to the musical mountaintop, Starr was the Sherpa, overshadowed by the wry social critic John Lennon, the ``cute'' McCartney and the spiritual Harrison. Starr was floppy and cuddly, but he lacked the songwriting credits and other attributes that earned his bandmates respect as so-called ``serious artists.''

``Even in the early days, around '63, that was the word that got around, that I wasn't very good,'' says Starr, who these days resides in Monaco with his second wife, actress Barbara Bach. ``I think some people have kept along with that. It doesn't bother me anymore, though - what's important is that I know I'm a good player and that other musicians think I'm a good player.''
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:31:28   
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Just ask Peter Frampton, the guitarist in the fourth edition of the All-Starr Band.

``Listen,'' he says, ``when I was growing up, I didn't know anybody who didn't want to be the Beatles, and I didn't know any drummers who didn't want to be Ringo. There was just so much talent in that band that it's inevitable that someone would be overshadowed, and it turned out to be Ringo, who was really just solid and steady and really kept the whole thing in groove.''

Starr sang some of the Beatles' best-loved songs, including ``Yellow Submarine'' (1966), ``Octopus's Garden'' (1969) and ``With a Little Help From My Friends'' (1967), which has become the All-Starr Band's anthem. And between 1971 and 1975 he strung together seven Top 10 solo singles, including ``It Don't Come Easy'' (1971), ``Back Off Boogaloo'' (1972), ``Photograph'' (1973) and ``You're Sixteen'' (1973).

But after the mania of the Beatles' 1960s tours, Starr largely avoided the road. It was only in 1988, after he and Bach sobered up via a five-week stay in a treatment center in Tucson, Ariz., that the ex-Beatle found a new desire to return to live performance. He got together with producer David Fishof, who had coordinated the first Monkees reunion tour, and hatched the All-Starr Band concept.

``For me, it works as a great formula,'' Starr says. ``The deal is that you come, and we play the hits. I keep saying this is the best 1-800-number band on the road - dial up your favorite song, and we'll play it.

``I've had the opportunity to play with the most incredible musicians in America and Britain,'' adds Starr, whose 2001 All-Starrs include Greg Lake of King Crimson and of Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Ian Hunter of Mott the Hoople, Roger Hodgson of Supertramp, 1980s pop star Howard Jones and Sheila E., former drummer in Prince's band. ``It's really a great way for me to have fun, do my stuff, like `Hi, peace and love,' and play with all these guys.

''(Twelve) years ago, it was pretty thrilling and nerve-wracking in many ways,'' he admits. ``But it worked, so I just started putting the bands together and now it's like almost every year we go, `OK, well, let's do it again!'''

The individual All-Starrs feel much the same way.

``What can you say? You get that much talent and diversity,'' says former Grand Funk Railroad guitarist Mark Farner, who played in the third All-Starrs. ``And there's such great camaraderie out there - everybody really gets along as family, with Ringo as the dad.''

Despite the many big names who have played in past years, however, Fishof underlines that Starr is the key drawing-card.

``Ringo's the magnet, definitely,'' the producer says. ``I see the fan reaction and the Beatles-esque response. You have a new generation of fans who have seen `The Beatles Anthology' (1996) and heard the `1' album, and they're starting to come and scream at the shows like their mothers did.''

This year's All-Starr Band reaches into the 1980s with hitmakers such as Jones and drummer Sheila E., who is the ex-Beatle's first female All-Starr.

``The first time I met Sheila was in California, in March this year,'' says Starr, whose son Zak has been an All-Starr drummer and currently works with The Who. ``As a musician, it's no different than working with anyone else. She is a brilliant drummer, and her edge is that she brings this sort of a Latin quality that we haven't worked with before.''

As for the future, Starr says he isn't looking too far beyond the current tour - ``I handle one thing at a time,'' he says with a laugh. But he's confident that more albums and more All-Starr Bands lie ahead. At bottom he's a musician, he says, and he can't see himself ever giving that up.

``I just happened to end up in this monster band,'' he concludes, ``but I totally feel that I would still be playing in the clubs of Liverpool if that's where it all ended for me.''

-- Gary Graff
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:31:53   
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Ringo - Aug-1-2001, CD signing in New York - 1Ringo - Aug-1-2001, CD signing in New York - 1
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:32:06   
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Ringo - Aug-1-2001, CD signing in New York - 2Ringo - Aug-1-2001, CD signing in New York - 2
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:32:19   
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Ringo - Aug-1-2001, CD signing in New York - 3Ringo - Aug-1-2001, CD signing in New York - 3
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:33:54   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 1Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 1
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:34:07   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 2Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 2
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:34:20   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 3Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 3
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:34:43   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 4Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 4
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:35:11   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 5Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 5
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:35:24   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 6Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 6
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:35:46   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 7Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 7
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:36:01   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 8Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 8
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:36:18   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 9Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 9
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:36:33   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 10Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 10
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:37:00   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 11Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 11
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:37:16   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 12Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 12
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:37:30   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 13Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 13
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:37:44   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 14Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 14
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:37:57   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 15Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 15
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:38:11   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 16Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 16
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:38:23   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 17Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 17
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:38:37   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 18Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 18
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:38:53   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 19Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 19
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:39:14   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 20Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 20
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:39:34   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 21Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 21
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:39:46   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 22Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 22
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:40:00   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 23Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 23
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:40:12   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 24Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 24
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:40:26   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 25Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 25
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:40:40   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 26Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 26
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:40:54   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 27Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 27
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:41:10   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 28Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 28
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:41:27   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 29Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 29
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:41:46   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 30Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 30
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:42:03   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 31Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 31
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:42:15   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 32Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 32
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:42:28   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 33Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 33
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:42:41   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 34Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 34
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:42:55   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 35Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 35
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:43:09   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 36Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 36
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:43:22   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 37Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 37
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:43:37   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 38Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 38
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:43:50   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 39Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 39
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:44:05   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 40Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 40
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:44:24   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 41Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 41
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:44:37   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 42Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 42
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:44:50   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 43Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 43
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:45:01   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 44Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 44
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:45:13   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 45Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 45
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:45:25   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 46Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 46
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:45:39   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 47Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 47
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:45:51   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 48Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 48
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:46:03   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 49Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 49
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:46:41   
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Ringo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 50  (c)2001 ben@allchords.comRingo Starr - Fort Worth TX 18-8-01 - 50

Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:47:31   
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Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 1Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 1
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:47:44   
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Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 2Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 2
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:47:56   
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Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 3Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 3
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 23:48:09   
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Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 4Ringo - Today TV-show Summer Concert Series Aug-3-2001 in New York's Rockefeller Center - 4
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 31.01.11 17:50:11   
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Interview: Ian Hunter on Mott reunion, Ringo Starr and a secret collaboratorInterview: Ian Hunter on Mott reunion, Ringo Starr and a secret collaborator

Ian Hunter makes one of his rare West Coast jaunts this weekend with shows at San Francisco's legendary Fillmore (tonight), L.A.'s El Rey Theatre (Jan. 29) and Orange County's Galaxy Theatre (Jan. 30). Coming off 2009's now legendary Mott The Hoople five-night run of reunion shows and "Man Overboard," a critically acclaimed album, the septuagenarian rocker continues from strength to strength. Our friend Jon Jepson spoke to Hunter just prior to his leaving the frozen Northeast for San Francisco about the Mott the Hoople reunion, his current work and playing in Ringo's All-Starr Band and graciously allowed us to use this interview.

Jon Jepson: Are you keeping warm?
Ian Hunter: Oh yeah, today it's not too bad, it's been a bit warmer today than it has been - it's been pretty wild. We're getting a full one!

Jon Jepson: It's been ten years since you toured in Ringo's All Star Band. What was your experience like playing with people you'd never played with before?
Ian Hunter: I thought it was interesting because it was "different". You had all kinds of different people doing it. (Note: The 2001 edition of the All Starrs included Hunter, Roger Hodgson of Supertramp, Howard Jones, Greg Lake of Emerson Lake & Palmer, Sheila E. and Mark Riviera). It was a chance to see how other people work because most of my life, I've just been working with my own band and playing my own songs. And working with a Beatle - that can't be bad! And he wasn't. He was really nice on the road. Ringo was great to be with and I had a great time.

Jon Jepson: Were The Beatles a personal influence on you back in the day?
Ian Hunter: No, I was influenced by the same people as they were -- Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard and that. And even during the whole "Beatles VS. Stones" thing in the 60's, I was a Stones fan. But when a Beatle rings you up on the phone, you'd gotta have a look at it.

Jon Jepson: Your most recent album, "Man Overboard" has received much critical acclaim....
Ian Hunter: It kind of got buried a bit, because the Mott The Hoople gigs in London came up, so "Man Overboard" got obfuscated at the time.

Jon Jepson: I saw three of the Mott The Hoople reunion shows - the 14 year old in me was thrilled and impressed.
Ian Hunter: It was fun - it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I figured it was going to be seen as a nice oldies band - "poor old sods", you know. I thought we came off as a very powerful band. As musicians, we get along great. But not as "people." It's very difficult. Pink Floyd get on better than Mott The Hoople!

Jon Jepson: Oh my God! (laughter)
Ian Hunter: Paul Loasby, who manages Mick Ralphs (of Mott The Hoople and Bad Company) and myself, manages Pink Floyd as well, said that!

Jon Jepson: Speaking of Mick Ralphs - how is he doing after his recent hip replacement surgery?
Ian Hunter: I talk to Mick about once a fortnight. He's a bit sore, but he's able to do a lot of things he hasn't been able to do in years.

Jon Jepson: He recently played in Sacramento last fall, and he looked okay...
Ian Hunter: After about ten minutes onstage, it really started to kick in. He'd really be hurting. But now, he's out driving, shopping. He quit drinking and smoking. He sounds on top form. It may be a new era for old "Ralpher". I got an email from him today wishing me luck on this "West Coast adventure."

Jon Jepson: There's word you may be collaborating with Mick again soon?
Ian Hunter: Mick and I get on fine. No problems with him at all. We'll play together any day of the week if we were geographically in the same neck of the woods. But we're not. But every time I'm in the UK, he'll get up and play with me, and have a great time. And he'll have an even greater time now, since he got his hips fixed.
Re: All-Starr Band 2001
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 31.01.11 17:50:16   
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Jon Jepson: It's amazing what the lack of pain will do for you.
Ian Hunter: Oh yes, he just can't believe it. It's a major revelation, and now he can get up and about. I was one of the people who pushed him; "get it DONE!" - it's now a beginning, instead of an end.

Jon Jepson: Joe Elliot of Def Leppard is notoriously a BIG Mott The Hoople fan, and he recently did a cover album of Mott material with his band called "Down & Outz". When did you first meet Joe?
Ian Hunter: Polygram (Def Leppard's label) kept ringin' me up, saying Def Leppard wanted to meet me. And I'd had an experience with Mick Jones of the Clash. Mick thought everything out of my mouth was like the Savior spoke! And you can't live up to stuff like that. And when he found out was sort of a normal bloke, he was most upset. So I hear about Joe being a big fan and I didn't want to know, because he's going to expect me to be like, this "genius." And I'm just a guy who writes songs. But he was different, he's just a really nice working class guy from Sheffield. It started off when Mott The Hoople were playing Donacaster one night, and there were three kids hanging round the backstage door, who had no money, and we let them in. I don't remember this, but Joe does. He was 14 at the time, and that was it. Catch 'em when they're fourteen and they're with you for life!

Jon Jepson: I can personally attest to that!
Ian Hunter: Joe sent me the video of "Overnight Angels," the title track to an album of mine which I don't quite like, but he does. His band, Down N'Outz are guys from the Quireboys. They're touring with Paul Rodgers of Bad Company this spring. Joe's got up on stage with me many times over the years.

Jon Jepson: I have a true or false question for you. In 1989, you helped Mick Jones of Foreigner on his only solo album, co-writing the single "Just Wanna Hold" with Mick, and one "M. Phillips". Rumour has it "M. Phillips" is a pseudonym for Mick Jagger, whose middle name is Phillip.
Ian Hunter: It's true. Mick Jones played Mick Jagger a riff and Jagger sang some falsetto over this main riff. Mick Jones then added a lot of stuff on it, and got in a total state of confusion with it, and lost his direction. I got it back on track, and sat behind the board while he was doing the vocals. Not a bad song. He's better at singing ballads than singing rock. It was okay.

Jon Jepson: Thanks so much Ian - I'll be seeing you at the El Rey and Galaxy Theatre shows - but I don't like the Fillmore, it's essentially standing room only, and I'd prefer to sit down. I know it's a historical venue, but....
Ian Hunter: That's not the one we used to play at, you know. We played there as Mott The Hoople twice. And I remember the back stage area and it wasn't like that. The stage was lower and it was half way down on the left hand side. I remember the dressing rooms distinctly because I played there with Albert King. I got to play his "Flying V". That kind of stuck in my mind. Actually, the "Maltese Cross," a famous guitar I had, I bought it in San Francisco in a pawn shop. I was in the back and Albert kept eyeing the Maltese Cross. And he said, "that's a bad MF!" And nobody was allowed to touch his Flying V. So he finally asked me if he could have a go on it, and I said, "Sure, if I can have a go at your Flying V" He was a tad reluctant, but he did, and that was it. I was playing Albert's Flying V for a while and that's how I remember it. I played there in 2007 with the Zombies and noticed it was different.
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