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Chaos And Creation In The Back Yard

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Chaos And Creation In The Backyard (2005)

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Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 09.03.04 17:13:51   
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Санечка: Вы правы "макартнистов" больше чем "леннонистов, это всё подтверждает статистика. Но меня вопрос мучет один, а так хорошо ли знают макартнисты свою тему как ленноноведы?
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 09.03.04 18:35:49   
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Уточню, по теме маккартни, найдётся ряд сильных специалистов, но я имел в виду всю широкую массу поклонников Пола, поющих (кричащих) на каждом углу ему оды.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: Still Beatle   Дата: 09.03.04 18:41:52   
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1) "Альбомы у Макки все хороши,даже самый плохой альбом Макки лучше чем Imagine или
All things must pass."

2) "Дорогие товарищи,ну я же имею право высказать свое мнение,Что вы на меня накинулись:("

3)"Просто мне обидно что последнее время о нашем любимом Макки не так хорошо как хотелось бы отЗЫваются."

1) Это отсутствие элементарного уважения к другим. А вы не битломан, а битломаьяк:))) Даже маккартниманьяк, если говорите на полном серьезе такое. Это не солидно.

2) Никто не спорит имеете. Только когда человек пишет, что McCartney круче, чем All Things Must Pass, и не ставит в конце такую вещь, как IMHO или не пишет "на мой взгляд", то другие люди вполне оправданно воспринимают это в штыки.

3) Это гипноз. Я люблю Битлз, но мне больше нравится Харрисон. Одна песня "Run Of The Mill" дороже мне всего Driving Rainа. Но я же не утверждаю, что это объективно, и Макка не умеет сочинять! Кстати, не надо отыгрываться за счет других битлов.
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: matrikat   Дата: 09.03.04 19:33:11   
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Утверждать, что Пол лучше Джона, или Джон лучше Пола, или Джордж самый-самый все равно, что говорить, что от Земли до Луны дальше, чем от Луны до Земли.
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Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: Санечка   Дата: 09.03.04 22:45:12   
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To Клим
Согласна. Да и вообще в основном "леннонисты" гораздо бодее серьезные люди, чем "маккартнисты". Я не отношу себя ни к тем, ни к другим, мне дороги все, но все-таки мои предпочтения на стороне Джона. Но в конце концов matricat прав, ссориться по этому поводу не надо :))))
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: MargoLennon   Дата: 12.03.04 23:36:11   
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2 BassPaul
Ты забыл одно маленькое, но ооооооочень важное слово - имхо. Поэтому все и возмутились. В твоем следующем сообщении ты пишешь "тем не менее МНЕ Маккартни дороже". И все встает на свои места.

Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 13.03.04 11:09:52   
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Paul McCartney has been at Abbey Road Studios for the last few weeks recording songs from his new album. Other people spotted at Abbey Road recently include Sir George Martin, Olivia Harrison, and long time Beatles engineer Eddie Klein.
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2003 (!)
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 18.03.04 10:43:38   
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Прикиньте, если альбом тоже для детей будет :)
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 27.03.04 01:17:59   
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2MargoLennon:Спасибо за понимание,просто я не знаю что такое ИМХО.Признаю свою ошибку что первое сообщение было не отмоего лица.Извиняюсь.

2Still Beatle:Последуйте примеру MargoLennon и внимательно прочитайте мое сообщение.И не вырывайте фразы из контекста "это не солидно".Я здержусь за битломаньяка но то что Пол не умеет сочинять то уж извините но за такие шутки в зубах бывают...И вообще...да ну тебя:(

2ALL:Давайте уж обсуждать новый альбом Пола ведь работа над ним уже начилась:)УРААА!!!!И не будем говорить кто хуже кто лучше все равно каждое мнение субъективно.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 27.03.04 02:30:25   
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2Still Beatle:Звиняйте,ночью все-таки в инете вредно сидеть.Просьба начиная с фразы ...битломаньяка... остальное считать недействительным.Вот.
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: MargoLennon   Дата: 27.03.04 22:11:30   
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2 BassPaul
Незачто:) Имхо - imho - in my humble opinion - по моему скромному мнению.

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.04.04 10:35:14   
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Paul McCartney is recording with Jason Faulkner and drummer Matt Chamberlain
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.04.04 10:36:22   
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Jason Faulkner -
Born in Los Angeles in 1968, Jason grew up listening to what was in his parents record collection, including Love, Crosby Stills & Nash, the Beatles, the Zombies, and the Kinks. His love for music started young; he started playing drums made out of ice cream tubs at age four and began taking classical piano lessons at six. He stuck with classical piano for ten years to the prideful joy of his parents. But somewhere along the way he discovered his sister's new wave and punk collection, and his fate was set. He dropped piano, picked up the guitar, and joined various bands throughout high school. Not long after graduation, Jason responded to a magazine and and joined the Three O'Clock, with members Michael Quercio (lead vocals, bass), Mike Mariano (keyboards), and Danny Benair (drums). The band released one album with Jason in 1988 on their major-label debut Vermillion for Prince's Paisley Park record label. The band broke up soon after it's release.

Jason spent the next six months living in the U.K. and Europe. He returned to the U.S. and spent a year drifting through college and various odd jobs before his old friend Roger Manning convinced him to move to San Francisco and join his new band, Jellyfish. The band formed with Jason (guitars, bass), Roger (piano), his brother Chris Manning, and Andy Sturmer (lead vocals, drums). Though the group gained recognition in alternative circles and released a moderately successful debut album, 1990's Bellybutton, Jason wasn't allowed to contribute his own songs to the band. This fact, topped by his concern that the band was trying too hard to sound like their influences rather than an original band, led to him leaving Jellyfish after their first release. He vowed never to join another band again.

In 1993, he played with Fabulon on All Girls Are Pretty Volume 1, contributing guitar and bass on a few tracks. During this time he worked as a session player for several other bands as well. Pretty soon he came into contact with multi-talented musician Jon Brion, who invited him to jam with him and his bandmates in their rehearsal space. It didn't take long for Jason to break his vow to steer clear of bands; he soon joined their band, later named The Grays. Made up of Jason, Jon Brion (lead vocals, keyboards, bass), Buddy Judge (guitars), and Dan McCarroll (drums), The Grays hated the confines of most bands and decided to do everything in their power to avoid the pitfalls. Despite their earnest efforts, problems ensued in the band, and they released just one album, 1994's Ro Sham Bo. They scored a small hit with Jason's album opener, "Very Best Years." (Side note: Jason's father Avery did all the illustrations and photography for the album's cover and inside sleeve.)

Once again bandless, Jason kept busy recording at his home studio on a 4-track machine. He intended to release an all-covers album and recorded songs by his favorite bands and artists. This album never happened, and the majority of these songs were shelved. (Only in 2001 would these recordings see the light of day on Japanese indie label Air Mail Recordings' release Everyone Says It's On.)

In 1995 he worked with Eric Matthews on Eric's album It's Heavy in Here, and finally got what he had been looking for: a solo record deal. Through Elektra Records, he released Jason Falkner Presents Author Unknown in 1996. This album was a solo effort in the truest sense: he wrote all the songs and played every single instrument on every track, and even produced it by himself. The album received rave reviews by practically every music critic who heard it, yet it didn't achieve much commercial success.

In this same year he also contributed to Brendon Benson's album One Mississippi, co-writing seven songs, as well as playing various instruments on Susannah Hoffs' '96 release. 1997 saw Jason continuing session work with Eric Matthews' second album, The Lateness of the Hour, contributing various instruments, co-producing and assisting on five tracks.

In early 1999 he issued his sophomore effort, Can You Still Feel? Again, it was a complete solo effort, but this time was co-produced by Nigel Godrich, best known for producing Radiohead's enormously successful OK Computer. Soon after this album's release, Jason got fed up with being ignored by his own record label and dropped Elektra, better known to him as "Neglektra." Not being able to stay out of the studio, he contributed instrumentals on songs by Chris Cornell and Soulwax, and produced the Brown Eyed Susans album Afraid of Heights.

In 2000 Jason kept very busy, touring and contributing to various projects. He recorded "Song For Her" for the Songs For Summer tribute cd, played on Roger Manning and Brian Reitzell's album Logan's Sanctuary, and contributed on some tracks and even a couple live shows for the band Air.

In 2001 Jason contributed to Air's 10,000 Hz Legend. He also spent the summer months through November touring with them as bassist. New York indie label spinART Records released Necessity: The 4-Track Years, a disc comprised of old 4-track demos. Indie label Air Mail Recordings in Japan also released a double-cd set called Everyone Says It's On in 2001, featuring one cd of demos and unreleased songs along with another cd of covers, many of which have been released on various compilation albums. His main project of the year was an instrumental album of Beatles songs for kids called Bedtime With the Beatles: Instrumental Versions of Classic Beatles Songs released by Sony Wonder . He also covered "Do Ya" for Not Lame's release Lynne Me Your Ears: A Tribute to Jeff Lynne. While in France, he worked with Roger Manning and Brian Reitzell again, recording together as TV Eyes (formerly called Softkore).

2002 proved to be another busy year for Jason. He spent the summer touring in Europe again as bassist with Air, contributed on several artists' albums (including Beck, Aimee Mann, and Travis), produced Lily's new album, and performed a televised live show with Travis in Europe. He played a scattering of solo gigs in Europe as well as a couple of shows with a backing band in the States in November and December.

TV Eyes released their first single and played their first two gigs in May 2003. Jason headed to the studio in June to begin recording his third solo album. He also spent time in the studio helping out various friends on their new records, including Air's Talkie Walkie and Beck's upcoming effort.

In January and Feburary of 2004 Jason joined Travis on the road as the opening act for their 12 Memories tour. At the shows he debuted his EP Bliss Descending. He expects his next solo album to be ready for release around May.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.04.04 11:31:56   
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Matt Chamberlain...
Birthdate: April 17, 1967
Birthplace: San Pedro, California
Current Residence: Seattle, WA
First Drum Kit: a tama superstar 5 piece kit in red stain
Began Drumming: 1982
First Drumming influences: Ringo Starr, Neil Peart, Elvin Jones, Stewart Copeland
First Song Learned: "I don't remember what the first song was that I played"
Matched Grip or Traditional Grip: Traditional
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Hobbies: mountain biking, running, great espresso and wine
Favorite Group/Artist: radiohead
Favorite Artist to Work With: "Everyone is great to work with but I have a soft spot for Tori"
Would Love to Get to Work With:
Drums, Pedals, Hardware Endorsement: dw drums starting April 2001
(Previously had endorsed Ayotte Drums.)
Cymbal Endorsement: Bosphorus Cymbals starting May 2001 (Previously had endorsed Sabian Cymbals.)
Stick Endorsement: Vic FirthOther: Remo

Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 06.04.04 14:12:57   
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Не понял что здесь написано,ноопределенно хорошее.Надеюсь в скором времени мы услышим новый альбом Пола!!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 07.04.04 10:46:03   
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The BIG news out of Capitol is a Paul McCartney title (title to be determined) scheduled for now on September 21.

Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.04.04 11:15:24   
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Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 09.04.04 15:43:30   
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О том же.. gives a release date of Sept. 21 for Paul's new album.

Paul McCartney is recording with Jason Faulkner and drummer Matt Chamberlain, says Faulkner's website.
Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 09.04.04 20:57:17   
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Здорово будет, если на туре будут играться песни, которых ещё никто не слышал!
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Re: Новый альбом Маккартни '2004 (!)
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 10.04.04 11:26:29   
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Paul has been spotted again in L.A. this week. According to Bill King of Beatlefan, he's recording tracks for his new album and doing interviews to promote his new DVD "The Music And Animation Collection."
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