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06.06 СМИ: найдены все актеры на роли участников Битлз в фильмах Сэма Мендеса
05.06 Sky News сравнили успехи Тейлор Свифт и Битлз
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Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер

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Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Julianna   Дата: 09.01.05 10:33:00   
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mootant, я бы хотела посмотреть на книгу, которую ту написал бы, использую эти данные. Хорошая и интересная книга получилась бы! Я так думаю.
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: BlueBerd   Дата: 09.01.05 15:46:11   
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Джон будет всегда жить в каждом из насДжон будет всегда жить в каждом из нас
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: papan   Дата: 09.01.05 16:21:46   
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День за днем бегут года —День за днем бегут года —
Зори новых поколений.
Но никто и никогда
Не забудет имя: Леннон.

Леннон всегда живой,
Леннон всегда с тобой
В горе, в надежде и радости.
Леннон в твоей весне,
В каждом счастливом дне,
Леннон в тебе и во мне!

В давний час, в суровой мгле,
На заре хипповой власти,
Он сказал, что на земле
Мы построим людям счастье.

Мы за Битлами идем,
Славя Родину делами,
И на всем пути большом
В каждом деле Леннон с нами.

Леннон всегда живой,
Леннон всегда с тобой
В горе, в надежде и радости.
Леннон в твоей весне,
В каждом счастливом дне,
Леннон в тебе и во мне!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: mut   Дата: 09.01.05 18:47:36   
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Если я напишу такую книгу, то меня поместят в Hall of Shame. А вообще, давай дружить!
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 11.01.05 05:06:39   
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что-то очень знакомое проскальзывает в этих стихах! %)) пионерское детство что ли? ;)

а Джон, так же как и Джордж никогда и не умерали! душа вечна!
Я тащусь!  
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Julianna   Дата: 11.01.05 14:09:28   
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А все - таки сюжет...
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: pempe   Дата: 23.10.05 10:15:18   
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Metheny & The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus

The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, the unique non-profit mobile recording and multimedia studio, will host public tours and demonstrations at Music Player Live (MPL). The Lennon Bus will have highly respected musician Pat Metheny on-board working with students from area schools to write and record an original composition on October 22.

Participants in the Bus workshops, which are conducted free of charge at schools across the country, write an original song, perform and record it, videotape it, and go home with a completed music video on a Maxell DVD.

The tours that the public attending the expo will experience are conducted by the on-board engineers who introduce the two studio environments, explaining and demonstrating record and video production, and introducing an array of opportunities within the music and multimedia industries. Each visitor will also receive “goody bags” courtesy of Maxell Corporation, Disc Makers,, Digidesign, and Guitar Player Magazine. Demonstrations of Brian Moore Guitars’ innovative iGuitar and of GarageBand software are another feature of the Bus’ visit.

The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is a non-profit state-of-the-art mobile recording and multimedia studio that provides music and video education programs for young people. In its eighth year, the endeavor is an offshoot of the 9 year old John Lennon Songwriting Contest, dedicated to providing opportunities for both professional and amateur songwriters around the world. The Bus travels across America year-round, providing visitors with free, hands-on experiences using the latest audio and video technology, gear and products. The John Lennon Songwriting Contest and Educational Tour Bus are made possible by an agreement with Yoko Ono Lennon.
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Young girl   Дата: 23.10.05 13:49:33   
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Ой, ну вы и скажете... Нашли, что обсуждать...
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Катя Scarlett   Дата: 23.10.05 22:54:43   
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Джон жив, а Макка умер, да? Логично!
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 24.10.05 03:32:56   
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И как это я в январе пропустил такой постинг?!!

Да, товарищи!

Леннон жил!
Леннон жив!!
Леннон будет жить!!!
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: pempe   Дата: 31.10.05 08:37:25   
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John Lennon’s Unheard Music

The existence of a treasure trove of unreleased material written by ex-Beatle John Lennon and Bruce Bierman, a covert friend and collaborator during the 1970’s, has been disclosed, a certain boon to Lennon fans around the world. Never publicized, Lennon befriended Bierman during 1972 when he was a member of the “David Peel and The Lower East Band, ” a music group which Lennon and wife Yoko Ono produced, releasing an offbeat album under the Apple Records label. By mutual consent, the friendship was kept private. Bierman enjoyed a comradeship which involved “hanging out, showing John around New York City, playing and writing songs together – just having fun.” He continued, “I was sort of John’s protégé… he loved that my interest was in learning from him, and not the typical thing… to be seen with him… he despised that, ” Bierman said.

The two wrote several tunes reminiscent of early Lennon solo years and some that sound as if they could have been recorded as Beatle’s songs, but never were. Anytime Bierman had shared his relationship with Lennon, dating back to his high school senior year, college years and after, he experienced ridicule and disbelief. He decided to remain silent and enjoy the moment, however long it would last. And, it would last only until his friend was brutally murdered outside his residence in New York City on December 8, 1980… twenty-five years ago.

Before then, the friendship became difficult when Bierman moved to Northern California in 1976 to work as a stage sound engineer for the likes of the founders of The Jefferson Airplane – a band called Hot Tuna; The Grateful Dead and its members; and other San Francisco Bay Area based bands. However, Bierman met with Lennon in New York during frequent visits, or spoke on the phone. “There’s so much to tell, but the music we shared speaks more than I could possibly say, ” said Bierman. Depending on interest, he plans to eventually release and perform some of the songs he and Lennon penned together. He said, “If people are curious to hear what I did with John, I’ll certainly find a way to share that.” Bierman has learned first-hand knowledge from Lennon, his craft of songwriting, musicianship and recording.

The website with Bierman’s untold story, background information and song samples is located at “I am happy to have finally found the courage to tell my story and share what I did with John, and I am very pleased with the encouragement and kind words I have received. I was in a very difficult position all these years. I just hope everyone will understand my sincerity and my respect for my friend and his family.”

Previously appearing in an isolated 1991 Billboard Magazine article, where Bierman shared recordings and photos with the reporter, he subsequently decided to hold off pursuing his story until being certain not to infringe on anyone’s rights. Documentation of these events also appeared in two Beatles books, "The Beatles: The Ultimate Recording Guide" and "The Beatles Diary: Volume 2:

After The Breakup 1970-2000, " released in 1992 and 1999, respectively. In 2001, he informed Yoko Ono of what occurred between him and Lennon, and visited with her attorney in New York at her request. Ono subsequently decided not to pursue the matter further. Four years later, Bierman ultimately decided to step forward and tell his story. “I am not exploiting anything, nor am I attempting to profit at John’s or anyone else’s expense. I think it is appropriate to tell his fans our story and share the music we did together.”

Bierman, also known as Jon Brulen, resides in Los Angeles, and is exploring options on how to share the music and experiences he had with John Lennon. Concurrently, he has also launched a petition to get John Lennon on a U.S. postage stamp at
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: ИгорьИзМагазинаЦветы   Дата: 31.10.05 13:13:25   
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Как сказал другой поэт, тоже уже ушедший от нас:
"Они уходят вдаль
Но никогда не умирают
И в песнях и стихах своих живут..."

Джон продолжает жить, пока хоть один из нас будет слушать его песни.
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: SAM (ex-SamStarr)   Дата: 31.10.05 13:43:38   
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>>Джон продолжает жить, пока хоть один из нас будет
>слушать его песни.
Т.е. пока жив хоть один из нас...........
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: BlueBerd   Дата: 31.10.05 16:11:48   
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оригинальная тема...
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 31.10.05 17:24:47   
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Заметили, что мертвых всегда пытются "оживить" (Джон, Элвис, Моррисон), а живых наоборот "похоронить" (Пол)?

Не понимаю людей...
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: John 1984   Дата: 31.10.05 17:51:57   
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Может быть и не умер, кто знает!
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Гамлет   Дата: 31.10.05 18:26:55   
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Жаль леннона, как человека, но как музыкант, как Легенда он умер, А иначе легенда не легенда.Легенда всегда обрывается на пике, как Битлз, Цой,Элвис, Хэнрикс и многие другие.
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: BlueBerd   Дата: 31.10.05 20:54:45   
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я тоже...


такова жизнь...
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 01.11.05 16:48:00   
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Songs composed by late BEATLE JOHN LENNON and his protege BRUCE BIERMAN are set to be released, decades after the tracks were written.

Little-known rocker Bierman struck up a friendship with the IMAGINE star in New York City during the 1970s and the pair soon began a composing and recording partnership.

Bierman says, "I was sort of John's protege. He loved that my interest in him was in learning from him and not the typical thing - to be seen with him.

"He despised that. The music we shared speaks more than I could possible say.

"If people are curious to hear what I did with John, I'll certainly find a way to share that. I am not exploiting anything, not attempting to profit at John's or anyone's expense."
Re: Джон Леннон на самом деле не умер
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.11.05 00:00:03   
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