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Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)

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Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Expert   Дата: 18.10.09 22:07:39   
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There was a long-rumored love triangle within the Beatles camp involving George Harrison, Ringo Starr and Ringo's wife Maureen. That George had an affair with Maureen has been written about, but O'Dell reveals in book that she became involved with Ringo soon after.

Back in the day, Ringo was angry when O'Dell admitted the affair to Maureen.

"I never felt that I was invading anybody's territory," O' Dell says. "Obviously, I'm telling things that happened to other people, but they also happened to me.

"We're in our 60s now, some of us are even creeping toward 70s," O'Dell muses. "Everybody is grown up enough to realize this is what happened. We're well past it. Ringo's attitude today is, fine, as long as you tell the truth."

O'Dell was also right at the center of another rock 'n' roll love triangle -- Eric Clapton's unrequited (then requited) love for Harrison's wife Boyd, which led to heroin addiction (and his iconic album "Layla").

"What's hard for people to understand is that was such a very small circle of people within that rock 'n' roll world," O'Dell says. "The Beatles' world was very small. Eric came into that circle because he and George were friends. When the relationships started happening, it made sense. It was safer to stay in that world than to wander outside."

Somewhat ironically, considering her wild days during the drug-fueled '60s and '70s as an employee, girlfriend and tour manager (one of the first females to be a tour manager), O'Dell's current career is as a substance abuse counselor. She thinks it helped her dig deeply into her memory bank and be honest about her experiences.

For example, she doesn't gloss over the casual nature of relationships in the '70s music world. While working on the Stones' tour, she became involved with Jagger, because that's what women close to him were expected to do.

She was involved briefly with Dylan, but writes honestly about the many times he would look right through her. "It would be easy to say Bob loved me and always wanted to be with me," O'Dell says with a laugh. "But I talk about his eyes darting around, that insensitivity."
Chris O'Dell on

The song "Miss O'Dell": "It's an obscure song. You have to be a pretty good Beatle fan to know it. George and Pattie were in L.A. in '72 or '73 and George had recorded it. One day, he said, 'You're going to love this, they want to release "Miss O'Dell" as the A side of my single.' But in the end ... I was a B side."

Being in the right place at the right time : "I did a interview that ended up in Girl Scout magazine called 'Chris and the Beatles, the girl who lived the life of millions.' I was very aware early on that I was in a very special situation ... so I remembered things from that point of view, almost like an observer. I started writing down stories about 10 years ago."

Motown: "I went from Smokey who wanted to take me with all that sexuality, to the Beatles -- all they wanted to do was hold my hand. George and I were talking one day, he said 'oh, Smokey Robinson is my favorite, too.' "

Paul McCartney: " He's a good guy ... I saw him at the (Cirque de Soleil) Beatles Love show (in Las Vegas) very briefly ... and that was a bad time for him, he was getting divorced. He was always a very present person and charming. He was always the marketing genius."
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Expert   Дата: 18.10.09 22:08:57   
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George Harrison wrote Miss O'Dell for Chris O'Dell, who was in the Beatles' inner circle. (Touchstone-Fireside Books)George Harrison wrote "Miss O'Dell" for Chris O'Dell, who was in the Beatles' inner circle. (Touchstone-Fireside Books)
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Михаил Круг   Дата: 27.09.10 13:29:32   
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all my wives @ sonsall my wives @ sons
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 12.03.12 13:37:19   
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>Вчера посмотрел фильм Bank Job (в нашем прокате
>- "Ограбление на Бейкер-Стрит"). Среди прочих
>англичан там присутствовал персонаж по имени Майкл
>Экс (Michael X) - если не ошибаюсь, леворадикальный
>лидер "Черных пантер".
>В одной из сцен фильма к него в гостях за столом
>сидела парочка, удивительно похожая на Джона и
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 12.03.12 13:37:45   
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Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 12.03.12 13:38:11   
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Удивительно милые люди...Удивительно милые люди...
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 12.03.12 13:38:26   
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Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 12.03.12 13:38:42   
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Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 12.03.12 13:39:00   
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Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: adh   Дата: 18.06.19 01:41:07   
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English model Pattie Boyd attends the premiere of the film ‘Joanna’ at the Rialto Cinema in London, accompanied by Terry Doran, a friend to the Beatles, 28th January 1969.English model Pattie Boyd attends the premiere of the film ‘Joanna’ at the Rialto Cinema in London, accompanied by Terry Doran, a friend to the Beatles, 28th January 1969.
Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: ‘Polythene Pam’   Дата: 18.06.19 15:39:42   
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>English model Pattie Boyd attends the premiere
>of the film ‘Joanna’ at the Rialto Cinema in London,
>accompanied by Terry Doran, a friend to the Beatles,
>28th January 1969.

Какая же она красотка...)))
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: adh   Дата: 18.06.19 15:56:01   
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2‘Polythene Pam’:


Одним словом - модель )
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 19.06.19 04:02:30   
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>2‘Polythene Pam’:
>Одним словом - модель )

Вообще на этом фото на себя не похожа. Но шубка-то ее!
Re: Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)
Автор: adh   Дата: 18.08.23 21:07:52   
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Ivan Vaughan, the mutual friend who introduced John to Paul on 6th July, 1957, passed away today in 1993 due to pneumonia while suffering from Parkinson's disease. Born on the exact same day as Paul, he was 51.Ivan Vaughan, the mutual friend who introduced John to Paul on 6th July, 1957, passed away today in 1993 due to pneumonia while suffering from Parkinson's disease. Born on the exact same day as Paul, he was 51.
Top photo: 1958, in front of Ivan's Liverpool home at 84 Vale Road, Woolton.

Bottom: 1968, behind Paul's London home at 7 Cavendish Avenue, St. John's Wood.

Following Ivan's death, Paul wrote a poem named after him:

Two doors open
On the eighteenth of June
Two babies born
On the same day
In Liverpool
One was Ivan
The other––me
We met in adolescence
And did the deeds
They dared us do
Jive with Ive
The ace on the bass
He introduced to me
At Woolton fete
A pal or two
And so we did
A classic scholar he
A rocking roller me
As firm as friends could be
Cranlock naval
Cranlock pie
A tear is rolling
Down my eye
On the sixteenth of August
Nineteen ninety-three
One door closed
Bye bye Ivy

"When you are kids you make up silly things, and what’s great about it is you and your friends all know those silly things," Paul would subsequently explain. "So, they don’t have to mean anything! We had a few words and phrases that, if one of us said it, would amuse the others because it was like a secret code. So ‘cranlock naval, cranlock pie’ doesn’t actually mean anything. But I suppose at lot of this came from The Goon Show, a comedy show on the radio.
"Peter Sellers was in it, along with Spike Milligan, Harry Secombe and Michael Bentine. They got laughs from saying things like, 'Netty, oh Jim boy!' And other nonsense, so ‘cranlock naval, cranlock pie’ fitted in with that era. We just used to say absolutely silly little things. [Cranlock pie] was something that our friend Ivan would say. He’d be imitating stuff that John would say and then everyone would just make up things together."
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