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Я тащусь!  
Re: Madonna
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 12.01.07 19:07:17   
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Weird Al Yankovic  Like A Surgeon -
Weird Al Yankovic

Like A Surgeon -

Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.07 19:22:46   
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Нравится Янкович?

WEIRD AL YANKOVIC Live (2007 DVD capturing Pop music's legendary #1 satirist 'Weird Al' live in concert in October 1999 in California including performances of the classic parodies 'Like A Surgeon', 'Smells Like Nirvana', 'Amish Paradise', 'Fat' and a 8-track medley plus Bonus educational films, music videos & photo gallery).
29 January 2007

1. Gump
2. Polka Power
3. Jerry Springer
4. My Baby's In Love with Eddy Vedder
5. The Night Santa Went Crazy
6. Dare To Be Stupid
7. It's All About The Pentiums
8. Germs
9. One More Minute
10. Like A Surgeon
11. Medley:
* Pretty Fly For A Rabbi
* Another One Rides The Bus
* I Love Rocky Road
* Achy Breaky Song
* Jurassic Park
* Grapefruit Diet
* I Lost On Jeopardy
* Eat It
12. Smells Like Nirvana
13. Bedrock Anthem
14. Amish Paradise
15. Fat
16. The Saga Begins
17. Yoda

Bonus Material:
18. Germs and You - Educational Film
19. Crimes of Carelessness - Educational Film
20. Bonus Videos
21. Photo Gallery
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.07 19:24:48   
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WEIRD AL YANKOVIC The Ultimate Video Collection (2007 DVD [remastered in 5.1 surround sound] - As one of the biggest selling musical-parody acts in the world, no one is safe from Al's cutting wit, and there is always a highly humorous video to back up his hilarious songs, which mostly centre around food, religion, disease and more food, including 'Fat', 'Eat It', 'Like A Surgeon', 'Amish Paradise', 'Smells Like Nirvana' and more plus BONUS TV clips, rare 1981 TV performance & photo gallery).WEIRD AL YANKOVIC The Ultimate Video Collection (2007 DVD [remastered in 5.1 surround sound] - As one of the biggest selling musical-parody acts in the world, no one is safe from Al's cutting wit, and there is always a highly humorous video to back up his hilarious songs, which mostly centre around food, religion, disease and more food, including 'Fat', 'Eat It', 'Like A Surgeon', 'Amish Paradise', 'Smells Like Nirvana' and more plus BONUS TV clips, rare 1981 TV performance & photo gallery).
29 January 2007

1. Fat
2. Amish Paradise
3. It’s All About The Pentiums
4. Smells Like Nirvana
5. You Don’t Love Me Anymore
6. Bedrock Anthem
7. Gump
8. Jurassic Park
9. Headline News
10. Dare To Be Stupid
11. Eat It
12. Like A Surgeon
13. UHF
14. Money For Nothing / Beverly Hillbillies
15. One More Minute
16. I Lost On Jeopardy
17. This Is The Life
18. Living With A Hernia
19. Spy Hard
20. Ricky
21. Christmas At Ground Zero
22. I Love Rocky Road
23. Bob
24. The Saga Begins

Bonus Material:
25. Clips from The Weird Al Show
26. Rare 1981 TV performance
27. Photo Gallery
Re: Madonna
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 12.01.07 19:31:57   
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2Primal Scream:

>Нравится Янкович?

А то!

Как увидел его новый клип White & Nerdy, везде начал про него искать.

..Хотя, конечно, слышал про него и до этого (Another One Rides The Bus, Bohemian Polka etc.)

p.s. Только он Янковик, если верить Википедии ;)) -

p.p.s. Коля, у тебя есть эти видео??
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.07 19:39:09   
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По идее все такие фамилии, оканчивающиеся на ic должны произноситься как "ич". Как, Крис Новоселич, например.
Дисков этих у меня нет, но с удовольствием приобрел бы.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 12.01.07 19:44:39   
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2Primal Scream:

>По идее все такие фамилии, оканчивающиеся на
>ic должны произноситься как "ич". Как, Крис Новоселич, например.

Согласен ;)

Но к Википедии стоит иногда прислушиваться :-) (по поводу неё Al в White & Nerdy прикольно смочил :)))

>Дисков этих у меня нет, но с удовольствием приобрел бы.

Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.07 19:48:37   
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Подозреваю, что большинство американского населения сказало бы "ик". Надо слушать первоисточники все же.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.04.07 11:15:22   
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Материал для девушки

Мадонна известна тем, что каждый раз заново изобретает себя. Ее новый альбом, который выйдет, выход которого запланирован в ноябре, будет иметь некоторый хип-хоповый оттенок.

Песни для него пишут Джастин Тимберлейк и Фаррелл Уильямс. К работе также привлечены Тимбаланд и чикагский ди-джей и продюсер Феликс Да Хаускэт. Будут танцевальные трэки, спродюсированные Стюартом Прайсом, человеком ответственным в большой степени за успех "Confessions On A Dance Floor".
Re: Madonna
Автор: tektonika   Дата: 16.04.07 08:46:23   
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Посмотрел DVD THE CONF.TOUR. Не зря говорят,что это лучшее шоу в истории поп-музыки...Рекомендую всем,особенно скептикам.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.04.07 21:13:06   
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>Посмотрел DVD THE CONF.TOUR. Не зря говорят,что
>это лучшее шоу в истории поп-музыки...Рекомендую
>всем,особенно скептикам.


<-- Madonna carries her adopted son David at the Home of Hope orphanage in Mchinji village, 84 miles west of the capital Lilongwe April 17,2007.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.09.07 11:39:43   
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Шимон Перес подарил Мадонне Ветхий заветШимон Перес подарил Мадонне Ветхий завет

Певица Мадонна встретилась с президентом Израиля Шимоном Пересом, сообщает Associated Press. Пресса не была допущена на встречу, однако известно, что певица сама попросила президента принять ее и что Перес подарил ей экземпляр Ветхого Завета.

Субботний визит поп-звезды в дом израильского лидера состоялся в рамках приезда Мадонны на конференцию по еврейскому мистическому учению Каббале. В последние годы певица, изначально принадлежавшая к римско-католической церкви, изучает Каббалу, чем спровоцировала критику ортодоксальных иудеев, считающих это кощунством.

Мадонна прибыла в Израиль в среду и планирует посетить священные для каббалистов места. Она приняла еврейское имя Эстер, а также носит на запястье красную нить, которая, согласно иудейским традициям, бережет от сглаза. В пятницу местные СМИ показали, как Мадонна танцует и поет еврейские песни в компании сотен посетителей конференции в тель-авивской гостинице.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.09.07 11:41:28   
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Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.09.07 11:41:54   
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Re: Madonna
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 19.11.07 12:22:19   
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Madonna: Like an Icon (Hardcover) Madonna: Like an Icon (Hardcover)
by Lucy O'Brien

Hardcover: 432 pages
Publisher: Bantam Press (27 Aug 2007)

Excerpt from 'Madonna: Like an Icon'

Chapter One
The Death of Madonna

Just north of Detroit is the suburb of Pontiac. Now a depressed area, back in Madonna's day it was a thriving manufacturing town servicing Detroit's huge automobile industry. Rising up by the highway is a cavernous bubble-shaped structure called the Silverdome. It was built in 1970s for Detroit's football team, but since the Lions moved downtown in 2002, it's been more or less abandoned. In its heyday, it hosted the NBA All-Star games and welcomed such rock bands as Led Zeppelin and The Who. In January 1987, Pope John Paul II celebrated a mass there.

Just across the road from the Silverdome is a small working-class neighborhood. Here Madonna spent her early childhood, at 443 Thors Street, in a modest, pale green single-story house. When I arrived there in 2006, it had a worn, dilapidated air, as if the ghosts hadn't quite left the building. Back in the early 1960s it would have been filled with children. It was Madonna's parents' first house, the place where they started their married life and where their eldest daughter first hatched her adventurous dreams.

"My grandparents came from Italy on the boat. .. [they] spoke no English at all. They weren't very educated, and I think in a way they represented an old lifestyle that my father really didn't want to have anything to do with," Madonna once said. Her grandfather Gaetano Ciccone came from Pacentro, a small village in the Abruzzo region of Italy. He came from a family of peasant farmers, but was encouraged to go to school and broaden his opportunities. In 1920, there was no work for this ambitious teenager, so he left for America, and made his way to Aliquippa, a steel town just outside Pittsburgh. After finding a job working on the blast furnace floor, he brought from Italy his young wife, Michelina di Ulio. They lived in a rented one-bedroom house near the steel mill, and raised six sons, five of whom worked at the mill. The youngest, Madonna's father, Silvio (also known as Tony), was the only one fortunate enough to go to college.

The Ciccones found being an immigrant family tough: there was considerable prejudice against the new wave of European immigrants, particularly Italians, who often came from impoverished backgrounds and were vulnerable to exploitation in the non-unionized mills.

Gaetano worked hard and got into politics. Spurred on by the historic National Labor Relations Act of 1935, which recognized unions, he helped organize a brief but crippling strike at the Aliquippa mill in the summer of 1937, which led to an improvement in the lives of the workers. Madonna later inherited that sense of justice with her inclusive politics and her open support of the Democratic Party. In the early 1990s, for instance, she filmed a public service announcement for the U.S. Rock the Vote campaign, a movement cofounded by MTV, which led to a 20% increase in youth turnout in the 1992 election that ushered in President Clinton. And in the wake of the 2003 Iraq War, Madonna was vocal in her opposition to George Bush, urging her fans to go and see Michael Moore's controversial documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. In 2004 she endorsed Wesley Clark's Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidential election with the impassioned statement: "The future I wish for my children is at risk." Then, two years later, she expressed support for Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency.

Though she hasn't been as politically active as other major artists, such as Bono or Peter Gabriel, Madonna has campaigned for years on issues like safe sex and AIDS awareness, and has always opposed discrimination, whether on the grounds of race or sex. As a daughter of second-generation immigrants, she was keenly aware of social marginalization.

Her grandfather Gaetano was a strong disciplinarian, who managed to provide for his large family, but daily life was a struggle. The strain showed in his addiction to drink, a habit that took hold after he began making his own homemade wine. Madonna has said that both her paternal grandparents were alcoholics, a factor that played a part in her more abstemious attitude toward drink and drugs. Although the Italian community in Aliquippa was close-knit, it was also restrictive, with women expected to be little more than mothers and homemakers. And higher education, with its threat to traditional values, was treated with a degree of suspicion.

Studious and devout, Tony decided to break free from the restraints of his background. "He wanted to be upwardly mobile and go into the educated, prosperous America," Madonna once told Time magazine writer Denise Worrell. "I think he wanted us to have a better life than he did when he was growing up." After a stint of military service in Texas in the U.S. Air Force, in 1952, he returned home to Pennsylvania to get a degree in engineering at Geneva College, a Catholic institution in Beaver Falls. He had a long-term plan. The previous year he had met Madonna Fortin, the younger sister of his air force friend Dale Fortin. Tony was invited to Dale's wedding at a small chapel on the Goodfellow Air Force Base in Texas, where they worked. The seventeen-year-old Madonna was maid of honor. A quiet beauty with wry wit and a gentle smile, she descended from pioneering French-Canadian stock—generations of farmers and lumberjacks who worked the land with a pragmatic, determined outlook. Her father, Willard Fortin, was a top manager in a Bay City construction company, and together with her mother, Elsie, raised their eight children to be pious Catholics. "She was very beautiful," remembered Madonna. "I look like her. I have my father's eyes but I have my mother's smile and a lot of her facial structure."

It wasn't just Madonna Sr.'s beauty that attracted Tony to her, but the fact that she came from a similar hardworking ethnic Catholic background. Both had high ideals and a strong attachment to family.. ..
New Madonna bio fails to dig deeper and deeper
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 19.11.07 12:24:47   
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"Madonna: Like an Icon " is fine as far as it goes, but it doesn't go far enough.

The latest in a succession of Madonna biographies written without the artist's direct cooperation is no cheapo rush job assembled from press clippings. Author Lucy O'Brien is a well-respected British music journalist whose "Dusty Springfield" is the definitive take on the life of a fabled, troubled diva.

The life of this book's fabled diva is meticulously chronicled, the history buttressed and illuminated by quotes from friends, family and associates.

But it all seems too familiar: the Michigan cheerleader and dance student who through sheer blonde ambition becomes the biggest female star of the '80s and then constantly reinvents herself to maintain her star status well beyond the average career life span.

Maybe that's because, at least since she hit the mass-culture spotlight in 1983 with "Holiday" and hijacked it wholesale the next year with "Like a Virgin" and "Material Girl," Madonna, now 49, has lived her life in public like few other artists. The records, tours and videos have been thoroughly documented, as have the liaisons and the controversies (from the "Sex" book all the way up to the Malawi orphan adoption).

O'Brien's retelling of Madonna Louise Ciccone's childhood is absorbing, particularly in dealing with the death of her mother (also named Madonna) when the future star was just 5. That forced her to take on adult duties early and set the pattern for the legendary self-centered drive that, after considerable struggles in New York's music and art community and a frequent use-'em-then-lose-'em approach to lovers and professional contacts alike, helped her hit the top. At which point we pretty much know the story.

O'Brien does a solid job of dissecting the albums and tours. She is most interesting when offering her perspective on what it feels like for a girl (or woman) who admires Madonna.

"Underlying her seamless pop tunes, driving her music is a sense of white-hot anger," O'Brien writes. "She encountered her own worst possible scenario, becoming a victim of male violence (a rape in New York in the '70s), and thereafter turned that full-tilt into her work, reversing the equation at every opportunity. This is why women respond to her on such a gut level, why so many heterosexual men feel ambivalent."

A provocative proposition? Definitely. A bit extreme? Maybe. There's no way to tell for sure until Madonna finally decides to tell her own story, and that, as detailed and well reasoned as this biography may be, is what we're still lacking.

Madonna Daughter Lourdes Seeks Harry Potter Role
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 21.11.07 18:04:41   
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Madonna's daughter has been offered a role in the new 'Harry Potter' movie.Madonna's daughter has been offered a role in the new 'Harry Potter' movie.

Lourdes - nicknamed 'Lola' by her famous mother - has been approached by producers of 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' to become the latest pupil to enroll at Hogwarts.

A source said: "Lola has definitely inherited her mother's hunger for fame. After all her recent public appearances, looking more like a sophisticated teen than a child, the attention on her is really growing. Film and sponsorship offers have poured in.

"An executive at Warner Brothers wanted to cast Lola in the last 'Harry Potter' film and has renewed his interest for the next movie. Lola would love to do it - she is a huge fan."
Re: Madonna
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 26.11.07 09:10:07   
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фото из книги New York Noise (о Новой волне в Нью-Йорке в к.70-х-начале 80-х гг., отражённой в фотографиях Paula Court - resident photographer at the Kitchen Centre)фото из книги New York Noise (о "Новой волне" в Нью-Йорке в к.70-х-начале 80-х гг., отражённой в фотографиях Paula Court - resident photographer at the Kitchen Centre)
книга вышла 01.08.2007
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.12.07 10:13:10   
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Новый альбом миссис Ричи будет называться Licorice (mmm, yummy) и выйдет в конце апреля 08-го года.Новый альбом миссис Ричи будет называться "Licorice" (mmm, yummy) и выйдет в конце апреля 08-го года.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.12.07 17:31:06   
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Тимбалэнд устроил утечку песни с нового альбома МадонныТимбалэнд устроил утечку песни с нового альбома Мадонны

Продюсер Тимбалэнд впервые продемонстрировал публике композицию 4 Minutes to Save the World с нового альбома Мадонны, выход которого намечен на 2008 год, сообщает NME.

Продюсер поставил новый трек 4 Minutes to Save the World во время посвященного предстоящему Рождеству мероприятия, состоявшегося в Филадельфии 16 декабря 2007 года. Мадонна записала эту песню вместе с Джастином Тимберлейком и самим Тимбалэндом. Предполагается, что эта композиция станет первым синглом с нового альбома.

В работе над одиннадцатой пластинкой Мадонны также принимают участие рэпперы Канье Вест и Фаррелл Вильямс. Согласно имеющейся информации, на новый материал, записанный певицей, заметное влияние оказал хип-хоп.

Ранее некоторые средства массовой информации сообщали, что пластинка получит название Licorice ("Лакрица"), однако сама исполнительница опровергла эту информацию. Альбом Confessions on the Dance Floor, предыдущая полнометражная студийная работа Мадонны, был выпущена в 2005 году.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Madonna
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 18.12.07 20:04:54   
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Канье Вест
Фаррелл Вильямс
Джастин Тимберлейк

Что-то без этих товарищей ни одной поп-тетке уже не поется.
Это так своеобразно возрождается традиция сессионников ранних шестидесятых?
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