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Ananova : Paul McCartney wins Beatles phone-in radio quiz

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Ananova : Paul McCartney wins Beatles phone-in radio quiz
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 10.05.02 12:50:32
Sir Paul McCartney has won a radio phone-in quiz about The Beatles.

He heard the contest on a local station as he drove through Los Angeles.

Beatles breakfast show DJ Chris Carter asked listeners: "What Beach Boys' song does Paul appear on eating a carrot?"

Dozens of callers rang but all gave the wrong answer. Sir Paul pulled over and phoned the show in frustration.

He gave the right answer - Vegetables. He got a bag of goodies signed by himself but told the DJ to give them away.

The Sun reports that he then asked the DJ to play Here Today - a song from his album Tug Of War dedicated to murdered Beatle John Lennon.

Carter said: "It was quite a surprise when Paul called up but this is a Beatles show so we were very honoured. It's nice to know he obviously tunes in. He's very pleasant to talk to and he told us to keep up the good work. There's not many megastars in the world who would do that."

Story filed: 07:55 Friday 10th May 2002
Re: Ananova : Paul McCartney wins Beatles phone-in radio quiz
Автор: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds   Дата: 10.05.02 13:41:49   
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Картер был польщён. А вот Пол наверно обиделся. Зато у него теперь собственный автограф есть :))))
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Ananova : Paul McCartney wins Beatles phone-in radio quiz
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 11.05.02 00:53:42   
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(B. Wilson/V. D. Parks)
length: 3:27
recorded: 4, 6-7 &10-14 April 1967


This track is my own mix, consisting of five edits:

a) 1:31-2:31 of “Vega-Tables (part 1, mono mix rehearsals)” from SOT 17 Disc 2; crossfades into:
b) 2:07-2:10 of “Vegatables” from GV box set; crossfades into:
c) 1:00-1:50 of “Vegatables” from GV box set
d) 1:30-1:48 of “Vegetables” from SMILEY SMILE/WILD HONEY two-fer
e) 2:10-3:28 of “Vegetables” from GV box set -- from 2:45 on, the speed was lowered, as it was mastered a hair fast on the GV box set.

This is my new edit of Vegetables, closer in structure to Linnet’s version on the GV box set, but more coherent in my opinion. - RYAN GUIDRY

There has been debate over whether "Vega-Tables" and "Wind Chimes" were really the respective "earth" and "wind" elements. Both of them are listed as separate tracks on the original album cover. (Priore speculates that this is because they both had potential as singles. In truth, "Vega-Tables" was in fact mentioned several times in the press as the possible first single from SMiLE, apparently due to the frequent delays with "Heroes And Villains." Priore's book features a recently-uncovered photo of Brian in front of a fruit stand that was apparently shot for the cover of the "Vega-Tables" single!) In 1978, Brian discussed the "air" segment: "Yeah, there was a cut--a piano piece, an instrumental, no vocals. We never finished that." (More on this point later.) However, there is one piece of evidence indicating that at least "Vega-Tables" was an "Elements" piece--for the illustration for "Vega-Tables" in the original SMiLE booklet, the caption reads, "'My Vega-Tables' The Elements". Again, by placing known and suspected "Elements" tracks with songs from the original list of twelve that Brian submitted to Capitol, we eliminate the conflict (somewhat). Then there's the Paul McCartney story. In the SMILEY SMILE/WILD HONEY CD liner notes, David Leaf relates the tale of how McCartney visited the studio and lent a mouth for the chomping effects on this song. But Leaf seems to indicate that Paul participated on the SMILEY SMILE take. But evidence (press reports from the time about Paul's visit to Los Angeles, and Eliott's research) indicates that he visited Brian and the group on 10 April. (Reportedly, he was carrying an acetate copy of the recently-completed "A Day In The Life," from the then-unreleased Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which he played for the Beach Boys. Also, according to Eliott, Paul and the Beach Boys apparently recorded an impromptu version of "On Top Of Old Smoky" late in the evening after the "Vega-Tables" session.) Two additional notes: First, notice that the "I know that you'll feel better..." section was later used for the end of the SMILEY SMILE version. Second, listen as the track fades out. Fading in is a piece that sounds remarkably like the "Hey, Baba Ruba" section from the SMILEY SMILE version of "Wonderful"! This was most likely just a case of the producers of the GOOD VIBRATIONS box set simply throwing in an extra snippet they found in the vaults. No indication is given as to when this short piece was recorded, what it's called, or even if it's truly part of "Vega-Tables." Could this be the missing "Wonderful" insert from January 1967? - DAVE PROKOPY


I'm gonna be 'round my vegetables
I'm gonna chow down my vegetables
I love you most of all, my favorite vegetable

If you brought a big brown bag of them home
I'd jump up and down and hope you'd toss me a carrot

I'm gonna keep well, my vegetables
Cart off and sell my vegetables
I love you most of all, my favorite vegetable

I tried to kick the ball, but my tennie flew right off
I'm red as a beet 'cause I'm so embarrassed

Mom and Daddy said:
Sleep a lot, eat a lot, brush 'em like crazy
Run a lot, do a lot, never be lazy (boy)

I threw away my candy bar and I ate the wrapper
And when they told me what I’d done, I burst into laughter

I know that you'll feel better
When you send us in your letter
And tell us the name of your, your favorite vegetable

Sleep a lot, eat a lot, brush 'em like crazy
Run a lot, do a lot, never be lazy (boy)
Sleep a lot, eat a lot, brush 'em like crazy
Run a lot, do a lot, never be lazy (boy)

Re: Ananova : Paul McCartney wins Beatles phone-in radio quiz
Автор: Heinrich Ptiza   Дата: 11.05.02 15:38:36   
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