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Beach Boys...

Тема: Beach Boys

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Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 24.03.03 09:59:09   
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Мое личное мнение - да, пожалуй, до статуса великих ББ может и не дотягивают. Все же великие - это Битлз, это Элвис, Роллинги, ЛЗ. Но то что это ВЕЛИКОлепная группа, не у кого не должно быть сомнений. А Surfing USA совсем не показательная вещь. Да, слабовата, уже потому хотя бы, что вторична, музыка то Берри. А ведь сколько других замечательных вещей у ББ? Боюсь, что как и в случае с Й. Оно-Леннон уважаемого Мr Мунлайта подвело недостаточное знание муз. материала. Лично для меня наиболее показательной песней ББ является Spirit Of America, и в плане музыки, и в плане голосовой гармонии, да и по тексту эта песня сейчас, когда фактически идет война Добра со Злом, весьма актуальна, ведь, от того, каким будет состояние этого самого Американского духа зависит многое...
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 24.03.03 12:26:48   
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В одном из номеров MOJO была очень неплохая статья про неизданный альбом SMILE, рассматривались несколько вариантов дальнейших развитий событий в мире музыки, если этот диск поступил бы в продажу в 1966 году, и как следствие РАСПАД БИТЛЗ сразу после выхода этого альбома!
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 04.04.03 10:27:08   
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Написал Bill Reed (он не знает русского):
In the 1960s, while nearly all my rock crit brethren had the good
sense to direct their energies toward writing about such trendoid
outfits as Martha Proud and the Birth of God, AxeMeat, Urban Sprawl,
the Desi-Rays, and the Triffids, etc., I had the "bad fortune" to be
deeply strung out on the uncool Beach Boys. I was flakking for the
BB's at a time when they couldn't even get arrested. Pre-Beatles,
they were the hottest thing in American pop, but by the time of the
so-called Summer of Love they were considered a joke. A 1969 concert
at the Fillmore East had been a near disaster. They came on stage
decked out in ice-cream colored suits. Fillmore habitues liked their
groups grungy, raw and au courant, and the Good Humor apparition on
the stage couldn't help but bring out their sadistic side. By the end
of their set the Beach Boys were reduced to goosing each other and
acting like panicky circus ponies.

The "Boys" were so desperate for coverage of any kind, that I
received their full cooperation during this period on numerous pieces
I wrote about them in "Rolling Stone," "Fusion" and in "ROCK." For
the latter, in 1968, I had the opportunity to do a phone Q & A with
the notoriously reclusive Brian, the Mary Pickford of rock. A sample:

Brian: Bill?

Me: Yes, Brian.

Brian: Have you ever talked with Mick Jagger?

Me: No, I never have. Why?

Brian: Are you going to?

Me: I'd like to, sure. But I don't foresee it in the near future.

Brian: I think you should.

Me: What do you mean?

Brian: I think he would be a really interesting rap. He's in this
movie, "Performance," where he's dressed like a girl, and I think
he'd make a good rap.

Me: Okay [Beat] Are you tired of being asked about "Surf's Up"?

Brian: NO!

Me: Do you think it might make it onto a future album?

Brian: No.

Me: Why?

Brian: We lost it.

Me: No dubs or anything?

Brian: Nope. it's gone. [Slightly retooled, the dubs, or course, DID
appear on the BB's 1971 album "Surf's Up" not long after this
interview took place.]

Me: What are you working on now?

Brian: I'm doing the soundtrack of an Andy Warhol movie about a spade
gay surfer?

There was eventually a Warhol movie along these lines, "San Diego
Surf." But it was never released and to the best of my knowledge
Brian Wilson had nothing to with its music.

Put-on artist or space cadet? I couldn't figure out then, and three
decades later, folks, myself included, still haven't quite cracked
the conundrum of Brian Wilson.

I think I did my best in the 60s and 70s to help propagate in the
rock press the then novel idea of Brian Wilson as a creator of
something beyond MERE surf music. It's just about the only thing I'm
proud of during the few years time I spent shilling for the record
industry food chain.

All of which leads me to a gift I received for my birthday yesterday--
--along with two too small belts. . . hey! I'm a growing boy!---- the
brand new Brian Wilson On Tour DVD. There has been a bit of back and
forth in these parts recently about exactly the degree to which
Brian Wilson is or is not manipulated into performing these days and
the validity of such efforts. Brian Wilson On Tour provides a few

Watching Brian in action on the DVD, the sound of his music echoing
back to his ears, as played by his twelve-piece WONDER band, brings
to his face what appear to be smiles of genuine happiness and
fulfillment. Apparently he likes hearing this timeless music over and
over again just as much as we, his fans, do. What's NOT to like? From
time to time this look of satisfaction seems to come from his band
actually translating into "live" performance" actuality what had oft-
times taken him hours, days, and even weeks to conjure up in the
crucible of the recording studio

The fairly lengthy rehearsal sections included in the document should
dispel any suspicion that Brian might just being going through the
motions; here he seems fully engaged and in charge of the proceedings.
Lingering around the edges are traces of the old (almost) autistic
demeanor typical of yore. But I sense that presentation of self is
more out of habit and doesn't reflect much in the way of a muddled
inscape of the mind these days.

In the best of all possible worlds a person of Brian Wilson's gifts
and accomplishments should be able to find at least a modicum of
peace and stability. IMHO this is definitely not the best of all
possible worlds, but Brian appears to have beat the odds and managed
to have found some Love and Mercy anyway.

In a recent interview Brian Wilson spoke to the effect that of all
his accomplishments, he was proudest of having beat the odds of mental
illness. I think I always knew he would make it. . .and I only talked
to the guy on the phone once back in '68.

Bill Reed
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.04.03 10:55:17   
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Неплохой сайт о Денисе -

Сайт группы In Bloom, в которой играют сыновья Дениса и Карла -
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: GlassOnion   Дата: 23.05.03 15:16:13   
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23 May 2003

Brian Wilson, the musical genius behind the Beach Boys, is to perform his unreleased masterpiece album Smile for the first time at a show in London next year. Wilson was in the capital yesterday to be honoured at the Ivor Novello music awards, which recognise song-writing talent.

After the ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel, it was revealed he would perform Smile - often described as the most famous album never made - during a British tour in February and March. The first rendition of the album, which was to have been the follow-up to the classic Pet Sounds, will be at Royal Festival Hall.

Wilson began developing Smile in 1966 and hoped it would be a "teenage symphony to God". But the other Beach Boys are said to have found the idea too avant garde.

It has never been clear why Smile was not released. Some have said Wilson became dispirited after he heard The Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967 and decided to drop the project.

Some of the tracks from Smile were later released and others appeared on bootleg. But its first live performance will be a historic moment.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: vinch   Дата: 23.05.03 23:22:00   
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Моя любимая вещь этого коллектива-"Surfin' USA". А ваша?
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 24.05.03 01:56:04   
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Add Some Music To Your Day!
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 24.05.03 13:21:43   
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Spirit of America!
Сегодня утром вышел на балкон, открыл холодненького пива и грянул на мир с 13-го этажа этой песней
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 24.05.03 14:30:20   
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Tears In the Morning
Disney girls (1957)
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Sergik   Дата: 08.06.03 10:11:23   
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Surfin USA
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: transfer   Дата: 08.06.03 15:02:14   
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Конечно же Good Vibrations! Сильная вещь! Маккартни аж обзавидовался!
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Арамистер Постман   Дата: 08.06.03 21:59:02   
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Спору нет,Вибрации действительно сильная вещь,но уж кто-кто,а Маккартни таких сильных вещей насочинял...
Брайан Вильсон: "Мы тогда очень завидовали Битлз..."( из интервью).

Я не так много слышал песен ББ(ВВ),но из них любимая - I Can Hear Music
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Mustard   Дата: 08.06.03 22:34:57   
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Прекрасная вещь!
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: gunfighter   Дата: 09.06.03 01:41:07   
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GOOD VIBRATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BARBRA ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Очень нравится как они исполняют California Dreamin Мам и Пап.
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 19.06.03 11:33:48   
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The Beach Boys are back with
Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of the Beach Boys

Billboard Top 200 debut at #16 selling over 68,800 CDs the first week!

This is the definitive Beach Boys "Greatest Hits" package with 30 CLASSIC HITS on ONE CD. This extraordinary CD contains over 75 minutes of music with exclusive band photos and an essay written by noted author Anthony DeCurtis.

"Good Vibrations," "I Get Around," "California Girls," "Kokomo" and many, many more...

FIVE STARS: Rolling Stone

Look for The Beach Boys on tour all summer long. And you can catch Brian Wilson in select cities this summer too.

Check out The Beach Boys website for details:

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 19.06.03 11:45:37   
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"THE BEACH BOYS MEDLEY" выходил на CD, на японском Rarities

Here is the track list for "Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of the
Beach Boys":

"California Girls"
"I Get Around"
"Surfin' Safari"
"Surfin' U.S.A."
"Fun, Fun, Fun"
"Surfer Girl"
"Don't Worry Baby"
"Little Deuce Coupe"
"Shut Down"
"Help Me, Rhonda"
"Be True To Your School"
"When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)"
"In My Room"
"God Only Knows"
"Sloop John B"
"Wouldn't It Be Nice"
"Getcha Back"
"Come Go With Me"
"Rock and Roll Music"
"Dance, Dance, Dance"
"Barbara Ann"
"Do You Wanna Dance?"
"Heroes and Villains"
"Good Timin"'
"Do It Again"
"Wild Honey"
"I Can Hear Music"
"Good Vibrations"

Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 19.06.03 23:42:53   
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Surfin' USA очень похожа на Sweet Little 16 Чака Берри. Говорят, что ВВ стибрили ее у Берри, пока тот сидел в тюрьме. Не знаю правда ли, но уж очень похожа :))
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 20.06.03 08:32:26   
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Это общеизвестный факт. Если ты внимательно посмотришь на песню, там в авторах указан Берри, так что никто ничего не тибрил, все оформлено по закону...
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 20.06.03 18:15:17   
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Love is working on a solo album, too, tentatively titled "Un leash the Love." He hopes to re lease it by next spring, complete with a song inspired by his 1968 visit with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India. The Beatles were there, too.

"I'm calling the song Pisces Brothers' for now," Love said. "George Harrison and I are both Pisces. We celebrated our birth days over there.

"It's a sweet reminiscence about going to see Maharishi not for fortune or for fame, but for enlightenment."

Фрагменты интервью Mike Love and Bruce Johnston discuss the new Sounds of Summer CD with
Re: Beach Boys...
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 20.06.03 18:23:14   
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Лемон, прошу эту песенку как-то мне передать, когда выйдет, плиз
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