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Тема: Blues

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Re: Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.11.05 10:07:51   
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Legendary guitar hero Eric Johnson's 1988 performance on the Austin City Limits TV show was an amazing performance. The performance is now available on DVD. It captures the magical guitar work and energy that only Eric Johnson live can deliver. Also available on CD. Legendary guitar hero Eric Johnson's 1988 performance on the Austin City Limits TV show was an amazing performance. The performance is now available on DVD. It captures the magical guitar work and energy that only Eric Johnson live can deliver. Also available on CD.
Re: Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 07.11.05 20:27:11   
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2Primal Scream:
Коля! А что ОН делает в ЭТОЙ теме???????????????????????????????????????
Не в себе  
Re: Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.11.05 20:29:37   
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>2Primal Scream:
>Коля! А что ОН делает в ЭТОЙ теме???????????????????????????????????????

Я не знал, куда его всунуть, но всунуть надо было куда-нибудь!
Re: Blues
Автор: papan   Дата: 07.11.05 20:30:35   
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Потому что мой друг лучше всех играет блюз (с).
Re: Blues
Автор: PyramydAir   Дата: 08.11.05 05:04:24   
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А почему Эрик Джонсон не может присутствовать в этой теме.Например его альбом Alien Love Chald Live And Beyond очень даже ничё насчет блюза.Или я не прав?
Re: Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 08.11.05 10:10:57   
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Конечно же может, как и например Джефф Бэк. Эрик очень разносторонний гитарист, но в основе его "разноплановости" всегда лежит блюз... Просто в отличии от другого его земляка SRV он "плясал" не от Альберта Кинга, а от Джеффа Бэка... Поэтому его занесло и разнесло-размазало по разным стилям...
А примитивную музыкальную форму, каковым являецца "тхе блуес", он познал достаточно хорошо...
Помницца фест на техасщине где-то в начале девяностых вместе с Би-Би, Грэгом Алманом, Лонни Бруксом, Коко, Бадди и Джуниором Вэлсом... Там волосатый Эрик весьма достойно поджемовал в стиле блюз... И сейчас, кажыся, он в серии "гитар ликс" периодически напутствует, как "лучше фсехъ играть блюз" (с) (Папан, а копирайт-то чей? ;-))
После смерти SRV звание "техасский бог гитары" прочно прилепилося к Эрику...
Re: Blues
Автор: papan   Дата: 08.11.05 10:22:05   
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john lee hooker***
"а копирайт-то чей? ;-))"
Да вроде Евгения Моргулиса.А "друг"-Макаревич.:-)
Кстати,Эрик большой любитель и мастер исполнения Хендрикса именно в блюзовой того составляющей.
Re: Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 08.11.05 10:43:11   
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>Кстати,Эрик большой любитель и мастер исполнения
>Хендрикса именно в блюзовой того составляющей.

ага...Причём, кажися, "3 Гэ" здеся софсем непричём :-)
Не в себе  
Re: Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 08.11.05 20:24:57   
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2john lee hooker:2john lee hooker:
>волосатый Эрик весьма достойно поджемовал в стиле блюз

Дааааааааааааааааа, уж!(с)Киса Воробьянинов

Это было ОЧ смешно... погонял парень гаммы и смотрит исподлобья как "папа" отреагирует...
БиБи снисходительно посмотрел... и пошел ИГРАТЬ с Бадди... и больше к Эрику (не Клептону) не возвращался...

Дааааааааааааааааа, уж!
Re: Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 10.11.05 23:24:24   
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>Дааааааааааааааааа, уж!(с)Киса Воробьянинов
>Это было ОЧ смешно... погонял парень гаммы и
>смотрит исподлобья как "папа" отреагирует...
>БиБи снисходительно посмотрел... и пошел ИГРАТЬ
>с Бадди... и больше к Эрику (не Клептону) не возвращался...
>Дааааааааааааааааа, уж!
Уважаемый Сергей, ОЧ смешно, но быстоиграемая "блюзовая" пентатоника -- это тожэ называецца "гаммы погонять" :-)))
а "папа" его просто пригласил вперёд, ближе к зрителям, шоб лучше было видно "тостуемого" :-)
А почему, не понятно, на эту сцену, в это время , с этими людми, играющими этот стиль, вышел именно Э.Джонсон, а не какой-нидь Зи-Зи Топ, в основе которых более выражен тхэ блюэс? :-)
Просто не ндравицца Вам то, шо делает ЭД... А то, шо "он хужэ фсех играить блюз" это ысчо не даказывает :-)
Re: Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.11.05 23:46:44   
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2john lee hooker:2john lee hooker:
>Уважаемый Сергей, ОЧ смешно, но быстоиграемая "блюзовая" пентатоника -- это тожэ называецца "гаммы погонять" :-)))

Сурьезно? Можно ИГРАТЬ, а можно гонять.
Вот там как раз БиБи и Бадди играют, а Джонсон -"гоняет". Оч хороший пример!

>а "папа" его просто пригласил вперёд, ближе к зрителям, шоб лучше было видно "тостуемого" :-)
Я видел. Он на всех пальцем показывал :)))

>Э.Джонсон, а не какой-нидь Зи-Зи Топ, в основе которых более выражен тхэ блюэс? :-)
Наверно, он больше заплатил :)))))))))

>Просто не ндравицца Вам то, шо делает ЭД... А то, шо "он хужэ фсех играить блюз" это ысчо не даказывает :-)
Нравится. Его видеошколу смотрел с удовольствием, тока не в качестве учебного материала.
Но БИЛЮЗ, он играть не умеет, он - технарь...
Re: Blues
Автор: pempe   Дата: 12.11.05 14:38:33   
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Ruf Records Releases Blues Guitar WomenRuf Records Releases Blues Guitar Women

Ruf Records announced Blues Guitar Women, the definitive collection of songs from talented female blues guitarists. With more talent than could fit on just one CD, the project was expanded to two CDs; the first CD devoted to traditional blues, with the second devoted to contemporary blues.

There may be more women guitar players in blues than any genre and the styles within the blues are incredibly diverse from the modern rock/blues of Joanna Connor and Ana Popovic to the beautiful simplicity of Etta Baker and Precious Bryant. The lives and backgrounds of these women are as unique as their music. The themes range from the traditional blues subject of love and rambling to social consciousness and demands for change.

The Blues Woman and more specifically the Blues Guitar Woman has blazed her own trail from the start. The guitar is the most versatile and popular instrument of our time. Today, it seems more and more females are putting their hands on this instrument and bearing down on it because it offers them a means for powerful self-expression and the freedom to move, a kind of liberation not based on any preordained groups or labels.

Blue Guitar Women project was championed by singer/songwriter and blues guitarist Sue Foley. Foley, who also provides the liner notes found the process inspirational. Listeners will find Blues Guitar Women not only inspirational, but also extremely enjoyable.

(Disc 1)
Can't Quit The Blues - Lara Price Band feat. Laura Chavez
Takin' It All To Vegas - Debbie Davies
The Man's So Good - Alice Stuart
Mediterranean Breakfast - Sue Foley
The River Wild - Deborah Coleman
Living On The Road - Joanna Connor
Navajo Moon - Ana Popovic
Judgement Day Blues - Carolyn Wonderland
Lonely Lonely Nights - Eve Monsees
It's A Blessing - Maria Muldaur and Bonnie Raitt
Dreamland Blues - Erja Lyytinen
Lynn's Blues - Barbara Lynn
Goin' Down - Tracy Conover
Baghdad Blues - Beverly "Guitar" Watkins
Woke Up This Mornin' - Ruthie Foster

(Disc 2)
Fool Me Good - Precious Bryant
Going Down This Road - Algia Mae Hinton
Doggie Treats - Sue Foley
Fixin' To Die - Rory Block
Dead End Street - Ellen McIlwaine
Rather Be The Devil - Alice Stuart
Streamline Train - Jessie Mae Hemphill
Nothing's Changed - Gaye Adegbalola
One Dime Blues - Etta Baker
Ain't Nothing In Ramblin' - JoAnn Kelly
Down The Big Road Blues - Mattie Delaney
Motherless Child Blues - Elvie Thomas
Skinny Legs Blues - Geeshie Wiley
In My Girlish Days - Memphis Minnie
Re: Blues
Автор: pempe   Дата: 12.11.05 14:39:25   
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Release Notes
"When a woman gets the blues, she hangs her head and cries.
When a man gets the blues, he catches a train and rides."
(Traditional blues verse, author unknown)

Those words reflect the reality of women in the deep south of the United States in the 19th century and they continue to ring true for many women today. However, there are exceptions to the rule and many of them are contained right here in this compilation.
The Blues Woman and more specifically the Blues Guitar Woman has blazed her own trail from the start. The guitar is the most versatile and popular instrument of our time. It is the weapon of choice for all modern troubadours and ramblers. Today, it seems more and more females are putting their hands to this instrument and bearing down on it because it offers them a means for powerful self-expression and the freedom to move, a kind of liberation not based on any preordained groups or labels.
Women like Memphis Minnie were light years ahead of the women's movement of the 1960's and '70's. From the 1930's until the end of her career, she was one of the most popular blues artists of the time, known to go head to head with any guitar player and outplay them. She was rough and tough and wild. Memphis Minnie was not one to be confined to the social conventions restraining women in her day. She left home at a young age, refusing to stay on the farm and work, traveled around America in the barren landscape of the depression, writing her own songs, more than 200 of them, many now blues standards and playing the hell out of her guitar while using a series of husbands as her backup musicians.
This CD compilation is populated by women like Memphis Minnie who possess that same kind of spirit, that same desire and drive to follow their own paths and write their own rules.

We've taken a slightly different approach with this compilation, deciding to begin with the present and work our way back, breaking it up into two CDs, one featuring contemporary women blues guitarists and the second, the traditional players. You'll find the odd artist who is represented on each CD. Some of these women are just as adept at playing modern electric blues as they are carrying the torch for old time country and acoustic blues-- Alice Stuart's contrasting versions of "Rather Be the Devil" from the traditional CD and "The Man is So Good" on the contemporary being a prime example.
The themes range from the traditional blues subjects of love and rambling to social consciousness and demands for change. Independence is also a running theme as women today are forced to be more independent than ever, and women who get into vans and drive thousands of miles with groups of guys are a pretty sturdy lot. The life of the blues is no picnic, not even for the men, but it seems they have always had that solidarity and we women are often on the outside looking in.
Here on these two CDs, we finally get together to share our stories and talents with each other. How else would we find the time to catch up? The demands of modern life and career building and looking after our households take all our time, not to mention the chaos of the road and the constant need for balance and order.

The fact that there is enough material to fill two CDs is quite alarming for even I didn't realize how many there were and are out there. But it seems the scene for women guitar players is vibrant and growing stronger all the time.
There may be more women guitar players in blues than any genre and the styles within the blues are incredibly diverse from the modern rock/blues of Joanna Connor and Ana Popovic to the beautiful simplicity of Etta Baker and Precious Bryant. The lives and backgrounds of these women are as unique as their music. From the hill country of Mississippi, through all corners of the US, Canada, Eastern Europe and beyond, it would seem that no place is safe from the power of the guitar heroine.
Putting the Blues Guitar Women compilation together was a pleasure for me. I enjoyed every discovery from the old wise blues women to the emerging young talent of today. I am really proud to be in such strong and inspiring company.

Sue Foley

Re: Blues
Автор: PyramydAir   Дата: 13.11.05 06:30:46   
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Моя любимая блюзовая певица это Etta James,но её почему-то нет в этом сборнике.
Re: Blues
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 13.11.05 15:15:20   
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Потому что, Виталик, она на гитарке не могёт играть!
Re: Blues
Автор: PyramydAir   Дата: 13.11.05 20:39:35   
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2Alex Red:

>Потому что, Виталик, она на гитарке не могёт играть!

Точно! Сэнькью Алекс.Начало статьи мне нужно было прочитать внимательно. Ruf Records announced Blues Guitar Women, the definitive collection of songs from talented female blues guitarists. В сборник включены блюз гитаристки. Вот почему нет также и Сьюзан Тедеши?
Re: Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.11.05 20:57:32   
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А Боня Райт???????????????????????????????А Боня Райт???????????????????????????????
Re: Blues
Автор: pempe   Дата: 19.11.05 12:09:50   
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John Mayer Trio Live in Concert on November 23rdJohn Mayer Trio Live in Concert on November 23rd

Network LIVE, a joint venture between America Online, XM Satellite Radio and AEG, will present the John Mayer Trio at New York City's Bowery Ballroom next Wednesday, November 23rd to celebrate the November 22nd release of "Try! John Mayer Trio Live In Concert." Through Network LIVE's partnership with AOL and XM Radio, millions of John Mayer fans will have access to this intimate performance in real-time and on demand. The Network LIVE horizontal platform of partners allows artists to connect with millions fans, while still maintaining the intimacy of a small show. Moreover, it allows fans to enjoy the live performance live, or on demand. The exclusive performance will be broadcast live via AOL Music LIVE and XM Satellite Radio using the same highly successful and critically acclaimed Live8 model of live music content creation production, distribution and marketing.

Next Tuesday's highly anticipated live release from the John Mayer Trio comes on the heels of a six-week Trio tour that revealed the blues, soul, and rock partnership of John Mayer, Pino Palladino, and Steve Jordan. Try! was recorded at various venues throughout the tour, and features brand new songs such as "Who Did You Think I Was", "Gravity", and "Vultures", along with classic Jimi Hendrix and Ray Charles covers, as well as workings of Mayer's Grammy-award winning "Daughters" and "Something's Missing."

The John Mayer Trio will perform on Good Morning America on Tuesday, November 22nd and The Late Show with David Letterman on Thursday, November 24th. Fans in the New York area will be treated to a special in-store performance by the Trio at Tower Records Village location on November 22nd. Performances on the CBS Early Show and Late Night with Conan O'Brien are scheduled for December.

John Mayer is a Grammy-award winning, multi-platinum artist celebrated for his talent as a songwriter and guitar player. He has collaborated with a diverse range of artists from the prolific and iconic -- Eric Clapton, Herbie Hancock, Buddy Guy, BB King, and John Scofield -- to ground-breaking, contemporary artists such as Kanye West, Maroon 5, and Alicia Keys. Drummer Steve Jordan (Bruce Springsteen, Rolling Stones) and bassist Pino Palladino (the Who, Jeff Beck) are two of the most respected players in their field whose collaboration with John Mayer resulted in the formation of the John Mayer Trio, a soulful rock and blues band. The John Mayer Trio will release a live album -- Try! John Mayer Trio Live In Concert -- on Aware/Columbia Records on November 22, 2005.
Re: Blues
Автор: papan   Дата: 19.11.05 12:13:07   
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"Вот почему нет также и Сьюзан Тедеши?"
Наверное не дружит со Сью:-)).
Re: Blues
Автор: papan   Дата: 19.11.05 21:49:36   
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Вышел очень хороший альбом Tab Benoit " Voice of the Wetlands"

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