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Elvis Aaron Presley

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Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 28.07.04 19:32:07   
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До чего же скучно идет обсуждение: сплошные сканы и копирование чужих текстов.
Возможно в теме про "свергнутого короля" так и надо?
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 29.07.04 09:04:04   
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Ну вот я выложил фотку жены, дочки и внучки Элвиса. Мне кажется это интересным. И задал вопрос. Но никто не ответил мне... Видимо, не прониклись люди
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.04 07:39:11   
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The birth of rock 'n' roll?
Boston Globe
August 1, 2004 POP0801

The marketing arm of the rock 'n' roll business is trying to rewrite history.

BMG Records, which distributes the Elvis Presley catalog, recently decreed July 5, 1954, as rock's birth date -- meaning we recently marked the 50th anniversary of rock 'n' roll. What's so special about that spot on the calendar? Elvis recorded his first single, "That's All Right," on that day in Memphis.

Much of the media bought into the anniversary hype. Rolling Stone released a special issue devoted to the musical milestone. So did England's respected Q Magazine. Even TV Guide included a CD of "That's All Right" in a recent issue.

But something's not all right about this.

The splash is convenient for BMG, which is using the anniversary to push more Elvis product -- namely, a CD of Elvis during his early Sun Records period ("Elvis at Sun"), plus two Elvis DVDs and a compilation disc, "Memphis Celebrates 50 Years of Rock 'n' Roll." The city capitalized on the date by staging a recent concert by Memphis singers Justin Timberlake and Isaac Hayes. Sun Studio broadcast the recording session of "That's All Right," and radio stations around the world played it simultaneously.

But the marketing blitz, by BMG as well as other companies, reopens a nagging debate: Just when did rock really begin? It's an issue that has long been tinged with racism, specifically the notion that it took a white man to make it rock 'n' roll, whereas before it was only R&B and what was then described as "race music."

"I think Elvis was given a lot of credit for introducing rock to the masses because he was white and gorgeous," singer Sheryl Crow says. "Not to take anything away from him, but I think you could easily trace the true beginning of rock back to the late '40s and early '50s with artists like Big Joe Turner, who did 'Shake, Rattle & Roll,' which was undoubtedly a rock song, as well as Ike Turner with 'Rocket 88.' "

Crow is not the only artist to note that not enough credit is given to black music pioneers such as Roy Brown, Fats Domino, Ike Turner, Little Richard, Ruth Brown, Big Joe Turner, Bo Diddley and Arthur (Big Boy) Crudup, who wrote and recorded "That's All Right" way back in 1946.

"A lot of people say 'Rocket 88' " marks the birth of rock 'n' roll, Aerosmith's Joe Perry says of the 1951 release. "But it's hard to sit down and pronounce any day as the given day."

Still, the July 5, 1954, anniversary was pushed regardless of any contrary beliefs.

"It's when rock started from a commercial standpoint," says Joe DiMuro, executive vice president of BMG's Strategic Marketing Group. "The song 'That's All Right' brought true fanaticism to the masses. You could argue that Bill Haley & the Comets also popularized rock before Elvis, but they never had the magnitude of Elvis. Elvis put rock on a pedestal."

Some music critics, such as Robert Hilburn of the Los Angeles Times, agree with the significance of the "That's All Right" date.

"You go from that record to John Lennon to Bruce Springsteen to U2 to Tom Petty to White Stripes," Hilburn says. "You don't get there from 'Shake, Rattle & Roll' ... or 'Rocket 88.' "

Adds rock historian Arthur Levy, a voting member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: "Let's face it, rock 'n' roll would never have emerged ... unless white hillbilly cats had started playing it."

That's a bold comment, and it slams the door on too much music that preceded Elvis.

Terry Stewart, CEO of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, says, "Rock doesn't rise up from some primordial mud with one record. If it did, then why not with 'Good Rockin' Tonight,' by Roy Brown [1947]; or 'Rock This Joint,' by Bill Haley [1952], or 'Crazy Man Crazy,' by Haley [1953]?"

Even pop-music historian and acclaimed Elvis biographer Peter Guralnick admits, "Elvis was part of a revolution that could have happened without him."

There is no denying that Elvis had talent, but he also helped launch, however unwittingly, the ugly side of a trend.

"Everybody ripped off black acts back then," says guitarist Eddie Van Halen.

That said, there's every reason to believe that Elvis, were he still around, might be skeptical of this 50th-anniversary hype. He saw himself as "part of a continuum," Guralnick says, and always had a respect for the cultural diversity that preceded him. Long after he made it big, Elvis enlisted black artists such as the Sweet Inspirations for his Las Vegas show.

Frankly, it's encouraging to see BMG's marketing strategy being questioned. It suggests that people still care about the music and aren't going to accept being passive consumers.

One might ask dozens of people to pinpoint rock's inception and get different answers from each. The bottom line is that it's not going to stop the marketing machine. But it's not too late to remind audiences that rock was about artistic and cultural expression long before it became a commodity.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.04 00:47:52   
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Fans can stay in Elvis' apartment

Elvis Presley fans now have the chance to sleep in the bedroom of an apartment where the King once lived in Memphis.

The owners of the former Lauderdale Courts housing project has restored the home shared by Presley and his parents between 1949 and 1953.

The apartment will be open two weeks a year for tours, while the rest of the time it will be available to rent.

"Nowhere else in the world can you stay where Elvis lived," said operations manager Alexandra Mobley.

The building is now a public-private venture, run by and renamed Uptown Memphis, and has undergone a $36m (£19.5m) renovation to create 347 apartments.

The dwelling once lived in by Vernon and Gladys Presley and their teenage son Elvis has been designed with appliances and fixtures reminiscent of their time, as suggested by Elvis fans.

But to make it more a attractive prospect to live in it has been fitted with air conditioning and a television hidden in a cabinet.

Demolition fears

The apartment has opened to the public for the first time to co-incide with the anniversary of Elvis' death on 16 August 1977.

Other than the two open house weeks, the two-bedroom apartment can be rented on a short-term basis, although no prices have yet been released.

"It's a one-of-a-kind-in-the-world thing, so I think people will pay what they think is appropriate to stay here," said Ms Mobley said.

The entire complex was closed in 2000 and was in danger of being demolished until local people and Presley fans united to save it.

The staff of Presley's Graceland home helped decorate the apartment and it has the full backing of Elvis Presley Enterprises.

"We're one of their main cheerleaders," said Elvis Presley Enterprises spokesman Todd Morgan.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.08.04 20:27:42   
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Priscilla 'won't live through Elvis curse again'

She lived through the agony of watching Elvis throw away his life in a haze of drugs and alcohol.

Now, Priscilla Presley is determined to make sure her 17-year-old son doesn’t fall victim to the “Elvis curse” after he was caught with drugs when police stopped him for speeding in Los Angeles.

Navarone Garibaldi, Presley’s son with longtime boyfriend Marco Garibaldi, was said to be under the influence of marijuana and in possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms.

According to US TV show, Celebrity Justice, Priscilla, 59, rushed to the police station in Glendale, east of Los Angeles, to bring her son home.

A police spokesman confirmed the arrest, but a spokesman for the District Attorney refused to give details of any charges because Garibaldi is still a minor.

Priscilla was married to Elvis until their divorce, four years before his death in 1977. She said in a statement given to Celebrity Justice: “This is unfortunate.

"Navarone is a great kid, and this is the first time that anything of this sort has ever happened to him.

"He takes full responsibility for his actions. He is regretful and is taking steps to ensure that this never happens again.”

While Priscilla’s daughter with Elvis, Lisa Marie Presley, has been in the public eye for years, particularly following her short-lived marriage to Michael Jackson and her subsequent attempts to launch her own singing career, her half-brother has so far remained out of the spotlight.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.04 07:53:40   
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'Elvis has left the building' announcer dies'Elvis has left the building' announcer dies
Monday, August 23, 2004

MEMPHIS, Tennessee (AP) -- Al Dvorin, the concert announcer who made famous the phrase "Elvis has left the building," was killed in an auto accident in California. He was 81.

Dvorin was thrown from the car he was riding in Sunday after it swerved off a desert road near Ivanpah, the California Highway Patrol said.

The night before, Dvorin performed his signature closing line at an Elvis impersonator concert in California.

A former bandleader and talent agent in Chicago, Dvorin was with the King from his early days as a performer and was on his last tour in 1977, the year Presley died.

The phrase that Dvorin made his signature was first uttered by other announcers early in Presley's career. It was intended to disperse audiences who lingered in hopes of an Elvis encore.

"Al made it his own with his particular style," said Todd Morgan, a spokesman with the Presley estate in Memphis. "He's the man when it comes to that saying."

Dvorin's version was captured on many recordings of Elvis' performances and has become a pop-culture catchphrase and punchline.

Dvorin told The Desert Sun of Palm Springs, California, in an interview published Saturday that he had not heard others use the phrase before he began saying it.

"Everybody and his brother has claimed the line, and I'm sure Elvis' mother, when somebody called him, said, 'Elvis is not home. Elvis has left the building,"' Dvorin said. "As far as I know, I created it."
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Стас   Дата: 24.08.04 08:31:51   
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Я тут приобрел Элвиса в Домашней коллекции-слушаю с большим удовольствием его саундтреки,ауттейки,концертные записи :)))
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 24.08.04 14:47:42   
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Давеча посмотрел Elvis' Last Concert (CBS Show-1977)...Весьма познавательный фильм, не только по причине последнего выступления Короля. Очень забавно показано, как работает "брэнд" "Элвис": документальные кадры безжалостно зафиксировали, как продается "мерчендайзинг" Пресли среди фэнов и случайной публики. Беспощадная хроника в стиле "Алтамонта" или "Песня остается прежней"...
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Стас   Дата: 01.09.04 14:04:05   
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Слушаю сейчас музыку из фильма "Fun in Acapulco" с участием Элвиса.Мне очень нравится,такие милые латинские напевы и мелодии :)))
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 18.10.04 18:24:42   
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"Кто слышал, как она поет, интересно было бы узнать, я никогда не слышал"

Я ее слышала только в "дуэте" с отцом на концерте, посвященном годовщине его смерти, пели Don't Cry Daddy, невыносимо трогательно!
Найти можно на epgold.com, жмешь сначала Elvis Footage, затем Page4, где находишь Don't Cry Daddy (Duet Elvis & Lisa, 1997) и наслаждаешься.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 18.10.04 18:56:07   
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Последняя прижизненная фотографияПоследняя прижизненная фотография
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 18.10.04 18:57:41   
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Элвис хаз лэфт зе билдинг (энд зе ворлд)"Элвис хаз лэфт зе билдинг (энд зе ворлд)"
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 18.10.04 19:05:00   
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Элвис, помнится, говаривал в последние годы, что сейчас он не может выглядеть хорошо, зато в гробу будет выглядеть отлично.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 19.10.04 09:45:30   
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hard headed woman

Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.12.04 12:39:29   
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Спасибо составителям новой серии Элвиса в Домашней коллекции! Слушаю сейчас Suspicious Minds - The Memphis 1969 Anthology (CDROM #4) - отлично!Спасибо составителям новой серии Элвиса в "Домашней коллекции"! Слушаю сейчас "Suspicious Minds - The Memphis 1969 Anthology" (CDROM #4) - отлично!

Suspicious Minds is the third Elvis Presley double CD in six months of 1999 focusing on an essential part of Elvis Presley's recordings, following Memories and Sunrise. Together they make for an excellent introduction to Elvis Presley. Suspicious Minds release contains the 33 recordings made by Elvis Presley in Memphis in January and February 1969 at American Sound Studio, 10 alternate takes and 1 incomplete recording. The CD's run for 64:13 and 71:27, thus giving fine value for the money. CD1 contains all of the tracks released on From Elvis In Memphis plus all a- and B-sides of the four singles released from these sessions. CD2 contains the remaining tracks interspersed with alternate takes, one-liners, studio talk and the anticipated, incomplete recording of 'Poor Man's Gold'. Other releases featuring this material have tended to be a bit muddy in the mix, but on this release you get pristine sound with an absolutely clear mix with Elvis' vocal up front and still lots of room for the instruments and the backing vocals.

The packaging is virtually flawless. The cover photo is a little bit different than expected and features an ultra cool shot of Elvis on stage in Las Vegas in august 1969 playing his Gretch guitar. Read our review.

Suspicious Minds - The Memphis 1969 Anthology - Elvis Presley CD

Disc 1: Wearin' That Loved On Look - Only The Strong Survive - I'll Hold You In My Heart - Long Black Limousine - It Keeps Right On-A-Hurtin' - I'm Movin' On - Power Of My Love - Gentle On My Mind - After Loving You - True Love Travels On A Gravel Road - Any Day Now - In The Ghetto - Mama Liked The Roses - Suspicious Minds - You'll Think Of Me - Don't Cry Daddy - The Fair's Moving On - Kentucky Rain - Stranger In My Own Home Town - Without Love

Disc 2: This Time / I Can't Stop Loving You - After Loving You (Alternate) - Without Love (Alternate) - I'm Movin' On (Alternate) - From A Jack To A King - It Keeps Right On-A-Hurtin' (Alternate) - True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (Alternate) - Power Of My Love (Alternate)- You'll Think Of Me (Alternate) - If I'm A Fool - Do You Know Who I Am - A Little Bit Of Green - And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind - This Is The Story - I'll Be There - Hey Jude - Rubberneckin' - Poor Man's Gold (Incomplete) - Inherit The Wind - My Little Friend - Who Am I? - Kentucky Rain (Alternate) - Suspicious Minds (Alternate) - In The Ghetto (Alternate)
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.12.04 12:42:08   
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А теперь сюрприз! "ДК" включила в элвисовскую серию записи передач Севы Новгородцева (mp3):

Сева Новгородцев - История Записей Элвиса
Сева Новгородцев - История Элвиса (Избранное)

/* В свойствах файлов прописано (p) Alexander Kovalev, 2002 - файлы брали видимо с seva.ru */
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Стас   Дата: 15.12.04 12:43:56   
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>А теперь сюрприз! "ДК" включила в элвисовскую
>серию записи передач Севы Новгородцева (mp3):
>Сева Новгородцев - История Записей Элвиса
>Сева Новгородцев - История Элвиса (Избранное)
>/* В свойствах файлов прописано (p) Alexander
>Kovalev, 2002 - файлы брали видимо с seva.ru */

Послушал я Севу,весьма занятный рассказ об Элвисе.Один минус-паршивое качество записи...
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 08.01.05 00:03:51   
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А если Элвис не улетел на свою планету?А если Элвис не улетел на свою планету?
Если живет затворником в Мемфисе, иногда раздаривая расчески итальянским вдовам, как у Джармуша в «Таинственном поезде»?
Может он выглядит сейчас вот так в свой день варенья?

Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 08.01.05 00:06:30   
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Или еще ужаснее…вот так….Или еще ужаснее…вот так….
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 08.01.05 00:10:00   
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2john lee hooker:
Судя по картинке, это ночь Элвисов и Присцилл.
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