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Интервью с Полом из ж-ла Flare - April 2002 Часть 1

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Интервью с Полом из ж-ла Flare - April 2002 Часть 1
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 10.06.02 16:37:07
Flare - April 2002

London, November 2001. In a world exclusive, Canada's Bryan Adams
photographs and interviews Sir Paul McCartney, who talks candidly about his
new album, his new life and his new love.

Bryan Adams: Have you been doing interviews all day?
Paul McCartney: A little bit today. I don't mind it, really. I just sorta
lie back and think of Britain.

BA: But it's nice because you've got such a good record to promote.
PM: Yeah, it's good. I like it. It's the main thing. You still with
[producer] Mutt [Lange]?

BA: Occasionally. I mean, he's so into making records with his wife, so...
PM: Is he?

BA: Yeah. They simply make records. That's great.
PM: Does she sing?

BA: Yeah, Shania Twain.
PM: Oh! Yeah. No wonder she's got such good records.

BA: How did you choose the [producer] for Driving Rain?
PM: The guy at my New York office sent me a pile of CDs and I listened to
them and this one guy stood out: David Kahne. He'd done "Walk Like an
Egyptian" for the Bangles, he'd done Sugar Ray and he did Tony Bennett's
big-band record. I thought that was interesting diversity.

BA: But what was the thing that made you think he was the guy?
PM: I just liked the sound on all the records [that Kahne produced]. He
just seemed a bit me, this guy.

BA: That's interesting because I thought this record is really you.
PM: Yeah. Well, that's what I really liked about him. Then, I met him in New
York. I said, "Hey, how ya doing, man? Do you want a cup of tea?" And we
start talking. And I'm going, "Oh, I like this. You're saying all the right
things." And when we got in the studio, we got on like a house on fire.

BA: There's one song I was going to ask about. Let me go through my
scribbles here...
PM: Very professional.

BA: Yeah, well... "Your Loving Flame." Beautiful singing on that one. You
seemed really open lyrically.
PM: You know, that's one of my favorites on the album. And, it's funny, I
expected everyone to go: "That's the single!" But, I'm not really a
single-picker. I say to people: "I missed 'Get Back'."

BA: Your voice sounds so beautiful on "Loving Flame."
PM: You know why? I wrote it for my girlfriend [Heather Mills, now
McCartney's fiancИe]. Thank you, by the way. It's the first song I wrote for
her. I was in New York and we weren't really supposed to be an item yet. We
knew we were getting quite serious, but my kids didn't, so we were trying to
be very diplomatic about the whole thing and be cool. They booked me into
this incredible suite on the 35th floor of The Carlyle Hotel – very posh –
with a big window that overlooks Central Park, so it's really wow! And to
the side of the window in this fantastic posh was a black Steinway! I had
actually come because [daughter, designer] Stella had opened a shop for
ChloИ. But, the next day, I had a couple hours off, so I thought: "I just
gotta get to that piano." This [song] is written because I got to sit down.
And I hit those changes that are at the beginning of "Loving Flame." There’s
never any more than three notes going. Which is enough. A good song kind of
writes itself. I'm going, "Whoa, pencil and paper – quick!"
And I rang Heather and I said: "Do you wanna hear this song? I've just
written it for you." I had to pull the telephone halfway across the suite
and then pull the piano the other half. It wasn't easy, let me tell you,
[and] it was only a baby grand. So I pull this sucker over there and I
played it for her. It was like getting goose bumps. It was a big romantic
moment in our relationship and that's why it's so special.

BA: I could imagine most people would be very happy to have you sing them a
song over the telephone.
PM: Well, you see, one of the nice things about Heather is she really
appreciates music. She loves it. She's one of those people who, if you
start jamming, she won't go and do something. She'll just sit...

BA: ...and listen?
PM: ...and loves it! She plays a bit of sax. She's actually not bad. We
have an act, but we can only do it for charity because we'd get laughed at
otherwise. We do "Fly Me to the Moon," "Moon River," "Close to You" – real
corny! [Mimics band playing, both laugh] But the only time we've ever been
public was at my second cousin's daughter's wedding. I had a little guitar
and Heather had a sax in the boot of the car. And we'd actually driven them
[to their wedding]. Heather had been talking to [Sally, the bride] on the
hen night. And Heather goes, "How are you getting to the church?" [Mimics
thick Liverpool accent] "Oh, I'm walking. It's not that far. It's just down
the road." And Heather's from Newcastle. So she says [mimics heavy Northern
English accent], "You’re no bloody walking to your wedding! We'll..." So we
hired this car to go up there, a Jag or something. So [Heather and I] became
the drivers. It was a nice family thing to do. We had a couple of drinks, so
after the reception, I said, "Let's play for these two to make their
wedding." So the two of us come into the middle of this big crowd – "Make
way! Make way!" – and we played. And, of course, the bride and groom get up
and dance.

BA: You're always involving your family in music. I'm interested in how you
got your son James involved in songwriting.
PM: Well, James plays [guitar] on one of the tracks, "Back in the Sunshine
Again." He's a good guitar player. We'd just come from the English winter to
Arizona. It was so beautiful. And I was just noodling on the piano and I was
going [sings]: "Here we are, back in the sunshine again." And he was playing
along on his guitar and he started to hit this [guitar sound]
DoDe-DoDe-DoDe. And I said "Wow, what's that?" It was just something he'd
been working on. So I said, "Can we nick it? Can I use that?" So he co-wrote

Re: Интервью с Полом из ж-ла Flare - April 2002 Часть 1
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 10.06.02 16:43:12   
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BA: And "Spinning on an Axis"?
PM: It was the other one James did [playing percussion]. We were in New
Hampshire at my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's house. And me and James
were just sitting on the porch and the sun was going down. We were grooving
and he had a little Yamaha keyboard that we'd given my nephew and it's got
that little hip-hop to it – pa-dodo-da, pa-dodo-da. And I was, like: "See
you, sun! You know, it's going round the world." And James said, "No, it
isn't. It's not going anywhere. We're tilting back." And we say, "Wow! Far
out." So over his hip-hop thing, I start doing this fake rap thing: "I see
the sun go down with some sorrow/I wonder if it's gonna come back
tomorrow/Ain't no reason it has to do that." I put it down on my little tape
recorder and then when I came to look for songs for the album, I thought,
"There's a really nice little vibe there." And coz he'd written the core of
the chorus structure, I credited him with co-writing that.

BA: Would you have been happy if your daughters had been musicians?
PM: All my kids are kind of musical.

BA: I know Stella has a guitar.
PM: Stella is a good singer, but she's so busy with her fashion thing.
She'd sing around the house when she was a kid. We used to make records for
her granddad, Linda's dad, on his birthdays, a little family record, and
give him the only copy. Always, lead vocal was Stella. And I'd be, "Can you
just do that again?" She'd sing it exactly the same twice. "You know what,
Stel? That's not bad." Someday, she should make a record. And Mary's got a
nice voice, but she's just not as outward as Stel.

BA: Do you remember meeting me a long time ago at The Prince's Trust [the
charity created by Prince Charles]? Linda pulled me in and said, "I want you
to meet Mary. She's a big fan." And Mary turned pink!
PM: She blushes so easily, Mary. Linda was probably trying to get you off
with her.

BA: I don't know how old she was. I mean, that was in '87, so...
PM: Oh, she was a bit young. That was a nice period, when the kids were
going through that fan period. I had to get autographs from you, Phil
[Collins], all the guys, because [the children] were big fans. And for the
first time in my life, I'm going, "Bryan, would you mind doing an
autograph?" I mean, everything everyone had ever done to me. And I was
really embarrassed. I knew how people felt.

BA: Your comment that this record made you remember you're a bass player –
did you actually forget?
PM: With keyboards and synths and drum machines, you can do bass and all
that sort of stuff. I think bass isn't as obvious a thing to be in a band
anymore. I was a singer. I'll always remember that. [But] you know what I am
good at? Playing bass and singing at the same time. That's the trick! And I
suddenly thought, if kids had to learn that now.... I had to learn the
monster of all time, [the Beatles' hit] Day Tripper [sings Day Tripper]. OK,
that's bad enough when you're just doing it on its own, but now you have to
forget you're doing it, play it and then... [sings]. Which is a completely
different thing. So I'm always conscious of splitting my body in two. So
maybe I'm [a true] Gemini. And I thought, you know, I've practiced that more
than most people in this world. That's some skill. It's two things at once.

BA: [The CD] is reminiscent, too.
PM: Some of those high things, because I used a Hofner [bass, used during
the Beatles years], as well.

BA: Did you? The whole record?
PM: Oh, no, I used the Rickenbacker once. It wasn't mine, but Mr.
Rickenbacker came in. Actually, the producer like the Hofner, too. The big
trick I remember is, even if you're doing a big rocking record, you've got
to play it soft. So, not only do you gotta do this and this and sing and
that, you gotta remember, don't hit it hard!

BA: Do you play it with flat-wound strings?
PM: They're pretty flat-wound. I remember going into this record shop in
Long Island and this guy said, "Paul! Man, I love your bass playing. What
kind of strings do you use?" And I’m, like, "Long shiny ones." I really am
the world's least technical person. Actually, it was Elvis Costello who got
me to get the Hofner out of mothballs when I worked with him a few years ago
on "My Brave Face" [a song co-written by Costello and McCartney].

BA: There are a couple of songs on this album that sound Wings-ish, [like]
"About You."
PM: Yeah, a couple of people have said that.

BA: Do you miss playing live gigs?
PM: A bit. I played the Madison Square Garden gig [the All-Star Triumph
Concert for New York last October that honoured firemen and rescue workers].
It was good to do. The thing about it is you just do the one show and it's
like it's an opening night. I think it is better after a week when you're a
little more settled and a big more oiled. I was going to do a couple little
gigs to promote the album. The only trouble was the band was booked. The
drummer was out with Sting. Dash!

BA: Damn that Sting!
PM: Damn Sting! He's got a lot to answer for, that boy. No. I just didn't
give them enough notice. So I will now, for next year. Some of those songs
would be good to do live. Definitely.

BA; You did some at the New York show.
PM: Did two new ones there. And "Freedom" [also preformed at the Super Bowl
in February].

BA: When you think of Canada, what do you think of?
PM: I think of Liverpool.

Re: Интервью с Полом из ж-ла Flare - April 2002 Часть 1
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 10.06.02 16:43:53   
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BA: Do you?!
PM: Yeah, because they all used to go to Canada. They all emigrated. So I
think of all my family leaving and going to Canada. I think of my uncle
Caleb, who was from Calgary, who came over in a big Stetson. He was a real
cowboy, mate. Also, I've got two people [from Liverpool], Arthur and Edie
hills, who live in Vancouver. They've been married forever. He's a good
painter. He calls his wife "my bride" and I think that is pretty cool.

BA: You’ve done this for a long time. How do you find the energy to go back
and make another record?
PM: The motivation for me is I just love doing it. So, for instance, three
of these songs [on Driving Rain] were written in India. Swim in the morning,
the beach, a little bit of this tourist stuff. Afternoon, hanging! I love
it. I just pick up a guitar and find myself writing a song, then I want to
record it. I want to work with some nice people. And that's it. I'll
continue just because I love it.

BA: I like the idea of what you said: "You have to do nothing to be a
PM: Isn't it true?

BA: Yeah, you do sort of do nothing.
PM: You have to be doing nothing to do songs. Like, now, I couldn't write a
song because I'm doing something. But the minute I've got a day off or I'm
doing nothing or I'm on holiday.... That's the great thing about
songwriters: you've got to arrange to do nothing. That sounds like a pretty
cool career to me!

BA: Don't tell everybody that!
PM: This is true. Don't tell everybody in Canada. They'll all be wanting to
do it!

Shortly after Bryan Adams met with Sir Paul McCartney, George Harrison lost
his battle with cancer. McCartney had this to say of the Quiet Beatle: "I am
devastated and very, very sad. We knew he'd been ill for a long time. He was
a lovely guy and a very brave man and had a wonderful sense of humour. He
was really just my baby brother. He had a long battle with his cancer and I
saw him a few weeks ago and he was full of fun and he always was.... He was
obviously very unwell, but he was cracking jokes like he always was.... He's
a beautiful man. The world will miss him."
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