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Главная / Барахолка / Видео / Продам Анатологию Битлз на 5 DVD (оригинал) (+)

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Внимание, перед принятием решения о покупке настоятельно рекомендуем просмотреть тему форума "Барахолка - положительные и отрицательные отзывы".


Продам Анатологию Битлз на 5 DVD (оригинал) (+)

№:  505
Категория:  Видео
Тип:  Предложение
Разместил:  N_K
Город:  Москва
Дата:  23.04.03 15:25:02
Стоимость:  71$
Просмотры:  4603

Продам Анатологию Битлз на 5 DVD (оригинал) (+)

Издание: март-апрель 2003 г. Включает:
DVD Features:
Contains all 8 original video programs on 4 DVDs

Bonus disc of rare and never-before-seen footage, including:

Recollections (June 1994): Paul, George, and Ringo spend a summer's day
together singing, playing and warmly remembering the early days

Back at Abbey Road (May 1995): Paul, George, and Ringo at Abbey Road Studios
with George Martin, play back the multi-tracks of some of their classic
recordings and reveal the inventive techniques used during the original

Recording "Free as a Bird" & "Real Love": Paul, George, and Ringo, along
with Jeff Lynne discuss the story behind these recordings - includes
intimate footage of them at work in the studio

Real Love Video: The video not screened as part of the original Anthology
series, now in glorious 5.1 surround sound

Compiling the Anthology Albums: Paul, George, Ringo, and George Martin talk
about how the three Anthology double albums were compiled

Making the "Free as a Bird" video: An intriguing insight from director Joe
Pytka into how the Grammy Award winning video was created

Production Team: The team behind the Anthology series discuss how the
programmes were made

Newly mixed in 5.1 surround sound with picture restoration

Number of discs: 5
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