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Live Aid 1985

Тема: Live Aid (1985)

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Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 20.01.03 16:29:48   
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Ok!А Макка что исполнял?
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 20.01.03 21:40:26   
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Let It Be :)))
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 19.03.03 01:53:31   
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Ностальгические размышления по поводу Live Aid
Вот классная фотография оттуда.
И вроде всё совсем недавно было. Но какие они еще молодые, в самом, что называется, расцвете сил. Помню, когда показывали по телеку - рееедко! - какой-нибудь тогдашний клип Маккартни, он выглядел в них полубогом. Величаво-красивым, заслуженным джентльменом, одарённым магическими способностями, недосягаемым, как лунатик. Вот он в клипе No More Lonely Nights выходит на набережную - и весь город, дотоле погруженный в темноту, как по мановению волшебной палочки вспыхивает ночными огнями. Магия! Весь мир у ног музыканта - и по праву! Это он! Это он, битл Пол, он написал Yesterday, он и ещё что-то подобное напишет, вот только споёт Yesterday ещё раз...
Тогда же, с другой стороны, они казались пожилыми грандами, на которых никто уже особенно не делал ставок - все ждали чего-то нового. Не от них, они были вчерашний день - от музыки вообще. Ну не может же эта молодая, динамичная рок-музыка всё время топтаться вокруг одних и тех же имён - Пол Маккартни, Роллинг Стоунз, Дэвид Боуи... Даёшь новые открытия!
Но впереди были евродиско, какой-то странный всплеск конца 80-х, грандж, и - всё?... Глядя на эту фотографию, я думаю, как скоропалительны были подобные мысли - списать их в архив. Прошло 18 лет, выросло новое поколение, пришли и ушли те новые течения, на новизну которых кто-то надеялся, а они - по-прежнему в строю. Что-то сочиняют, что-то записывают, где-то выступают.
И насколько эти мысли были верны. Live Aid был чертой, за которой - отдельные всполохи, но не тот яркий, когда-то всё озаряющий свет.
И всё те же, теперь уже навсегда тщетные ожидания новой музыки, которая снова перевернёт мир, сделает его чище и лучше.
Гении приходят и уходят. Мир остаётся тем же. Завтра-послезавтра начинается ещё одна война.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 19.03.03 10:30:51   
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2Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb) - здорово!
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 19.03.03 19:32:18   
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Мих.Бирюков: недосягаемым, как лунатик? ;-) Это как?..
Скорее уж - как человек со звезды...
Фото действительно классное!
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: AP-Racing   Дата: 09.01.04 15:04:23   
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Несколько оживляя тему. Появилась идея собрать материал с этого концерта. Фото, видео, саунд и выпустить (не в коммерческих целях ес-но) бутлег. Полная часть с Квин есть, дело за малым, найти остальных ...эм пару сотен исполнителей. Если у кого то есть записи с этого концерта, дайте знать
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 12.01.04 01:42:15   
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AP-Racing: есть кое-какие фрагменты в mp3.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: AP-Racing   Дата: 13.01.04 17:44:55   
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Можешь мне отписать на мыло?
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 13.01.04 23:54:57   
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Что именно? Какие группы? Взял бы уже давно - да сам написал :)))
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 09.03.04 10:21:19   
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Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.05.04 19:37:13   
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Irish Rocker Geldof Denies Live Aid II Concert

LONDON (Reuters) - Irish rock star Bob Geldof (news) denied on Monday that he had teamed up with fellow rocker Bono for a repeat of the 1985 Live Aid concerts to raise money to help ease third world debt.

The Sun newspaper had earlier run a front page story saying Prime Minister Tony Blair was backing "Live Aid II," which would be fronted by British rockers Robbie Williams, Oasis, Radiohead and Coldplay.

Geldof, the brains behind the original concert to relieve famine in Ethiopia, said in a statement: "I told the Sun this afternoon it was not true. This only serves to undermine the concerted efforts of those concerned with the tragedy of poverty in Africa."

"However, if the Prime Minister wants to organize a Live Aid II, then good luck to him," Geldof added.

The 1985 event raised 60 million pounds ($110.2 million) with simultaneous concerts in Britain and the United States.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.07.04 09:05:35   
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Live Aid DVD Due In November Live Aid DVD Due In November

The historic 1985 Live Aid concert will finally be released on DVD in the fall. Earlier this year, the Band Aid Trust agreed to auction the global rights for the concerts for the first time, after pirated copies were found for sale on the Internet.

Warner Vision International won the bidding and has set a Nov. 10 release date for a four-disc DVD package. The iconic Live Aid, held at London's Wembley and Philadelphia's JFK Stadium, raised more than $70 million for famine relief in Africa.

Among the acts that performed were a reunited Led Zeppelin, U2, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Madonna, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Neil Young and Queen. The DVDs will feature a documentary, "Food, Trucks & Rock'n'Roll," plus performances from related Live Aid events around the world.

"Twenty years ago they not only played 'real good for free,' they took an issue that was nowhere on the agenda of the political world and placed it at the very top," says concert organizer Bob Geldof. "By buying the Live Aid DVD, that day continues far off into some distant but hopefully better future for all those people in whose name those great artists played."
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.07.04 09:06:12   
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Live Aid To Surface On DVD

The biggest concert in rock and roll history, Live Aid, is going to be released on DVD.

The Bob Geldof organised event Live Aid was staged in London and Philadelphia on July 13, 1985 to raise money for famine in Africa and was seen globally by 1.5 million people. The event raised $140 million for charity.

According to Bob Geldof "Twenty years ago they not only played "real good for free" they took an issue that was nowhere on the agenda of the political world and placed it at the very top".

Stars who performed at Live Aid were U2, Sting, David Bowie, Elton John, George Michael, The Who, Madonna, Queen, Paul McCartney, Phil Collins, Mick Jagger, Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, Duran Duran, Neil Young, Ozzy Osbourne & Black Sabbath, Spandau Ballet, Dire Straits, Paul Weller, Sade, Paul Young, Adam Ant, The Boomtown Rats, The Cars, Bryan Ferry, Bryan Adams, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Crosby Stills & Nash, The Beach Boys, Judas Priest, The Style Council, Simple Minds, Thompson Twins, Nile Rodgers, Hall & Oates, Status Quo, The Pretenders, Elvis Costello, Howard Jones, Teddy Pendergrass, Alison Moyet, and Kenny Loggins.

The DVD is currently in production. Warner Vision will release the title in November.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.07.04 11:39:33   
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Классная новость! Наконец-то. Что называется всем сестрам по серьгам, каждый из нас наверняка захочет иметь это у себя.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Gene   Дата: 16.07.04 16:34:20   
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А почему из списка выпали обдолбанные Дилан с Ричардсом и Вудом, обновленные Led Zeppelin, и еще куча других?

На рынке уже давно шастает дурацкий бразильский релиз, а полный пиратский Live Aid, кажется, упакован на 10 DVD.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.04 13:41:57   
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Geldof rules out Live Aid anniversary show

Bob Geldof says it's unlikely there will be any concert to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Live Aid.

He does not think an anniversary concert would be appropriate.

Geldof, organiser of the twin British and American Live Aid concerts in 1985, was speaking before collecting an honorary doctorate in civil law at the University of East Anglia in Norwich.

"I, frankly, think any concert would just be less than the original," he said.

"It was a big deal in 1985 but I don't think it would be appropriate to have an anniversary concert.

"There is many reasons why it would have less impact.

"Why celebrate a concert which was done to help starving people?"
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: sweet   Дата: 18.07.04 13:49:33   
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лучшие на этом концерте-Куин и U2
Куин по-моему играли дольше всех.....
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.04 21:16:24   
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Sunday Times
August 01, 2004
Led Zeppelin pull plug on St Bob's fundraiser

IT IS being billed as “the greatest show on earth”. An estimated global audience of 1.5 billion watched the Live Aid concert, and now a film of the event is expected to fly off the shelves as the biggest-selling music DVD of all time.

But one important component is missing. Led Zeppelin, once the world’s highest-rated rock’n’roll band, have refused to allow their performance to be included in the movie.

The refusal has disappointed Bob Geldof and other organisers of the Band Aid charity, which hopes to sell 8m copies of the DVD and raise as much as £320m for famine relief in Africa. Geldof has been fighting with lawyers for nearly 20 years to get permission from all the stars involved to release the film and stop bootleggers cashing in.

The concert in July 1985 kicked off with Status Quo performing Rocking All Over the World to 70,000 people at London’s Wembley stadium.

A simultaneous concert was watched by 80,000 people in the JFK stadium in Philadelphia, but this will be the first time since then that the footage will be legally available.

Zeppelin’s three surviving members — singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones — appeared in Philadelphia where they were joined by Phil Collins, the Genesis drummer and solo artist, who had flown from London on Concorde after performing at Wembley.

The band’s original drummer, John Bonham, had died after a heavy drinking session in 1980 on the eve of an American tour, effectively ending the band’s career.

Live Aid was the first attempt at a “reunion”. But concert-goers blamed Collins’s tiredness and poor sound quality on stage for the band’s lacklustre performance. Plant complained about the sound quality and Page perspired freely as the band roared through Rock and Roll, Whole Lotta Love and Stairway to Heaven to win one of the biggest cheers of the day.

Insiders on the DVD project believe Zeppelin’s reputation for fierce management and tight product control is behind the refusal to allow the footage to be included in the film. Zeppelin never released any singles in Britain as part of a clever marketing ploy that saw them sell 50m albums worldwide.

The band, who dabbled with the occult, groupies and drugs, have also refused to be included on compilation records. Jack Black, the American actor, had to beg the band publicly to allow him to use some of their music for his feature film The School of Rock, released in Britain earlier this year.

Another reason for the veto may be the success of Led Zeppelin’s own DVD of performances. Page spent two years editing concerts from the Albert Hall, Earls Court and Knebworth, for a DVD which has sold 2m copies.

One insider on the Live Aid project said: “It is a political thing. They don’t want the legend of Led Zeppelin to be diminished by one below-par performance. Collins was jet-lagged.”

Jill Sinclair, who edited hours of footage from different cameras into 10 hours of film for the Live Aid film, which will be released as a DVD on November 1, said: “Led Zeppelin have done the decent thing because their performance on the day was not great.”

Geldof said: “It is difficult. Every band has three lawyers: a band lawyer, a personal lawyer and a publishing-rights lawyer so it takes a long time to get agreement. But Jimmy Page and Robert Plant have done marvellous things for Band Aid, both on the day of the concert and since.”

Geldof met retailers last week to try to persuade them to forgo their £12 profit margin on the DVD, a feat he accomplished with record stores in 1984 when he rounded up other pop stars to make the single Do They Know It’s Christmas? after watching a television documentary on the Ethiopian famine.

Geldof, former lead singer with the Boomtown Rats punk rock band, thought it would make £100,000 which he could then give to Oxfam. The single went on to sell 7m copies, half of them in Britain where it was the biggest-selling record until Elton John’s Candle in the Wind tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales, which sold 4.8m copies.

Taking personal charge of the distribution of the £5m raised by the single, Geldof visited Ethiopia and realised he needed another £3m to buy trucks to avoid the high transport charges for grain being charged by local lorry drivers. The idea for Band Aid was born.

The line-up included a galaxy of music stars, including Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, the Who, Elton John, U2, Ozzy Osbourne and Madonna.

Part of Dylan’s shambolic performance with Ronnie Wood and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has been cut because he appealed for some of the money raised to go towards paying off the mortgages of American farmers.

Live Aid was the biggest-ever rock benefit, raising £51m from donations on the day and £37.5m since.

A spokeswoman for Led Zeppelin’s management said she could not say why the band would not be appearing in the DVD of the world’s biggest rock benefit “but I don’t think it is because they don’t like appearing in compilations”.

Paul Gambaccini, a broadcaster who presented on the day, said: “Some, like Bowie and Queen, seized the opportunity and are remembered for mythical performances; others aren’t.”
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 02.08.04 22:46:53   
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Primal Scream
Забавно, что никто не вспомнил об адвокатах Коллинза, единственного, выступившего по обе стороны океана.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.04 09:18:14   
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Да, неприятно, что все теперь валят на усталость и плохую игру Коллинза. Очень жаль, что мы лишимся удовольствия смотреть LZ. В любой форме.
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