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Strawberry fields forever

Тема: Битлз - Magical Mystery Tour (1967)

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Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.02.04 14:20:01   
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Уважаемый Mr.Moonlight
Пытаясь коротко
В конце концов тема тем: в коллективном творчестве выделять роль того или иного звена, участника коллектива. Примитивный пример: бригада строителей построила дом. Кто главный, если без любого работника дом был бы невозможен. В конце концов, Вы поняли меня несколько неправильно по поводу авторства. Я же написал "too simple to be true" – вопрос авторства – вопрос очень долгих разбирательств (конечно, интересных).

А давайте в контексте данного топика обсудим вопрос:
Мне кажется, получится:
Роль Пола Маккартни (Джорджа Мартина) в процессе записи "Strawberry Fields Forever". Так?
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Sergey S.   Дата: 13.02.04 14:28:09   
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А какая разница?
Добрый профессор  
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 13.02.04 15:14:36   
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Странно, друзья...
А почему мы не можем делать лёгкий экскурс, касаемый авторов той самой композиции, которая "высвечена" в названии темы?

Говоря (анализируя) о МУЗЫКЕ BEATLES - не нужно ли внимательнее относится к своим же высказываниям, фразам, терминам, определениям?

>>(особенно с самого начала)<< - о каком периоде речь? Когда в "жизни" Битлз появился Джордж Мартин? До этого были и Гамбург(и), и Silver Beatles...

>>делалась на вокал Джона Леннона<< - КЕМ(???!!!) делалась?
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 13.02.04 22:21:54   
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Джорджем Мартином, если Вы не знаете!
Добрый профессор  
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 15.02.04 15:49:35   
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~> Mr.Moonlight:
Впервые слышу! Простите... видимо, я плохо знаю Битлз и о Битлз. Надо же... :(((
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 07.04.04 19:06:32   
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Телега наших дней...

Мне больше нравиться версия Strawberry fields forever (take 1) с Антологии 2...

И так люблю эту песенку,что сложились мои телеги об этой песне.

У меня кстати на руке Живет фенька(красно-зеленая ) в честь песни Strawberry fields forever
И я так рад этой феньке !Поэтому эта песенка всегда со мной !

Разгрузил телегу Хиппи из Уфы.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Райкер   Дата: 07.04.04 20:52:13   
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Дамс.. это называется обсуждением песни?
Нет права, таких тем было десятки. создают тему, и начинают расхваливать песню... честно я балдею..
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 08.04.04 23:06:42   
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Strawberry fields forever???
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 10.04.04 23:22:38   
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  эпоха Strawberry fields forever эпоха Strawberry fields forever
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: NowhereManson   Дата: 01.12.04 13:19:34   
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Привет всем!
Великое творение которое подарили нам Битлз, и в частности Леннон, под названием Strawberry Fields Forever - несомненно заслуживает пристального внимания и рассуждения в умах тех хоть когда-нибудь слышал этот шедевр музыки и воображения!
Что хотел сказать этой песней Джон, мне всегда оставалось до конца непонятным!
Песня о детстве? Детство продсознания, или сознание того, что жизнь до того сложная штука, что остается лишь, погружаться в беззаботность сознания!
Рождаться и перерождаться вновь! Или сидеть на дереве не зацикливаясь, хоть и приходиться!
А Поле Земляники словно цикл вращения вокруг всего и вокруг себя! Чувствовать себя сумасщедшим гением, любить и ненавидеть! Видеть все в ином свете?
Когда говоришь мечтать - когда мечтаешь - говорить! И слышать себя везде!

Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Expert   Дата: 01.12.04 15:09:57   
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Psychoanalysis set to music
Так Джон называл эту песню. Так что все вопросы к т. Фрейду в связи с вопросом "ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРАВМЫ ДЕТСКОГО ВОЗРАСТА".
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: John Lennon   Дата: 28.12.04 16:12:29   
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эту одна из лучших песен Битлз. Именно БИТЛЗ! потому что они делали её вместе, а то, что Джон придумал её и спел не играет той роли, которую пытаются ему приписать. Эта песня стала такой благодаря совместному творчеству Леннона, Маккртни и многих других, кто принимал участие в записи.
Но влияния наркотиков нельзя избежать. ЛСД - это всё-таки наркота, причём жутко галлюциногенная. И слова в песне тому подтверждение, даже непонятный образ Клубничных Полей - галлюцинация. Каждый понимает по-своему, а Леннон писал о своём. Таково уж творчество.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.05 23:30:59   
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Strawberry Fields Orphanage to Close Strawberry Fields Orphanage to Close
Wed Jan 12
LONDON - Strawberry Fields is not forever, after all.

The Liverpool children's home that inspired the Beatles' hit song is to close, officials said Wednesday.

The psychedelic single "Strawberry Fields Forever" was released in February 1967 with "Penny Lane" on the reverse side and quickly made it to No. 2 in the British charts, but it was kept out of the top slot by Engelbert Humperdinck (news)'s "Release Me."

John Lennon wrote the song's dreamy lyrics about a time in his childhood when he lived near the Strawberry Fields orphanage. It has been suggested that Lennon felt a kinship with the orphans after he was abandoned by his father and his mother, Julia, sent him to live with his Aunt Mimi, who raised him.

The Salvation Army, which now runs Strawberry Fields, said the current preference for placing children with foster families has reduced the need for orphanages. Only three youngsters remain at the home in Liverpool's Woolton district.

"We have to give two years' notice of closure, which we did yesterday, but there is no precise date for closure yet," said Marion Drew, divisional leader for the northwest region.

"The three children currently staying there will be found foster homes. That was always the plan for them, so they will not be affected by the closure."

Drew said the organization will try to relocate the 30 staff members working there.

Drew said no decision has yet been made on the fate of the building or its famous gates, which have become a landmark for Beatles fans paying homage to Lennon.

Lennon left money to the home in his will and in 1984 his widow, Yoko Ono, donated more than $70,000 to keep the facility open.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.01.05 00:26:17   
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С одной стороны это хорошо - нет сирот, брошенных детей, нет дет.домов.

Пьём за то, чтоб не осталось по России больше тюрем…

С другой - остается ощущение, названное Элтоном Джоном GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD. В данном случае под этим понимаю, какое-то окончательное прощание с явлением, предметом, качество которого для тебя останется неизменным, неменяющемся. Неспособным меняться. Аттрибутом детства, например.
Это вызвано больше последним предложением - Джон Леннон не только написал песню, но и приложил усилия, чтобы место "оставалось", не менялось. Хотя не будем забывать, что Строуберри Филдс (а не Филд) не существуют ни на какой карте.

Забавно. Пока искал инфу про этот альбом Э.Джона, оказалось он был записан в Strawberry Studios in Château D'Hierouville, France, May 1973.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.01.05 10:43:16   
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January 12, 2005 -- Daily Post

Strawberry Field home to close within weeks

The Strawberry Field children's home made famous by the Beatles song of the same name is to close, the Daily Post can reveal.

The Salvation Army home, in Woolton, was where a young John Lennon used to play as a child and became immortalised in the song Strawberry Fields Forever which was released in 1967.

However, it will be announced today that the children's home, on Beaconsfield Road, will shut its doors in March.

News of its closure is expected to upset thousands of Beatles fans who make the pilgrimage to the Woolton area to take photographs and scrawl messages on the perimeter walls there.

Last night, assistant manager of the home Peter Burns said, "We were told officially at a staff meeting yesterday that the home would be closing in March.

"Obviously everybody here is very downhearted about it all. It is very sad it should have to close - especially with its famous connection.

"It is particularly upsetting for the staff. They have already been saying 'so much for Strawberry Fields Forever'."

Lennon spent much of his youth playing at Strawberry Field which was close to his Aunt Mimi's Menlove Avenue home.

He lived with his aunt as a child after his father walked out on him and his mother decided she could no longer provide the care he needed.

Despite his aunt's objections, Lennon would often go to garden parties there with his friends, Ivan, Nigel and Pete.

And, since then, the home has become closely associated with the Beatle and was said to hold a special place close to John Lennon's heart.

He made a donation which helped fund the home's Lennon Court, which houses 16 to 18-year-olds preparing to leave care.

And, following his assassination outside his home in New York's Dakota Building in December, 1980, a space was set aside at nearby Central Park called Strawberry Fields. Lennon also left money in his will to the home.

In 1984, Strawberry Field was threatened with closure due to a fall in roll numbers.

It was saved, however, and that same year Yoko Ono visited the home with John's son, Sean Lennon, and gave the Salvation Army a $90,000 check.

Four years ago, the distinctive gates to the property were stolen only to be found in a scrapyard.

A year later, to mark the 60th anniversary of Lennon's birth, a playground was opened at Strawberry Field.

The Daily Post understands that the imminent closure is due to financial reasons and is expected to result in the loss of around 30 jobs.

Burns, who has worked at the home for a year, said, "There are three children being looked after full time, but the home takes more than 20 on a shared care basis. We have a great team of staff here and we will continue to do our best for the children. Arrangements are being made by the Salvation Army to find alternative placements for the children."

Mike McCartney, the brother of Paul McCartney, said he was sorry to hear the home was closing. He added: "I love the song Strawberry Fields. It is sad the children's home has to close."

In the opening lines of the immortal song, John Lennon sang, "Let me take you down cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields. Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about. Strawberry Fields forever."

While these words are etched on most people's minds, what is not so well known is that Lennon's aunt Mimi, left, did not like her nephew going to Strawberry Field.

After all, it was an orphanage and she thought the children there would lead the young Lennon astray. However, he liked going there because, after his father Fred walked out on him and his mother Julia decided she could no longer care for him, Lennon said he felt a kinship towards those there.

This often resulted in Lennon and his aunt arguing. It is said Lennon would often sarcastically ask, "What are they going to do, hang me?"

This, fans say, inspired the line "nothing to get hung about".

The Lennon and McCartney writing team penned Strawberry Fields Forever in early 1967. Although the home it was written about is actually called Strawberry Field it was felt that the name Strawberry Fields sounded catchier.

On February 23, 1967, the record was released as a double A side with Penny Lane. It reached number two in the British charts and remained at this position for 11 weeks.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.01.05 10:45:27   
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Strawberry Fields is not forever
Wednesday, January 12

LONDON, England -- The children's home that inspired the Beatles' hit song "Strawberry Fields Forever" is to close.

The Salvation Army, which now runs the Strawberry Field (with no "s") home in Liverpool, England, said Wednesday it was taking the step due to the current trend of placing children with foster families rather than in institutions.

The Christian charity said only three children remain at the home in the city's Woolton district.

"We have to give two years' notice of closure, which we did yesterday (Tuesday), but there is no precise date for closure yet," said Marion Drew, divisional leader for the northwest region.

"The three children currently staying there will be found foster homes. That was always the plan for them, so they will not be affected by the closure," she said.

"We have around 30 staff at the home, who we will try to re-locate, although we cannot give any guarantees."

Drew said no decision has been made on the fate of the building or its famous gates, which have become a landmark for Beatles fans paying homage to John Lennon, who wrote the song.

"Strawberry Fields Forever" was released as a single in February 1967 with "Penny Lane" on the reverse side. It made it to No. 2 in the British charts, although it was kept out of the top slot by Engelbert Humperdinck's "Release Me." (In America, the song peaked at No. 8.)

Strawberry Field opened in 1936 on Beaconsfield Road in Liverpool, a short distance from Lennon's childhood home.

It has been suggested that Lennon felt a kinship with the orphans after he was abandoned by his father and his mother Julia sent him to live with his Aunt Mimi, who raised him.

Lennon, who was shot dead by a crazed fan in 1980, left money to the home in his will. In 1984, his widow Yoko Ono donated more than £50,000 (then $70,000) to keep the facility open.

Strawberry Fields lives on as the name of a memorial garden in New York's Central Park, close to the spot where Lennon was shot.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.01.05 21:28:40   
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January 18, 2005 -- Liverpool Echo

Campaign to rescue home

A Campaign to save Strawberry Field children's home from demolition has been launched.

Liverpool councillors today agreed to enter talks with home owners, the Salvation Army, with the aim of becoming the new owners.

The charity announced earlier this week that the Woolton home, immortalised in The Beatles' song Strawberry Fields Forever, was to close.

It said vulnerable children would be better looked after by foster families rather than at a residential care facility.

But councillors fear the Beaconsfield Road site could be sold off for a housing development.

Cllr Flo Clucas, executive member for social care, said, "The closure of Strawberry Field would have an impact not only in our city, but around the world.

"I have asked officers to look at whether we could establish a facility on the site. We should put every effort into trying to save it.

"Staff members have already been served notice, which I find bizarre. I think that was almost a pre-emptive strike to prevent us doing anything to save Strawberry Field.

"There is a feeling that this decision was made as a way of raising money to pay off the debts of the organisation that owns it."

Cllr Paul Clein, executive member for education, added: "Given the potential value of the site, I would guess the current owners would be seeking to have some kind of housing development there."

Three children live at Strawberry Field. The Salvation Army says the decision to close followed a lengthy consultation process and the home, which opened in 1936, will stay open no later than May 2007.

Major Marion Drew, the charity's divisional leader in the north west, said today, "No decision has been taken on the future of the Strawberry Field site. The children and staff are our first priority."

John Lennon spent much of his youth playing in Strawberry Field, close to his Aunt Mimi's Menlove Avenue home.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.01.05 23:54:21   
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Дома я не могу сделать это новостью! Кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, напишите в раздел новости, что нужно подписать петицию за спасение "Земляничной поляны" в Ливерпуле!!!!
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 23.01.05 01:04:50   
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Да лажа, лишь бы не снесли этот памятник архитектуры, как когда то клуб "Каверн". Всегда поражался тому, как легко сносят то, что нужно беречь и лилеять. Будущее живёт в мечтах, а прошлое в воспоминаниях. Мне с возрастом второе стало дороже, человек не может быть без памяти.
Re: Strawberry fields forever
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.01.05 22:09:51   
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