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40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"

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40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 26.08.08 13:25:36
Записью этой песни Битлз нарушили долгое студийное молчание и появились на публике (шоу Дэвида Фроста - the greatest tea-room orchestra in the world.) в сопровождении оркестра и зрителей, подпевающих длинную затухающую коду:Записью этой песни Битлз нарушили долгое студийное молчание и появились на публике (шоу Дэвида Фроста - "the greatest tea-room orchestra in the world".) в сопровождении оркестра и зрителей, подпевающих длинную затухающую коду:

Hey Jude, don't make it bad,
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.

Hey Jude, don't be afraid,
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.

And any time you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.

Hey Jude, don't let me down,
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.

So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin,
You're waiting for someone to perform with.
And don't you know that it's just you? Hey Jude, you'll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulders.
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: colonel Alex   Дата: 26.08.08 13:41:17   
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На фото, судя по всему, The Beatles изображены за исполнением не HEY JUDE, а REVOLUTION ?
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 26.08.08 14:57:30   
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Потому что вторая сторона. :)
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 26.08.08 15:01:45   
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Кажется здесь Фрост и анонсирует битлов как величайший чайный оркестр в мире. Кажется здесь Фрост и анонсирует битлов как "величайший чайный оркестр в мире".
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 26.08.08 15:03:21   
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Orchestra at Tea Room Kyoto JapanOrchestra at Tea Room Kyoto Japan

"Tea Room Ranchera at Kyoto." Woodblock print. Keywords: Japanese, drum, accordion, violin, contrabass.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Hey Jude   Дата: 26.08.08 17:21:16   
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Ура! 40 лет моей любимой песенке!!!
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 26.08.08 19:09:49   
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Замечательная песня Битлз!На концертах в Москве и Киеве в концовке песни,когда вся аудитория дружно подпевала Полу ,мой голос был сорван напрочь!Вспоминаю, как я с другом Игорем Камкиным записывал текст "Hey Jude"на слух где-то в 1971 году ,прослушивая записи на "супермагнитофоне литовского производства" Айдас(по-моему)!Так от любви к Битлз возникал интерес и к английскому языку...
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Johnny_beatle   Дата: 26.08.08 22:23:18   
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Подумать только!
40 лет!
40 лет!!!
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 26.08.08 22:47:16   
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Кстати в одном из недавних выпусков Ровесника есть статья про эту песню и фотки
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: VeeJayMan   Дата: 26.08.08 23:27:16   
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Юбилей идет по планете. Сороколетие "Hey Jude" сегодня празднуют американцы, т.к. именно в США этот сингл вышел 26 августа. А британцы вынуждены отложить празднование до 30 августа.
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: VeeJayMan   Дата: 26.08.08 23:44:06   
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И в связи с эти ещё пара событий - это первый сингл Битлз на Эппл. А так же - это самая длительная запись Битлз на сингле (время звучания 7:11) и вторая запись длительность более 5 минут в истории поп-музыки. Первая запись длительностью более 5 минут вышедшая на сингле принадлежала Ричарду Харису - песня "Макартур Парк". Но только после выхода "Hey Jude" фирмы грамзаписи окончательно сняли трёхминутное ограничение на звучание синглов.
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Beatles4   Дата: 27.08.08 01:10:37   
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Скажите, у кого-нибудь есть версия песни, которая звучит в клипе?
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.09.08 00:13:16   
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Beatles: You Say You Want a ‘Revolution’? Beatles: You Say You Want a ‘Revolution’?
Jerry McCulley | 09.11.2008

When the Beatles released “Hey Jude,” the track that would become their most commercially successful single release 40 years ago, its B-side “Revolution” would “only” make it to No. 12 on the charts. Yet John Lennon’s meditation on the turbulent summer of ’68 is every bit as hard-edged and timely as McCartney’s “Hey Jude” was stately and emotionally transcendent. If ever a single disc personified the yin/yang of Lennon and McCartney’s contrasting muses, this was it.

In an era when Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy had been recently assassinated, American cities were engulfed in fiery rioting and the Democratic Convention in Chicago would become a bloody battleground between anti-war protestors and police, Lennon seemed much more interested in questioning frames of mind and motivations, doing it with a song that was more sonically raw and hard-charging than anything the Beatles had released to date.

Musically, the single version of “Revolution” has been hailed as one of the forerunners of hard rock and metal, a thread the Beatles would soon pursue with even more mondo-distorto glee on McCartney’s manic White Album standout, “Helter Skelter.” Yet it was a sharp contrast to the more deliberately languid, largely acoustic version (dubbed “Revolution 1”) that would also grace the same album, a track that the band had already recorded six weeks earlier. In its conception, the original White Album version of “Revolution” had changed very little ― other than being given a tempo a tortoise might appreciate ― from the quarter-inch demo tape Lennon had laid down with his bandmates at George Harrison’s Esher bungalow the last week of May.

“We recorded the song twice,” John Lennon explained in one of his last interviews. “The Beatles were getting really tense with one another. I did the slow version and I wanted it out as a single ― as a statement of the Beatles' position on Vietnam and the Beatles’ position on revolution. For years, on the Beatle tours, Epstein had stopped us from saying anything about Vietnam or the war. And he wouldn't allow questions about it. But on one tour, I said, ‘I am going to answer about the war. We can't ignore it.’ I absolutely wanted the Beatles to say something.”

“The first take of ‘Revolution’ ― well, George and Paul were resentful and said it wasn't fast enough,” Lennon said with the frankness that had long been his trademark. “Now, if you go into details of what a hit record is and isn’t ― maybe. But the Beatles could have afforded to put out the slow, understandable version of ‘Revolution’ as a single. Whether it was a gold record or a wooden record. But because they were so upset about the Yoko period and the fact that I was again becoming as creative and dominating as I had been in the early days, after lying fallow for a couple of years, it upset the apple cart. I was awake again and they couldn't stand it.”

But as it had done so many times before, the Beatles internecine squabbling once again yielded superlative results in the studio. The laid-back groove of the album version was supplanted by Lennon’s maniacally overdriven Epiphone Casino and the band’s other guitars plugged directly into the recording console, with his bandmates rising capably to the occasion and frequent Rolling Stones sideman Nicky Hopkins contributing rollicking, equally distorted electric piano flourishes to the session.

What hadn’t changed was the song’s central message. Rooted in the steadfast commitment to non-violence that had informed the previous year’s innocent anthem “All You Need is Love,” Lennon was tackling the turbulent politics of the day with his cynicism intact. “The statement in ‘Revolution’ was mine,” he assured. “The lyrics stand today. It's still my feeling about politics. I want to see the plan. That is what I used to say to Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin. Count me out if it is for violence. Don't expect me to be on the barricades unless it is with flowers.”

And yet the playful Lennon also couldn’t help but tease listeners he knew hung on every Beatles lyric, obsessing over ― and frequently misinterpreting - them in the bargain.

When it came time for director Michael Lindsay-Hogg, who’d also directed the band’s “Hey Jude” promo film (as well as several other previous clips), to film the band performing “Revolution” ― or rather singing it live over a pre-recorded music track – Lennon literally had it both ways with one of the song’s key lyrics, singing “But when it you talk about destruction/Don’t you know you can count me out…in…”

The clip aired on David Frost’s The Frost Programme in September, with Lennon wielding his late-Beatles stalwart Epiphone Casino, its finish sanded off in an effort to open up its tone, as well as a rare appearance by George Harrison’s cherry-finish Les Paul Standard.

That instrument had once been Rick Derringer’s in his “Hang On Sloopy” heyday with the McCoys ― where Rick had gotten it from the Lovin’ Spoonful’s John Sebastian. Originally a gold-top, Derringer had the instrument factory-refinished to cherry. It eventually found its way to Eric Clapton, who gifted it to Harrison a few weeks before Clapton added his signature solo to “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”

Ironically, four decades after it became the surging soundtrack to the ’60s most pivotal year, the song has morphed into a tourist attraction at Las Vegas’ Mirage Hotel. At the Revolution Lounge, a venture created by Montreal’s Cirque du Soleil in conjunction with their long running Vegas Beatles retrospective Love, patrons can belly up to the Abbey Road bar, marvel at the 30,000 dichroic crystals that adorn the ceiling in the spirit of “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds,” while sipping a Strawberry Fields cocktail.
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.09.08 00:16:09   
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40 Years Later: The Story of The Beatles’ ‘Hey Jude’ 40 Years Later: The Story of The Beatles’ ‘Hey Jude’
Jerry McCulley | 08.29.2008

Forty years ago this week, the Beatles released arguably the most crucial single of their already unprecedented career ― “Hey Jude,” backed with “Revolution.” The 1968 45 rpm single, packaged in a black, minimalist sleeve, would go on to sell eight million copies worldwide and top the American charts for nine weeks, the biggest commercial success of a single song in a musical career that had long since set the benchmarks for artistic ambition, cultural influence and commercial success.

Like so many of Paul McCartney’s epochal Beatles compositions, the melody seemed to waft nearly fully formed from his subconscious, its lyrics rooted in the marital discord of bandmate/songwriting partner John Lennon. By the summer of ’68, Lennon’s marriage to Cynthia, his wife of five years and mother of son Julian, was all but over, casualty of a budding romance/collaboration with Japanese avant garde artist Yoko Ono. McCartney, their oldest friend in the Beatles’ cloistered, fishbowl existence, continued to visit Cynthia and Julian in the midst of the estrangement. “I thought it was a bit much for them suddenly to be persona non grata and out of my life," Paul would later explain of his visits.

Driving to see them one afternoon, he began singing a song to himself, a tune intended to help young Julian deal with the stress of his parents’ divorce. “I’d known Cynthia for a long time, she was a good friend,” McCartney later elaborated. “When people like that are getting divorced you can’t just blank the wife. I’d got this little (tune) of ‘Hey Jules.’ I was thinking of a nickname for Julian. ‘Hey Jules, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better.’ You know ― don’t be too brought down by this divorce, lad, it’ll be all right, kind of style.”

“Paul and I used to hang about quite a bit,” Julian Lennon confirmed. “More than Dad and I did. We had a great friendship going and there seems to be far more pictures of me and Paul playing together at that age than there are pictures of me and my dad.”

“Paul was devastated by the break-up,” Cynthia Lennon confirmed. “He brought me a rose and offered marriage, as a joke. ‘We’ll show ’em, won’t we, Cyn?’ It was very touching, and on the way to the house he had written ‘Hey Jude.’ It always brings tears to my eyes, that song.”

McCartney eventually swapped “Jules” for “Jude,” simply because “it sounded better.” In doing so, he gave the stately melody ― somewhere between hymn and lullaby ― the sort of opaque lyrics that characterized many later Beatles songs, leading fans to interpret them in myriad ways. Indeed, even John Lennon later admitted he was convinced “Hey Jude” was “a song to me. If you think about it. Yoko’s just come into the picture. He’s saying. ‘Hey, Jude—Hey, John.’ I know I’m sounding like one of those fans who reads things into it, but you can hear it as a song to me. Subconsciously, he was saying, ‘Go ahead, leave me.’ On a conscious level, he didn’t want me to go ahead.”

Whatever its inspiration, the band began working up “Hey Jude” in July 29-30 rehearsals at EMI’s Abbey Road Studio Two, where so much of their legacy had been forged. Yet the song was never intended to be recorded there: The actual sessions would quickly follow at London’s Trident Studios, where one of the first eight track recording machines had recently been installed. Fortuitously, filmmaker James Archibald captured some of the July 30 Abbey Road rehearsals, including six minutes of it in his documentary Experiment in Television: Music!, which aired on NBC in February, 1970.

The Trident sessions lasted two nights, with the studio’s new eight track allowing them to layer parts with more precision than Abbey Road’s old four tracks. The final August 1 session concluded with a 36-piece orchestra, arranged by producer George Martin, playing under the extended fade. McCartney recalled later that the Beatles’ Trident sessions were also blessed by the flawless instincts of their drummer: “Ringo walked out to go to the toilet and I hadn’t noticed. The toilet was only a few yards from his drum booth, but he'd gone past my back and I still thought he was in his drum booth. I started what was the actual take, and ‘Hey Jude’ goes on for hours before the drums come in and while I was doing it I suddenly felt Ringo tiptoeing past my back rather quickly, trying to get to his drums. And just as he got to his drums, boom boom boom! His timing was absolutely impeccable."

Released on August 26 in America, and the 30th in the U.K., “Hey Jude” quickly became the Beatles most commercially successful single release ― and Billboard’s top release of 1968 – yet subsequently failed to win any of the three top Grammy Awards it was nominated for. It was also the first release by the Beatles’ Apple label, holding the top spot on the British charts until being supplanted by Mary Hopkins’ “Those Were the Days” – Apple’s second single release.

To promote the record, the band commissioned a promo film by director Michael Linday-Hogg, who’d first worked with the Beatles on their 1966 promo clips for “Paperback Writer” and “Rain,” and would subsequently helm their ill-fated Let It Be documentary feature (Lindsay-Hogg would also direct the Rolling Stones’ Rock and Roll Circus in 1968). Two takes of “Hey Jude” (and its B-side, “Revolution”) were filmed and edited, with McCartney singing live over a pre-recorded track, while an invited audience swarmed ’round the band and orchestra to join in its quasi-gospel chorus fade-out.

American audiences first saw the “Hey Jude” clip on CBS’ Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour in October, while the British version had already aired on David Frost’s Frost Programme on September 8, with the band interrupting the TV host’s introduction with typically goofy shenanigans.

The clip is also notable for the appearance of John Lennon’s Epiphone Casino, the same instrument he’d used on the band’s final, 1966 world tour and Sgt. Pepper sessions. Its finish now sanded off in an effort to open up its tone, it would be Lennon’s signature guitar in his final years with the band.

In 2002, Christie’s auction house in London sought to auction off Paul McCartney’s original hand-written lyric sheet for “Hey Jude” (estimated to be worth $116,000 at the time) but were blocked by successful legal action by McCartney, claiming the memento had been stolen from his home decades earlier. The current owner claimed he’d purchased them at a Portobello Road flea market as a student in the early ’70s, paying the equivalent of $20.
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 13.09.08 13:35:40   
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Вот как-то даже странно. Юбилей, а обложку оригинальную никто так и не выложил...
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: VeeJayMan   Дата: 14.09.08 13:41:45   
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2Андрей Хрисанфов:2Андрей Хрисанфов:

>Вот как-то даже странно. Юбилей, а обложку оригинальную
>никто так и не выложил...

Это вот эту...
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: VeeJayMan   Дата: 14.09.08 13:43:09   
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40 лет со дня выхода сингла Hey Jude2
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 14.09.08 14:18:25   
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А где-то когда-то читал, что якобы окружность пластинки в радиусе увеличить пришлось из-за необычно долгого хронометража песни, это правда?
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: VeeJayMan   Дата: 14.09.08 14:53:10   
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2Макс Жолобов:

>А где-то когда-то читал, что якобы окружность
>пластинки в радиусе увеличить пришлось из-за необычно
>долгого хронометража песни, это правда?

Это неправда. И диаметр лейбла остался такой же. Размер синглов позволял записывать и более длинные песни, просто считалось, что песни длиной более трех минут будут утомлять слушателя. Кроме того, более короткие песни чаще сменялись в музыкальных автоматах.
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 15.09.08 09:53:16   
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да прямо!.. а та, где все в цветных рубашках?.. У мну сабж-то есть, да сканера нету. А диаметр у пластинки стандартный, просто запись поплотнее и на совсем уж скверных проигрывателях это дело прыгать начинало оч быстро.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: 40 лет со дня выхода сингла "Hey Jude"
Автор: VeeJayMan   Дата: 15.09.08 10:27:44   
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