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Новые книги о "Битлз"

Тема: Битлз - книги, журналы и статьи

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Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.05.05 07:39:03   
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A new, 432-page book, Charlie Lennon: Uncle To A Beatle, by Scott Wheeler, has just been published by Outskirts Press in Colorado. A new, 432-page book, Charlie Lennon: Uncle To A Beatle, by Scott Wheeler, has just been published by Outskirts Press in Colorado.

Uncle Charlie, the younger brother of John's father Alfred, died in 2002 at the age of 83. He was a tireless campaigner for the legacy of the Lennon family, as well as a hometown celebrity in Liverpool and a singer-songwriter in his own right. No doubt many fans can recall their own happy memories of meeting Charlie during the 1980s and '90s.

Charlie and the author were close friends and performing partners in Liverpool and Boston for the last 13 years of Charlie's life. Scott says they had a ball performing together in his band, The Scott Wheeler Band, at Liverpool's annual Beatles conventions, on BBC Radio, and at many other venues on Merseyside.

The book's foreword was written by Bill Harry, who is well known to Beatles fans as John Lennon's college flatmate and the founder-publisher of the famous 1960s Liverpool music paper Mersey Beat. The closing section of the book consists of tributes to Charlie by 13 of his friends, including former Beatles assistant Alistair Taylor and former Beatles promoter Sam Leach.

The book contains nearly 600 photos, including a special section featuring old Lennon family photos from Charlie's secret private collection that have never been published until now and cannot be found anywhere else. There are also hundreds of other photos of interest to Beatles fans, including photos and histories of their mutual friend Pete Best, John Lennon's Original Quarrymen, the Casbah Coffee Club, Mathew Street, the Cavern Club, the Jacaranda Club, Penny Lane, Strawberry Field, and the annual Beatles conventions in Liverpool.

Charlie Lennon: Uncle To A Beatle is now available for purchase via or through your local booksellers.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.05.05 09:49:19   
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New Beatles Art Book to benefit Adopt-A-Minefield New Beatles Art Book to benefit Adopt-A-Minefield
[official Press Release]

A new book, "Beatles Art: Fantastic New Artwork of the Fab Four" is scheduled for release in Spring, 2006, and will feature new art inspired by the Beatles and their music. For each book sold, the publisher, Boxigami Books, will donate $1 US to Adopt-A-Minefield, a favorite charity of Heather Mills McCartney and her husband, former-Beatle Paul McCartney.

In 2001, aware of the initial success of the Adopt-A-Minefield campaigns in the US and Canada, the McCartneys were instrumental in forming Adopt-A-Minefield (UK) in Britain. Since that time, they have been champions and strong supporters, donating generously, making personal appearances, traveling globally to raise awareness of the landmine issue, and lending their voices to this cause. More information is available on their website,

"Beatles Art" will showcase some of the best new artists and illustrators from different regions of the globe all demonstrating their creativity on topics such as the Beatles music and lyrics, instruments, fashion, caricatures, etc.

In order to find the best new art available for the book, Boxigami Books has announced a "call for art" for inclusion in the book. Artists can enter as many Beatle-inspired works as they like for $15 US postmarked no later than 15 August 2005. Prize money of $500 US, $300 US, and $100 US will be awarded for first, second, and third place entries. All artists with chosen works will receive a free copy of this soon-to-be collector’s item. Additional submission guidelines and information are available at

Painting of John Lennon by British artist Ken White
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.05.05 11:57:14   
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Magical Mystery Tours: My Life With The Beatles
By Tony Bramwell with Rosemary Kingsland
St. Martin's Press, 440 pages, $35.95

1968. John Lennon, recently inspired by LSD, calls an emergency meeting of the Beatles at their Apple headquarters in London.

"I've got something very important to tell you," Lennon says. "I am Jesus Christ. I have come back again. This is my thing."

"Right," responds Ringo Starr, well-used to the eccentricities of this brilliant Beatle. "Meeting adjourned. Let's go have some lunch."

At the restaurant, Lennon, unbowed, is approached by a fan eager to meet John. "Actually, I'm Jesus Christ," he insists. "Well," replies the fan, "I still liked your last record."

Tony Bramwell, long-time associate of the "four lads who shook the world," brings a wealth of such anecdote to Magical Mystery Tours, a sprawling, amiable account of life near the world's most famous and most gifted pop group. Bramwell also reminds us that the real Beatles story is far more interesting than the cloying myth of "four lovable moptops" that still clings to them today.

The Liverpool that made them was a tough seaside town, postwar bleak, largely Irish-Catholic (like Lennon and McCartney), where outdoor toilets were still common, a telephone a rare luxury and television was BBC from 6 each evening until signoff at 9, when primitive sets threatened to overheat. "Britain was severely monotone," Bramwell writes. "English movies were austere kitchen-sink dramas. Clothes were drab. You weren't supposed to enjoy yourself." Something irrepressible would change that.

Liverpool was also music-mad. The Silver Beetles (named in homage to Buddy Holly's Crickets) were a top local "beat group" when they left for a lengthy residency in the seedy clubs of Hamburg. When they returned as the Beatles, bonded by months of squalid living, easy sex and nightlong amphetamine-driven performances, no one could top them -- anywhere.

Bramwell's story begins on Liverpool's Number 81 double-decker bus as he finds childhood friend George Harrison is part of the "direct from Hamburg" group playing that night. Carrying George's guitar into the hall for free admission, Bramwell is hooked on the hard-driving, good-humoured and charismatic group. "In a year, I went to about 300 Beatles gigs, from one end of the Mersey to another," he writes. "I never stopped."

As Bramwell moves from roadie to aide for Beatles manager Brian Epstein, Magical Mystery Tours follows the group's dizzying climb to world pop domination, then witnesses its ultimate crash at Apple Corp. -- the chaotic money pit the Beatles created to run their business following Epstein's untimely death.

Though initially "George's mate," Bramwell tells us more about Lennon and McCartney, with whom he often shares a pint and thoughts of home. Harrison retreats under the barrage of unprecedented fame to become a rural recluse, floating into Eastern music and mysticism. Ringo Starr, older and more fun-loving, enters the champagne life of movie stars and posh clubs. Lennon and McCartney walk different paths. Both are driven, incredibly gifted and haunted by their mothers' deaths. McCartney's beloved "Mother Mary" died of breast cancer when Paul was 14. Lennon, abandoned by both parents and raised strictly by "Aunt Mimi," ultimately discovers his mother, Julia, remarried and living nearby.

"No sooner was John getting to know his mother" Bramwell writes, "when, in the summer of 1958, she was run over and killed yards away from Mimi's house by a speeding policeman who was late for work." For weeks after, friends recall seeing the brash rocker alone with a "thousand-yard stare."

Tony Bramwell seems to enjoy Swinging Sixties London more than his famous bosses, who can hardly move without pursuit by their "army of besotted fans." But he also bears witness to the "powerful . . . anger, hate and jealousy . . . that surged around them" as their bond cracks under the strain. Ultimately, McCartney flees London with poised hippy socialite Linda Eastman for a simpler life in Scotland.

Lennon's dark fate, in Bramwell's view, is entrapment by a woman who stalks him for months, desperate to exploit his celebrity and his millions. Yoko Ono finds little favour in Magical Mystery Tours -- described as "a she-wolf dressed in black," "a pain in the ass" and "such a core of negativity that she sucked the air out of the room." Ono is also credited with destroying Lennon's will, banning his lifelong friends and getting him hooked on heroin.

The portrait of Brian Epstein, the posh Liverpudlian who takes on the Beatles' career as manager and succeeds in historic dimension, is poignant. As the group becomes England's top attraction, then the world's, the gentle Epstein lives in torment, devoured by self-doubt, paranoia, amphetamine addiction and the anguish of homosexuality at a time when discovery still means jail. There is plenty of colour in Bramwell's tales of the post-Epstein Apple Corp., where frauds like Magic Alex squander thousands of Beatle pounds on whims, and where Yoko Ono daily takes delivery of beluga caviar from Harrod's.

Magical Mystery Tours also points out the sad reality that the Beatles were robbed blind. Neither Epstein nor the group understood the value of publishing, and sold the rights to their early songs for next to nothing. They also kept only a small fraction of their merchandising rights, enriching faceless businesses to the tune of £100-million.

"Looking back," Bramwell writes, "the Beatles triggered a massive social and sexual revolution." That revolution is better dealt with elsewhere. So is the Beatles' music, though Bramwell's memories of riding in the van between gigs as John and Paul jotted down million-selling song ideas ("It came easily to them") or practised the harmonies in She Loves You have their charm.

Ultimately, though, this is an unpretentious, homespun look back and a welcome addition to Beatles lore. They were kids when they began. They lived with remarkable intensity for a time. "It seemed that one minute I was young," Bramwell recalls wistfully, "the next, we were confronting our mortality."
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:22:53   
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Daily Mail Из этой серии была представлена на первой странице этой темы. Д.Daily Mail
Из этой серии была представлена на первой странице этой темы.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:34:53   
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Azing & Samuel (Niderland), Vol.1Azing & Samuel (Niderland), Vol.1
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:36:13   
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Azing & Samuel (Niderland), Vol.2Azing & Samuel (Niderland), Vol.2
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:41:38   
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Такой вроде не было. Д.Такой вроде не было.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:55:33   
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Doug Sulpy - РАЗDoug Sulpy - РАЗ
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:56:30   
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Doug Sulpy - ДВА!Doug Sulpy - ДВА!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:57:12   
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Doug Sulpy - ТРИ!!Doug Sulpy - ТРИ!!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 21:57:59   
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Doug Sulpy - ЧЕТЫРЕ!!!Doug Sulpy - ЧЕТЫРЕ!!!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 22:01:54   
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Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 22:06:07   
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Дэвид ШеффДэвид Шефф
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 22:15:15   
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Новые книги о Битлз?
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 22:27:21   
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Новые книги о Битлз!?
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 22:54:39   
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! Что уже было в электронном варианте...! Что уже было в электронном варианте...
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 22:56:04   
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И это было в эл. варианте ДИ это было в эл. варианте
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.05.05 22:57:28   
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Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.05.05 14:31:22   
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Editorial ReviewsEditorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly
Journalist Stark wants to tell the story of John, Paul, George and Ringo in a "somewhat new way," focusing as much on the cultural trends that produced the Beatles—and the trends they created—as on the Fab Four themselves. He explores how the band's 1964 arrival in America coincided with both the adolescent explosion of the baby boomers and the cultural void left by Kennedy's assassination. He then backtracks to the Beatles' childhoods in Liverpool, a city with traditions of absent fathers, strong mothers and permissive attitudes toward androgyny—all major elements in the Beatles' music. Their moptop haircuts? A combination of "mild gender-bending" and German art college chic. Their trademark wit? Inspired by the Goon Show, a popular BBC radio program. Their long-term impact? Practically impossible to overestimate, as Stark finds their influence on '60s protest movements, drug culture, women's liberation and more. Stark provides a thorough biography of the band and includes bits of trivia, such as the band's 1960 gig playing backup to a stripper. Throughout, Stark is sharp and insightful, even when he wades into the psychoanalytic waters of the John/Yoko and Paul/Linda relationships. Photos. Agent, Nat Sobel.

From Booklist
In the introduction, Stark boldly asks, "Why on earth would anyone need another book about the Beatles?" He proceeds to describe his as an attempt to connect the band to "the larger cultural forces they triggered and came to represent." To that end, he expounds on the provocative premises that the Beatles feminized the culture, challenging the concept of masculinity, while Beatlemania empowered young women; that the group converged with its era in an unprecedented way, coming to embody 1960s counterculture; and that it possessed an unprecedented power over crowds. Adopting a generally chronological approach, Stark examines the Beatles' musical development as they continually reinvented themselves from their Liverpool days to their late '60s dissolution, which mirrored the collapse of the counterculture, and offers perceptive insights into their continuing appeal. Although he treads well-covered ground, Stark draws from fresh interviews with more than 100 Beatles experts and intimates and convinces us that his contribution is at least as worthy as the entire plethora of self-important insiders' memoirs and coffee-table tomes.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.05.05 07:36:53   
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Listen To This Book sets out to trace John Lennon's solo recordings and shed some new light on them. Primarily a discography, it also reveals the influences and stories behind his songs. Entries are arranged chronologically. The book begins with Lennon's debut solo album, Two Virgins, and ends with his latest, John Lennon Acoustic. Information about each record is broken down into discrete parts. Song titles are followed by the artist's name, release date and catalogue number. Chart positions from Billboard and BMRB/Music Week are provided for American and British releases. Japanese chart positions, taken from 'Oricon', are also provided. Each song has been assigned an index number followed by the song title, composer credit, recording personnel, recording studio, recording date and producer credit. A song Index, to help trace each song and the record it appears on, has also been provided. John Lennon: Listen To This Book collects together for the first time in one book information about label variations, promotional records chart positions, recording locations and much more. Listen To This Book sets out to trace John Lennon's solo recordings and shed some new light on them. Primarily a discography, it also reveals the influences and stories behind his songs. Entries are arranged chronologically. The book begins with Lennon's debut solo album, Two Virgins, and ends with his latest, John Lennon Acoustic. Information about each record is broken down into discrete parts. Song titles are followed by the artist's name, release date and catalogue number. Chart positions from Billboard and BMRB/Music Week are provided for American and British releases. Japanese chart positions, taken from 'Oricon', are also provided. Each song has been assigned an index number followed by the song title, composer credit, recording personnel, recording studio, recording date and producer credit. A song Index, to help trace each song and the record it appears on, has also been provided. John Lennon: Listen To This Book collects together for the first time in one book information about label variations, promotional records chart positions, recording locations and much more.
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