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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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16 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:55:20   
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Eric Clapton & His Band: Royal Albert Hall, London , EnglandEric Clapton & His Band: Royal Albert Hall, London , England

Review #1

So, following a schlep around the barns of the north Eric returned to his spiritual home last night and the difference in atmosphere and performance was tangible! Well it was certainly a number of steps up from Birmingham last Thursday!

No surprises in the set but the performances right across the piece seemed far more assured and EC in particular seemed much more relaxed and inspired in the grand old hall.

Highlights were the usual suspects really - the long, slow blues of Little Queen, the dramatic building solo in Sheriff and the intimate sit-down set which gives the ever impressive Derek Trucks an opportunity to play some beautifully understated slide.

It was nice to see Doyle coming a little more the fore this time around as well. In Birmingham he seemed unsure what to do in his solo spots but last night he came good with awesome breaks in Cocaine and Crossroads.

As a gnarly old guitar geezer delighting in finally seeing Eric dust off the old stuff and play lots of widdly solos I've been amused to witness my least favourite number Wonderful Tonight getting the most ecstatic audience response! Not a titter for Got To Get Better or Anyday!

Still, as seems to be echoed across the reviews here, this band keeps on getting better. Just how good can it get? I hope to find out with my last visit next Tuesday!
16 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:56:06   
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Review #2Review #2

My dad introduced me to EC 20 years ago, quoting "if you want to learn to play the guitar, watch him!" It was of course Clapton launching into one of his signature solos. After last nights RAH session it was great to see he still has the magic. Because I can only describe that's what it is.

I have been reading the previous reviews with anticipation as to what to expect. I was far from disappointed.

'Pretending' opened the night. Derek launched into a fine solo which caused Eric to shake his head from side to side. This implied he was ready to talk through the fret, and boy he had a lot to say. A raw solo followed, which signalled that he was going to control the solos on the first night at the RAH.

The following set list was altered slightly, but delivered some fine work from Eric. 'I shot the sheriff' provided some great soloing but I felt was a little rushed. This usually is the song which turns the night, as well as Eric's playing. But hey, there was plenty of making up.

Later on we were treated to the acoustic set. During this, the crowd finally woke up to 'Nobody knows you.......' with rhythmic clapping all around the hall. The sit down session supplied a slower pace for a few more numbers preparing us for what would come next.

'After midnight' was powerful to say the least. Eric seemed to be settling and wanting to control more of the playing which was great to see. 'Little Queen Of Spades' was for me the highlight of the evening. The blues soloing was mind blowing, showing that no-one can touch him when its flowing, and it sure did.

The classics finished off the show with Robert Cray joining Eric on 'Crossroads' Having never seen Derek play, he no doubt pushed Eric to the higher plains. When he's there, no words can describe the experience if you know what I mean. I can only see this tour gathering pace as EC launched very early on.

I will be seeing EC again next Monday, but due to technical booking problems, I also have tickets for the Tuesday show as well. All I can say is I'm glad computers go wrong!!!

Thank you Mr Clapton and roll on next week.
16 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:56:57   
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Review #3Review #3

Tonight's opener really did see EC come out and literally blow the roof off. I thought that perhaps the powerhouse days were a thing of the past and maybe EC would be settling into his elder statesman role with the rather more relaxed style we have seen in the last few years. Well how wrong can you be!!!
I can only add to the other comments that I've seen our man over 150 times and seldom have I seen him play with such urgency. I think having a fantastic new band has obviously rejuvenated him and you could tell by the expressions on his face over the 2 hours of fabulous music. I wont detail every song as the set list tells the story but particular highlights for me were

Pretending ~ Fresh, rocking and benefits from Doyle and Derek adding solos.
Sheriff ~ Steve Jordan's different style has made it more reggae and its fab!!!
Back Home ~ Sounding even better than on the album
Motherless Children ~ Is almost like a rollercoaster ride, the pace and urgency of tempo is awesome to behold.

In short, every number was played with a freshness and energy that you couldn't help but be swept along with.

A couple of observations on EC himself which I think demonstrate his happy state of mind. After the first number a guy next to me in the fourth row shouted "We love you Eric" and surprisingly EC looked straight over to him and thanked him...a simple but nice touch. When exiting the stage after Layla a lad held out her hand very timidly and to my surprise EC shook her hand warmly and smiled. It was nice to see him interact with his fans like this!!

One other random observation is that unless theses 42 year old ears are on the wane I'm sure that EC didn't play the first half of the opening Layla riff, instead playing the 2nd part. I think Doyle played the opening lick... perhaps someone out there can confirm this?
16 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:57:43   
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Review #4Review #4

What a night!! When Robert Cray and his band came on stage I was really excited and they started the night off with a great set list which included the fantastic song 'Poor Johnny'. Robert Cray's guitar playing completely blew me away! They received a big applause from the audience when they left the stage.

Then after watching the crew set up the stage for Eric, the night just got better and better. 'Pretending' was a great show opener and 'So Tired' sounded really good live. It was great to hear some old Derek And The Dominoes tracks. Highlights for me were 'I Shot the Sheriff', 'Back Home', the classic 'Layla' and the fantastic encore of the night 'Crossroads'. I also have to say that Derek Trucks amazed me with his guitar. He jammed along with everyone and played some amazing solos. I am so glad that I managed to get Derek's and Tim's autographs after the gig. Well….that's it for me until next time. Thank you Eric and Co for one amazing night and good luck with the rest of the tour! Have fun.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:58:42   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:59:02   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:59:29   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:59:49   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 00:00:08   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 00:00:25   
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Eric Clapton hits out at Coldplay and U2
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 00:03:45   
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Eric Clapton hits out at Coldplay and U2
Wednesday, May 17 2006, 14:48 BST - by Fiona Edwards

Eric Clapton disapproves of bands like U2 and Coldplay as they seem to put their fame before their music.

The 61-year-old guitar legend told The Times: "Right now, the power of music sits with Simon Cowell and Coldplay and U2, who are really people who just attend awards shows.

"From just listening I can't tell the difference between Coldplay and U2. The one in Coldplay even dances like Bono."

Clapton said that he's also worried that modern bands are forgetting where rock and roll has come from.

He said: "I think what it shows is how incredibly detached all the current stuff is from its roots. What worries me about what's going on now is that people don't know where it's all come from, and I don't suppose they're that interested."
Press Release: Eric Clapton - Eric Clapton Deluxe Edition
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 01:48:24   
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Released by UM3 / Polydor : June 2006 (catalogue number: 983 960-7)Released by UM3 / Polydor : June 2006 (catalogue number: 983 960-7)

Landmark debut remastered and expanded with never-before-released alternative mix of the album, session outtakes and related singles recordings.

By the time Eric Clapton released his solo debut in August 1970 the guitarist had already enjoyed success with The Yardbirds, John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Cream and Blind Faith. Stepping out by himself with his first album, Clapton proved himself to be a laidback and genuinely well-rounded recording artist blending rock, country, r&b and gospel into a unique sound. It was to be the beginning of a phenomenal solo career which has made Clapton an international star: a 17-time Grammy winner, Clapton has achieved 13 Top Ten Albums in the UK alone, as well as 5 UK Top Ten singles.

This new Deluxe Edition provides an in-depth exploration of Clapton's landmark debut with some extraordinary unreleased material. Tom Dowd's original mix of the album appears in a remastered version, alongside session outtakes and related recordings. Clapton enthusiasts will be delighted by Disc Two which - for the first time ever - makes available the second alternate mix of the album by Delaney Bramlett, said by some to be even better than the original. Also available for the first time are previously unreleased studio takes of favourites 'Don't Know Why' and 'I've Told You For The Last Time'. Added too are singles 'Comin' Home' and 'Groupie (Superstar)' both from Delaney & Bonnie Bramlett and Friends featuring Eric Clapton.

'Eric Clapton' features the artists he had recently toured with, notably Delaney Bramlett (who co-wrote most of the album) and Bonnie Bramlett and Friends including keboardist Bobby Whitlock, bassist Carl Radle, drummer Jim Gordon, percussionist Tex Johnson, backup singer Rita Coolidge and horn players Jim Price and Bobby Keys as well as Leon Russell. On its release the album reached Number 17 in the UK Charts, and achieved a US Top 20 with his cover of J.J. Cale's 'After Midnight'.

Disc One
1. Slunky 3.33
2. Bad Boy 3.33
3. Lonesome And a Long Way From Home 3.29
4. After Midnight 2.51
5. Easy Now 2.57
6. Blues Power 3.08
7. Bottle of Red Wine 3.06
8. Lovin' You Lovin' Me 3.19
9 I've Told You For The Last Time 2.30
10 Don't Know Why 3.10
11 Let It Rain 5.02

12 Blues in 'A' 10.25 session out-take
13 Teasin' 2.14 Performed by KING CURTIS with DELANEY BRAMLETT, E.C. & FRIENDS
14 She Rides 5.08 previously unreleased LET IT RAIN alternate version

Disc Two - Previously Unreleased Original Mix

1. Slunky 3.33
2. Bad Boy 3.41
3 Easy Now 2.57
4 After Midnight 3.17
5 Blues Power 3.19
6 Bottle of Red Wine 3.06
7 Lovin' You Lovin' Me 4.03
8 Lonesome And a Long Way From Home 3.48
9 Don't Know Why 3.43
10 Let It Rain 5.03

11 Don't Know Why 5.12 previously unreleased Olympic Studios version
12 I've Told You For The Last Time 6.46 previously unreleased Olympic Studios version
13 Comin' Home 3.14 Performed by DELANEY & BONNIE and FRIENDS featuring E.C.
14 Groupie (Superstar) 2.48 Performed by DELANEY & BONNIE and FRIENDS featuring ERIC CLAPTON

Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: zhukoff   Дата: 18.05.06 09:03:07   
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2SergeK Как вы считаете - то, что будет опубликовано с DELANEY & BONNIE - "previously unreleased"? И ещё вопросик: 2-й диск - это может быть интересно "Previously Unreleased Original Mix"?
Добрый профессор  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 12:46:40   
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>Как вы считаете - то, что будет опубликовано с DELANEY & BONNIE - "previously unreleased"?

Нет. У меня этот диск уже несколько лет есть! :)))))

>2-й диск - это может быть интересно

Это действительно интересно.
May 18
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 13:04:19   
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Eric Clapton

Royal Albert Hall, London Thursday May 18, 2006

Caroline Sullivan

The plum acquisition at last October's Frankfurt Book Fair was considered to be Eric Clapton's memoirs, for which Random House paid $4m. He has 40 years' worth of career to get down on paper, and much of the action took place right in this room. The Albert Hall has hosted the artist formerly known as God dozens of times, most recently a year ago when he and the other ex-members of Cream set aside their differences for a highly lucrative reunion.

That out of his system, he's returned for the kind of solo run - seven nights - he did annually in the 1990s. Having ironed the bugs out of the show during regional dates, opening night here was a long, polished glide through his back pages. But for the inclusion of a handful of songs from his 2005 album, Back Home, the set list was comprised of material that has been around the block so many times it deserves a preservation order. Clapton himself was in good nick - still equal to the task of leading 11 musicians through lengthy bouts of improvisation. Saying that, occasionally he took a back seat to guitarist Derek Trucks, impassive blond nephew of an Allman Brother, whose haunting slide guitar put flesh on the bones of several otherwise minimal songs.
If Trucks was the hot newcomer, Clapton was the weathered master, his 61 years evident in his voice as he rasped through Layla and After Midnight. His fingers were still graceful and fluent, though, taking the band through winding versions of Motherless Children and Cocaine - the latter, for some reason, prompting the audience to rush to the stage.

After two hours, he still had the energy for a guitar showdown with support act Robert Cray on Crossroads. There's a reason nobody does this kind of show any more - these muso jams are desperately dated - but, in his field, Clapton is still the man.
Я тащусь!  
Reworking "Eric Clapton"
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 13:10:08   
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Eric Clapton's 36-year-old self-titled album is getting reworked for reissue. The 1970 release marked the guitar great's debut as a solo artist, as well as his initial venture into a more laid back, countrified sound. It contained the top 20 hit "After Midnight," along with the tracks "Let It Rain," "I Don't Know Why," and "I've Told You For The Last Time." "Eric Clapton - Deluxe Edition" is an expanded two-disc set featuring remastered versions of the original songs as well as previously unreleased tracks. The rare material includes outtakes from the album's recording sessions and singles that were also cut at the time, along with an alternate mix of the entire album. Among the tracks on the "Deluxe Edition" that weren't on the original are the song "Blues in 'A'" and "She Rides" -- an early incarnation of "Let It Rain." "Eric Clapton - Deluxe Edition" will be in stores on May 23rd.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.05.06 17:59:33   
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but, in his field, Clapton is still The Man:-))
Eric Clapton & His Band Rock The Albert Hall: Night 2
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 22:45:04   
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17 May was Night 2 at London's Royal Albert Hall for Eric and his band. This tour features an expanded lineup with some familiar faces and some new personnel (Derek Trucks, Willie Weeks, Steve Jordan). Highlights from the night included "Little Queen Of Spades," "Layla" and "Crossroads," with Robert Cray.

So Tired
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Lost And Found
I Shot The Sheriff
Let It Rain
Back Home (acoustic)
I Am Yours (acoustic)
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (acoustic)
Milkcow Blues (acoustic)
Running On Faith (acoustic)
After Midnight
Little Queen Of Spades
Everybody Oughta Make A Change
Motherless Children
Wonderful Tonight
Crossroads (Encore, with Robert Cray)
17 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 22:45:53   
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Review #1


I was sat in the front row of Stalls O on Wednesday night, to the right of the stage and just a few feet away from Lee Dickson's guitar station. Nothing was out of the ordinary in the lead up to the gig until I noticed that one of the guitars that was lying away from the rack and covered over with a towel. When Lee uncovered this old battered black strat and started tuning it, it looked as thought it was 'Blackie'. And not just A Blackie but THE Blackie... surely not?

Well, so to the show. The band is without doubt getting tighter with every performance and it has to be said, Eric Clapton plays his best when in the surrounds of the Royal Albert Hall... No argument. From the first solo in Pretending, Eric was playing and singing with more intensity and vigour than on Sunday evening in Nottingham. I also thought Doyle Bramall II was in a different gear tonight and that Steve Jordan is proving to possibly be the best drummer I have ever seen accompany Clapton.

The set list was altered slightly to Nottingham with Lost & Found replacing Bell Bottom Blues. With this change in the set list came a change in guitar, a chipped and battered looking black Stratocaster in fact. Lost & Found slotted in to the set much better than Bell Bottom Blues and maintained the fiery tempo, featuring some really crisp and sharp soloing from Clapton. Lost & Found also showed the tightness of the band with the sudden D'Angelo tribute style ending. Sticking with the black Stratocaster Eric then tore through some awesome renditions of I Shot The Sheriff and Let It Rain before slowing things down with the seated segment of the show. The rest of the set that followed was the same as previous nights.

The highlights? Possibly every solo EC played tonight. The first half of the show through from Pretending to Let It Rain was played with so much energy. The sit down set showcased Clapton's ever improving voice and the second half of the set continued on from where the first half left off. EC definitely deserved the sit down in the middle!! I thought Doyle overshadowed Derek Trucks and took his solo's well, especially in Queen of Spades.

Robert Cray again joined EC for the encore with a slightly more up tempo Crossroads with both taking fine solos. Before the show I was lucky enough to have a chat and get my photo taken with Doyle and then after the show I was lucky enough the get one of Eric's guitar picks from Lee Dickson. And so I asked the immortal question, 'Lee, was that Blackie, Eric was using tonight? The answer with a smile and a wink was 'It might have been' ...
17 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.05.06 22:46:33   
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Review #2

Wow! What a night. I had a fantastic view of the stage. You could see the expressions on all the faces of the musicians.

The Robert Cray Band kicked off the night, a very confident set list of tracks, including a good rendition of a Clapton track from the August album "Bad Influence". Robert's voice was in good form. The audience gave them a big appaulse as they finished their set and left the stage.

The stage crew came on to set up for the main event. The lights dimmed and then on came the man we had all been waiting for, Eric.

The crowd cheered and then he burst into a great version of Pretending. It was good to hear that song as hasn't had an outing for a while. Eric was in great form when he started his solos on the opener and he continued to produce high calibre solos all evening.

The night had the same set list as the previous night at the RAH, and Eric included Let It Rain for tonight.

The band was superb. Derek Trucks provided some unbelievable slide work. Steve Jordon on drums gave a great feel to tracks I Shot The Sheriff and Milkcow Blues. Steve Jordan did have to have a few symbol and snare changes thoughout the course of the set. But what a wonderful band, they all seemed very relaxed on stage and let the music take control.

Eric launched into some electrifying solos, especially in I Shot the Sheriff and Little Queen of Spades.

It was great to hear some classic Derek and the Dominos material.

I've seen Eric 10 times now and he is getting better everytime i see him. He is a fanrasic talent and always a pleasure to go to see.

The highlight of the evening for me was Layla, such a powerful version and Eric was electric on the fretboard during the solo.

The encore of Crossroads was welcomed by the whole audience giving a standing ovation. Robert Cray came on for the encore. What a great track to end a fantasic night.

Thank You for a great night Eric.
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