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Петр Налич - The Beatlove (55-летие пластинки "Abbey Road") - Zebra Band ("A Hard Day's Night" Tribute) - Евгений Маргулис и "Степные Битлы" - Father McKenzie ("Beatles For Sale" Tribute) - Сергей Гуцан (The Beatles Acoustic)
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Йоко как творческая единица

Тема: Yoko Ono (Йоко Оно)

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Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: bk   Дата: 04.08.03 20:01:45   
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Ну послушай Double Fantasy - только песни Йоко. И всё.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 04.08.03 20:26:34   
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Dimon: Предлагаю вам прослушать с "Milk and Honey" Dont Be Scared, Your Hands и You re The One. Думаю они не перевернут ваш внутренний мир, но покрайней мере убедят в том, что она может петь, а не только кричать. Прошу извенить за отсутствие интернет ссылок на данную тему, просто сам слушаю подобный материал на CD. Но думаю при желании вы найдете подобный материал, он не "жесткий рар." Да и вообще было бы не плохо вам послушать позднюю сольную Йоку. С уважением Клим.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.07.04 10:23:37   
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Фотографии с выставки Йоко "Remember Love Exhibit", проходящей в Стокгольме в Galleri 5 до 9 августа.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: matrikat   Дата: 17.07.04 18:30:27   
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Ха, миссис Оно в очередной раз извлекли на свет божий. Ну что же, мое мнение по этому поводу известно - если Йоко и можно рассматривать как еденицу, то точно не как творческую. В очерендной раз могу лишь отметить, что главным аргументом йокоманов является довод - не понимаешь авангард, значит, ты лох. Это не есть хорошо, так как у любого явления есть все же какие то критерии оценки, а у авангарда - нет. Любая бездарность может посадить лягушку в бутылку (пример с потолка) и начать восхищаться высокохудожественностью данного экспоната, а всем прочим заявлять, что они нули в искусстве. Да дело даже не в авангарде.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.04 10:06:50   
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July 19, 2004 -- Santa Cruz Sentinel

Yoko Ono keeps husband's legacy alive - Lennon's art will be displayed at Monterey AIDS benefit

Yoko Ono is no longer fighting for your respect. For decades she was a punch line, and punching bag, for journalists and Beatlemaniacs.

They derided her voice, her experimental art and her collaborations with her late husband John Lennon - including their "bed-in-for-peace" press conference in 1969, where they met the media horde while hanging out beneath the sheets, in their pajamas.

These days, Ono is enjoying something of a comeback and believes she's getting her due.

Thirty-five years after the bed-in, she's not giving up on her strong statements, her performance art, collaborations and peace protests.

And she's active on other fronts. Her latest splash is "Every Man Has a Man Who Loves Him," a gay-friendly reworking of a song she wrote more than two decades ago, in recognition of the same-sex marriage movement.

Does she feel vindicated after years of backlash? Yes, she said, during a phone interview with the Sentinel on Wednesday to promote an upcoming Central Coast exhibit of Lennon's art work to benefit the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Naturally, I am very thankful that I'm still alive to see it happen," said the soft-spoken, fast-talking Ono in a phone conversation from her home at the Dakota apartment building in New York City. "I could have been dead 20 years ago. That would have made sense now. I'm 71 years old."

Ono remarked that the gay-rights song is getting a warm reception in part because people are well aware of her "outsider" status.

Ono - a well-known experimental artist and performer long before the night she met Lennon, during a one-woman art show in England 38 years ago - is comfortable enough to share the spotlight.

She was candid within the confines of a few ground rules laid out before this interview by one of her press representatives: no questions about "breaking up the Beatles," no questions about John's son Julian, and no questions about the recent "McCartney/Lennon" who-wrote-what controversy.

She spoke mostly of Lennon - who was murdered by a deranged fan in New York City 24 years ago - and often diverted the subject back to him when her own artwork and performances came up.

This is surprising, considering her past experience. Here is a woman who once staged a performance in which the audience cut off her clothes, who collaborated with "free jazz" saxophonist Ornette Coleman, wrapped stone lions in white cloth at a busy London intersection, and posed naked for pictures in Lennon solo albums.

And yes, she also contributed her vocals to songs by the notoriously cliquish Beatles.

Ono, in conversation, was gently insistent and not defensive about her own work. Asked if Lennon influenced her output as a visual and music artist, she said, "I started doing work a long time before I met him. We were very lucky. We were pretty much independent of each other. We were not swallowed into each other."

What about that much-publicized notion that Yoko transformed and molded the later works of Lennon, or Lennon's contention that she "freed" him from an artistic prison?

"I don't particularly see any influence that was so strong in me, or him," she said. "We were both very rebellious people. If I said to John, do this, or do that, he would certainly go the other way! Of course, I know what artists are like. And we were very careful, tiptoeing around each other's egos."

Still outspoken after all these years

In her book on women in rock, "She's a Rebel," journalist Gillian Gaar called Ono a victim of backlash for her forthright opinions.

"Ono was not afraid to speak her mind and refused to remain in the background as had the other Beatle wives," Gaar wrote.

Gaar maintains that Ono faced "outright racism" too.

It would be understandable if she had a chip on her shoulder. Yet Ono downplayed her own artistry during most of the interview, mostly choosing to focus on John.

She surfaced from the Lennon reveries only occasionally to talk about her other favorite subject: peace activism. In that vein, she had words of encouragement for peace activists, and the highest praise for Michael Moore.

"I am doing my share (to promote peace)," she said. "As you know, I put an ad in newspapers. I'm doing advertisements, billboards (saying 'Imagine Peace.' The latest club mixes of my song, 'Hell In Paradise' - that's me doing my share, too.

"I don't know if I should compare myself to something so strong, so brilliant. I don't think I should compare my song with that ... But Michael Moore is doing an incredible job. Have you seen it?"

She was referring, of course, to "Fahrenheit 9/11," which is setting box-office records and attracting countless thousands of movie-goers, not including this reporter.

"You haven't seen it?" Ono interjected. "Well, you'd better go see it."

Asked if she'd heard about the much-publicized goings-on in Santa Cruz, including the council's recommendation to impeach President Bush, she said, "I am afraid not. But, going back to Michael Moore's film, a few intellectuals weren't very happy about it, you know, for 'preaching to the converted.'

"He's not really preaching to the converted," she continued. "He is communicating, trying to communicate to the blue-collar people in the United States and doing an incredibly effective communication in that sense. He is concerned and showing love for the ordinary people in this country. It's so prevalent in it."

She also had words of encouragement for peace activists. If he were alive today, "I think John would be very pleased to know there is an incredibly large world peace movement as opposed to those days when we were standing around saying, 'Oops? Are we the only ones?' "
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.04 10:07:38   
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Lennon's legacy

"When I'm 64: Celebrating 64 years of the Lennon Legend," is a three-day art show July 23-25 at Monterey's Portola Plaza Hotel at Fisherman's Wharf.

In talking about the show, Ono was eager to step into the shadows and keep the focus on John.

In fact, Ono is co-presenting the show but won't be there in person.

Among the exhibited works: John and Yoko in naked embrace; the two of them rushing off with their bags at the airport on the way to their 1969 honeymoon; a line sketch of their son Sean eating; a cartoon of a fat sleeping cat; a herd of luminous animals; and the family on a visit to Japan.

The display will feature hand-colored maquettes of Lennon's original drawings. In that sense, the artwork is a "collaboration" between John and Yoko.

There will be serigraphs taken from the originals, colored and signed by Ono, lithographs from the original "Bag One" collection done and signed by John Lennon, and original drawings from 1965 to 1979.

Many of the originals are illustrations John Lennon did for his books, "A Spaniard in the Works," "In His Own Write" and "Skywriting By Word Of mouth."

Some look like one-off scribbles. Others are surrealist images, drawn with care and whimsy.

Some are dreamlike. Others capture specific moments in the ballad of John and Yoko.

The sweet-and-goofy selections might come as a surprise to Lennon fans who only know Lennon from his primal-scream-therapy phase.

Look at some of these drawings and it's hard to imagine that this is the fellow who wrote "Cold Turkey," "Working Class Hero" and "How Do You Sleep," Lennon's kiss-off to Paul McCartney.

"Of course, he did express his humor in his songs," Ono said. "But he was sort of putting forward 'the brooding rocker,' kind of macho side initially, and then, gradually, he started to show the other side in his music as well. I think that in his art you really see his warm side, which is the side that he was showing at home, you know, and most people won't believe it, that he was warm and nice most of the time."

That warm and sweet side comes from his uncle George, she said.

Lennon was born in Liverpool in October 1940. He lived with his parents, Julia and Alfred Lennon, until his father walked out on the family in 1945.

John Lennon wound up in a Liverpool suburb under the care of his Uncle George and Aunt Mimi.

As Ono tells the story, Mimi was the strict one, and John, while influenced by his uncle George, also developed a tougher counter-persona.

"Uncle George was a very sensitive and nice person as opposed to Mimi being kind of tough. Aunt Mimi would say, 'George, are you going to get milk for the cat?' and George would do what Mimi told him. George and John were in the kitchen one day, lamenting over their fate. They were not that happy. They had this strong woman telling them what to do kind of thing. So, John, you know, didn't want to be like Uncle George."

So Lennon, while he was "nice and gentle and warm in his basic nature," also had that tougher side, she said.

"You know, in order to survive in Liverpool, a tough district at the time, he had to project that."

As he grew up, his drawings changed too, and so did his artistic ambition.

Ono said Lennon, if he never picked up a guitar, may have pursued art full-time. Ono said Lennon developed a strong desire to be exhibited in major galleries, and that his fame as a Beatle and a solo artist did not diminish that ambition.

During one conversation, Lennon likened himself to Magritte, and even compared his look to that of the famous surrealist's images, which showed a figure "with the bowler hat, looking very straight."

While Lennon had some of his works published, his gallery ambitions were never realized while he was alive, Ono said.

"In the beginning when I started (promoting his art) it was really an uphill climb because people did not want to know about it," Ono said. "When John was alive he had a really difficult time getting a gallery show. I said, well, we'll try (but) it was because he was so famous as a musician."

Ono said galleries simply would not accept a "jack of all trades ... It is like they don't want to take anybody seriously unless they only have one bag."

That's why she's such a dedicated promoter of his work these days.

For the most part she can look at most drawings objectively, staying rooted in the present without being overwhelmed.

"I totally block it," she insists. "When I am looking at these things or choosing a drawing for a show, I'm just another artist or producer, saying 'Oh, this is a good one.';

Yet she admits to being caught off guard at times.

"I see the drawings and it chokes me up a bit, just reminding me of the nice kind man he was, of the family life ... When I am not prepared, I get emotional."

Ono perked up when reflecting on what John might think if he could see the public fascination with his drawings. or one thing, she said, he'd be very pleased the show was raising money for a local project, in this case the Monterey County AIDS Project, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of life of those living with HIV/AIDS.

On top of this, she said, he'd feel some vindication.

"Well, you know, being John, he'd think, 'Yeah, I told you so,' '' she said, with a laugh. "He was pretty cocky that way."

If You Go

WHAT: 'When I'm 64: Celebrating 64 years of the Lennon Legend.'

WHERE: Portola Plaza Hotel at Fisherman's Wharf, 2 Portola Plaza, Monterey.

WHEN: 5-9 p.m. July 23, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. July 24; 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. July 25.

COST: $2 donation at the door to benefit Monterey County AIDS Project.

INFORMATION: Call (888) 278-1969 for information and (831) 649-4511 for directions. For information on the Monterey County AIDS Project, visit www.mcap.org.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.09.04 07:08:40   
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September 5, 2004 -- Independent

Yoko Ono to bare all (again) after 40 years

Yoko Ono is returning to the London art scene, 40 years after she first made waves, to re-stage one of her "happenings".

Ono, 71, was an avant-garde artist before finding global exposure as the wife of John Lennon, whom she met as he attended her show at London's Indica Gallery. She is to appear at Tate Britain next week, where she is expected to recreate one of her best-known performances, Cut Piece.

It was originally staged in 1964 and involved her having clothing cut from her body until she was naked, many years before the "bed-ins" with her husband and their naked picture on the cover of her Two Virgins album.

Her performance, which is already a sell-out, is being staged as part of the Tate's Art In The Sixties exhibition.

Ono's spokesman said, "Yoko makes each lecture an event people will remember. It would be easy for her to sit and talk about her life and art, but she is interested in something that involves the audience more and subverts the nature of an artist's lecture."
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.09.04 10:48:39   
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September 9, 2004 -- China View News

Yoko Ono to attend 5th Shanghai arts exhibition

Yoko Ono, the widow of John Lennon, a former member of the British rock band "The Beatles," will join artists from 35 countries in the upcoming 5th Shanghai Arts Exhibition.

Held every two years, the theme for this year's event is "The Survival of Image" in such arts as pictures, films and shadow plays. Six of Yoko Ono's works will be shown, including her short films "The Fly" and "The Truck."

Experimental films made by several talented young Chinese directors will also be shown.

Opening with a music and dance gala on the night of the Mid-autumn festival on September 28th, the festival will last until November 27th.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.04 12:16:03   
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September 16, 2004 -- Liverpool Echo

Above us only thighs

Yoko Ono has guaranteed a high-profile launch to Liverpool's third International Biennial by providing the most controversial piece of art the city has ever seen.

John Lennon's widow has contributed two naked female photographs being posted in 50 city sites, including the airport which carries her late husband's name.

The stark images, one showing a nipple, the other a vagina, mark a tribute to motherhood as part of the UK'S largest art show.

Yoko Ono will personally endorse the Biennial when she visits Liverpool tomorrow. Among the places she will visit are the airport, where the pictures will be exhibited beside Tom Murphy's Lennon statue, and St. Luke's Church, Bold Street, now the site for Liverpool's peace movement.

Yoko's art carries the official title "My Mummy Was Beautiful."

The weather-proofed outdoor images culminate with a blank wall at Liverpool Tate Gallery, where visitors will be invited to write personal memories of their own mothers.

Biennial director Lewis Biggs said Yoko was "dumbstruck with emotion" when asked to provide a work for the city-wide show featuring a total of 400 artists spread over more than 60 sites.

Among the influences on Ono's work is said to be John Lennon's own feelings for his mother, who was killed in a car accident when he was 18.

Yoko Ono has previously shown a work with a similar theme at a gallery in Oxford.

Biggs today defended his decision to put such stark images on the streets. "We are part of a society which spends thousands of pounds beautifying itself with cosmetics and shampoos. But the message here is that nothing is more intrinsically beautiful than nature itself."

A spokesman for the Biennial said, "We are delighted that Yoko Ono accepted the invitation to contribute to what is now a globally recognized art show. But we also hope that her contribution will not be thought of as the only talking point. There are many great international artists taking part, as well as students and other independent artists who represent emerging talent."

More than 250,000 visitors are expected to visit the various Biennial shows between now and November.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: frantic   Дата: 18.09.04 12:50:14   
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внесу свою лепту в сей топик.....
Может я ошибаюсь, может так нельзя говорить, но все же, до сих пор считаю, что на Йоко в большей мере лежит вина за распад битлов.....
Только за это и "зла" на нее.
А вообще считаю ее Личностью, которая до сих пор продолжает начатое ими с Джоном дело! Сейчас она очень даже миловидная и приятная 70-летняя тетенька - японочка! В этом случае могу сказать, что даже симпатизирую ей и считаю, что даже если бы и не встретила она Джона, то все равно заставила бы весь мир знать ее имя!
Вот только один момент не ясен в ее биографии - было время (недавно) когда появилась инфо, что типа она замуж собралась...... быль или неведаль? Но что-то как-то продолжением этот слух не обзавелся.....
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 18.09.04 16:44:38   
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Дорогая Франтик,
Даже если это и так, то, ведь, жизнь не остановилась в декабре 80-го.
Я тащусь!  
Творчество Йоко Оно
Автор: Doctor Albert   Дата: 15.05.06 16:19:59   
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Как вам песни Йоко на альбомах Леннона?

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Творчество Йоко Оно".
Сильная злость  
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 15.05.06 17:48:39   
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Опять темя о Еке!Я уже еле сдерживаю себя ради фанатов,потому что фанатов не устраивает,что я думаю о missyokoono плохо.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Кукумалу   Дата: 16.05.06 00:01:46   
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О Господи! да что ж вы так не любите Йоко! Елки-моталки! вспомните, что Леннон говорил: Give Peace A cHANCE, All You Need Is Love... а вы... (плачу) Ну чем Йоко хуже остальных? Скажу больше, она ничем не хуже каждого из битлов и вообще всех остальных людей на этой планете. И прошу: не надо поливать ее грязью при каждом удобном случае.
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Simon   Дата: 16.05.06 00:22:42   
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Ага. Об Йоке либо хорошо, либо ничего. Да? :)))
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 16.05.06 08:58:30   
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Вы иногда проглядывайте профиль выступающего, на возраст смотрите... :)
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Евгений Соколов   Дата: 16.05.06 10:00:07   
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Вот мой список любимых песен ОНО:
Yang Yang
She Hits Back
New York Woman
Is This What We Do
Первая с альбома FLy (забыл название)
Yellow Girl и вообще альбом Feeling The Space целиком

и много других.

Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Jimmy Smith   Дата: 03.09.06 15:45:17   
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Да Йоко просто использовала Имя Джона, в своих целях, вот и все
Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.01.07 09:51:18   
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... Ту же самую ставку на знаменитостей собираются сделать устроители Московской биеннале, которая пройдет с 1 марта по 1 апреля. По меньшей мере две звезды предстоящего смотра у всех на слуху. В одном из центральных музеев покажут выставку театрального авангардиста, художника, сценографа и режиссера Роберта Уилсона, чьи постановки (в том числе и в Москве, в Большом театре) смотрятся наподобие изысканных инсталляций. Давно заявлялся приезд в Россию вдовы Леннона Йоко Оно, которая, к слову сказать, еще и художница. Устроители биеннале с осторожностью намекают, что такой приезд вполне возможен - главное, найти подходящее место для провокационных объектов Оно (на одной из своих пацифистских акций она выращивала деревья в гробах).

Re: Йоко как творческая единица
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 24.01.07 21:43:31   
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я тоже хочу сказать пару слов, хоть уже и говорил, Торонто - классный концерт, Йоко классно выступила вместе с Джоном и другими. Блеянье это, или пение, пусть каждый для себя решит.
а что тогда ранний пинк флойд, половина материала - блеянье ?????
никто этого не говорил до сих пор.
многие исходят из того, что она "испортила" Леннона и развалила Битлз.... а зря.
Великая Жена (вдова) Великого Человека.
извините за инфантильность (местами)
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