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Today In The Beatles History

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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 06.08.11 11:15:37   
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Today The Beatles History:

The Beatles visit the Casbah Coffee Club, seeing Pete Best performing with the Blackjacks.

Concert at the Grafton Ballroom, with Gerry and the Pacemakers, and The Big Three.

5.00-5.29pm. BBC's 'Pop Go The Beatles' broadcast (recorded 16 July 1963, 3.00-5.00pm).

NEMS Enterprises, Brian and a staff of 3 move to new premises in Liverpool, at 24 Moonfields.

Concert at the St Helier Springfield Ballroom, Jersey.

UK LP release: 'Help!' (mono and stereo versions).

Opening of the 5th National Jazz and Blues Festival at the Richmond Athletic Association Grounds. The festival is filmed by Subafilms Limited, in conjunction with Leon Mirrel of Selmur Productions.

John buys a house for aunt Mimi in Bournemouth.

Brian leaves his holidays at the village of Portmeirion, North Wales, to fly to New York and give a televised press conference defending Lennon in the 'Bigger than Jesus' controversy.

'Evening Star', London: 'The idyl of the United States with the Beatles sours.'
'Evening News', London: 'A clamour against the Beatles spreads over the US'.

''Yesterday'... And Today', 7th week in the Top 30 (Billboard).

Paul appears on David Frost's 'Phonograph', broadcast by BBC-radio.

Trident Studios. 5.30-7.30pm. Mono mixing: 'Hey Jude' (remix 1, from remix stereo 3). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Barry Sheffield; 2nd Engineer: unknown.

Studio 3. 2.30-11.00pm. Recording: 'Here Comes The Sun' (overdub onto take 15). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons. Abbey Road, Room 43 and Studio 2 (control room). 2.30-11.00pm. Recording: 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' (tape reduction take 21 into takes 22-27, with simultaneous overdub). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Tony Clark; 2nd Engineer: John Kurlander.
Studio 2 (control room only). 11.00pm-1.00am. Stereo mixing: 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' (remixes 14-26, from take 27). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Tony Clark/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: John Kurlander.
Recording of synthesizer for 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer'.

Santa Barbara Sound studio, Santa Barbara, USA. Recording: 'Everybdody's In A Hurry But Me' (3 lead vocal takes). Mixing for LP 'Old Wave'. Producer: Jim Nipar, assisted by Terry Nelson. Ringo and Joe Walsh are in attendance.
Rough assembly of LP masters, with final running order. It is decided that 'As Far As We Can go' needs further work.

Studio 2. Show 'The Beatles At Abbey Road' (3 times).
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 07.08.11 01:04:06   
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Today The Beatles History:

1957, The Quarry Men played at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, (without Paul McCartney who was away at Boy Scout summer camp). The Cavern was still a jazz club, but skiffle was tolerated, but when John Lennon dared to play ‘Hound Dog’ and ‘Blue Suede Shoes’, the club owner sent a note to the stage saying, "Cut out the bloody rock!"

'Please Please Me' LP, 20th week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart).

Concert at the St Helier Springfield Ballroom, Jersey.

'Help!' LP number 1.

5th National Jazz and Blues Festival at the Richmond Athletic Association Grounds. The festival is filmed by Subafilms Limited, in conjunction with Leon Mirrel of Selmur Productions.

'Disc and Music Echo' publishes an article by Derek Taylor, on his visit to Haight-Ashbury with George.

Studio 2. 3.00-7.45pm. Tape copying: 'Hey Jude' (of remix mono 1).
Studio 2. 8.45pm-5.30am. Recording: 'Not Guilty' (takes 1-46). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.

Studio 2 (control room only). 2.30-6.00pm. Stereo mixing: 'Come Together' (remixes 1-10, from take 9). Studio 3. 6.00-12.00pm. Recording: 'Ending' (working title of 'The End') (overdub onto take 7). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: John Kurlander.

Santa Barbara Sound studio, Santa Barbara, USA. Mixing for LP 'Old Wave'. Producer: Jim Nipar, assisted by Terry Nelson. Ringo and Joe Walsh are in attendance.

Studio 2. Show 'The Beatles At Abbey Road' (3 times).
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 07.08.11 23:46:33   
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Today The Beatles History:

Concert at the Cavern, with The Big Three, and Shane Fenton and the Fentones.

Yoko's daughter, Kyoko Cox, is born.

Concert at the St Helier Springfield Ballroom, Jersey.

'A Hard Day's Night' LP, number 1, 3rd week (UK 'Record Retailer' chart).

Closing of the 5th National Jazz and Blues Festival at the Richmond Athletic Association Grounds, Richmond, Surrey. John, George, Cynthia and Pattie attend. The festival is filmed by Subafilms Limited, in conjunction with Leon Mirrel of Selmur Productions.

Paddy, Klaus & Gibson sign to a management contract with Brian.

US LP release: 'Revolver'.
US single release: 'Eleanor Rigby'/'Yellow Submarine'.

John and Julian pose for fans photographs at their house at St George's Hill State, near Cavendish Road, Weybridge, Surrey.

George, Pattie, Derek Taylor, and Magic Alex walk around Haight Ashbury in San Francisco before catching their flight to New York. George borrows a guitar and performs "Baby You're A Rich Man" before the crowds that have gathered as they walk through Golden Gate Park.

Studio 2. 6.40pm-6.30am. Mono mixing: 'Hey Jude' (remixes 2-4, from take 1). Recording: 'Not Guilty' (takes 47-101). Tape copying: 'Hey Jude' (of remix mono 4, numbered 5); 'Revolution' (of remix mono 21, numbered 5). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.
Re-equalization of the 'Hey Jude' tapes recorded at Trident Studios. Copies of 'Hey Jude' and 'Revolution' for Martin.

11.35am. Appointment with photographer Iain MacMillan at EMI Studios, for the photographic session for the 'Abbey Road' cover.
After this, Paul chooses out of the 6 pictures taken the best one for the LP.
Before the recording session, Paul takes John home, at Cavendish Avenue, George and Mal go to the London Zoo at Regent's Park, and Ringo goes shopping.

Studio 2. 2.30-9.00pm. Recording: 'Ending' (working title of 'The End') (overdub onto take 7); 'I Want You' (later known as 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)') (overdub onto unnumbered Trident master). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: John Kurlander. Studio 3. 5.30-9.45pm. Recording: 'Oh! Darling' (overdub onto take 26). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Tony Clark; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons.
Recording synthesizer for 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)'.

'Live Peace In Toronto', 31st week in the ranking (Billboard).

Paul and Wings' concert at Idretis Halle, Oerebro, Sweden ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").

In Kassel, West Germany, Yoko's exhibition "Documenta 5" ends.

Day Five of Double Fantasy recordings: Additional recordings for "Strange Days Indeed" (working title for "Nobody Told Me") and "Kiss Kiss Kiss".

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

Linda's "Photographs" exhibition is shown at the Barry Stern galleries in Paddington, New South Wales, Australia.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at the Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, Maryland ("North American Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at Camp Pendleton Marine Base, Oceanside, California ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at the Palace Theater, Louisville, Kentucky ("North America tour").

Ringo and his Fourth All-Starr Band in concert at Festival, Zurich, Switzerland ("1998 Summer Tour").

In the UK, in his first major interview since Linda's death, Paul talks to the "Express" newspaper.

The photo exhibition entitled "Linda McCartney's Sixties" ends at the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.

In London, fans gather to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Beatles' photo shoot for the cover of their album Abbey Road. The event was organized by the London Beatles Fan Club.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 08.08.11 16:26:53   
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Вот это денёк сегодня у битлов!Событий сколько!Выложу ещё одно фото с фотосессии для обложки альбома Abbey Road,где они переходят эту улицу!Ещё чуть-чуть и они пойдут через зебру на Abbey Road!Это 8 августа 1969-го!Вот это денёк сегодня у битлов!Событий сколько!Выложу ещё одно фото с фотосессии для обложки альбома Abbey Road,где они переходят эту улицу!Ещё чуть-чуть и они пойдут через зебру на Abbey Road!Это 8 августа 1969-го!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 08.08.11 22:40:06   
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8 августа 1972 года.8 августа 1972 года.
Группа Wings выступает в Швеции(Idretis Halle, Oerebro),вот где выступил Пол в первом своём туре по Европе:
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 09.08.11 10:31:10   
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August 9
August 9

Concert at the St. Helier Springfield Ballroom, Jersey.

Concert at the Futurist, Scarborough.

IBC Studios, 35 Portland Place, London. Recording of "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away", by the Silkie. John (producer), Paul (guitar) and George (tamborine) attend.

The original and never used stereo remix of "We Can Work It Out" is destroyed.

Joe Orton is killed by Kenneth Halliwell.

Lucy Martin, daughter of George Martin and his wife Lucy, is born.

Studio 2. 7:30pm-2:00am. Recording: "Not Guilty" (tape reduction take 99 into take 102, overdub onto take 102); "Mother Nature's Son" (takes 1-25). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.


"Give Peace A Chance", 5th week in the Top 28 (US Billboard).

Paul and Wings' concert in Oslo, Norway ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").

Yoko and the Plastic Ono Super Band perform at the Nagoya City Hall, Nagoya ("Japan Tour").

Day Six of Double Fantasy recordings: Recordings of John's "Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)" and Yoko's "Don't Be Scared".

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

Linda's "Photographs" exhibition is shown at the Barry Stern galleries in Paddington, New South Wales, Australia.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

On BBC1's program "The Saturday Picture Show", a pre-recorded interview with Paul is transmitted.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at Mann Music Theater, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ("North American Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at the Pacific Amphitheater, Costa Mesa, California ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at the Van Braun Civic Centre, Huntsville, Alabama ("North America tour").


US album release: It's Alright (I See Rainbows) (Rykodisc RCD10422) on CD.

Ringo and his Fourth All-Starr Band in concert at Skanderborg, Festivale, Skanderborg in Denmark ("1998 Summer Tour").
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 09.08.11 22:33:57   
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Ринго и его All-Stars Band первого созыва даёт сегодня(9 августа) в 1989 году концерт в Mann Music Theater,Филадельфия,штат Пенсильвания.
Ринго и его All-Stars Band первого созыва даёт сегодня(9 августа) в 1989 году концерт в Mann Music Theater,Филадельфия,штат Пенсильвания.

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.08.11 10:28:21   
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Today The Beatles History:


Please Please Me LP number 1, 14th week (UK New Music Express).


US release of 4 singles by Vee Jay, using all its Beatles catalogue:
"Do You Want To Know A Secret"/"Thank You Girl" (Oldies 45 OL 149)
"Please Please Me"/"From Me To You" (Oldies 45 OL 150)
"Love Me Do"/"P.S. I Love You" (Oldies 45 OL 151)
"Twist And Shout"/"There's A Place" (Oldies 45 OL 152)


"Yellow Submarine" debuts at number 1 (UK Record Retailer).
"Eleanor Rigby" debuts at number 2 (UK Record Retailer).

All 4 Beatles, Yoko and Stan Gortikov, USA's Capitol president, lunch at the Ritz Hotel, London.

John and Yoko take Gortikov to see the play "Halfway Up The Tree" at the Queen's Theatre.

Paul and Wings' concert at Scandinavium Hall, Gothenburg, Sweden ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").

Paul, Linda and Denny Seiwell are arrested for possession of marijuana.


Band On The Run number 1, third week (UK Record Retailer).

In the second of the four-week series, BBC1 broadcasts the Beatles' film "Help!".


UK single release: "Seaside Woman"/"B-Side To Seaside", by Suzy And The Red Stripes (A&M AMS 7461).

UK single release: "Getting Closer"/"Baby's Request" (Parlophone R 6027).

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles

Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

Linda's "Photographs" exhibition is shown at the Barry Stern galleries in Paddington, New South Wales, Australia.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

Michael Jackson buys ATV music for 47.5 million dollars, becoming the owner of the Northern Songs catalogue.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

UK album release: Some Time In New York City (EMI CDS 7 46782 8) on CD.

US album release: Lethal Weapon 2 (Warner Bros. 9 25985-1), featuring George's song "Cheer Down".

London's first permanent exhibition centre dedicated to the Beatles, "The Beatles Revolution", opens at the Trocadero shopping plaza in Piccadilly Circus.

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 11.08.11 08:07:47   
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Today The Beatles History:

Concert at the ABC, Blackpool.

Peter Brown moves to London.

Studio 2. 7:00-11:00pm. Recording: "Baby's In Black" (takes 1-14, and 13 [unnumbered] edit pieces). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Norman Smith; 2nd Engineer: Ron Pender.

First session for Beatles For Sale.

"A Hard Day's Night" film New York premiere.


"Help!" single number 1, 3rd week (UK Record Retailer).

The Beatles arrive in the Logan Airport, Boston. 500 people receive them.

The Beatles arrive in Chicago to begin their U.S. tour. At a press conference, John attempts to resolve the "We're more popular than Jesus" matter.

Thomson House, London. Photographic session with Richard Avedon, for a set of "solarised" prints, and other left unsolarised. Photograph of gatefold sleeve of LP Love Songs taken.

Studio 3 (control room only). 1:00-2:00pm. Mono tape copying: "Dig It" (of March 13 stereo mix); "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" (of remix stereo 18). Producer: not assigned; Engineer and 2nd Engineer: Phil McDonald.

Studio 2. 2:30-11:30pm. Recording: "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" (overdub onto take 1); "Oh! Darling" (overdub onto take 26); "Here Comes The Sun" (overdub onto take 15). Tape copying: "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" (of take 1). Editing: "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" (from take 1 into unnumbered Trident master). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: John Kurlander.

Mal Evans takes the copies of "Dig It" and "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" to Malcolm Davies, at Apple, for acetate cutting purposes. Re-recording of "She's So Heavy" vocal harmonies. The song gets its complete title.

John and Yoko move to "Tittenhurst".

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. Opening of "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance", "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

Meanwhile, John and Yoko take part in a demonstration march past the Ulster Offices in London.

Paul and Wings' concert at Olympean, Lund, Sweden ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").


"Live And Let Die" number 2 (US Billboard).

Yoko and the Plastic Ono Super Band perform at the Sun Plaza, Tokyo ("Japan Tour").

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

Santa Barbara Sound studio, Santa Barbara, USA. Recording: "As Far As We Can Go" (piano).

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

Linda's "Photographs" exhibition is shown at the Barry Stern galleries in Paddington, New South Wales, Australia.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at the Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel, New Jersey ("North American Tour"). Bruce Springsteen joins him on stage in 4 songs: "Get Back", "Long Tall Sally", Photograph" and "With A Little Help From My Friends". Ringo's son Zak also makes an appearance during the show.

In the UK, Tom Petty's video compilation entitled "A Bunch Of Videos And Some Other Stuff", featuring the video for "I Won't Back Down", co-starring George and Ringo is released.

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at the Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at the Arena Theater, Houston, Texas ("North America tour").
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 12.08.11 17:16:34   
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Today The Beatles History:

Drummer Pete Best joins the Silver Beetles.

Concert at the Odeon, Llandudno, with Tommy Quickly and Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.

Brian throws a party, celebrating the first major US tour, at Whaddon House, William Mews, London. Guests (among others): Judy Garland, Cilla Black, Peter and Gordon, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, the Beatles, Tommy Steele, the Searchers, Lionel Bart, the Fourmost, Russ Conway, Tito Burns, George Martin, Alan Freeman, Pete Murray, Brian Matthew, Peter Gormley, Tony Barrow, Alma Cogan.

"A Hard Day's Night"/"Things We Said Today", 5th week in the Top 10 (UK Record Retailer).

With The Beatles, 38th week in the Top 30 (UK Record Retailer).

US single release: "From A Window"/"Second To None" (Imperial 66061), by Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.

500 US cinemas start exhibiting "A Hard Day's Night".


"Help!" number 1, second week (UK Record Retailer).

Brian Epstein and Johnny Hamp of Granada TV meet to discuss arrangements for a program based on the music of Lennon and McCartney.

Opening of the last US tour. Concert at the International Amphitheater, Chicago. It is filmed.

The "Globe And Mail" of Toronto publishes a declaration of George defending John.

UK single release: "You Make Me Feel Like Someone"/Take My Hand" (Parlophone R 5482), single of Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas, is re-released.


Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band number 1, seventh week (US Billboard).
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band number 1, 10th week (UK Record Retailer).

Studio 2. 7:00pm-4:15am. Recording: "Not Guilty" (overdub onto take 102). Mono mixing: "Not Guilty" (remix 1, from take 102). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.

Studio 2 (control room only). 7:00pm-2:00am. Stereo mixing: "Oh! Darling" (remixes 5-9, from take 26); "Because" (remixes 1, 2, from take 16); "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" (remixes 27-36, from take 27). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: John Kurlander.

A check for the amount of $243,418, covering the proceeds from the Bangla Desh concerts, is sent by Madison Square Gaden Inc. to UNICEF.

In England, John and Yoko donate £1,000 to the UCS (United Clyde Shipbuilders) Fighting Funds in York.

At the Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance", "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

Yoko and the Plastic Ono Super Band perform at the Koseinenkin Hall, Tokyo ("Japan Tour").

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

Linda's "Photographs" exhibition is shown at the Barry Stern galleries in Paddington, New South Wales, Australia.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at Jones Beach Amphitheater, Wantaugh, New York ("North American Tour"). Paul and Linda watch from the wings the concert.

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at the Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at Sunken Garden, San Antonio, Texas ("North America tour").

In the UK, VCI home video releases a digitally enhanced version of the Beatles' film "Magical Mystery Tour".

In the US, Blockbuster home video releases the limited edition concert video of "Ringo And His All-Starr Band - Volume One".

Ringo and his Fourth All-Starr Band in concert at Freilichtbuehne, Killesburg, Stuttgart, Germany ("1998 Summer Tour").
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 13.08.11 11:30:34   
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       13  АВГУСТА 13 АВГУСТА

Today The Beatles History:

The Beatles perform at the Casbah Coffee Club, West Derby, Liverpool

The Beatles perform at the Cavern Club at lunchtime, and that night they perform at the Majestic Ballroom, Crewe, Cheshire

5:00-5:29pm. BBC's "Pop Go The Beatles" is broadcast (recorded July 16, 1963, 6.00-8.30pm).

Concert at the Odeon, Llandudno, with Tommy Quickly and Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.

Kenneth Partridge and Brian to Kenwood to talk about its decoration.


The Beatles fly from London Airport to New York, where they hold a press conference.

US album release: Help! (Capitol SMAS 2386).

Public Beatles' records burning organized by the North American radio station "Coob". Priest Thurman H. Babbs of Cleveland, Ohio, says that he will ask for the excommunication of any parishioner who went to listen to the Beatles or approved John's sentence about Christianity.

Concert at the Olympia Stadium, Detroit.

"Yellow Submarine", 1st week in the Top 30, 1st week in the ranking (US Billboard).

Yesterday... And Today, number 1 third week, 8th week in the Top 30 (US Billboard).

Revolver number 1 (UK Record Retailer).

Studio 2 and annexe. 7:00pm-5:30am. Recording: "Sexy Sadie" [re-re-make] (takes 100-107, tape reduction take 107 into takes 108-111); "Yer Blues" (takes 1-14, tape reduction take 6 into takes 15, 16, tape reduction extract of take 14 into take 17). Editing: "Yer Blues" (of takes 16, 17). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.

For the first time on a Beatles' recording the 4-track tape itself is edited ("Yer Blues").

Studio 2 (control room only). 2:30-9:15pm. Stereo mixing: "You Never Give Me Your Money" (remixes 20-27, from take 30). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons.

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance", "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

UK single release: "The Back Seat Of My Car"/"Heart Of The Country" (Apple R 5914).

John flew from Heathrow Airport to New York. He never set foot on British soil again.

BBC Radio One broadcasts part thirteen of "The Beatles Story".

Paul and Wings' concert at Fyns Forum, Odense, Denmark ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").

While in Japan, John records a demo of the song "Free As A Bird".

Day Eight of Double Fantasy recordings: Paul calls John to suggest a collaboration but John is not informed of the call because Yoko would not allow the call to be put through. Recordings of "Cleanup Time" and "I'm Losing You" continue.

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

Part 11 of "Ringo's Yellow Submarine" series on the ABC Radio Network.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

In Hawai'i, George is sued for £26 million by two neighbors over a path near his property.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at Jones Beach Amphitheater, Wantaugh, New York ("North American Tour").

In the UK, Warner Home Video releases the 1975 film "Lisztomania", featuring Ringo in the role of the Pope.

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at the Desert Sky Pavilion, Phoenix, Arizona ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at the Starplex Amphitheater, Dallas, Texas ("North America tour").

Ringo and his Fourth All-Starr Band in concert at Theatreplatz, Chemnitz, Germany ("1998 Summer Tour").
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 14.08.11 11:03:49   
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Today The Beatles History:

Brian approaches Ringo as substitute for Pete Best.


Please Please Me LP, 21st week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express).

Concert at the Odeon, Llandudno, with Tommy Quickly, and Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.

Studio 2. 7:00-9:00pm. Recording: "I'm A Loser" (takes 1-8); "Mister Moonlight" (takes 1-4). Studio 2 (control room only). 9.00-10.00pm. Mono mixing: "I'm A Loser" (remix 1, from take 8); "Baby's In Black" (remix 1, from take 14).

Studio 2. 10:00-11:15pm. Recording: "Leave My Kitten Alone" (takes 1-5). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Norman Smith; 2nd Engineer: Ron Pender.

Kenneth Partridge and an assistant present drawings, clothes and colours for Kenwood's decoration.


Help! LP number 1 (UK Record Retailer).

Beatles VI number 1, sixth and last week (US Billboard).

Recording of a performance for the Ed Sullivan Show, along with Cilla Black, at the CBS Studios, New York.

Evening: End of Cilla Black performances at the Persian Room, Plaza Hotel, New York. Brian attends.

Screening in New York of the British program "Big Night Out".

Morning: a lightning destroys the transmision antenna of the North American radio station KOOB; the news Director is hurt, and severe damages to the technical equipment are caused.

According to a "New York Times" article, "L'Observatore Romano" has accepted John's apollogizes for his declarations on Christianism.

The "Catholic Herald" affirms John's statement is "arrogant" but, as Lennon himself had declared recently, it was probably true.

Concert at the Municipal Stadium, Cleveland. 24,000 people attend. It is held up for 30 minutes when 2500 fans invade the field.

Queenie Epstein arrives in London to stay with Brian at his Chapel Street house.

Studio 2. 7:00pm-4:30am. Recording: "Yer Blues" (overdub onto edit of takes 16 and 17). Mono mixing: "Yer Blues" (remixes 1-4, from edit of takes 16, 17). Recording: "What's The New Mary Jane" (takes 1-4). Mono mixing: "What's The New Mary Jane" (remix 1, from take 4). Tape copying: "Yer Blues" (of remix mono 3); "What's The New Mary Jane" (of remix mono 1). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.

Studio 2 (control room only). 2:30pm-2:30am. Stereo mixing: "Sun King"/"Mean Mr Mustard" (remixes 20-24, from take 35); "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" (edit piece remix 37, from take 27); "Polythene Pam"/"She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" (remixes 20-32, from take 40); "You Never Give Me Your Money" into "Sun King"/"Mean Mr Mustard" (stereo crossfade remixes 1-11, from sound effects take 5 of "You Never Give Me Your Money"). Mono recording: John Lennon interviewed by Kenny Everett. (The only interview documented on a recording sheet, because studio equipment and tape was used. Everett took away the only copy.) Editing: "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" (of stereo remixes 34, 37); "Sun King"/"Mean Mr Mustard" (of remix stereo 22) joined to "Polythene Pam"/"She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" (of remix stereo 32). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons.

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance", "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

"Melody Maker" publishs Part Three of it's interview with Ringo while on the set of the movie "Blindman".


"Let 'Em In" number 3 (US Billboard).


US single release: "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"/"With A Little Help From My Friends"//"A Day In The Life" (Capitol 4612).


US single release: "Arrow Through Me"/"Old Siam, Sir" (Columbia 1-11070).

Day Nine of Double Fantasy sessions: John records "Forgive Me My Little Flower Princess" and more takes of "Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)".

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

Michael Jackson outbids Yoko and Paul to secure the ATV Music Publishing catalogue. At $47.5m, he gains the rights to more than 250 songs written by Lennon and McCartney.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

The official release of "The Prince's Trust Concert 1987", featuring George and Ringo, takes place.
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.08.11 19:34:57   
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Today The Beatles History:

Performance at the Cavern.

Concert at the Odeon, Llandudno, with Tommy Quickly, and Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas

Concert at the Shea Stadium, New York.
8:00pm:. Beginning of the concert.
56,000 people attend, record of audience for a live performance.

The concert is filmed for the BBC by Subafilms Limited, in association with Ed Sullivan Productions Inc. 6 songs recorded for future screening on the Ed Sullivan Show.

Vigency of John's passport ends.

Concert at the Washington Baseball Stadium, Washington. Filmed.

Studio 2. 7:00pm-3:00am. Recording: "Rocky Raccoon" (takes 1-9, tape reduction take 9 into take 10, overdub onto take 10). Mono mixing: "Rocky Raccoon" (remix 1, from take 10). Tape copying: "Yer Blues" (of remix mono 3); "Rocky Raccoon" (of remix mono 1). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.

The "Yer Blues" copy is for George and Ringo; the "Rocky Raccoon" copy is for John and Paul.

Studio 1 into Studio 2 (control room). 2:30-5:30pm. Recording: "Golden Slumbers"/"Carry That Weight" (overdub onto take 17); "Ending" (working title of "The End") (overdub onto take 7).

Studio 1 into Studio 2. 7:00pm-1:15am. Recording: "Something" (overdub onto take 39); "Here Comes The Sun" (overdub onto take 15). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons.

Recording of all orchestral overdubs for Abbey Road. For the first time in a Beatles session a closed circuit of television is used to communicate two studios. George re-records, on the floor of Studio 2, his guitar solo for "Something".

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance", "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

At the Surrey Docks, Ringo, along with Harry Nilsson, Keith Moon, Peter Frampton, Klaus Voorman, Rikki Farr, Bobby Keyes and Jim Price, begins filming tracks for the next intended Apple film production of "Count Downe". The songs shot were "At My Front Door", "Jump Into The Fire" and "Daybreak".

Allan Williams, with the Beatles' 1962 Hamburg tapes, meets George and Ringo at Apple offices in London. A deal is not made for the tapes and Williams is heard to remark, "The Beatles blow hot and cold but they appeared to be genuine, they liked the idea."

Day Ten of Double Fantasy sessions: Recording of Yoko's track "Beautiful Boys".

George Harrison's autobiography "I Me Mine" was published in London.

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

Ringo and Barbara arrive in Britain, where he announces that he will not be appearing in the film "Yellowbeard".

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at Great Woods Center, Mansfield, Massachusetts ("North American Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at Aquafest, Austin, Texas ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at Arizona Veterns Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix, Arizona ("North America tour").

Ringo and his Fourth All-Starr Band concert in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg cancelled.

The German news channel N-TV airs a pre-recorded interview with Ringo about his current tour. Also included is a live clip of "It Don't Come Easy" taped at Theatreplatz Chemnitz from August 13.

A memorial to John Lennon was unveiled in the remote Scottish village of Durness, where Lennon had spent his holidays from age seven to fifteen. The lyrics from "In My Life" were inscribed on three stones.

Sixteen solo John Lennon albums were made available to download on iTunes for the first time. A deal was approved by the late Beatle's widow Yoko Ono following a lengthy legal battle between the band's label Apple Corps and Apple Inc, which owned iTunes.
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.08.11 20:01:55   
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Cегодня такой большой объём информации в одном сообщении,что впервые не смог прилепить фотку!Cегодня такой большой объём информации в одном сообщении,что впервые не смог прилепить фотку!
Фото 15 августа 1965 года,концерт Битлз на стадионе Shea в Нью-Йорке,девчонки смотрят на выступление музыкантов...
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.08.11 20:09:27   
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Билет на этот концерт битлов 1965 года!Билет на этот концерт битлов 1965 года!
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.08.11 20:23:11   
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Фото с концерта на стадионе Shea-1965
Фото с концерта на стадионе Shea-1965

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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 17.08.11 20:03:41   
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         16  АВГУСТА 16 АВГУСТА

Today The Beatles History:

Leaving from Liverpool to Hamburg.

Brian sacks Pete Best.

Concert at the Riverpark Ballroom, Chester. Drummer Johnny Hutchinson of The Big Three filled in the temporary vacancy.

The weekly musical newspapers announce details of the first joint tour promotion by Brian Epstein and Arthur Howes.

Concert at the Odeon, Llandudno, with Tommy Quickly, and Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.

Concert at the Opera House, Blackpool. Concert at the Futurist, Scarborough.

Warwick Hotel. The Beatles are visited by the Supremes, the Exciters, the Ronettes and Bob Dylan.

Second concert at the Shea Stadium, New York.

Concert at John F. Kennedy Stadium, Philadelphia.

Dr. Norman Cowan examines Brian.

Studio 2. 7:00pm-5:00am. Recording: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" [re-make] (takes 1-14, tape reduction take 14 into take 15). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.

1st Apple new artist release: Mary Hopkin, with "Those Were The Days".


"Give Peace A Chance", 6th week in the Top 28 (US Billboard).

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance', "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

Paul and Wings' concert in Hanover, Germany ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").

Second day of shooting for "Count Downe". Led Zeppelin's John Bonham fills in for Keith Moon, who flew to Belgium to rejoin The Who on its current tour.

Yoko and the Plastic Ono Super Band perform at the Hiroshima Prefectural Gymnasium, Hiroshima ("Japan Tour").

Reports indicate that John and Paul have signed co-publishing agreements with ATV music.

The musical "John, Paul, George, Ringo... And Bert" closes at the Lyric Theatre in London after a one-year run.

Paul McCartney and Wings' album Band On The Run is released in the Soviet Union on the Melodiya label.

Elvis Presley dies at his Graceland home. He was 42.

Ringo joins Keith Moon to shoot scenes for the film "The Kids Are Alright", the documentary on the history of The Who.

In the US, the Beatles' newsreel film "This Is The Week That Beatlemania Was" screened in limited cinema release.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at Kingston Concert Grounds, Kingston, New Hampshire ("North American Tour").


US album releases: Ringo's Rotogravure (Atlantic 7 82417-2) and Ringo The 4th (Atlantic 7 82416-2) on CD.

In the UK, a pre-recorded interview with Ringo is transmitted on Nicky Campbell's BBC Radio 1 show.

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at Riverfront Park, Little Rock, Arkansas ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at Humphrey's, San Diego, California ("North America tour").

Ringo and his Fourth All-Starr Band in concert at Marktrock Festival, Leuven, Belgium ("1998 Summer Tour").
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 17.08.11 23:34:20   
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Today In Beatles History:

Arrival in Hamburg. Evening: First performance at the Indra Club.

Performance at the Cavern. Last with Pete Best.


Please Please Me LP number 1, 15th week (UK New Musical Express).

Concert at the Odeon, Llandudno, with Tommy Quickly, and Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.

US single release: "It's For You", by Cilla Black.

The Beatles appear on the cover photograph of US weekly magazine "Saturday Evening Post" (photograph taken June 3, 1964).


Concert at the Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada.

Afternoon. Concert at the Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada. 15,000 people attend.

Evening. Concert at the Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada. 18,000 people attend.

In Toronto, Lennon states his support to the American who go to Canada rather than being sent to Vietnam.

"Eleanor Rigby" number 1, 1st week, 2nd week in the Top 10 (UK Record Retailer).
"Yellow Submarine", 2nd week in the Top 10 (UK Record Retailer).

Brian writes a letter to Derek Taylor, then in California, about his next (never materialised) trip to New York.

George leaves England, starting a 5-day trip to Greece.

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance", "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

Paul and Wings' concert at Evenmanten, Gronnegan, Rotterdam, Holland ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").

George attends a Ravi Shankar performance at the Philharmonic Hall.

In the US, the stage musical "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" opens at the Auditorium Theater in Chicago.


Band On The Run number 1, fourth week (UK Record Retailer).

In the UK, BBC1 airs its second screening of the Beatles' film "Yellow Submarine".

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

Paul and Linda leave England for the US to begin promotional work for the album Press To Play.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 18.08.11 09:53:33   
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       18  АВГУСТА 18 АВГУСТА

Today The Beatles History:

First performance of Ringo as Beatles' drummer. Performance at the Hulme Hall, Port Sunlight, Birkenhead.

Concert at the Princess Theatre, Torquay.

The Beatles and Brian fly to San Francisco. Beginning of 34-day tour of US and Canada.

On arriving, Brian receives a telegram from Colonel Tom Parker, sending felicitations to the Beatles party on behalf of Elvis Presley.

A ticket-tape welcome in San Francisco had been announced, not materialized.

Concert at the Atlanta Stadium.

"Help!" single number 1, 4th and last week (UK Record Retailer).

Help! LP number 1, 2nd week (UK Record Retailer).


"Yellow Submarine"/"Eleanor Rigby" number 1, first week (UK Record Retailer).

Concert at the Suffolk Downs Racetrack, Boston.

Brian tells his mother and Peter Brown he will soon travel to the US and Canada to appear in some TV programs.

UK single release: "We Love You", by the Rolling Stones (backing vocals by John and Paul).

Studio 2. 2:30-10:30pm. Stereo mixing: "Golden Slumbers"/"Carry That Weight" (remixes 1, 2, from take 17). Recording: "Ending" (working title of "The End") (overdub onto take 7). Stereo mixing: "Ending" (working title of "The End") (remixes 1-6, from take 7). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons.

Recording of 4 seconds of piano for "The End".

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance', "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

In the US, John, Yoko and Elephant's Memory begin rehearsals for the One To One concerts at the Butterfly Studio in New York.


"Live And Let Die" number 2, 2nd week (US Billboard).

In the US, the stage musical of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" runs at the Auditorium Theater in Chicago.

On the ITV network sports program "World Of Sport", George's promo film for "Faster" is screened.

Day Eleven of Double Fantasy sessions: The production team for the "Crazy Eddie" record store advertizements is invited by Yoko to film the sessions. John and the band perform versions of: "C'Mon Everybody", "Rip It Up", "I'm A Man", "Be-Bop-A-Lula", "12-Bar Blues", "Dream Lover", "Stay", "Mystery Train", "I'm Losing You", "Blues In The Night", "She's A Woman" and "(Just Like) Starting Over".

The City of Liverpool named four Streets after the fab four: John Lennon Drive, Paul McCartney Way, George Harrison Close and Ringo Starr Drive.

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.


UK single release: "Press"//"It's Not True"/"Press" [video edit] (Parlophone 10R 6133) on 10" single.

In the US, Paul begins a number of promo interviews for TV and radio.

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, New York ("North American Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr band perform at the Starplex Amphitheater, Dallas, Texas ("Return To Ameria Tour").

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at the Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California ("North America tour").

In the UK, BBC1 transmits the episode of "Classic Albums", featuring brief interviews with George.

Ringo and his Fourth All-Starr Band in concert at Expo, Lisbon, Portugal ("1998 Summer Tour").
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 19.08.11 09:55:07   
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Today The Beatles History:

Billy J. Kramer of the Dakotas is born in Bootle, England.

The Beatles are hired to perform 2 additional months at the Indra Club.

Concert at the Gaumont, Bournemouth, with Tommy Quickly, and Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.

Appearance on Granada TV's "Scene at 6:30".

Beginning of tour of the US and Canada. Concert at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, California. The concert is filmed.

A Kansas City impresario offers $350,000 for the Beatles to perform at that city, the largest amount paid to an artist in the US until then.

"A Hard Day's Night" single, 6th week in the Top 10 (UK Record Retailer).

With The Beatles, 39th week in the Top 30 (UK Record Retailer).


"Help!" number 1, third and last week (UK Record Retailer).

3:30pm and 8:00pm. Concerts at the Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston, Texas.

Brian Epstein hurts his back when he is sprung from the emergency exit of an airplane into a service truck in a serious outbreak of Beatlemania at Houston Airport.

Concert at the Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, Tennessee. The Ku Klux Klan mounts guard. A firecracker explodes on the stage.


Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band number 1, eighth week (US Billboard).
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band number 1, 11th week (UK Record Retailer).

Maureen gives birth to her and Ringo's second son Jason Starkey, at the Queen's Charlotte Maternity Hospital, Hammersmith, London. Maureen names him after the Greek mythological hero.

"All You Need Is Love" number 1 (US Billboard).

Brian announces that Traffic will make their first performance in Britain, at the Saville Theatre.

The Saville Theatre autumn season is extended to 16 weeks.

Day booked for a Beatles recording session at Abbey Road (cancelled because of George's trip to Greece).

Studio 2. 2:00pm-4:00am. Stereo mixing: "Ending" (working title of "The End") (remixes 1-3, from take 7); "Golden Slumbers"/"Carry That Weight" and "Ending" (working title of "The End") (crossfade/edit for master); "Something" (remixes 1-10, from take 39). Recording: "Here Comes The Sun" (overdub onto take 15). Stereo mixing: "Here Comes The Sun" (remix 1, from take 15). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick/Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons.

The instrumental jam in the coda of "Something" disappears at last in today's remixes. Recording of synthesizer for "Here Comes The Sun".

Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, London. "Art Spectrum", modern art exhibition. 5 films of John and Yoko are screened: "Cold Turkey", "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", "Give Peace A Chance", "Instant Karma!", "Up Your Legs Forever".

The bootleg album Gulp! appears on the market, featuring John's performance of "Yer Blues" from the "Rolling Stones Rock 'N' Roll Circus".

Paul and Wings' concert at Turschip, Breda, Holland ("Wings Over Europe 1972 Tour").

In the US, the stage musical of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" runs at the Auditorium Theater in Chicago.

Day twelve of Double Fantasy sessions: Recording of the song "Hard Times Are Over".

In New York, Yoko writes a letter to friends and possible benefactors for a section of Central Park to be honored to John. The site will be named "Strawberry Fields".

New York's Museum of Broadcasting showcase Beatles achieve clips documentary "The Beatles Early Days" and several other films from the museum's personal collection, including the "Ed Sullivan Show" appearances and excerpts from their Washington, D.C. concert on February 11, 1964.

Abbey Road's Number Two studio presents "The Beatles At Abbey Road", 3 times a day.

The "Art Of The Beatles" Exhibition, portraying 30 years of the group in the form of cartoons, paintings, photographs, album covers, lithographs and sculptures, continues.

US album release: Greenpeace (A&M SP 5091), featuring George's "Save The World".

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band concert at CNE, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ("North American Tour").


UK album release: The Concert For Bangla Desh (Epic 468835-2) on CD.

Ringo and his All-Starr Band perform at the Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California ("North America tour").

A TV ad featuring the late Linda McCartney urging a boycott of fishing was banned by the Advertising Clearance Centre in the UK.
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