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Robert Plant

Тема: Led Zeppelin family

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Я тащусь!  
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Кир Гуцков   Дата: 24.02.05 16:42:09   
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Придется забить на защиту диплома и ЕХАТЬ!!!
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Imagine87   Дата: 24.02.05 22:25:04   
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Ура!!!!! Обязательно надо идти!!!!!!
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Draupadi   Дата: 24.02.05 22:32:26   
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2 Ксюша:
Ага, уже знаю про Rainbow!!!
Я в этот раз совсем в пролёте.:(
Хотя... чем чёрт не шутит?
На билеты пока ещё есть, и немало!
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: nedelin   Дата: 24.02.05 23:19:58   
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Ребята, идите на Планта.
Живьём он хорош как никто. После стольких лет "рок-н-ролльного образа жизни" сохранить и голос и харизму - уважаю его безмерно.
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 25.02.05 06:59:01   
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Вроде как в мае Роберт выпускает новый альбом. И ещё, он появится в виде приглашённого гостя на новом альбоме ....Portishead :) (вместе с The Coral)
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.03.05 22:34:55   
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Led Zeppelin Finally Honored With GrammyLed Zeppelin Finally Honored With Grammy

photo: Robert Plant at SxSW
19 March 2005

Robert Plant has finally been awarded a Grammy Award in recognition of his work with Led Zeppelin.

Plant received the belated Life-time Achievement Award from Grammy President Neil Portnow.

He was to have received the award last month at the Grammy's but could not make the ceremony. Portnow decided the SxSW Festival in Austin was then the next best place to present it.

In an interview afterwards, Plant confirmed that this was the first Grammy ever to recognize Led Zeppelin. "Led Zeppelin never won a Grammy" he said. And then pointing to Neil he added "It's not your fault. It was the fault of the people who were in your position when I was 20 … and 30 … and 40 … and 55".

Plant will showcase his new album 'Mighty Rearranger' on Friday night in Austin for the SxSW Festival and Conference.

Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.03.05 07:44:04   
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Robert Plant's new album, Mighty Rearranger (out May 10), is an extraordinary accomplishment from one of the most inventive, consistently daring and talented figures in contemporary music. Plant's band The Strange Sensation who worked with him on 2002's Grammy nominated, Dreamland, have been vital in the development of what looks set to be one of this year's most talked about albums.
Robert Plant and The Strange Sensation formed in 2001. The band draws together talent from across a broad spectrum of contemporary musicians: Clive Deamer (drums) from Portishead and Roni Size projects; John Baggott (bass) of Portishead and Massive Attack; Billy Fuller (bass) - from Bristol band 'Fuzz Against Junk; Skin – ambient guitar formerly of Brit Pop phenomena Cast and Justin Adams playing gimbri, darbouka and guitar, late of Sinead O'Connor, Jah Wobble and the Wayward Shakes. Their first album together, Dreamland was informed by Plant's attraction to and affection for the music of Southern Morocco, and the psychedelic indo-rock of mid to late 60's in USA.
Mighty Rearranger was written and created in Snowdonia and in the lea of Solsbury Hill. The album developed organically, arising out of joyful anarchic experimentation.
As guitarist Adams says: "It's always idiosyncratic; we're a weird bunch of characters and we all do stuff in a non standard way. Robert is an interesting person to work with. He encourages people's individual styles: he's happy for me to bring in unfamiliar North African rhythms and for John to introduce weird electronic sounds: it doesn't happen that often nowadays. Usually it's one guy at home with a computer. It wasn't like that in 60's and 70's - people were breaking rules and inventing new forms of music: we are closer to that spirit: of weird and anarchic ways."
The result is an inspired collection of songs that are raw and bristling with energy but also rich in texture and detail. The whole album is remarkably coherent, with a strong sense of unity that arises out of the unique democratic creative process and the unusual gigs the band have been playing.
"On this album we used computers as part of the writing process," says Robert." We recorded spontaneous jams and rough ideas which we've been able to manipulate while keeping our raw energy. The touring that we've done in the Arctic Circle, the Sahara Desert, Baltic States as well as the weird and difficult times we have been through while writing the album have helped us to develop a real band dynamic".
The new album is a collection of 12 all new, all original songs. Committed and powerful the album is an electrifying tour de force and takes the world music influences explored in Dreamland and uses them as a springboard for a more electric sound. Mighty Rearranger recalls the drive and passion of Robert Plant and Led Zeppelin's strongest work and is packed full of explosive riffs, compulsive guitar hooks as well as tender and highly expressive arrangements. This new project also sees the return of Plant's Es Paranza label which is intended to be a vehicle for future projects concerning Plant and other musicians.
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.03.05 10:27:59   
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Новый сингл "Shine It All Around" размещен в сети.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 31.03.05 12:31:30   
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ЛУЧШИЙ (BEST) ГОЛОС ВСЕХ ВРЕМЁН И НАРОДОВ, участниу лучшей группы всех времён и народов, лучший композитор. Пропустить концерт этого великого человека просто преступление. LED ZEPPELIN - лучшие!!!!!!
Люди идите на концерт!!!! Это супер!!!! Я так ждал что он приедет!!! И он приехал!!! Счастье!!!!
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Andrey Malkin   Дата: 31.03.05 15:57:05   
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Mighty Rearranger - на русский переводится как "Король ремейков", правильно?

Видно кто-то в розовой кофточке спросил, почему у него на "Дримланде" так много ремейков...
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Галина   Дата: 09.04.05 01:45:35   
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Простите за вопрос, но все же... где находится Ледовый дворец и как туда добраться? Я знаю только, что он в Петербурхе... :)
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 12.04.05 10:17:42   
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Народ Плз, Help Help, скажите напишите, когда прибывает самолёт Планта, и где проходит конференция!!! Очень прошу, очень очень!
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: tarick   Дата: 12.04.05 16:58:07   
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Ледовый дворец находится на проспекте Пятилеток 1 ближайшее метро Проспект Большевиков, только что сам инфу надыбал) кто знает что-нибудь про гостиницу где остановится Плант - пишите!!!!
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 13.04.05 10:00:35   
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Грждане! До концерта всего ничего! Скажите где Плант будет останавливаться и где будет пресс конференция! Плз!
Я тащусь!  
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Wings   Дата: 14.04.05 09:39:32   
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Это бала Ф А Н Т А С Т И К А!!!

You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin',
I'm gonna send you back to schoolin',
Way down inside honey, you need it,
I'm gonna give you my love,
I'm gonna give you my love.

Wanna Whole Lotta Love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Wings   Дата: 14.04.05 09:40:46   
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Re: Robert Plant
Автор: old fred   Дата: 14.04.05 10:30:11   
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Как голос? Как звук? Что пел из старого? Как сам?
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.05 12:49:32   
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Фотографии с прессконференции. Больше тут:Фотографии с прессконференции.
Больше тут:
Я тащусь!  
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: Кир Гуцков   Дата: 14.04.05 12:55:35   
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Ну же!!! Рассказывайте!!!
Re: Robert Plant
Автор: SamRus   Дата: 14.04.05 14:21:25   
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Еще фоты с концерта  Еще фоты с концерта

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