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Re: Madonna
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 30.10.06 05:17:58   
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Re: Madonna
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 30.10.06 05:18:36   
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Re: Madonna
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 30.10.06 05:19:12   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Madonna
Автор: zappa2000   Дата: 30.10.06 12:32:39   
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Что-то в ней действительно всё-таки есть. Я даже догадываюсь - что...Что-то в ней действительно всё-таки есть. Я даже догадываюсь - что...
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Madonna
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 30.10.06 13:40:47   
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Я тоже догадался только чтоЯ тоже догадался только что
Re: Madonna
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 07.11.06 18:37:29   
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> Что-то в ней действительно всё-таки есть. Я даже догадываюсь - что...
> Я тоже догадался только что
Не спорю... Очень может быть...
Re: Madonna
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 07.11.06 18:38:20   
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Такой вопрос: здесь,
в теме "Концерт Эрика Клэптона на Красной площади не состоялся" был такой диалог:
Автор: Bob Close Дата: 22.09.06 20:20:02
2 SergeK. Только не в России, где как известно 2 года назад выступала за пару лимонов мадонна на чьей-то генеральской дачке.
Автор: SergeK Дата: 22.09.06 20:32:18
2Bob Close. Меньше байки читай. Не генеральская дачка а ДР нефтянника. Не 2 года назад, а этой зимой.
Поясните, пожалуйста, что это было? Байка, сплетня? Иль что-то на самом деле было?
Лично мне в это не верится.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 07.11.06 18:41:09   
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To: Flaming Rain
> 2zappa2000
> Ага, пусть и меня усыновит :)))
А что за девушка на этой фотке? Ведь, не Мадонна же. А?
Re: Madonna
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 07.11.06 18:57:44   
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Верно, не Мадонна. Это актриса Скарлетт Йоханссен
Re: Madonna
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 08.11.06 19:38:16   
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Так была ли Мадонна в России до сентября этого года. Выступала ли у кого-то на дне рождения?
Иль это вымысел?
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.11.06 20:19:27   
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Не знаю, почему тебя так волнует этот вопрос, но попробуй задать его самой Мэдж на ее интернет-блоге
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.11.06 20:58:25   
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Мэдж и Григорий МелеховМэдж и "Григорий Мелехов"
Re: Madonna
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 11.11.06 07:25:33   
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To: Primal Scream
Тут у нас вышел с товарищами, как бы, спор: правда это иль нет. Опровергнуть или потвердить я сам это не могу, вот поэтому и спрашиваю здесь.
А вообще-то, мне это просто интересно: ведь скоро и у меня ДР, вот и думаю кого пригласить играть и петь...
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.11.06 18:19:52   
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Если возьмешь Туркмен-баши в долю, то вполне потянете на Maternity Girl.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.06 11:12:44   
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Confessions Tour (London) 201 МБ (87:51) Tour (London) 201 МБ (87:51)
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.12.06 10:56:24   
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DVD Confessions Tour выйдет 22 января в мире и 23 января в США примерно  с такой обложкой. DVD Confessions Tour выйдет 22 января в мире и 23 января в США примерно с такой обложкой.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.12.06 11:35:37   
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Madonna described the tour as turning the world into a giant dance floor. The show is divided into four separate acts with different themes: Equestrian, Urban Bedouin, Glam Punk and Disco Fever. Madonna's Confessions Tour was a concert tour organized to support the album Confessions on a Dance Floor and set the record for the top-grossing tour ever by a female artist. The tour grossed more than $194.8 million with a total of 60 shows and 1.2 million people in paid attendance through North America, Europe, and Japan. Despite the U.S. lack of good taste in music and by refusing to give her radio play for her Confessions CD, she still managed to gross more than $80 million for the U.S. shows alone throughout the summer. In The U.S. her confessions tour instantly became the highest grossing summer tour of the year 2006. The tour has generated international controversy due to its use of Christian religious symbols. While singing Live to Tell, Madonna hangs from a mirrored cross wearing a crown of thorns around her head. Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups in North America and Europe came together to criticize what they saw as Madonna's exploitation of sacred Christian symbols and labeled the show as blasphemous even though they never saw the show. Madonna brought more than just the Devil out in some of these Christians and other religious groups. A 63-year-old Dutch priest was even arrested when he decided to make a confession of his own when he confessed to making a hoax bomb threat in an attempt to stop her concert. In response to the criticism, Madonna personally and publicly invited Pope Benedict XVI to see the show while she was in Rome - insisting that she was doing the controversial act to raise awareness and money for orphans abandoned in Africa (particularly Malawi) due to HIV/AIDS and that Jesus wouldn't mind. (While she sings Live To Tell, in the background run haunting images of the devastation in Africa right now. On the top of the screen, a count begins from 0 until it reaches 12 million - the number of orphans created by HIV/AIDS in Africa alone. The tour features songs mainly from her Confessions on a Dance Floor CD which is considered Madonna's comeback album from her previous lowest selling effort American Life. Confessions on a Dance Floor's sales are near 10 million worldwide. It also holds the record for topping the most charts in the world. The single Hung Up also holds the record for topping the most charts in the world. With Confessions on a Dance Floor Madonna refused to follow any U.S. chart trends. She decided to release a collection of dance/electronic songs, which did not receive significant airplay in the U.S. but received massive airplay on all other parts of the world, including Europe and Asia. Nevertheless, despite lack of U.S. radio support (boycott because she spoke out against the war and that idiot president bush) all of the singles had a great performance on iTunes and on MTV's TRL Video Music Countdown. Madonna kept her goals of doing what she wanted and establishing trends instead of following them. Even lack of support in her home country didn't stop the album from selling over 1,600,000 units in the U.S. alone. This is one amazing show and one of her best tours. Madonna is still The Most Successful Female Recording Artist in the history of the world and this DVD proves she is far from singing her last song. Madonna described the tour as "turning the world into a giant dance floor". The show is divided into four separate acts with different themes: Equestrian, Urban Bedouin, Glam Punk and Disco Fever. Madonna's Confessions Tour was a concert tour organized to support the album Confessions on a Dance Floor and set the record for the top-grossing tour ever by a female artist. The tour grossed more than $194.8 million with a total of 60 shows and 1.2 million people in paid attendance through North America, Europe, and Japan. Despite the U.S. lack of good taste in music and by refusing to give her radio play for her Confessions CD, she still managed to gross more than $80 million for the U.S. shows alone throughout the summer. In The U.S. her confessions tour instantly became the highest grossing summer tour of the year 2006. The tour has generated international controversy due to its use of Christian religious symbols. While singing "Live to Tell", Madonna hangs from a mirrored cross wearing a crown of thorns around her head. Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups in North America and Europe came together to criticize what they saw as Madonna's exploitation of "sacred" Christian symbols and labeled the show as blasphemous even though they never saw the show. Madonna brought more than just the Devil out in some of these Christians and other religious groups. A 63-year-old Dutch priest was even arrested when he decided to make a confession of his own when he confessed to making a hoax bomb threat in an attempt to stop her concert. In response to the criticism, Madonna personally and publicly invited Pope Benedict XVI to see the show while she was in Rome - insisting that she was doing the controversial act to raise awareness and money for orphans abandoned in Africa (particularly Malawi) due to HIV/AIDS and that "Jesus wouldn't mind." (While she sings "Live To Tell," in the background run haunting images of the devastation in Africa right now. On the top of the screen, a count begins from 0 until it reaches 12 million - the number of orphans created by HIV/AIDS in Africa alone. The tour features songs mainly from her Confessions on a Dance Floor CD which is considered Madonna's comeback album from her previous lowest selling effort American Life. Confessions on a Dance Floor's sales are near 10 million worldwide. It also holds the record for topping the most charts in the world. The single "Hung Up" also holds the record for topping the most charts in the world. With Confessions on a Dance Floor Madonna refused to follow any U.S. chart trends. She decided to release a collection of dance/electronic songs, which did not receive significant airplay in the U.S. but received massive airplay on all other parts of the world, including Europe and Asia. Nevertheless, despite lack of U.S. radio support (boycott because she spoke out against the war and that idiot president bush) all of the singles had a great performance on iTunes and on MTV's TRL Video Music Countdown. Madonna kept her goals of doing what she wanted and establishing trends instead of following them. Even lack of support in her home country didn't stop the album from selling over 1,600,000 units in the U.S. alone. This is one amazing show and one of her best tours. Madonna is still The Most Successful Female Recording Artist in the history of the world and this DVD proves she is far from singing her last song.

Equestrian Act
1. "Future Lovers/I Feel Love"
2. "Get Together"
3. "Like A Virgin"
4. "Jump"

Urban Bedouin Act
5. "Interlude: Dancers' Confessions"
6. "Live to Tell"
7. "Forbidden Love"
8. "Isaac"
9. "Sorry"
10. "Like It Or Not"

Glam Punk Act
11. "Interlude: Sorry (Remix)"
12. "I Love New York"
13. "Ray of Light"
14. "Let It Will Be"
15. "Give Peace a Chance" (performed only in Moscow)
16. "Drowned World/Substitute For Love"
17. "Paradise (Not For Me)"

Disco Fever Act
18. "Interlude: Roller Dance: Disco Inferno"
19. "Music" (With Where's The Party mid-section)
20. "Erotica"
21. "La Isla Bonita"
22. "Lucky Star"
23. "Hung Up"

Madonna will also be releasing a live cd to go along with this Confessions Tour DVD. Below is the CD track listing:

1. Future Lovers / I Feel Love
2. Like A Virgin
3. Jump
4. Confessions
5. Isaac
6. Sorry
7. Sorry (Remix)
8. I Love New York
9. Let It Will Be
10. Music Inferno
11. Erotica
12. Lucky Star
13. Hung Up
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.12.06 21:36:27   
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Миссис Ричи планирует пойти по стопам своего мужа и стать режиссером. Кино будет называться ‘Blade To The Heart’ и повествовать о невымышленной истории соперничества двух боксеров Эмиля Гриффита и Бенни "Кида" Парета. Последний умер во время поединка с первым в 1962 году.
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.01.07 17:36:17   
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29 Jan 200729 Jan 2007

Disc: 1
1. Future Lovers / I Feel Love
2. Like a Virgin
3. Jump
4. Confessions
5. Isaac
6. Sorry
7. Sorry (remix)
8. I Love New York
9. Let It Will Be
10. Music Inferno
11. Erotica
12. Lucky Star
13. Hung Up

Disc: 2
1. Future Lovers / I Feel Love
2. Get Together
3. Like a Virgin
4. Jump
5. Confessions
6. Live to Tell
7. Forbidden Love
8. Isaac
9. Sorry
10. Like It Or Not
11. Sorry (remix)
12. I Love New York
13. Ray of Light
14. Let It Will Be
15. Drowned World / Substitute for Love
16. Paradise (Not for Me)
17. Music Inferno
18. Erotica
19. La Isla Bonita
20. Lucky Star
21. Hung Up
Re: Madonna
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.07 18:52:46   
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Мадонна призвала усыновлять африканских детейМадонна призвала усыновлять африканских детей

Американская певица Мадонна обратилась к общественности с призывом усыновлять детей из африканских стран. В интервью Дэвиду Леттерману, популярному телеведущему канала CBS, она сказала, что таким образом можно спасти жизни миллионам сирот. Агентство Reuters отмечает, что сама Мадонна столкнулась с многочисленными препонами, усыновляя годовалого ребенка в Малави.

Мадонна отметила, что только две страны в Африке обладают четкими законами об усыновлении: это Эфиопия и Кения. "Мы фактически создавали законодательство [в Малави]", - сказала певица, комментируя обстоятельства получения права воспитывать взятого из приюта Дэвида Банду. Напомним, что малавийские правозащитники подали в суд на певицу, обвиняя ее в том, что она вывезла ребенка из страны в обход местных законов об усыновлении. В настоящее время певица располагает только полуторагодичным разрешением на воспитание ребенка, причем представители организаций по защите детей будут проверять условия, в которых воспитывается Дэвид.

В начале января актриса Анджелина Джоли, комментируя опыт Мадонны, обратилась к будущим усыновителям с просьбой работать только с теми странами, в которых действует юридически отлаженная система усыновления. У Джоли двое приемных детей - из Камбоджи и из Эфиопии.
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