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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 03:04:23   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 03:04:44   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 11:12:59   
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NEW YORK (Reuters) -     Eric Clapton will follow musicians     Bob Dylan and Sting with a book about his life, telling of his 40 years as the top rock and blues guitarist of his age in which he went to hell and back, publisher Doubleday said on Thursday. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Eric Clapton will follow musicians Bob Dylan and Sting with a book about his life, telling of his 40 years as the top rock and blues guitarist of his age in which he went "to hell and back," publisher Doubleday said on Thursday.

Doubleday in the United States, and Century in Britain, both owned by Bertelsmann AG said they would jointly publish the book in spring 2007 and paid Clapton a "substantial advance."

Trade industry sources said the advance was between $4 million and $6 million.

Clapton will talk openly about his life, including the death of his child in a tragic fall from a New York apartment and his raucous years in the rock world, said Doubleday spokesman David Drake.

"Clapton is 60 and happily married and he feels very good about his life, and feels ready to look back in an honest way, warts and all," said Drake. "He's ready to write really candidly about his peaks and valleys and about how he has gone to hell and back."

Clapton, the illegitimate son of a Canadian soldier and an Englishwoman, played with some of the best blues and rock musicians of his day and survived bouts of heroin addiction and heavy drinking.

Christopher Simon Sykes, a close friend since 1967, will collaborate with him in writing the book.

Dylan's book, "Chronicles: Volume One," which has been on best seller lists and won literary prizes, serves as a model for the new Eric Clapton book, Drake said.

"Dylan's is the kind of model we envisioned, and in the same way we see this book bringing out the distinct voice of Eric Clapton. He will be intensely involved in the book writing process," said Drake.

A boxed set of his music will be released by Warner Brothers to coincide with the book, the publishers said, and Clapton will tour ahead of its release.

He appeared in Britain recently in a reunion with Cream, including bassist Jack Bruce and drummer Ginger Baker, and the group will play in New York later this month.

Posted on Sat, Oct. 15, 2005

Clapton tells all

The memoirs of rocker Eric Clapton, one of the manuscripts most sought by publishing houses, will be released by Doubleday in 2007, reports The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Financial terms were not disclosed, although Clapton was believed to be seeking a multimillion-dollar contract.

Clapton, 60, has had one of the most dramatic careers in rock music history -- from the quick-fingered playing that inspired the graffiti ''Clapton Is God,'' to his heroin addiction, to his tortured romance with Patti Harrison, wife of Clapton's best friend, Beatle George Harrison.

According to Doubleday, Clapton ``will write frankly about every aspect of his personal and musical odyssey, addressing everything that is known about his life as well as much that is not.''

Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 11:25:45   
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2Кот Котофеич:
>Сергей! Посмотри pls ссылку. У тебя будет этот журнал?
Врядли. Первый раз вижу такой. У нас он не продается, но если будет (вдруг) сделаю обязательно :)))
Я тащусь!  
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 11:34:52   
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Джон, Джордж, Билли и Эрик рядом...Джон, Джордж, Билли и Эрик рядом...
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 11:38:06   
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2Кот Котофеич:
У нас есть точка, куда ребята привозят журналы через Польшу. Все что я имею, оттуда. Гитарники и типа МОДЖО, а вот такие редкости (как Goldmine) иногда присылают друзья из-за границы и то, если это СПЕШЛ какой-нибудь...
Вот такая ситуация! :)))
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.10.05 12:10:13   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.10.05 00:03:15   
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Jack Bruce: Live At RockpalastJack Bruce: Live At Rockpalast
release on 31/10/2005

Special Features
Interactive menus
Scene selection

Jack Bruce is best known in his most famous role as bass player and lead vocalist in the power super group Cream with Ginger Baker and Eric Clapton. Bruce wrote most of Cream's aroiginal material including the classics Sunshine Of Your Love, White Room, Politician and I Feel Free. Cream sold over 35 million albums and were awarded the first ever Platinum disc with their album Wheels Of Fire.

DVD 1: Grugahalle Essen (1980) - 105 minutes.
White Room, Post War, Hit And Run, Running Back, Facelift 318, Theme For...., X Marks The Spot, Dancing On Air, Out to Lunch, Living Without You, Politician, Bird Alone, Sunshine Of Your Love, N.S.U., Spoonful.

Music Hall, Cologne (1990) - 64 minutes.
Third Degree, Flying, Doing That Scrapyard Thing, Theme For An..., Weird Of Hermiston, Tickets To Waterfalls, Golden Days, One, Pieces Of Mind, Train Time, The Best Is Still.

DVD 2: Zeche Bochum (1983) - 114 minutes.
Boogie, Uptown Breakdown, Travlin Child, Green And Blue,The Swarm, Automatic Pilot, Rollin And Tumblin, Keep It Down, First Time I Meet The Blues, Bird Alone, I'm So Glad, Spoonful, N.S.U.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 16.10.05 02:33:39   
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Взял СД - КРИМ 2005...Взял СД - КРИМ 2005...
Звук, сведение - выше всяких похвал!!!
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.10.05 02:36:32   
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Где брал?
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 16.10.05 03:03:13   
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2Primal Scream:  Родной. На Горбушке. 2Primal Scream:

Родной. На Горбушке.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.10.05 03:19:06   
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Завтра же выезжаю!
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 16.10.05 03:21:03   
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Заслуженная профессура рок-н-ролла.
Академики, лауреаты капиталистических госпремий.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 16.10.05 11:19:59   
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Fans of Cream rush to defend Clapton, reunited band -- and trash criticism of the new CD

Editor -- OK, what is Joel Selvin's problem? First he trashes Eric Clapton in his review of "Back Home" (CD Reviews, Aug. 28) -- news flash: not a rock CD! Selvin trashes Clapton again in his review of the Cream "Royal Albert Hall Live" CD (CD Reviews, Oct. 2). Come on! Selvin makes absolutely no comment on Clapton's playing and singing! Yet he blames him alone for "slowing down the tempos," "dropping the keys" and "not jamming at all." Of course the perfect Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker are not to blame at all! And, be honest, Jack's "in good voice," not great voice, and Ginger may be "charismatic," but he's not 100 percent the drummer he once was. But so what? The trio has the same chemistry it always had, and had a blast playing together. They didn't try to re-create their youth; they played the music of their youth as they are today, or, as Baker says, "brilliant musicians playing brilliant music." Selvin's unfair attacks on Clapton are getting boring. Looks like he's the one who's lacking inspiration.

Jo McGuire

Torrance (Los Angeles County)


Editor -- I was extremely disappointed by Selvin's review of the new Cream CD. I've seen six of the songs from the concerts on the Internet, and there was a bit of jamming on the songs that have always had jams. All of the songs were extremely tight, and the quality of Eric Clapton's guitar playing was better than ever (and I am not a big Clapton fan). The fact that Selvin is unclear about certain concepts of the concert CD and DVD is evident. His failure to allude to the complexities, longevity, quality and genre-setting standards of most of the Cream songs highlights that point.

Bruce, Baker and Clapton, as Cream and as single artists, are on the top level of all rock musicians. They continue to produce music (be it new or old) that is tighter, more enjoyable and stronger than 99 percent of the bands out there. To even have Fiona Apple, Talking Heads, Terry Reid (and I think Reid was excellent) and Franz Ferdinand on the same page with Cream is absurd. To actually give their work better ratings is unbelievable.

Selvin's biggest mistake was not to have rated the new Cream CD on its own merits. Instead, as some of the other critics have, he chose to go backward and compare it with their early work. If Selvin had never heard any of these songs before, he would be falling out of his chair, or would really need to check out of the business. Yes, some of the songs are slightly different tempos, etc. But the bottom line is, Selvin must have some form of standard in his evaluation process; and if it deals with musicianship, melody, intensity, quality, pleasure, etc., there are no CDs today (and I am a very big fan of numerous rock, jazz and fusion bands) that come close to any Cream CDs, new or old.

So please, Joel, put aside your personal feelings next time, leave the philosophical prose ("professionalism is rarely an adequate substitute for inspiration") to writers who specialize in that realm and stick to a consistent standard.

Reid Goldstein

Bodega Bay
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 17.10.05 16:49:54   
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2Primal Scream:2Primal Scream:

>Jack Bruce: Live At Rockpalast
>release on 31/10/2005
>Special Features
>Interactive menus
>Scene selection
>Jack Bruce is best known in his most famous role
>as bass player and lead vocalist in the power
>super group Cream with Ginger Baker and Eric Clapton.
>Bruce wrote most of Cream's aroiginal material
>including the classics Sunshine Of Your Love,
>White Room, Politician and I Feel Free. Cream
>sold over 35 million albums and were awarded the
>first ever Platinum disc with their album Wheels
>Of Fire.
>DVD 1: Grugahalle Essen (1980) - 105 minutes.
>White Room, Post War, Hit And Run, Running Back,
>Facelift 318, Theme For...., X Marks The Spot,
>Dancing On Air, Out to Lunch, Living Without You,
>Politician, Bird Alone, Sunshine Of Your Love,
>N.S.U., Spoonful.
>Music Hall, Cologne (1990) - 64 minutes.
>Third Degree, Flying, Doing That Scrapyard Thing,
>Theme For An..., Weird Of Hermiston, Tickets To
>Waterfalls, Golden Days, One, Pieces Of Mind,
>Train Time, The Best Is Still.
>DVD 2: Zeche Bochum (1983) - 114 minutes.
>Boogie, Uptown Breakdown, Travlin Child, Green
>And Blue,The Swarm, Automatic Pilot, Rollin And
>Tumblin, Keep It Down, First Time I Meet The Blues,
>Bird Alone, I'm So Glad, Spoonful, N.S.U.

Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.05 07:27:23   
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A previously reported cover of Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" featuring Steven Tyler, Ozzy Osbourne, Ringo Starr and other notable artists will be included on the upcoming Hurricane Relief: Come Together Now charity album. The star-studded two-CD set, which is due out in mid-November, also will offer performances by Elton John, John Fogerty and Sting. Proceeds from the release will benefit victims of the recent Gulf Coast hurricanes.

TRACK LISTING (in progress):
Gloria Estefan "Coming Out of the Dark/Always Tomorrow"
James Brown "Try Me"
Norah Jones/Wyclef Jean "Any Other Day"
John Fogerty "Born On The Bayou"
Barbra Streisand "I Believe"
Clint Black "The Great Mississippi Flood"
Dave Matthews Band featuring Robert Randolph "Louisiana Bayou"
Earth, Wind and Fire "Devotion"
Kirk Whalum/Coolio "When the Saints Go Marching In"
John Mayer/Aaron Neville "Heart So Heavy"
Harry Connick Jr. "City Beneath The Sea"
Louis Armstrong "Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans"
Various Artists "Come Together Now"
Fats Domino "Walking To New Orleans"
Coldplay "Fix You"
Lenny Kravitz "Believe"
Neville Brothers "Brothers"
Bonnie Raitt "I Will Not Be Broken"
Various Artists "Tears In Heaven"
Brian Wilson "Love and Mercy"
Michael McDonald, Wynonna Judd & Eric Benet "Heart of America"
Elton John "I'm Still Standing"
Sting "Moon Over Bourbon Street"
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.05 09:22:28   
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The year 2005 would have been Bob Marley’s 60th birthday and to celebrate this landmark,  Island Records will be releasing ‘BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS – AFRICA UNITE: THE SINGLES COLLECTION’, a 20-track collection featuring all Bob Marley’s hits and more and  will also include a brand new previously unheard Marley song, “Slogans”, featuring Eric Clapton on guitar. The year 2005 would have been Bob Marley’s 60th birthday and to celebrate this landmark, Island Records will be releasing ‘BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS – AFRICA UNITE: THE SINGLES COLLECTION’, a 20-track collection featuring all Bob Marley’s hits and more and will also include a brand new previously unheard Marley song, “Slogans”, featuring Eric Clapton on guitar.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.10.05 17:32:11   
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2Primal Scream: 2Primal Scream:

Коля! Я тебя люблю! Ооооооочень! :р
Автор: SergeK Дата: 26.09.05 12:38:16

Кстати, помнишь, я говорил тебе про фильм БАРАБАНЩИК?
Я его нашел. Так что, если хочешь... ;))
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.05 17:46:09   
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1) Я знаю, что ты уже сообщал об этом. Но обложечки-то у тебя не было. Ха!
P.S. Я тебя тоже.

2) Хочу.

Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: papan   Дата: 18.10.05 19:20:01   
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L.A. Blues Authority: Cream of the Crop (Shrapnel 1994)L.A. Blues Authority: Cream of the Crop (Shrapnel 1994)
1. Sunshine Of Your Love - Pat Travers, Mike Onesko
2. Strange Brew - Richie Kotzen, John Moore
3. Sittin' On Top Of The World - Joe Lynn Turner, Neal Schon
4. Born Under A Bad Sign - Glenn Hughes, Jeff Watson
5. Crossroads - Leslie West
6. Cat's Squirrel - Little John Chrisley, Michael Lee Firkins
7. Politician - Mike Onesko
8. Sleepy Time Time - Eric Gales
9. Outside Woman Blues - Rick Derringer
10. Take It Back - Alan Mirikitani

Вот такой трибьют отцам-основателям хард-блюз-рока от нонешних монстров жанра и сочуйствующих отхватил .Мне понравилось.Особенно порадовали Майк Онеско,Ричи Котцен и Нил Шон.
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