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The Kinks!!!

Тема: Kinks

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Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 22.11.05 10:18:22   
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Здесь можно послушать новый альбом Рэя Дэвиса Other People's Lives:
1. Things are gonna change (the morning after) 04:21
2. After the fall 04:36
3. Next door neighbour 03:52
4. All she wrote 04:10
5. Creatures of little faith 03:43
6. Run away from time 03:47
7. The tourist 04:45
8. Is there life after breakfast? 04:31
9. The getaway (Lonesome train) 06:37
10. Other people's lives 04:53
11. Stand up comic 04:31
12. Over my head 11:13
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 07.12.05 14:05:09   
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Дэйв Дэвис опять ругается с братом:
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 09.12.05 14:59:01   
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To The Bone (video - thanks to Mr.Zero):
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Anton1977   Дата: 12.12.05 14:29:11   
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Подскажите, нет ли у кого 4 фотки The Kinks в электронном виде и нормального качества? Весь интернет обрыл, не нашёл :(
И ещё раз повторюсь, ищу альбом The Road, есть ли у кого в России? Поделитесь!
Автор: Дон-Кихот   Дата: 13.12.05 00:01:14   
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"The road" нет. Есть штук 15 или больше CD Kinks, из них несколько фирменных. Могу пересканировать альбомчики, то что внутри. Не пробовал, но кажется печать 50-75 линий (типографских), отнють не журнальная, точек на 150-300/дюйм не больше. Если устроит, пересканирую хоть все.
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 13.12.05 09:06:59   
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Могу выслать вот такое фото с винила Kinda Kinks
Посмотри на Бутлегзоне, там много сканов в хорошем качестве, можно с них нарезать фотографий.
The Road по моему продавался на Савеловском, но не могу утверждать, будет время зайду и куплю.
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Anton1977   Дата: 13.12.05 09:49:04   
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Могу конкретезировать свою просьбу по поводу фото! Мне нужны несколько фотографий не ранее 1979 года съёмки. Цветные. Примерно вот в таком духе:
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.05 10:22:36   
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The Storyteller The Storyteller
January 24, 2006 (US)
Koch Records

If you haven't had a chance to catch Kinks leader Ray Davies' recent autobiographical music-and-spoken-word show, this disc will make a dandy substitute. If you have seen it already, here's your chance to enjoy a judiciously edited version, with the added bonus of not having anyone sitting behind you and singing along into your ear. Vibrant acoustic interpretations of Kinks klassics like "Victoria," "20th Century Man," and "Autumn Almanac" alternate with strong new Davies compositions like "London Song" and "The Ballad of Julie Finkle," as well as a charming interpretation of "That Old Black Magic." Of course, you also get the man himself, musing wittily on life before and after "You Really Got Me."
This is a reissue of the original 1998 album.

1. Storyteller
2. Introduction
3. Victoria
4. My Name (Dialogue)
5. 20th Century Man
6. London Song
7. My Big Sister (Dialogue)
8. That Old Black Magic
9. Tired of Waiting
10. Set Me Free [Instrumental]
11. Dad and the Green Amp (Dialogue)
12. Set Me Free
13. Front Room (Dialogue)
14. See My Friends
15. Autumn Almanac
16. Hunchback (Dialogue)
17. X-Ray
18. Art School (Dialogue)
19. Art School Babe
20. Back in the Front Room
21. Writing the Song (Dialogue)
22. When Big Bill Speaks/The Man Who Knew a Man (Dialogue)
23. It's Alright (Dialogue)
24. It's Alright (Dialogue)
25. It's Alright (Dialogue)
26. Julie Finkle (Dialogue)
27. Ballad of Julie Finkle
28. Third Single (Dialogue)
29. You Really Got Me
30. London Song [Studio Version]
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Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 11.01.06 09:08:29   
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Описание выходящего в феврале первого официального сольного альбома Рэя Дэвиса Other People's Lives, взятое с сайта V2 RecordsОписание выходящего в феврале первого официального сольного альбома Рэя Дэвиса Other People's Lives, взятое с сайта V2 Records

Ray Davies, one of rock and roll’s most successful and influential songwriters, releases his eagerly anticipated solo album Other People’s Lives on V2 Records, February 7, 2006. Written, produced and arranged by Ray, the LP features 13 stunning new songs recorded in Konk Studios, London.

The new and long-awaited LP is Ray’s first official solo album and is a veritable masterclass in songwriting. “The first words on the album are ‘Things are gonna change, this is the morning after.’ This indicates that I’m going to do things differently from now on,” says Ray.

Much of the inspiration for the album comes from Ray’s experiences of living in New Orleans, where he found both emotional and physical sanctuary. “I found I fitted in somewhere for the first time since I left Muswell Hill,” he comments.

“The first thing I did (with the album) was to make demo recordings of everything I had written or half-finished and not released,” he says. “Every album I’d recorded with The Kinks, the material was written as I recorded it, I had no time to think about the songs until I found myself on tour performing them.”

Combining Ray’s distinctive vocals with astutely observed lyrics, the new album brims effervescently with Ray’s heady, unmistakable style and talent. Each song is a gem both lyrically and musically and tells the influence, journey and direction of Ray’s creative process. The full tracklisting is:

Things Are Gonna Change (The Morning After)
“In this song the character’s singing about making changes like most drunks promise after a long night. In my case this particular ‘hangover’ was more to do with life and career change,” says Ray.

After The Fall
Recorded December 17th 2002. One of the older songs on the record, its conception began while Ray was still in The Kinks.

Next-Door Neighbour
Recorded July 12th 2002. “Generally, I look at the world and observe characters from it. Well Respected Men, Dedicated Followers and people like Terry and Julie. These songs are about other people’s lives.”

All She Wrote
Recorded March 19th 2002. This song refers to people who have come and gone in Ray’s life. It is a combination of all his break-ups, good and bad.

Creatures Of Little Faith
“This is probably sung by the man who received the letter in the last track,” muses Ray. “There are two sides to every story.”

Run Away From Time
Recorded January 23rd 2003. The arrangement of this song is lifted from a previous home demo. Lyrically, it focuses on a man’s escape from himself.

The Tourist
Recorded February 4th 2003. Rooted in Ray’s American experience of New Orleans, ‘The Tourist’ is a new direction for Ray’s quintessential British songwriting. It also the title track of the highly collectible EP of the same name, released in the UK this summer.

Is There Life After Breakfast?
Recorded June 18th. It is a reflective, introspective song about life and positivity. The verse “just because all of the plumbing, isn’t what it used to be” is dedicated to The Kink’s drummer Mick Avory.

The Getaway (Lonesome Train)
Recorded December 19th 2002. Written on his first trip to New Orleans, the mood of the song is taken directly from the tone of the city.

Other People’s Lives
Recorded July 11th 2003. Tinged with Spanish flamenco guitar, this non-autobiographical song is a tongue-in-cheek story of ill-fated lovers and the media.

Stand Up Comic
Recorded March 19th 2002. “Sometimes when I am trying to introduce new material, I feel like a stand-up comedian in a room full of lager louts,” admits Ray. “This demon will not go away.”

Over My Head
Recorded April 9th 2002. By this track, the story of the songs has completed a full revolution. It is a resolve – an acceptance of the way things are and seeing life in perspective.

Thanksgiving Day
Recorded November 7th 2003. “After recording my first batch of demos for my solo album, I visited the U.S in 1999 and started writing more songs for the project,” Ray says. “In the song ‘Papa looks over at the small gathering’ and wonders how many of the children are going to make it for the dinner. During the story, we see how one by one, they try to make it home. The Thanksgiving Day holiday was originally ‘a day of unity’ and it occurred to me that it might be an idea for Great Britain to adopt a similar day.”

По некоторым сведениям, выпуск перенесён на 21 февраля. Также будет продаваться винил-версия альбома.
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.01.06 14:14:12   
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Послушать песню Is There Life After Breakfast с нового альбома Рэя Дейвиса можно здесь
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Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 23.01.06 12:35:51   
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Вот несколько новостей о Рэе и Дэйве.

В февральском номере GQ и на сайте этого журнала (естесственно, не наш вариант) большое интервью с Дэвисом-старшим.

Даты выпуска альбомов Other People's Lives в США скорее всего и Kinked точно-21 февраля (опять битва).
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 24.01.06 11:16:02   
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В рубрике газеты Observer "Soundtrack of my life" Рэй Дэвис рассказывает о пяти пластинках, более всего повлиявших на его жизнь:
Запись, подвигнувшая на изучение гитары-Honky Tonk Билла Доггетта (1957)
Запись, "запустившая" The Kinks-Country Line Special Сирила Дэйвиса с группой Cyril Davies And His Rhythm And Blues All-Stars (1963)
Запись, приведшая к созданию рок-опер-Max At The Met Макса Миллера (1957)
Запись, напоминающая о ранении-Get Rich Or Die Tryin' рэппера 50 Cent (2003)
Запись, которая всегда будет вдохновлять-Will The Circle Be Unbroken ансамбля The Carter Family (1927)

Полный текст здесь:,,1689118,00.html
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Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 02.02.06 10:32:39   
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Мартовский Mojo. Обложка. Внутри-самое откровенное интервью Рэя Дэйвиса и диск с каверами на его песни.Мартовский Mojo. Обложка. Внутри-"самое откровенное интервью Рэя Дэйвиса" и диск с каверами на его песни.
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.02.06 11:35:45   
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Рецензия на новый альбом РД
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.02.06 11:36:42   
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Late Night with Conan O'Brien and musical guest Ray Davies Late Night with Conan O'Brien and musical guest Ray Davies
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.02.06 11:37:06   
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The Kinks!!!
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.02.06 11:37:29   
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Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 08.02.06 09:37:01   
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Пресс-релиз Koch Records о сборнике Дэйва Дэвиса KinkedПресс-релиз Koch Records о сборнике Дэйва Дэвиса Kinked



ON MARCH 7TH, 2006

The triumphant return of legendary KINKS founder Dave Davies featuring ten years of solo classics including new track "God In My Brain," inspired by stroke recovery

February 6, 2006 — New York, NY — KOCH Records announces the triumphant return of Dave Davies, founding member of Rock & Roll Hall of Fame legends, The Kinks. Kinked, a collection of Dave Davies' finest studio recordings and live tracks from 1997 – 2006, includes the brand new track (recorded in January 2006), "God In My Brain," which was inspired by Davies' recovery from a serious stroke he suffered in 2004.

Thanks in no small measure to the sound of the Olympian thunderbolts cast by Dave's guitar, the Kinks' sound has inspired and influenced generations of rockers including The Ramones, Van Halen, and Green Day, and helped give birth to punk, metal and modern guitar rock. In the ten years since the band's last public performance, Dave has released four official albums on Velvel & KOCH Records, in addition to three live albums, two albums of demos and an electronic music collaboration released through his website.

On 30 June 2004, while at the BBC to promote the UK release of his solo album "Bug," Dave Davies collapsed as a result of what was later determined to be a stroke. Though details were scarce at the time, the legendary guitarist/singer/songwriter/producer would be sidelined for a year and a half before returning to the limelight with the release of this record.

"God In My Brain," recorded in mid-January 2006, returns to the theme of unfinished business and new beginnings. Within a day of entering the hospital, with difficulty speaking and unable to use the right side of his body, Dave was already beginning to restart the creative engine.

"It's not God as in the grey-haired old man sitting in the sky, but the person in my head who while the stroke was happening was sitting back and observing," according to Dave. Within a week, a guitar was in his hands, and as he strummed his first chords, the incredible rhythm of this song emerged. The lyrics were completed last November and December, when Dave agreed to return to the studio to complete this album.

The result is a jubilant tour-de-force, which Dave wrote, arranged and produced, while singing and playing all instruments including guitars, bass, piano and organ. The album's cover art features an original painting by Davies, created in August 2004 as part of his therapy at the London Neurological Hospital.

The rest of this album focuses mainly on Dave's compositions, as featured on the four solo albums recorded during Davies' past ten years as a KOCH/Velvel artist. A mixture of gem-like new studio recordings of songs from his 'first' and 'second' solo careers in the 60s and 80s, live recordings of some of his favorite Kinks tunes, plus originals from Bug and Unfinished Business, this album is (mostly) not about 'those chords' that first made him famous. Here is Dave Davies—he of the thoughtful ballads and heartfelt love songs, the ringing acoustic and the lyrical electric guitars, the achingly beautiful vocals...and themes of hope and optimism.

"Unfinished Business," which opens this album, was inspired by the untimely death of John Lennon, who had so much more to give the world. Today, it's hard to listen to this lush, Beatlesque gem without thinking it somehow nearly prophetic of Dave's own stroke event. Among the other originals is "Fortis Green," a childhood remembrance that easily ranks right up there with brother Ray's classic-period gems.

Also featured are "live" versions of Dave's classic "Living on a Thin Line" (the original Kinks version was unforgettably featured in one of the dramatic "University Episode" of HBO's The Sopranos), a spirited version of "Picture Book" (recently featured in the wildly popular television spots for HP's Digital Photo products), along with Dave's studio tribute to The Beatles' George Harrison on "Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth."


1. Unfinished Business
2. Living on a Thin Line (live)
3. Picture Book (live)
4. Fortis Green
5. Love Gets You
6. This Man He Weeps Tonight
7. Death of a Clown
8. Suzannah's Still Alive
9. Hold My Hand
10. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)
11. Strangers (live)
12. Too Much On My Mind (live)
13. When The Wind Blows (Emergency)
14. God In My Brain
15. Rock Me, Rock You
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Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 14.02.06 09:46:26   
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В Дэйли Миррор интервью с Рэем Дэвисом, где он, среди прочего, говорит о непростых взаимоотношениях с Битлами.

In the ’60s, it didn’t take long for Ray and The Kinks to define their own sound and get a reaction at a Pollwinners’ Concert from The Beatles who saw the Londoners as a direct challenge to their pop crown.

“Paul grabbed me when I came offstage,” recalls Ray, “and John says, ‘Do you know any other Beatles songs, then?’ I think they saw us as a threat. I was taller than Lennon so I wasn’t physically threatened, but he was a really powerful personality.

“I admired him too much to get annoyed so I just shrugged it off. It was like the older prefect in school and the younger guy coming in and knocking him down a couple of pegs. I felt sorry for him. A lot of his edge came out of insecurity, and you could tell that as soon as you met him.”

Полную версию читайте тут:
Re: The Kinks!!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.02.06 14:06:51   
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THE KINKS frontman RAY DAVIES became so sick of brother DAVE's loud guitar during live shows, he secretly had a device made to control his sound levels.

The WATERLOO SUNSET singer commissioned a guitar technician to create a gadget which allowed him to control his sibling's volume.

Davies reveals, "We had Dave well in control. He didn't notice. The guy that took the heat was the monitor guy.

"We lost a lot of monitor men during that period, but it had to be done."

Davies recalls his paranoid brother was so convinced that crewmembers were messing with his equipment, he banned everyone from coming anywhere near him when he was onstage.

The singer adds, "Dave started to draw a line around the area where he played, and nobody was allowed to walk in that space."

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