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Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)

Тема: Битлз - концерты

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Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Eumtyr   Дата: 26.09.07 12:03:49   
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Леннон: ...Брайану хватало головной боли в первые годы, и он нормально справлялся со всеми организационными делами. Почти всегда. Однажды, правда, мы в Италии ничего не получили, а в Маниле нас вообще чуть не убили.

- Это история с приглашением в президентский дворец...

- Ну да. Потому что он получил туда приглашение, но на себя одного, и поэтому отклонил его, а нам ничего не сказал об этом. А на другой день в аэропорту на нас просто накинулась разъяренная толпа: они решили, что нас всех приглашали, а мы отказались, и этим оскорбили президента. Еле утрясли это дело, даже багаж пришлось тащить самим. Это было кошмарно.

Интервью Леннона Питеру Маккейбу и Роберту Шонфелду,
август 1971 года, Нью-Йорк.
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Expert   Дата: 12.11.07 22:19:34   
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Макс Жолобов    >Вот бы посмотреть, что они там намазюкали!  Enjoy!Макс Жолобов

>Вот бы посмотреть, что они там намазюкали!

Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Eumtyr   Дата: 20.11.07 17:32:19   
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В основном известные факты гастролей в Японии

The Beatles and Japan

Doubts arose as early as January about whether or not the Japanese authorities would give the go-ahead for Paul McCartney to give his series of concerts in Tokyo this month.
Although a series of seven dates had been set, between Saturday March 3 and Monday March 12, for shows at the Tokyo Bowl, uncertainty existed from the outset because of Paul's previous encounters with the local police in connection with 'soft' drugs. Japanese law enforcement folk take a dim view of the slightest involvement with illegal drugs and are not in the habit of bending their rules in deference to pop and rock superstars. In fact, they're noted for stiff¬ening the penalties and making an example of one or two celebrities simply to drive home the message to Japanese youngsters that they should say 'No!' to all types of non-prescribed drugs.


During the period of indecision on the part of the Japanese authorities, Paul was deeply concerned that the outcome might rule out the Tokyo shows, which he has always regarded as a particularly important leg of his current global concert tour. Japan has always been one of the world's most important territories for a major recording artist. Quite apart from hefty sales figures notched up by hit records, Japanese fans have a reputation for long-term loyalty to their favourite stars.
Paul was worried not only about the possibility that his concerts were going to be cancelled at the eleventh hour but that all the attendant media publicity would put off a number of his staunchest Japanese fans.
In the Sixties, although The Beatles only went to Japan in the summer of 1966, everyone at NEMS made a special point of treating Japanese fans with a special respect.
We set up interviews and photo sessions very willingly for their top music magazine and their newspaper showbusiness writers because we always knew the pictures would turn out well and be reproduced superbly in colour.


And the words? Well, we couldn't read those but, from the feedback we got from Far East fans via the London Fan Club headquarters we knew everybody was happy about what was being written about John, Paul, George and Ringo in the Orient. Unlike fans in other parts of the world, it seems that youngsters in Japan prefer to read nice things about their film and record idols.
Over the years, while the popularity of The Beatles has risen and fallen amongst the rest of the world's record collectors, Japanese fans have always shown a voracious appetite for everything connected with The Fab Four, from reading matter to video recordings.
Nobody has researched the matter con¬clusively, but it's said that more genuine and original items of Beatles memorabilia have found their way to Japan than to any other country, even America. It's certainly true that Japanese businessmen always seem to maintain a high profile at the big New York and London rock 'n' roll auctions, even if they're bidding down an intercontinental telephone line rather than attending a sale in person.
Biographers have tended to skimp on their coverage of the 1966 visit of The Beatles to Japan. Most writers have concen¬trated on the drama of the Manila stopover which followed the four-day set of Tokyo dates.
The fact is that Japan was less traumatic but just as memorable as the Philippines for a whole spectrum of reasons. The boys did five extremely well-received shows in Tokyo's Nippon Budokan but their per¬formances were far from being their best, either vocally or instrumentally. The succ¬ession of flaws went unobserved, or was forgiven, by the capacity crowds of fans who screamed, cried, clapped and waved colourful little handkerchieves from start to finish. But there was also a grim side to the group's stay in Tokyo. Several fanatics — mostly violently inclined students — threatened to kill The Beatles if the Four Mop Tops dared to appear in the hallowed Budokan, a hall which had previously been reserved for displays of martial arts and tournaments of physical skill. The would-be assassins said it was all wrong for a bunch of pop stars to play in such hallowed surroundings and, if the five shows went ahead. The Beatles would die on Japanese soil.


The Japanese security people were just as zealous in their determination that no harm should come to The Beatles. It wasn't really just a matter of preserving the lives of Messrs Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr. Japanese honour was at stake and national dignity would have taken a dive if their famous visitors had been slain while on Japanese soil. So the security surrounding our touring party was more intense than I ever saw it anywhere in the world. Not only The Beatles but those of us in their circle of aides were virtual 'house prisoners' in the
Presidential Suite of the Tokyo Hilton Hotel. Every alternate room on our floor was occupied by armed guards who stopped any of us leaving unless it was via the official police-escorted convoy to and from each gig. Armed policemen lined the route and marks¬men stood with rifles poised for action on bridges that spanned the urban motorways.
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Eumtyr   Дата: 20.11.07 17:32:25   
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The Beatles didn't realise what was happening at first and thought the security was to protect them from their fans. We never liked to tell The Beatles about death threats unless it became totally necessary, and Japan was one of the few places in the world where not one of us was able to read the newspapers for ourselves, so the major news stories on the potential dangers of our situation went unseen. One compensation for having to spend so many long hours in the hotel was that the boys had plenty of time to chat to local fan club members. It was one of these who actually told them about the assassination plot.
It was said that over 30,000 security men looked after The Beatles during their stay in Tokyo. In full riot gear they over-protected John, Paul, George and Ringo from a couple of thousand dedicated fans who turned out to welcome the group at the airport very early on the morning of our arrival. Later, on balconies at the shows, security guys stood behind dozens of massive cameras with incredibly long zoom lenses to get close-ups of the crowd — the reality, of course, was that they were scanning everyone to try and spot a possible sniper in the audience, not to take pictures at all.
Inside the octagonal auditorium of the Budokan, there were no less than 3,000 policemen, one for every four fans. Nobody was allowed to watch the show from the ground floor level in front of the stage. Instead the boys were surrounded by a sort of 'dry moat' and found themselves singing and playing to an audience seated on all sides well above them. They were used to 'theatre in the round' conditions, but not to the idea of being unable to see rows of fans directly in front of them. The reason for such extraordinarily heavy policing of the concerts was said to be the fear on the part of the authorities that some crazy students would try to kill one or more of the boys while they were on stage. For my part I felt they were also very determined that Beatlemania should not be allowed to break out, particularly within the sacred confines of the Budokan.
These unfamiliar circumstances may have contributed to the comparatively poor performances. The truth is that the Japanese fans were amongst the most polite, happy and appreciative people The Beatles came across anywhere in the wide world during their touring years.

Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Expert   Дата: 17.11.08 19:31:48   
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44 секунды мюнхенского концерта в цвете вынырнули из небытия на ю-тьюбе:

Beatles munich 1966 color 16mm film

Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Expert   Дата: 15.11.09 17:38:45   
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Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 02.05.15 11:47:40   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich 24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 02.05.15 11:48:20   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 02.05.15 11:49:03   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 02.05.15 11:52:03   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 02.05.15 11:52:32   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 02.05.15 11:54:48   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 08.08.16 16:05:01   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 08.08.16 16:05:53   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 08.08.16 16:06:42   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 08.08.16 16:11:49   
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24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich24 июня 1966, Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 08.08.16 16:54:13   
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Строго говоря, это турне началось 23 июня 1966, когда Битлз и их команда вылетели из Лондона в Мюнхен.Строго говоря, это турне началось 23 июня 1966, когда Битлз и их команда вылетели из Лондона в Мюнхен.
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 08.08.16 16:54:59   
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23 июня 1966 Лондон - Мюнхен23 июня 1966
Лондон - Мюнхен
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 08.08.16 16:55:19   
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23 июня 1966 Лондон - Мюнхен23 июня 1966
Лондон - Мюнхен
Re: Предпоследнее турне Битлз: июнь-июль 1966 (ФРГ, Япония, Филиппины)
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 08.08.16 16:55:49   
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23 июня 1966 Лондон - Мюнхен23 июня 1966
Лондон - Мюнхен
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