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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Exclusive interview of Roger Waters
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.03.06 23:10:57   
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Эксклюзивное интервью Роджера от 1 Марта!!! Эксклюзивное интервью Роджера от 1 Марта!!!
Exclusive interview of Roger Waters_


- Can I ask you to pick one card please?
(Reads… Laughs…) “When was the last time you were violent?”… “Were you in the right?” Very funny!

- Does it remember something to you?
Yeah of course! Those are some of the questions that
I wrote for the people when we were making The Dark Side Of The Moon.
And the answers were fabulous as we know because they’re on the record. My favourite story about that is Henry Mc Cullough who was in the Wings at the time … I gave him cards like this as you’ve just given me, and so he’s the voice on the record that goes “I don’t know I was really drunk at the time” I did the same thing with his wife and they gave the same answers they were both completely drunk!!
I thought that was really sweet.

- Nick Mason wrote that previous albums were conceived in an air of desperation, rather than inspiration. Do you agree?
I’m not sure that Nick – great friend of mine as he was and has since become again since we reconcilied our differences – is really in a position to declame upon inspiration or whatever about Pink Floyd and what we did or didn’t.
There’s a lot of “we” in his book that I didn’t recognize as being kind of in line with the reality of what actually went on.
I don’t remember much “we” about this… but you know we all have very different memories of life and we know that the human memory is a very unreliable with idiosyncratic device.
So we also know that the human brain will invent memories that suit the ego of the person who owns the brain…
And so there’s no reason really to suppose that my memories are any more accurate than his are.
It’s just a question of faith I suppose!

- Do you think that The Dark Side of the Moon was the end, or the beginning of something ?
Well I think it was both.
I think it was the end of us sort of working together
in a truly, cooperative way.
So it was the end of that and the beginning of the final end I think of Pink Floyd.
After that we found out how to part, and it took a few albums and a lot of arguing and fighting and whatever…

-Does it mean something special to you to play in France ?
(Thinks…) When I got a call about this gig, I was asked if I would do The Dark Side Of The Moon and I thought “why not ?”
But to be honest with you if it had been the Italians
I think it would have been sort of the same!…
Although historically, certainly in the early days particularly, the french role embraced the Pink Floyd and the work we did more enthusiastically
than any of the other european countries.

My attachment is really to Philippe Constantin and Etienne Roda-Gil and my other friends in France.

And through them I’ve discovered the French allow cross-references between different parts in their culture in a way that we don’t in England.
Roda-Gil is an excellent example of that :
he was allowed to write lyrics for Johnny Hallyday, Julien Clerc and Vanessa Paradis and to write articles for Liberation and to write novels…
and so there is a largesse in french society that allows more latitude to its artists and that’s something that attracts me greatly.

- Was music a way to develop your lyrics, or your lyrics a way to develop music?
I think it’s unlikely that I would have started writing poetry if I hadn’t been in a rock’n’roll band…
I think I was encouraged to start writing by the fact that Syd went crazy and somebody had to start writing songs!
Cause I had always been told as a young man at school that it was useless and I should never attempt
to express myself in any way.

- So it’s a kind of revenge?
Yeah… A good revenge!

- You’ve done a lot of different things, created concepts… Do you lack something? What could you find new musically speaking?
Trust me, if I think of something to do, if I have a vision and try to express it I will do it and you’ll find out when I’ve done it.
For instance, on this tour, my plan is to rehearse and
to perform a song that I put out on the website, before the last american elections – so it was a couple of years ago now – which is a short-story with a song applied over the top of it…
I want to do it because it has strong, political opinions that are inherent in the telling of the story.
It remains to be seen whether it will succeed or not, because it will be a 13 minute-long piece, 8 minutes
of which is somebody reading a story!

- What can Roger Waters dream about today?
A dream?…
You mean as in “I have a dream”?! (thinks).
Well I think Martin Luther King’s dream would do.
If you listen to his speech, what else is there to dream?
He was obviously deeply humane, he was acumenical.
He has spoused all the fundamentally good things that are enshrined in the Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme and the american Declaration of Independence.
I see no reason to deviate from that basic, fundamental humanist.
The only way that Martin Luther King deviates is because of his attachment to Christ.
I like to think that we should be good to each other on pragmatic grounds rather than because God tells us to be.
Rog goes to Europe'06
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.03.06 23:22:20   
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Сильная злость  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 03.03.06 01:43:39   
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Я зол на него!
Он не хочет ехать к нам!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 02:07:50   
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>Я зол на него!
>Он не хочет ехать к нам!


Роджер пригласил Рика Райта на шоу!!!!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 02:29:51   
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Уже известно,что Роджер пригласил Ника Мэйсона за ударные для выступления во Франции. Также недавно Роджер заявил в недавнем интервью для Centre France, что он пригласил и Ричарда Райта:

"...в одном я абсолютно уверен: Ник примет участие. Я послал сообщение Ричарду Райту с приглашением для участия, в котором сказал, что будет здорово, если он присоединится к нам для исполнения Dark Side Of The Moon. Я сказал ему, что я в восторге, если он будет за клавишными. Однако я ещё не получил ответа от него. Это было месяц назад...Ещё не знаю, пока что жду. Я знаю, что он точно получил сообщение. Несомненно я получу ответ вскоре."

И уже появился пресс-релиз к греч. шоу, которое состоится в в terra Vibe недалеко от Афин ( ).

ПО материалам
Растут ряды Роджера Уотерса в сражении за Пинк Флойд
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 03.03.06 04:28:17   
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3 Марта 2006 года

Растут ряды Роджера Уотерса в сражении за Пинк Флойд -
- теперь их трое:
Roger Waters, Nick Mason и ... Jon Carin (!!!)
Реакция Гилмора - "Bullshit".

Сенсационное интервью дал Роджер Уотерс журналу
Centre France "La Montagne" (Франция) 28 февраля 2006 года.

Mikael Herviaux:
Вы собираетесь выступить перед публикой 14 июля этого года на Трассе Маньи Кур
в 12 километрах от небольшого французского города Невер (Nevers Magny-Cours).
Выйдет ли с вами на сцену кто-то из Pink Floyd?

Roger Waters:
"На это час, известно абсолютно определённо: Ник Мэйсон точно будет рядом со мной. Что касается остальных, я отправил через посланника (Jon Carin - прим. пер.) письмо Ришару Райту (Richard Wright), в котором я его приглашаю отдельно, и что он был бы действительно дорогим гостем в сюите " Dark Side of the Moon ". В послании я сказал, что я был бы восхищен, если бы он сыграл (в " Dark Side of the Moon ") на клавишных. Между тем со своей стороны я еще не получил от него ответа.
Нет ответа уже месяц... Я не знаю, я жду.
Однако, я знаю, что им послание получено точно.
Без сомнения, ответ последует в скором времени... "

Что же касается Дэвида Гилмора, то он в интервью программе "Front Row" (BBC Radio 4) заявил следующее:
"Я не могу себе представить реюнион Пинк Флойд без нового альбома.
Нового альбома, однако, также нет.
Я не вижу возможным пойти снова в студию с Роджером (Уотерсом).
Сегодня я не представляю себя на сцене перед большим количеством публики."

Высказывания Роджера Уотерса и Ника Мэйсона, что они уговорят Гилмора на концерт, Гилмор назвал со всем уважением, как "Bullshit".
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Alex_White   Дата: 03.03.06 07:20:09   
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м-да, Гилмор в своём репертуаре
надо было в 1968 Джеффа Бека брать, а не Гилмора)))
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Сироткиндт   Дата: 03.03.06 09:41:44   
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Ну Ник с Роджем старые друзья, Рик просто очень добрый человек, может простить старые обиды, а вот Дейв, он нахлебался, вряд ли с Роджем они смогут на равных работать, как прежде. Очень уж надо многое друг другу уступить, как в идее, так и в музыке. И они уже не молоды, так просто все не кончается как в 20-30 лет.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 10:10:19   
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Какие люди и без охраны!:) (c)

Роджеру однако достаточно было одного звонка от Гелдофа, чтобы всё простить Гилмору.
А тот ему то хлебов много попортил..
А вы знаете, что...  
Article about Сa Ira soprano Ying Huang
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 18:31:00   
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Вышла статья о китайской певице By Хуан, участвовавшей в записи и первой Гала премьере оперы Роджера Са Ира.Вышла статья о китайской певице By Хуан, участвовавшей в записи и первой Гала премьере оперы Роджера Са Ира.

В статье также заходит речь и о самой опере.

Вот текст самой статьи


Young Chinese soprano finds her vocal home with Mozart

By Lawrence A. Johnson
South Florida Sun-Sentinel Classical Music Writer

February 20, 2006

Overnight success is a rarity in the world of opera. Most singers
toil for a long time in obscurity, stuck in small roles for years
before attaining even a small degree of success or public recognition.

And then there's Ying Huang. At the age of 22, just two years out of
the Shanghai Conservatory, the Chinese soprano was selected from more
than 200 singers to tackle the role of the doomed Cio-Cio San in
Frederic Mitterand's acclaimed film version of Puccini's Madama

"It was great," said the singer, "I was so lucky. But in the last 10
years it was not easy because I had to re-prove myself as a Mozart

It is in that repertoire that Huang will return to South Florida,
taking on the role of Pamina in Palm Beach Opera's production of
Mozart's The Magic Flute, which opens Friday night at the Kravis

Produced for French television in 1995, Mitterand's evocative,
gorgeous version of Puccini's tragic love story remains one of the
finest and most effective cinematic operas ever produced. But apart
from the visual splendor, what makes the film so compelling is
Huang's extraordinary performance.

Her light lyric voice has a purity and radiance that touchingly
conveys the searing emotions of the tragic Japanese heroine. Yet even
more affecting is the subtle sensitivity of her acting. Huang's heart-
breaking performance is all the more astonishing considering she not
only never acted before in a film but had never sung the role.

The film was quickly broadcast around the world, on the BBC in
England and on PBS in the United States. Yet, paradoxically, while
Huang suddenly found herself internationally renowned for her
portrayal of Butterfly, it is a vocal part she is unsuited for and
has never sung on stage.

Following her success in Puccini, the singer was inundated with
offers from opera houses to sing Madama Butterfly, along with other
proposals, including a Miss Saigon on Broadway, all of which she
turned down.

Instead, she found it necessary to basically reinvent herself as a
Mozart/Strauss singer. "As you know I'm a lyric-coloratura soprano,"
said Huang. "More lyric now. I'm learning the Kathleen Battle
repertoire -- Mozart, Strauss and Handel -- and developing my Mozart

Light and silvery in timbre, Huang's lyric instrument lacks the power
for heavier dramatic parts like Butterfly in the theater. Her soprano
is much more fitting for the lighter, more flexible, roles, which she
currently sings.

"The voice is very pure," said Kamal Khan, Palm Beach Opera's
resident conductor and chorus master, who will be conducting these
Mozart performances. "It's really one of those porcelain, gently
radiant sounds. She's done Susanna and Zerlina, but she really has
something more pure in her voice that's ideal for Pamina."

"She's a beautiful singer, a gentle kind of artist with a very strong
core in the middle," Khan said. "I'm very excited that she is here."

The spiritual quality of her voice is also apt for other non-opera
assignments, such as Mahler's Symphony No. 4, which she sang with
Michael Tilson Thomas and the New World Symphony in 2003.

Though she has sung Despina, the cynical maid in Cosi fan tutte, and
Zerlina in Don Giovanni, she has become much more at ease in the role
of Pamina, the Magic Flute heroine, which she has performed on three
previous occasions.

"It requires the long line and musicality," said Huang. "I think my
voice is developing right now and I feel more comfortable singing
this character. You know, Pamina is supposed to be the princess and
pure and wise. I think I have some of those qualities."

А вы знаете, что...  
Article about Сa Ira soprano Ying Huang
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 18:33:01   
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One difficulty for Huang is not letting her sometimes emotionalOne difficulty for Huang is not letting her sometimes emotional
nature dominate the role of the kind, rather passive Pamina. "I have
to control my own personality," said Huang. "I'm too passionate.
That's my problem. I have to control myself to really be Pamina. But
I'm assimilating and developing this character more."

A musical missionary

Settling in New York after the Butterfly film, away from her family
and not knowing the language, was an even more difficult task than
tackling the arduous role in the film, says Huang.

"To come from China and to this new country with no relatives,
nothing, nobody -- it was very, very tough," she says. "I mean, I
have friends now, but I'm still here by myself."

Huang became an American citizen last year but remains strongly
committed to her homeland and cultural heritage. The soprano returns
frequently to China to sing and often appears on Chinese television

She has frequently collaborated with her compatriot, the composer Tan
Dun. Huang created the role of Du Liniang in his opera The Peony
Pavilion, excerpts of which are heard on her CD, Bitter Love. And
later this year in Shanghai she will participate in a workshop of Tan
Dun's new opera The First Emperor, which will premiere at the Met in

She thinks it is important to be a unifying figure to both Eastern
and Western musical worlds. "I feel like I have the responsibility to
be a missionary for Eastern and Western culture and a musical
exchange," said Huang.

"I have a responsibility to try to do my best to do what I can for my
country and for my people. Every time I go back to China, I try to
introduce more Western music to the Chinese people. And also
meanwhile I want to bring more Chinese music to the West."

Huang says she is amazed by the swift pace of development and changes
that a growing capitalist economy and globalization are bringing to

"Oh my God, every minute!" she says of the change. "If you go to
China you should go as soon as possible because every week, every
day, things are changing so rapidly! I could not recognize my own
city of Shanghai where I grew up because it's so modernized and

While she thinks the changes are an exciting and necessary
development, the singer finds herself a bit sad because of the
permanent changes to her country's sense of community.

"It's wonderful, but I feel something has been lost," said Huang
wistfully. "It's so much more westernized. People were very crowded
and condition-wise it wasn't as good as now."

"Now people are growing separately and becoming more individual with
a lot more privacy -- which is a much more civilized life but it
doesn't really match our culture in a way and I miss that warmth
between human beings."

Butterfly, perhaps

Huang logs many miles on the road every season away from her
apartment in New York. While traveling, Huang likes to read and
watches DVDs on her laptop computer. "I like to see historical movies
or movies that leave you with profound and inspirational thoughts,"
she said.

"Probably I should relax more sometimes and see more funny movies.
Maybe it's my cultural background, but sometimes I'm much too

Huang remains under contract to Sony, for which, in addition to the
Butterfly CD and DVD, she has recorded a disc of arias, and Richard
Danielpour's song-cycle Sonnets to Orpheus. Huang was also a bright
spot in the much-hyped but musically barren opera Ca Ira by rocker
Roger Waters.

And she still would like to tackle the role of Butterfly
onstage. "What do you think, can I sing this role in the future?" she
asks. "It's very tempting because I really want to sing that
character again. But I think because of my voice type I should be
А вы знаете, что...  
Article about Сa Ira soprano Ying Huang
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 18:34:27   
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The soprano retains some of the charming naivetй that no doubt caughtThe soprano retains some of the charming naivetй that no doubt caught
the French producers' attention a decade ago when they viewed the
grainy low-fi videotape sent from China that launched Ying Huang's
international career.

"Well, I hope I'm still a little bit innocent," she said laughing. "I
think I do, I hope that never changes.

"If you have some good qualities you always hope you can keep that,"
she added. "As an artist I think it's better you keep as much purity
as possible. That's the highest state of mind."

Lawrence A. Johnson can be reached at or


Ying Huang will sing the role of Pamina in Palm Beach Opera's The
Magic Flute with Gregory Turay as Tamino at 7:30 p.m. Friday and 2
p.m. Sunday. Nicole Cabell and Derek Taylor will perform the roles
7:30 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Monday. Performances are at the Kravis
Center, 701 Okeechobee Road, West Palm Beach. Tickets are $18 to
$129. Call 561-833-7888.
Copyright © 2006, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 18:44:36   
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>Вышла статья о китайской певице By Хуан, участвовавшей >Вышла статья о китайской певице By Хуан, участвовавшей
>в записи и первой Гала премьере оперы Роджера
>Са Ира.

Вырублю скоро этот переключатель клавиатуры нафих:/

Китайскую певицу звать Ин Хуан (Ying Huang)..

У неё есть своя страница от Sony Classical

Добрый профессор  
Roger Waters & ... The Summer Tour'06
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 20:33:46   
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Некоторые обновления и поправки в датах летнего тура:

2 June Lisbon, Portugal - Rock in Rio Festival
4 June Verona, Italy - Anfiteatro Arena di Verona
5 June Verona, Italy - Anfiteatro Arena di Verona
6 June Sicily - Palermo Stadium
8 June Berlin, Germany - Whulheide
12 June Iceland, Reykjavik – Egilsholl Arena
14 June Oslo, Norway - Norwegian Wood Festival
16 June Rome, Italy - Curva Olympico Stadium
18 June Athens, Greece - Terra Vibe Park
2 July Denmark - Roskilde Festival
12 July Lucca, Italy - Piazza Napoleone
Roger Waters & Гилмор
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 03.03.06 23:27:17   
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Гилмору не нравится, что Уотерс демонстрирует, что он Хозяин (bossy).
Вот его последнее интервью в The Guardian March 3, 2006
Гилмор рассказывает в который раз по 1-ю встречу с Уотерсом для Live 8
"And it ... it was pretty weird, obviously, going into that same room.
But within two minutes the old dynamic was there. Roger was being bossy.
I don't say that in a disparaging way; people just have their own natural
personalities. And Roger just is the way he is and he can't help it any more
than I can help the way I am. So the first meeting was pretty stilted and cagey.

Роджер был властен. Я не говорю, что это унижает; у людей только их собственные
естественные лица. И Роджер только тот , кем он является,
и он не может помочь этому больше, чем я могу помочь в том, кем являюсь я .
Таким образом первая встреча была довольно неестествена и уклончива.
Look around and choose your own ground
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 23:44:12   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 03.03.06 23:56:43   
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Шоу Роджера в Тель-Авиве ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНО Менеджментом Шоу Роджера в Тель-Авиве ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНО Менеджментом

Выступление состоится 22 Июня в Hayarkon Park!

А вот и пиктуре с сенсац. статьёй, где Роджер говорит о приглашении Рика Райта на исполнение Тёмной во Фр.

и в pdf

Empire Pool - Wembley London - 14 November 1974 Pix
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.03.06 00:06:49   
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А в это в ремя ... А в это в ремя ...

На Fleeting Glimpse появились фотки с легендарного выступления 1974г. от 14 Ноября в Лондонском Empire Pool, Wembley


Но прекрасный сайт Кола Тёрнера Roger Waters On Tour ( ) изживает свои последние дни;((
Так что информацию сайта теперь можно будт увидеть в архивном виде здесь -

Wish You Were Here
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.03.06 01:05:31   
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Dar Williams and Ani Difranco cover Comfortably Numb
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.03.06 01:18:43   
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Dar Williams и Ani Difranco записали кавер на Comfortably Numb

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