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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8

Тема: Live 8 (2005)

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Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 06.07.05 11:51:54   
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2Primal Scream:

"Помещение было заполнено голливудскими жирными котами и их женами, без напряжения кушающими и выпивающими, учтиво разговаривающими о том, как все это замечательно, весь этот вклад в борьбу с голодом..."
"В Лондоне мы ели то, что нам доставили из местной закусочной."

Ну а теперь все происходит в Лондоне :((

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 06.07.05 12:10:55   
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обложка нового NMEобложка нового NME
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: sunset   Дата: 06.07.05 12:14:08   
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рок звезды давно уже истаблишмент. к тому же постарели-погрузнели-облысели, что никак не улучшает характер.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 21:44:59   
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6 July 2005
Macca and The Who back Mirror call to donate their profits as CD sales rocket after Live 8

LIVE 8 stars vowed yesterday to donate to charity massive profits from the Hyde Park gig after a Mirror call.

Profits from soaring CD sales and downloads in the first week after Bob Geldof's Make Poverty History concert for Africa could top £1million. Urged by the Mirror, Paul McCartney, The Who's Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey, Eurythmics' Annie Lennox and Keane agreed to pledge their shares.

They follow Pink Floyd lead guitarist Dave Gilmour, who earlier declared: "This money should be used to save lives." Other stars said their charity donations remained private but hinted they would also contribute.

Geldof said last night: "This is very much in the spirit of the day. It's a wonderful gesture and if others want to do it, that's fantastic."

Macca's performance with U2 on Saturday of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band topped the iTunes chart in several countries. Yesterday, Universal Music said it would donate profits from digital downloads.

Sales of The Who's album Then and Now are up 863 per cent. A spokesman for the band said: "They were impressed with what Dave Gilmour is doing.

"Should any significant extra royalties come in they'd look at doing the same."

Sales of Eurythmics' Greatest Hits soared 500 per cent. A spokesman for Annie Lennox said: "She feels donations are appropriate. She'll definitely give something back."

Keane's Hopes & Fears album rose 101 per cent. The band said: "Like Dave Gilmour, we'll ensure we don't profit from Live 8."

Coldplay will figure out the Live 8 impact and decide whether to join in at the end of the week.

U2 and Dido would not confirm any charity pledge. But they agreed that "generally artists make anonymous donations".

Even former Libertines star Pete Doherty said he was ready to donate cash. But his disastrous performance with Elton John sent The Libertines' Up the Bracket album crashing by 35 per cent. Only spokesmen for Madonna and REM, both big charity givers, declined to comment.

Gilmour spoke out after it was revealed sales of Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd rose by an amazing 1,343 per cent in one day.

He said on Monday, three days before G8 leaders debate Africa at their summit in Gleneagles: "I will not profit from the concert.

"If G8 leaders tick the right boxes at Gleneagles the main objective will be fulfilled.

"If others feel like donating their extra royalties to charity perhaps the record companies could make a similar gesture."

He said he was not speaking for other members of the band.

The Official Chart Company, which compiles the Download Chart, confirmed: "A lot of acts at Live 8 are benefiting."

Lib Dem culture spokesman Don Foster urged other Live 8 artists to join the giving. He said: "They showed huge generosity in taking part. Now they should continue to show their goodwill."

The final Live 8 concert will be held today at Edinburgh's Murrayfield Stadium. Performers include Travis, Texas, Sugababes and Ronan Keating.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:03:35   
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Mandela addresses Live 8 finale  Mandela addresses Live 8 finale

An international line-up of stars joined the call to eradicate poverty at Edinburgh's climactic Live 8 concert, which was addressed by Nelson Mandela.
Almost 60,000 music fans gathered at Murrayfield Stadium for the Live 8 The Final Push gig, as G8 leaders arrived for talks in Gleneagles.

In a recorded message, the former South African president said: "Let's work to make poverty history this year".

The concert ended with a rousing performance by soul legend James Brown.

In his message, which was introduced by U2 frontman Bono, Mandela said: "Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that generation. You have that opportunity."

The former South African president said: "Let's work to make poverty history this year. Then we can all stand with our heads held high."

Jazz pianist Jamie Cullum sang the Beatles classic, All You Need Is Love, with Natasha Bedingfield, who also sang her hit These Words.

Scottish favourites Wet Wet Wet performed another Beatles song, With A Little Help From My Friends and their biggest hit, Love Is All Around.

Pop band McFly were followed by Big Brother presenter Davina McCall who came on stage accompanied by a delegation of children from C8, the children's version of G8, which began on Sunday.

She said: "In Africa every single minute 20 children die needlessly just because they were born poor. It can be stopped."

Girl group Sugababes were followed on stage by U2 star Bono who delivered a message to the G8 leaders.

He said that he had been to Gleneagles and given G8 leaders permission to spend money "ending extreme poverty in our lifetime".

Holding a small case up to the audience, Bono added: "In this box are 38 million people who are ready to go to work on this issue, and that's just the Live 8 campaign.

"When you add to that 157 million people who signed up for the global action against poverty in 75 countries, I would call that permission to spend your money."

He then introduced former South African president Nelson Mandela who appeared on a giant TV screen at the back of the stage.

Two kids

Hollywood actor George Clooney appeared in person on the Murrayfield stage.

Clooney introduced former Eurythmics star Annie Lennox who sang two songs before telling the G8 politicians: "Do nothing at your peril."

Film actress Susan Sarandon brought Live 8 organiser Bob Geldof onto the stage.

The former Boomtown Rat told them: "We told them (the G8 leaders) we'd come and we came."

Fellow Live 8 chief Midge Ure followed Irish band The Thrills on the bill.

As heavy rain began to fall, Ure performed a version of the Ultravox hit Vienna with Eddie Izzard on piano.

Supermodel Claudia Schiffer then came on stage with a message for the Chancellor of her native Germany. She said: "Gerhard Schroeder, we are watching you. Since you woke up this morning, 30,000 children have already died.

Scottish force

"I myself have got two kids and I am so lucky to live in England.

"Therefore, on behalf of all the African mothers, I beg the politicians to do something now."

Feeder, Embrace, Neneh Cherry and Youssou N'Dour were next on the bill.

Other performers included Beverley Knight, Texas, Kathryn Jenkins and Snow Patrol.

Fran Healy from Travis said: "Every single performer I've spoken to has said that the atmosphere here is even more electric than it was at Hyde Park on Saturday.

"The Scottish crowd is a force to be reckoned with! We've got it easy over here and we forget that sometimes."
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:04:27   
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Ure, Geldof, BonoUre, Geldof, Bono
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:05:03   
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Almost 60,000 music fans gathered for The Final Push gig, as G8 leaders arrived for talks in Gleneagles.Almost 60,000 music fans gathered for The Final Push gig, as G8 leaders arrived for talks in Gleneagles.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:05:37   
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Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour who sang Seven Seconds with Neneh Cherry was a favourite.Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour who sang Seven Seconds with Neneh Cherry was a favourite.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:06:11   
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As was Ronan Keating.As was Ronan Keating.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:06:42   
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The girl group Sugababes was also there to support the cause.The girl group Sugababes was also there to support the cause.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:07:17   
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George Clooney addressed the rain-drenched crowds.George Clooney addressed the rain-drenched crowds.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:07:46   
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Meanwhile, a plea by Nelson Mandela to eradicate world poverty broadcast on a large screen stunned the crowds into silence.Meanwhile, a plea by Nelson Mandela to eradicate world poverty broadcast on a large screen stunned the crowds into silence.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:08:20   
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James Brown ended the concert with energetic performances of his hits, including I Feel Good and Sex Machine. James Brown ended the concert with energetic performances of his hits, including I Feel Good and Sex Machine.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:10:42   
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The Who give royalties to Live 8  The Who give royalties to Live 8

Live 8 stars The Who and Keane plan to donate to charity extra royalties they have made from increased album sales since the concert.

Sir Paul McCartney and Annie Lennox have also reportedly pledged to share their profits.

Many artists who took part in the Make Poverty History concert have enjoyed soaring CD and download sales since.

Pink Floyd's guitarist David Gilmour said: "This is money that should be used to save lives."
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:21:40   
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Stars stage last Live 8 gig to pressure G8 leadersStars stage last Live 8 gig to pressure G8 leaders
Wed Jul 6

EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Rock stars staged a final Live 8 concert in Edinburgh on Wednesday in a last-ditch bid to press leaders of the world's top industrialized nations gathering in nearby Gleneagles to do more to alleviate poverty.

The free gig featured artists including James Brown and Annie Lennox. Ten Live 8 concerts on Saturday across four continents featured what was billed as the greatest line-up of rock and pop talent.

About 50,000 people crowded into the Murrayfield sports stadium in Edinburgh, 65 km (40 miles) from where leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) were meeting.

"On Friday there will be a great silence across the world while we await the verdict of eight men. Is (Africa) to live or die?" Live 8 organizer Bob Geldof told the crowd.

"If (the leaders) don't care, they're going to have to do it publicly," said U.S. actress Susan Sarandon, in Edinburgh to support the concert.

Geldof also orchestrated the Live Aid event 20 years ago -- which was watched by 1.5 billion people and raised $100 million for African famine victims.

The Irish rocker now hopes Live 8 will force leaders to act on poverty, and is demanding debt relief for poor countries, a doubling of aid and fairer trade conditions.

Geldof and U2 front man Bono met some G8 leaders face-to-face to get their message across.

Bono called Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin "difficult" and "annoying" after Martin said it would take time for his country to meet demands to boost overseas assistance to 0.7 percent of Gross Domestic Product from 0.26 percent now.

The two stars have lavished praise on British Prime Minister Tony Blair for making Africa and poverty priorities at the G8 summit, although it is far from clear whether they will get what they want from the gathering of the world's most powerful men.

They have pointed to recent debt concessions by rich countries and Washington's agreement to double aid to Africa as examples of how nations are responding to calls to do more.

In addition to the Live 8 concerts, Geldof urged up to a million people to march on Edinburgh and join the "Make Poverty History" campaign. Only a few hundred protesters were visible in Edinburgh on Wednesday afternoon, although some 200,000 attended an anti-poverty march at the weekend.

One celebrity initiative fell flat when Hollywood actor George Clooney failed to turn up to a Save the Children news conference in Edinburgh for security reasons, the charity said.;_ylt=Ajvwy5W5YRFSr...

Photo: U2 frontman Bono (R) kisses the hand of Andrea Corr of the Corrs during The Final Push concert of Live 8 in Murrayfield stadium in Edinburgh, Scotland July 6, 2005
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 22:30:34   
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Campaigning rocker SIR BOB GELDOF has been nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless campaigning to save the African continent.

The former BOOMTOWN RAT, 53, has devoted most of the past 20 years to raising awareness of poverty in Africa, which included arranging the Band Aid fundraising single DO THEY KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS? and the Live Aid concert in 1985.

On Saturday (02JUL05), Geldof celebrated the success of his Live 8 concerts in 10 cities across the world, which aimed to put pressure on the G8 leaders to make trade fair and eradicate poverty as they meet in Scotland today (06JUL05)
Norwegian member of parliament JAN SIMONSEN nominated Geldof because he "took the initiative in July 2005 to arrange a string of rock concerts to focus on the problems of poor nations, and pressure the world's leading politicians to take actions in fighting poverty."

The Peace Prize is awarded every year by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 08.07.05 14:06:59   
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Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 08.07.05 14:19:11   
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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8 ...
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.07.05 00:38:46   
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Geldof, Bono Praise G-8 Aid for Africa Sat Jul 9,10:06 AM ETGeldof, Bono Praise G-8 Aid for Africa Sat Jul 9,10:06 AM ET

GLENEAGLES, Scotland - Rockers Bob Geldof and Bono, two of the world's best known Africa fund-raisers, declared victory Friday in their campaign to push leaders at the G-8 summit to double aid to the continent.

"We've pulled this off," said U2 frontman Bono.

He and Geldof praised the Group of Eight summit for pledging to double aid to Africa to $50 billion, saying the move will save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who would have died of poverty, malaria or AIDS.

"The world spoke and the politicians listened," Bono said.

He said the Live 8 concerts and pro-Africa protest marches near the G-8 summit helped persuade the leaders of the wealthy countries to try to help end poverty in Africa.

"It's not the end; it's the beginning of the end," Bono said. "A mountain has been climbed here only to reveal higher peaks behind it."

The new funds "mean the financing is in place to halve deaths from malaria by 2010," Bono said. He added that 600,000 people "will be alive to remember this G-8 in Gleneagles who would have lost their lives to" malaria.

Geldof, creator of the Live 8 concerts, said: "The summit in Gleneagles is a qualified triumph." Appearing alongside Bono at a news conference held at the close of the summit, he said: "A great justice has been done."

Bono warned G-8 leaders that they will be held to account on their promises.

"If these people let us down ... they will feel it when they go to the ballot," he said.;_ylt=AhbFOf.vOkNp_...
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.07.05 00:39:30   
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U2 lead singer Bono (L) and Make Poverty History organizer Bob Geldof laugh during their final news conference at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, July 8, 2005. U2 lead singer Bono (L) and Make Poverty History organizer Bob Geldof laugh during their final news conference at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, July 8, 2005.
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