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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Interview: Derek Trucks On The Road With Clapton
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.05.06 20:13:29   
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Derek Trucks is a gifted 26-year old guitarist who has been touring since before he was a teenager. The nephew of Allman Brothers co-founder and drummer Butch Trucks, Derek is the leader of The Derek Trucks Band, a member of the legendary Allman Brothers Band, and is currently on tour as a member of Eric Clapton's band.

Eric Clapton and special guests The Robert Cray Band are on the road with a world tour traveling to 13 European countries. Don't miss your chance to win FREE tickets to see Eric Clapton live in concert on select dates of his Summer 2006 European Tour.

In an exclusive ZRock interview, I spoke with Derek (May 14, 2006) via telephone from the United Kingdom. Highlights of the interview include:

Good afternoon, Derek. I wanted to check in to see how the tour is progressing so far and see if you could share your experience with the fans.

So far, it's been a blast. Rehearsals went great. I think we're about five shows into it, and it keeps getting stronger. The last show we played was by far the best show we've played so far. That's always a good sign if it keeps building. It's an honor to be playing with the guys in the group. Not only Eric, but Willie Weeks, Doyle, and Steve Jordan - I've been a fan of those guys for a long time. It really is exciting to be here.

How have the travels been?

Not bad. We've basically been in the UK the whole time. It's been pretty much the same. We've been hanging in the area. But the Royal Albert Hall dates in London are coming up. I'm excited about that - I think it's eight shows this time. It's similar to the Beacon run that the Allman Brothers do in the States, but it happens to be Royal Albert Hall - an amazing room. I've been in there once or twice, but it will be a trip to be on stage there.

It should be a blast. Especially with all of the legendary Clapton shows that have been there in the past and the anticipation of the fans.

Yeah, the fans there really know his stuff. They'll be really keyed in. I hope it goes over well. I have a feeling that people are going to be pleasantly surprised. He's really been playing well the last few nights. He is starting to turn it to another gear, so it should be fun to see how people react to it.

That's what I've been seeing in some of the fan comments I've posted on ZRock - comments such as "the guitar hero reawakens" and that "he's playing at his best."

Nice. That's good to hear. I haven't seen much feedback yet, but we've been talking about it as a group. That's really the goal - if we can get people to see that he's playing on a different level than he has recently. That's what we're shooting for. Because, you know, it's one thing to get out there and just do your own thing. It's another thing to really re-energize a group. That's what's more difficult and that's what's exciting. It's good to know that that's the feedback. I feel that it is getting there, for sure.

There are people who have said they've seen every show Clapton has played in their part of the world, and have seen shows and thought there was no way he could ever top it. But yet here he comes again, and they're saying "this is the best thing I've ever seen." One fan even went as far as to say, "Wow!!! No bullshit. Just music."

That's the goal.

Whereas other artists have such high-end production and special effects as part of their stage show. Sometimes you wonder if it's there to make up for the fact that they may not have all of the musical components to stand on their own. But from what I'm reading in these reviews, with Clapton it's "turn off the lights... turn on the amps... it's show time."

That's pretty much how it's going. When you have that many talented guys on stage, you don't need a big light show. It can be done in other ways.

I've seen a few photos from the shows and some of the shots with you standing next to Eric remind me of vintage photos of a young Stevie Ray Vaughan playing with Albert King at Antones in Austin. It seems that Eric is on a very nice adventure by having you and Doyle on board.

Yes, he is really gracious that way. He could go a thousand different routes, but he's choosing to have us guys out there and really lets us open up and, in a way, showcase what we're doing. It's an honor to be along for the ride in one sense, but then it's also amazing that he's giving us a chance to really do our thing. It's an opportunity that you can't get elsewhere. There's no way that I'm going to be able to travel the world at this stage, with what we're doing, and get in front of that many people. Especially guitar fans, and be able to really air it out. On a lot of different levels, it's really an amazing experience. The fact that he's willing to share the stage that way says a lot about his character.

It's a very unique experience that you are on, in fact, a true world tour. Some artists go on what they call a "world tour," but their itinerary consists of Sacramento, Phoenix, Iowa, New York, etc. They go on a world tour but don't need a passport. The Clapton tour seems to be all over the globe. Literally.

Yes, this is full on. I'm actually in the middle of filling out my visa application for Moscow. It's a full on world tour and we're heading all over the place. If it continues for a solid year, like we think it might, it's gonna touch pretty much every corner. That's also exciting - I'm getting to see places I never thought that I'd get to go, much less play them. I'm really excited about the Red Square show in Moscow. That sounds like an experience. I'll have my camera for that.

Some of those dates could be a once in a lifetime experience.

I'm sure they will be. You try to soak 'em up while you're there.

How do you perceive the response from the fans, as far as the energy of having three guitarists on stage?

Really well. I was a little worried that he's giving me so many solos during the set that there'd be a backlash from the audience - they're coming to see Eric and who is this other guy? But so far it has been really nice. We're only five shows into it, but I think the response will probably stay that way. Everybody has been really positive, and by the end of the show, people are up on their feet and getting going. From what I hear, some of the towns that we're coming up to next are the real die hard Eric cities, so that should be even more fun. So far everything is on the up and up.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.05.06 20:13:51   
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How are you enjoying the sit-down portion of the show?

It's a nice change of pace. Getting to play an acoustic guitar for a few tunes is really nice. They have the sound pretty dialed in, so you can actually really hear it and feel it right, which is usually the problem with playing acoustic. In a big room, it's just hard to translate, but they seem to have it figured out. Playing tunes like "I Am Yours" off the Layla record - it's always been one of my favorite tunes of his, so that makes it really nice as well.

I can't wait to check out the show when it makes it over to the States. I'm sure it's going to be a true treat for the fans, especially after you've had the international experience of performing the songs.

I know everybody in the band is really excited to make it to the States. All the veterans in his band say that the audiences over in the States are much rowdier which is something to look forward to. They get into it. It's a different experience for me to look out and see fifteen thousand really well behaved people during a show. It feels a little odd. But, you know, its going to be nice to get over in the States, whether it's Madison Square or wherever, and just have people let loose.

How does your international touring affect the Derek Trucks Band? Is that on hold while you're on tour with Clapton?

Well, my guys are coming over on one of the days off during the Royal Albert Hall run - we're doing a show at a club in London. And then the guys are coming over to Paris for a night off, and we're doing a show in Paris. We're making it work. This is a long tour - the Clapton tour - but it's a month on, a month off. So, on the off time, I'm heading back to the States and working with my guys, trying to keep things rolling. We just released a record and we have a DVD coming out pretty soon. Things are rolling along.

I checked out the Songlines CD. It's very impressive. I noticed that it's currently Number 282 on I'm sure there will be lots of interest generated by the Clapton tour for you, so perhaps it continues to grow and you'll get some airplay. With a few strategic fans helping to spread the word, you could definitely have a nice project waiting for you when the Clapton tour is over.

That's what we're hoping for. So far, the record has done far better than any record we've ever released, and I feel like it has a lot of legs, too. When the Clapton tour comes back to the States, we can start getting out there and supporting the record a little bit more. It's been nice. It cracked the Billboard Top 200 the first week it was out, which is something we've never done. It was at the top of the Blues Chart for a little while. That's exciting. It's a different experience for us - seeing a record actually do semi-well.

I noticed that you have done some charity work with the poster from the Premier Music Hall benefiting the T.J. Martell Foundation.

We're lucky that a lot of our fans are socially conscious about different things. They'll come to the group with ideas and little ways to try to do things. It's nothing for us to sign a few posters and do that thing, but it really takes people to get out there and do the legwork. We're fortunate to have people helping out that way. It doesn't take much to do things like that, but it actually can have a small effect. You know, you do what you can.

It's nice to see that you're involved in that. I do some work with that same charity with Vince Neil of Motley Crue's golf tournament. They had one of your posters at the event. The really good concert posters can help fans cherish the memories and enable the music to become a visual art as well.

Yeah, it's nice. I have a few concert posters from either shows that I've been to or shows that have turned out to be legendary shows from the past. It's a nice reminder.

Have you had any feelings or thoughts regarding the perception of the fans and the full Allman Brothers tie-in, going back to Duane playing with Clapton way back, your involvement with the band, and now your involvement with Clapton's band?

You know, I can't really tell yet. Since I got the offer to do the gig and it became official, there's always been the talk of the whole Derek and the Dominos thing. I think Eric was just looking for another guitar player to play with him and Doyle, and I happen to fit the bill. Having the name spelled the same way definitely helps people make the association. But it's a different trip. We are playing a lot of those tunes from that era, but I think that's just naturally what this band gravitates towards. People are going to make that connection. It's inevitable - from playing with the Allman Brothers, being a slide player, and coming to play with Eric - that's going to happen. But it's a different trip.

From what I've seen and the few notes I've heard on the internet from one of the shows, it seems that having you on board definitely adds a new dimension to the show and is a nice treat for the fans all the way around.

That's good to hear. It's a great band. Having the legendary Willie Weeks on bass, and Steve Jordan, and Doyle, and Chris Staiton and everyone else. It's a solid group. I think if everything really gels and the chemistry takes, it could turn into an extraordinary group. Everyone in this group realizes that you have an opportunity in front of you that you're not going to get again, and everyone is trying to make something happen musically. It's good to see. I've been around groups where people just kinda are happy to be there, but are not really proactive and trying to do anything about it. But I think, in this group, everyone realizes that it's just a little bit away from making it really special. Everyone cares. Everyone gives a damn. That makes a big difference.

From a fan's perspective, it's definitely cool that just as you're completing shows in the United Kingdom, fans in the United States can already read about the shows, see the concert photos, and check out the set list. The world tour is turning into a true global experience. Fans in Texas, Georgia, New York, or even Russia can see what's going on with Eric Clapton and the boys.

Yes, you can check in. I should probably check in to see how we're doing (laughs).
Я тащусь!  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 16.05.06 21:32:57   
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The Ten Best Musical works - chosen by Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State The Ten Best Musical works - chosen by Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State


2 Cream
'Sunshine of Your Love'

Cream - Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce - were one of the first of the great supergroups. Despite the fact that the band split up in 1968, Cream's fans are still going strong. "I love to work out to this song," says Rice. "Believe it or not, I loved acid rock in college - and I still do."

Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: zhukoff   Дата: 16.05.06 22:33:39   
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Ага, она ещё сказала, что ей "Борис Годунов" нравится :-))) Разносторонняя барышня :-)))
14 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:37:55   
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Review #6Review #6

An Eric Clapton concert is not a life changing experience it is much more than that.

For some people an Eric concert is a occasional, almost annual event, but the people of Nottingham have had to wait 30 years for the chance of a local concert. Clearly the people of Nottingham have not forgotten Eric as they easily packed the cavernous Ice Arena. However the audience were polite, attentive, reserved even but certainly not prepared to show they were enthusiastic. In fact it wasn't until well into the set, (Wonderful Tonight, Layla and Cocaine) that they seemed to wake up.

Eric and his Band maintained his distinctive solid, driving train of sound that has become his concert trademark sound, loud; yes, but never distorted. Even the acoustic songs worked well in the acoustic black hole that is the Ice Arena (let's face it the Ice Arena will never be the Albert Hall) which is a real tribute to the excellent work of the guys on the mixing desk.

It is a mark of the man that Eric surrounds himself with the very best musicians and support for his tours - whilst one might wish for the dream team of Andy Fairweather Low, Nathan East, Albert Lee and the legendary percussionist Ray Cooper there can be no doubt as to the credentials and sheer unmatched playing ability of the new band - Doyle Bramhall, his solos were hard, edgy, agressive - on the money; Derek Trucks - with a slide guitar that was alternatively on fire or as smooth as ice - all driven by the relentless force of Steve Jordan on drums. And of course the inspired keyboard work of Chris Stainton which as usual was just awesome.

The call for the encore - at last - did get people on their feet and Crossroads did bring the house down, it was a fitting finale for a legendary return to Nottingham.

Was it a great show - absolutely. Was it worth the 400 mile round trip - you betcha and more, we'd do it again next week. Did we enjoy it - no, we absolutely loved it.

Eric gave his all - he always does - Nottingham gave slightly less.
14 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:38:43   
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Review #7Review #7

I thoroughly enjoyed my night and the band at Nottingham. I sat in the six row floor. The arena was further than I thought, it was about 2 hours north of London. While I have been to about 20 EC concerts, since '83 mostly in the States, this crowd was the most different. Average age 50, (I'm 47) they were quiet and English proper. It was nice not having that one moron in the crowd that was drunk or screaming Layla all night... it just made the focus on why we were there... the MUSIC! Not that the crowd didn't enjoy it, or applaud, but you could hear a pin drop right before either Cray or EC began a song. We stood up once all night and that was for the encore Crossroads. For only the 5th night of the tour, I found the band to be very tight and EC to happy, laughing with the band and with Lee (the guitar tech) as a guitar (I think a string) went bad during Layla. (My friend and I have a joke that Eric is so proficient that he's fired Lee over 1000 times and then apologizes and hires him right back.)

It was kind of different to have to have two guitar players along with EC and it was handled quite nicely. First of all while I have only read about Derek Trucks so it was great to see for myself his masterful slide playing... he's so young and talented! Doyle was again terrific, chatted at times with Derek, sang a bit like on Anyday and a few song surprises that he hasn't played yet from earlier nights, (I get into that in a moment) but I thought the 3 guitar players were just a splendid arrangement. On many songs Eric would play a quick lead, then Doyle would play a two/three minute lick lead, then Derek would play a few minutes of slide then Eric would play his own longer lead. Eric truly seemed to enjoy watching his students play... he was proud of their work. I think then the encore was the most special watching all three take a lead and then add Robert Cray with a fourth into the mix! It was an interesting examination of all their styles getting to watch each showcase their talents.

The surprise songs of the night were Bell Bottom Blues and Everybody Oughta Make A Change. I had a fun night, Eric even at 62 as I'm now seeing him 2 years from the last time, that he might loose a step or stop being proficient, (I hope not) but he just keeps getting better, adds something new to the performance, changes up arrangements, adds new players or instruments, so enjoyable. I can even happily tolerate seeing Wonderful Tonight or Layla from watching it (with all the vids) 2000+ times!
14 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:39:49   
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Review #8Review #8

This was the first time I had seen E.C. live and it proved to be no disappointment.

It was a shame that (from my seat anyway) I had difficulty hearing the brass section and the female backing vocalists and occasionally Eric's vocals were lost in the general sound level, but overall the concert was excellent. I especially enjoyed the acoustic numbers which really highlighted Eric's talent to the full.

I cannot remember the entire playlist, but for me NOBODY KNOWS YOU WHEN YOURE DOWN AND OUT, MILKCOW BLUES, LITTLE QUEEN OF SPADES, COCAINE and of course CROSSROADS were the stand -out numbers.

The Robert Cray Band provided good support and Eris was on stage for over two hours. All in all a memorable evening so keep on rockin' Eric!
Я тащусь!  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:40:11   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:40:29   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:54:24   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:54:42   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:55:20   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:55:37   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:55:57   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:56:23   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:56:46   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:57:12   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:57:40   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 02:57:59   
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Eric Clapton Kicks Off 7 Night Residency at the Royal Albert Hall
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:53:24   
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Eric Clapton's current World Tour features a seven night residency at London's Royal Albert Hall. The first concert was on 16 May. Dates continue through 26 May. The first concert included gems from his back catalog along with more recent tracks from EC's 2005 CD, Back Home.

Eric Clapton's current World Tour features a seven night residency at London's Royal Albert Hall. The first concert was on 16 May. Dates continue through 26 May. The first concert included gems from his back catalog along with more recent tracks from EC's 2005 CD, "Back Home".

In the next issue of Where's Eric! Magazine, there will be full coverage of the always-special Royal Albert Hall gigs. Additionally, the WE! Team will bring fans around the world the details from the European leg of the tour as they hit the road to catch EC in concert.


So Tired
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Lost And Found
I Shot The Sheriff
Back Home (acoustic)
I Am Yours (acoustic)
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (acoustic)
Milkcow Blues (EC on electric)
Running On Faith (acoustic)
After Midnight
Little Queen Of Spades (awesome - 13 mins)
Everybody Oughta Make A Change
Motherless Children
Wonderful Tonight
Crossroads (Encore, Robert Cray sits in)
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