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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 17.11.07 19:26:07   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.11.07 09:43:36   
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The Unsinkable Heather Mills: The Unauthorized Biography [ILLUSTRATED] (Hardcover)The Unsinkable Heather Mills: The Unauthorized Biography [ILLUSTRATED] (Hardcover)
by Neil Simpson (Author)

Hardcover: 248 pages
Publisher: Phoenix Books; Ill edition (December 1, 2007)

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.11.07 09:23:24   
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Хотите крысиного молока? Кто за?Хотите крысиного молока? Кто за?

Под кайфом  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 20.11.07 10:43:58   
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Боже... Я надеюсь, Пол уже отобрал армию квалифицированных психологов и психиатров.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.11.07 10:51:41   
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Между делом, после Хезиной истерики на ТВ, Пол урезал отступные по разводу до 7 миллионов.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.11.07 11:55:13   
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Для спасения Земли надо пить крысиное молоко Для спасения Земли надо пить крысиное молоко
Борис СУРДОВ, 20 ноября, 19:53

Хизер Миллз, пока еще супруга сэра Пола Маккартни, известна как активистка движения "зеленых", поэтому никого уже не удивляют ее акции, скажем, по защите свиней. Но недавнее заявление Миллз буквально ошарашило общественность - она призвала исключить из рациона коровье молоко и заменить его на крысиное и собачье.

Свою позицию Хизер, выступавшая в лондонском Гайд-парке, обосновала с научной точки зрения, пояснив, что экскременты коров выделяют на 18% углекислого газа больше, чем общественный транспорт. Именно поэтому все здравомыслящие люди, по мнению Миллз, должны стать веганами, то есть теми, кто не употребляет в пищу ни мяса, ни молока. Если же полностью отказаться от привычной порции молока к чаю не получается, то надо подумать, чем можно его заменить.

В качестве альтернативы Миллз предложила совершенно неожиданный вариант: "Есть много других видов молока. Почему бы нам не попробовать, к примеру, молоко крыс и собак?" Свою позицию Хизер подкрепила футболкой с надписью "Веган, зеленее некуда" (Vegan, you can't get greener).

Мини-митинг стал частью кампании, инициированной вегетарианской ассоциацией Viva!, в ходе которой Хизер планирует донести до как можно большего числа людей мысль о вреде, который наносят окружающей среде буренки. "По большей части в глобальном потеплении виноват крупный рогатый скот и вырубка лесов. Я не призываю людей за один день стать веганами. Но если бы они перестали пить латте с коровьим молоком, возможно, ситуация не ухудшалась бы такими темпами".

Хизер Миллз стала далеко не первой, кто обратил внимание на эту проблему. Еще в 2006 г. докладчики Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации ООН выступили с заявлением о том, что одним из самых главных источников проблем окружающей среды является рогатый скот. Хеннинг Штайнфельд, глава ооновских сельскохозяйственников, привел конкретные цифры: к 2050 г. объем производства мясомолочной продукции увеличится в два раза, и в борьбе с парниковым эффектом человечество потерпит сокрушительное поражение. К тому же именно экскременты домашних животных загрязняют почву и воду настолько, что экологическая катастрофа не за горами.

В довершение всего, отходы животноводческого производства выделяют большое количество метана (37% от общего объема, ежегодно выбрасываемого в атмосферу), а также аммиак в огромных объемах. Дотошные французские ученые даже подсчитали, что выпуск 1 кг мясной продукции приводит к выбросу 36 кг парниковых газов. Эта смесь накапливается в атмосфере и время от времени проливается кислотными дождями.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.11.07 09:39:59   
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Пишут, что уже начался сбор голосов под петицией, чтобы заставить Хезу пить крысиное молоко. Нужно собрать 10000 подписей. Только где эта петиция? Кто найдет, просьба скинуть ссылку.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 22.11.07 10:24:08   
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Судя по всему, речь идет о сообществе на сайте Я нашла ссылку на него:

Я, кстати, присоединилась :)))))
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 22.11.07 10:38:40   
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Я тоже подпишусь.
А кто крыс доить будет? Ведь это очень важно!!!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.11.07 10:39:50   
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>Судя по всему, речь идет о сообществе на сайте
> Я нашла ссылку на него:
>Я, кстати, присоединилась :)))))

Ага, спасибо!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.11.07 10:41:04   
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2Holy Roller:

>Я тоже подпишусь.
>А кто крыс доить будет? Ведь это очень важно!!!

Пусть сама и доит.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.11.07 09:18:03   
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November 23, 2007 --

The Billboard Q&A: Paul McCartney
by Gary Graff

PAUL McCARTNEY: "I really enjoy what I do. And every so often I just get sort of inspired."

As far as Sir Paul McCartney is concerned, words like "take it easy" are reserved for the Eagles. During the past three years alone the ex-Beatle has released a pair of pop albums -- the Grammy-nominated "Chaos and Creation in the Backyard" in 2005 and this year's "Memory Almost Full" -- as well as the 2006 classical piece "Ecce Cor Meum." He also collaborated on albums by Tony Bennett, George Benson and Al Jarreau, and George Michael.

This fall, McCartney released an expanded edition of "Memory Almost Full," adding three bonus tracks and a second disc of videos and live footage, along with a three-DVD retrospective of his solo career, "The McCartney Years," that's loaded with rare and unreleased material. And he had a piece in the DVD rollout of the Beatles' "Help." There are musicians a third his age (65) who aren't working at nearly the same level, and we can rest assured that the days of "doing the garden, digging the weeds" are still a long way off for this knighted former mop top.

Q: What accounts for the creative spurt you seem to be on the past few years?

PAUL: It's simple: I really enjoy what I do. And every so often I just get sort of inspired. I never know why or how, but I think one of the great things is that music is a great healer and it's a great sort of therapy. Often if you're going through something difficult -- as you can imagine without me laying too much of a point on it, this last year's been pretty difficult -- to get into your music is a great thing. So I think the last couple years I've been very glad to have my music and I've been putting stuff into it that seems to have added up to something.

Q: Do you feel like you're getting inspiration as well as healing from these hard times?

PAUL: I think that's true. You look at the lives of the great composers and they were not a lot of fun, some of them. Great painters, too; I was looking at a fantastic painting by Rembrandt the other day in a museum, and I was reminded by the blurb next to it that he died penniless and had a terribly bloody time, but he was one hell of a painter.

So that's why I say therapy; you're feeling bad, you skulk off to a corner with your guitar and you write something, and somehow you seem to take yourself through it and you work through it with your music. I thank heaven for that. I feel very, very blessed. People always used to call it a gift, the gift of music, and I think that's very much, more and more, how I see it.

Q: That being said, "Memory Almost Full" isn't exactly "Blood on the Tracks," is it?

PAUL: That's funny, isn't it? I still seem to come out positive and optimistic. I think that's my character. But [the divorce from Heather Mills] is something I don't want to talk about, and really for one reason. I have a baby daughter ... a four-year-old, and I do not want to excite the envelope in any direction whatsoever. I'm just sort of keeping the dignified silence.

Q: So, how did "The McCartney Years" come about?

PAUL:For a long time people have been saying to me, "When can we get ahold of that video?" or "Is that video available? Is that released?" And I just sort of thought, "No..." I was always a little bit like, "One day, yeah, I'll do it. Don't worry." But then a couple of guys got in touch with me and said "Look, we think it's time. We want to work on it. Let us put forward a proposal of what we would do for you to look at."

It took a long time to put together. They started cleaning it all up, and then they cleaned the sound mixes up and then they started showing me and that was like, "Jeez, I've never heard it like this. I've never seen it like this." So I started to get excited and I fell for the whole idea. I just said, "Go to it boys, let's do it."

Q: How involved did you stay while it was going on?

PAUL: I mostly sort of approved and smiled and admired what they were doing. I kind of went in every month and did an overview of what they were doing, and I just got fascinated with everything. Then they wanted me to do some commentaries, which is another option on the DVDs where you get my memories. So I was only too happy to do that. They just played them for me and I had headphones and a mic in front of me and I just said, "I remember this. Wow, this is amazing" and whatever memory it brought back to me. I enjoyed that.

And I didn't like the artwork originally, so we got a guy called Andie Airfix, who I've done quite a bit of work with. I asked him to try and come up with a concept, and he took this mad idea of using one of my eyes. I'm sort of amazed with the way people could tell it was me.

Q: What did you encounter in doing the project that really blew you away?

PAUL: I think the short answer is, "everything." Obviously, everything with Linda in it was particularly heartwarming, realizing her major contribution to everything once you see it all en masse. I hadn't seen "Tug of War" in awhile, which was lovely. It was good to see things like "Say Say Say" with Michael Jackson, and of course Linda and our daughter Heather make an appearance in that, so that was really cool.

One of the menus is just this little thing I did in the back yard of Abbey Road ... me singing old rock'n'roll favorites of mine, a Buddy Holly number and things like that. I'm sure I could remember about 20 to 50 other moments, but I think I'll leave that to whoever gets it to check out.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.11.07 09:18:55   
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Q: You used Ringo pretty liberally as a guest star in your videos.

PAUL: Yeah, that was very good. "Take It Away" and "Beautiful Night," he kindly agreed to be the drummer in those, especially as he'd [played on] "Take It Away." It was just fabulous. [Beatles producer] George Martin even appears in one of them.

Q: Are there any of the songs you felt were underexposed that may have a revived life from being in the package?

PAUL: I think "Take It Away" kind of stands out. There's one called "Come On People," which is not very well known, looks sort of reborn here. It's nice to just see them in today's light, they seem to stand up quite well. In truth, that's what I was dreading about the project and one of the reasons I put it off; "Oh no, God, there's not enough good stuff yet."

But looking at it, I think some of the stuff I was a bit scared of I didn't need to be scared of. I remember being particularly scared of "My Love," which was a sort of zany thing, but it's alright now. There were a couple where I thought, "Oh my God, they've over-made me up. I wanted to look natural and I look like someone out of vaudeville." But even that stuff looks alright. It's got a sort of vintage quality to it that seems to work. It's like an old snapshot album; you're looking at yourself from many years ago. I think it has quite a warm quality in the end. A lot of the stuff stands up.

Q: You must have had an interesting perspective on videos in the '80s and beyond because it was no stranger to you. You did videos -- you even did movies -- with the Beatles, so it wasn't quite as revolutionary of a concept as it was in the U.S.

PAUL: The difference was you suddenly had to be a short filmmaker as well and not all of us liked it. The process was quite wearing. You'd sort of farm it out to three or four directors who you thought were hot and [one] would come back with -- it was a bit like a comedy sketch -- "I see you on a mountain top in Tibet wearing nothing but a loincloth. The Sun God shines down..." and you're going "Oh no..." Then the next one was, "I see you in a scene from the Keystone Cops. You're hanging off the back of a wagon, it's all shot in fast-motion black-and-white." Or it was, "I see you as a scene from 'Casablanca' ... I see you as The Terminator."

You're just desperate to get something where you can go, "This looks alright." Occasionally there would be a good idea... and the rest of the time there was an element of embarrassment 'cause you thought of yourself as a singer, not a film star.

Q: Was it different when you were doing it in the '60s?

PAUL: Yeah, it wasn't quite so important, so we would say, "Oh, look, just get a camera and we'll get girls with grass skirts and we'll just stand there in our Sgt. Pepper's costumes and sing 'Hello Goodbye.'" There wasn't that much thought that went into it, which made it a little bit more innocent and less precious.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.11.07 09:19:06   
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Q: Of the live material on "The McCartney Years," it's kind of brave to include your Live Aid performance in the set.

PAUL: Oh my God, the Live Aid was just one of those things I'd sooner forget. I came in from the country and sort of drove in and every window in Britain was open with televisions on and Live Aid blaring out. It was a national event and I knew I was gonna be on it, but I didn't take anyone with me. I didn't have a roadie. I didn't even have anyone to make sure my mic or speakers were working. And Bob Geldof just said, "Well, your piano's behind that curtain. You're on." There I was in front of the world ... and I heard in my monitor very ominous sounds of roadies talking, "Is this the plug?" I figured, "I'll just keep plugging on" but I couldn't hear myself. I couldn't hear anything. And then it suddenly became clear my mic wasn't on, but the dear old audience helped me out, God bless 'em. They all sang it. So I escaped by the skin of my teeth. It was sort of a nightmare. If you asked me for three nervous moments, I think that'd be top.

Q: On top of "The McCartney Years" you also have the deluxe edition of "Memory Almost Full." How did that come about?

PAUL: That's really cool. A lot of people have heard and liked the album, which is very pleasing for me. But there's a lot of people who don't have it, so the idea was "Let's just sort of put together a deluxe package," seeing how the holiday season's coming up, and we put on some live stuff that I've been doing recently as a sort of bonus, and the two videos and some extra tracks, so it is a completely new album. And, for people who don't have the other one they get the regular album as well. I like the videos (for the singles "Dance Tonight" and "Ever Present Past") so they'll get a little more attention.

Q: How did "Ever Present Past," your new single, come about?

PAUL: It was really me just sort of writing a pop song. I was just trying to keep it real simple and do something very basic, and when I got to the sort of "Every Present Past" idea it kind of took on a little more significance than I intended because I guess I do have an ever-present past. So it started to be about that and things I did when I was a kid and stuff. Then I got into a video, which I enjoyed doing very much; me dancing around with these girls who learned all my movies. It was very fun, actually.

Q: Is there any news about the Beatles' catalog going online?

PAUL:I think it's all happening soon. There are contractual things, and you'll find that someone in the loop maybe doesn't want to give what they should give, so it's negotiating. But I think we're kinda set. I think that Apple is set to do their bit. The whole thing is primed, ready to go. There's just maybe sort of one little sticking point left, and I think that's being cleared up as we speak, so it shouldn't be too long. But, you know, you've got to get these things right. You don't want to do something that's as cool as that and in three years time you think, "Oh God, why did we do that?" So it's down to the fine-tuning, but I'm pretty sure it'll be happening next year, 2008.

Q: What's next for you, musically?

PAUL: I'm actually doing some recording with my son [James]. We're just looking at the idea of him making an album. He's doing it all. He's writing it all, laying it all. It's sensational. But there's nothing set yet. We don't know if it'll work. The plan is for me to just do some recording with him, and it's really exciting. I'm really loving it.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.11.07 20:19:59   
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Heather Mills: 'I'm Treated Worse Than A Paedophile'
Heather Mills: 'I'm Treated Worse Than A Paedophile'
She's off again...

By: Cher Tippetts on Friday 23rd Nov 2007

Photo: WENN

Heather Mills believes that she is treated worse than a paedophile and murderer by the media.

Mucca’s latest anti-press rant came as she addressed a Dublin audience after being named an honorary patron of the Trinity University Philosophical Society.

She said: "I don't think anything can prepare you for being treated worse than a murderer or a paedophile when all you have done in 17 years is charity work."


Sir Paul McCartney’s estranged wife even managed to segue from the subject veganism into a sly jibe at her rich and “stingy” hubby.

"Sadly, you have to mix at a certain level of people to raise the level of funds you need to bring about the greater good,” she said.

"Because people are very snobby - these people who have lots of money, they're either snobby or they're stingy.

"If you have lots of money you have to be stingy because why would you want that amount of money."

We think this is Heather's not-so-subtle way of telling Sir Paul to cough up the big bucks in their continued divorce battle.

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.11.07 20:20:16   
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Paul and Heather Mills news
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.11.07 10:04:46   
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Macca's dating Heather doubleMacca's dating Heather double
Exclusive By James Desborough

SIR Paul McCartney is secretly dating Hollywood babe Rosanna Arquette—the virtual DOUBLE of his estranged wife Heather Mills.

Macca, 65, enjoyed a romantic stroll with the blonde Pulp Fiction beauty this week.

And they shared a loving cuddle in the street as Paul tenderly kissed Rosanna goodbye after their day out.

Our photo is sure to shock Macca's other love interest, multi-millionairess Nancy Shevell, who enjoyed a similar intimate date with him three weeks ago.

Nancy was recovering from a bout of illness at her US home, unaware of Macca's date—and celebrated her 48th birthday without him by her side.

Beatles legend Sir Paul, battling Heather in a £100million divorce war, enjoyed TWO intimate dates with Rosanna in just 24 hours.

But he went to extraordinary lengths to keep their liaisons under wraps. Macca and Rosanna, also seen getting cosy in New York earlier this year, first met up last Sunday night— spending 3½ hours together.

The rocker and his driver headed to west London to collect the 48-year-old actress, who also appeared in film hit Desperately Seeking Susan.

Rosanna, a Golden Globe-nominated actress who has battled drug problems, was spotted in the front of his blacked-out Lexus car when it returned to his home in St John's Wood, north London.

The couple spent more than two hours at the house, where Macca has a shrine to his late wife Linda.

They then left together, with Rosanna hiding in the back of the car.

Eventually, the motor pulled up beside an empty black cab.

Macca then led Rosanna to the taxi, hugging her for a few seconds before it whisked her back to the nearby home of her pals, songwriter Amanda Ghost and film director Gregor Cameron.

An onlooker said: "It was all cloak-and-dagger stuff, but Paul couldn't resist a quick cuddle. Rosanna was beaming after that."

Just over 12 hours later, the pair met again at Macca's home.

His driver then sped them 20 minutes up the road to Kenwood House—the English Heritage estate in Hampstead. The duo strolled side by side around the public grounds of the former stately home, a favourite spot for couples to enjoy romantic walks.

They stopped several times, gazing into each other's eyes as they continued to chat intimately.

Later Paul, worth £825million, cracked some jokes which had Rosanna—who extended a business trip to stay in London—in stitches.

At one stage the three-times-divorced actress, wearing jeans, a cream woolly roll-neck, brown throw, cap and leather boots, reached for the singer's hand. But dad-of-four Macca, wrapped up in scarf and overcoat, appeared not to notice her affectionate gesture.

One witness said: "They acted like teenagers on a first date. The body language said it all—they were almost joined at the hip."

The pair strolled in the gardens for 40 minutes before visiting the main house. They then walked out separately, checking that the coast was clear before meeting up again and leaving in the car.

Soon afterwards, Macca leapt from the car at a junction and opened Rosanna's door.

The single mum stepped out and threw her arms around him — kissing him as he stroked her arms. Then they jumped back in the car with him in the rear and her in the front. Minutes later, the actress was dropped off in central London.

One onlooker said: "Paul looked very flirty. They had a couple of cuddles and a kiss. The sparks were there for everyone to see."

A source close to Macca said: "I wonder how much Nancy knows about this friendship. Just a few weeks ago Paul was giving her the same attention in New York. It'll put the cat among the pigeons."

Sir Paul first grew close to Rosanna at a party in the Big Apple last June. They were later seen cosying up at a gig. At the time he played down talk of a romance—but their relationship is clearly becoming more serious.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.11.07 09:26:58   
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Pictures: Conor Nolan/Robert Kearney Pictures: Conor Nolan/Robert Kearney
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.11.07 09:27:42   
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Paul and Heather Mills news
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.11.07 09:28:04   
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Paul and Heather Mills news
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